• What is Bioinformatics

    Bioinformatics is a data science that investigates how information is _stored within _and _processed by _living organisms

    The answers to some of the greatest questions of life lie within ourselves. Bioinformatics is a new science created from the marriage of Data Science and Biology. Through this emerging field of study, scientists are able to find and decode hidden information in our very own genes, allowing us to understand what none before us have known.

    • Linux for beginner

    You should have a firm grasp of the following:
    1. Directory navigation: what the directory tree is, how to navigate and move around
    with cd
    2. Absolute and relative paths: how to access files located in directories
    3. What simple Unix commands do: ls, mv, rm, mkdir, cat, man
    4. Getting help: how to find out more on what a unix command does
    5. What are “flags”: how to customize typical unix programs ls vs ls -l
    6. Shell redirection: what is the standard input and output, how to “pipe” or redirect the output of one program into the input of the other

    single quote: ordinary string; double quote : $ ! (comman)

    COLOR 颜色
    NAVY 深蓝色
    BLACK 黑色
    CLEAR 清晰;透明
    ROSE TIE DYE 玫瑰扎染