Slices {.en}

切片 {.zh}

::: {.en} Slices are a key data type in Go, giving a more powerful interface to sequences than arrays. :::

::: {.zh}

Slices是 Go 中的关键数据类型,它为序列提供了比数组更强大的接口。


  1. package main
  2. import "fmt"
  3. func main() {

::: {.en} Unlike arrays, slices are typed only by the elements they contain (not the number of elements). To create an empty slice with non-zero length, use the builtin make. Here we make a slice of strings of length 3 (initially zero-valued). :::

::: {.zh}

与数组不同,切片的类型仅由它所包含的元素决定(不像数组中还需要元素的个数)。要创建长度非零的空切片,请使用内建的 make 方法。在这里,我们创建了一个长度为“3”的 string 类型切片(初始化为零值)。


  1. s := make([]string, 3)
  2. fmt.Println("emp:", s)

::: {.en} We can set and get just like with arrays. :::

::: {.zh}



  1. s[0] = "a"
  2. s[1] = "b"
  3. s[2] = "c"
  4. fmt.Println("set:", s)
  5. fmt.Println("get:", s[2])

::: {.en} len returns the length of the slice as expected. :::

::: {.zh}

len 返回切片的长度。


  1. fmt.Println("len:", len(s))

::: {.en} In addition to these basic operations, slices support several more that make them richer than arrays. One is the builtin append, which returns a slice containing one or more new values. Note that we need to accept a return value from append as we may get a new slice value. :::

::: {.zh}

除了这些基本操作之外,切片支持比数组更丰富的操作。其中一个是内建的 append 方法,它返回一个包含一个或多个新值的切片。注意我们需要接受来自 append 的返回值,因为我们可能得到一个新的切片。


  1. s = append(s, "d")
  2. s = append(s, "e", "f")
  3. fmt.Println("apd:", s)

::: {.en} Slices can also be copy‘d. Here we create an empty slice c of the same length as s and copy into c from s. :::

::: {.zh}

切片也可以被 复制。在这里,我们创建一个与 s 长度相同的空切片 c,并从 s 复制到 c


  1. c := make([]string, len(s))
  2. copy(c, s)
  3. fmt.Println("cpy:", c)

::: {.en} Slices support a “slice” operator with the syntax slice[low:high]. For example, this gets a slice of the elements s[2], s[3], and s[4]. :::

::: {.zh}

切片支持“切片”操作,其语法符号为 slice[low:high]。例如,这个例子得到了一个包含元素 s[2]s[3]s[4] 的切片。


  1. l := s[2:5]
  2. fmt.Println("sl1:", l)

::: {.en} This slices up to (but excluding) s[5]. :::

::: {.zh}

这里截取 s[0]s[5] (不包含 s[5])。


  1. l = s[:5]
  2. fmt.Println("sl2:", l)

::: {.en} And this slices up from (and including) s[2]. :::

::: {.zh}

这个例子截取 s[2] 到结尾(包含 s[2])。


  1. l = s[2:]
  2. fmt.Println("sl3:", l)

::: {.en} We can declare and initialize a variable for slice in a single line as well. :::

::: {.zh}



  1. t := []string{"g", "h", "i"}
  2. fmt.Println("dcl:", t)

::: {.en} Slices can be composed into multi-dimensional data structures. The length of the inner slices can vary, unlike with multi-dimensional arrays. :::

::: {.zh}



  1. twoD := make([][]int, 3)
  2. for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
  3. innerLen := i + 1
  4. twoD[i] = make([]int, innerLen)
  5. for j := 0; j < innerLen; j++ {
  6. twoD[i][j] = i + j
  7. }
  8. }
  9. fmt.Println("2d: ", twoD)
  10. }

::: {.en} Note that while slices are different types than arrays, they are rendered similarly by fmt.Println. :::

::: {.zh}

请注意,虽然切片的类型与数组不同,但它们通过 fmt.Println 打印的结果类似。


  1. $ go run slices.go
  2. emp: [ ]
  3. set: [a b c]
  4. get: c
  5. len: 3
  6. apd: [a b c d e f]
  7. cpy: [a b c d e f]
  8. sl1: [c d e]
  9. sl2: [a b c d e]
  10. sl3: [c d e f]
  11. dcl: [g h i]
  12. 2d: [[0] [1 2] [2 3 4]]

::: {.en} Check out this great blog post by the Go team for more details on the design and implementation of slices in Go. Now that we’ve seen arrays and slices we’ll look at Go’s other key builtin data structure: maps. :::

::: {.zh}

查看 Go 团队的这篇 精彩博客文章,了解有关 Go 中切片设计和实现的更多详细信息。

现在我们已经学习了数组和切片,接下来我们将学习 Go 的另一个关键内建数据类型:map。
