Statistics Fundamentals

    1. Histograms, Clearly Explained
    2. How to tell a story with US Census Data
    3. What is a statistical distribution?
      1. StatTest!
    4. The Normal Distribution
      1. StatTest!
    5. Statistics Fundamentals: Population Parameters
    6. Statistics Fundamentals: Estimating the Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
      1. Why Dividing by N Underestimates the Variance
    7. Covariance and Correlation Part 1: Covariance
    8. Covariance and Correlation Part 2: Pearson’s Correlation
    9. What is a statistical model?
      1. StatTest!
    10. What does it mean to “sample from a distribution”?
      1. StatTest!
    11. Expected Values Part 1, Main Ideas!!! (Expected Values for Discrete Variables)
      1. Expected Values Part 2, Continuous Variables
    12. Hypothesis Testing and the Null Hypothesis
    13. Alternative Hypothesis: Main Ideas
    14. p-values: What they are and how to interpret them
    15. How to Calculate p-values
    16. p-hacking: What it is and how to avoid it
    17. False Discovery Rate (FDR), Clearly Explained
    18. Statistical Power, Clearly Explained
    19. Power Analysis, Clearly Explained
    20. Conditional Probability, Clearly Explained
    21. The Binomial Distribution and Test
    22. The Central Limit Theorem (or “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the t-test”).
    23. The Difference between Technical and Biological Replicates
      1. StatTest!
    24. The sample size and the effective sample size
      1. StatTest!
    25. Standard Deviation vs Standard Error
      1. StatTest!
    26. The Standard Error
    27. Bootstrapping Part 1: Main Ideas
    28. Bootstrapping Part 2: Calculating p-values
    29. Bar Charts Are Better Than Pie Charts
    30. Boxplots, Clearly Explained
    31. Logs (logarithms), clearly explained
    32. How to make your own StatQuest!!!
    33. Confidence Intervals
    34. R-squared explained
      1. StatTest!
    35. Linear Models Part 0: Fitting a line to data, aka Least Squares, aka Linear Regression
    36. Fitting a curve to data, aka Lowess, aka Loess
      1. Sample Code
    37. Linear Models Part 1: Linear Regression
      1. Study Guide
    38. Linear Models: Linear Regression in R
      1. Sample Code
    39. Linear Models Part 1.5: Multiple Regression
    40. Linear Models: Multiple Regression in R
      1. Sample Code
    41. Linear Models Part 2: t-tests and ANOVA
    42. Linear Models Part 3: Design Matrices
    43. Linear Models: Design Matrix Examples in R
      1. Sample Code
    44. Quantiles and Percentiles
      1. StatTest!
    45. Quantile-Quantile Plots (QQ Plots)
    46. Quantile Normalization
      1. StatTest!
    47. Probability vs Likelihood
    48. Maximum Likelihood
    49. Maximum Likelihood: A worked out example for the exponential distribution
    50. Maximum Likelihood: A worked out example for the binomial distribution
    51. Maximum Likelihood: A worked out example for the normal distribution
    52. Odds and Log(Odds)
    53. Odds Ratios and Log(Odds Ratios)

    Statistical Tests:

    High-throughput Sequencing Analysis:

    Statistics and Machine Learning in R
    Logistic Regression
    Random Forests
    Linear Regression and Linear Models