
Ref: https://www.overops.com/blog/java-8-longadders-the-fastest-way-to-add-numbers-concurrently/
I just lOVE new toys, and Java 8 has a bunch of them.
This time around I want to talk about one of my favourites – concurrent adders. This is a new set of classes for managing counters written and read by multiple threads. The new API promises significant performance gains, while still keeping things simple and straightforward.
As people have been managing concurrent counters since the dawn of multi-core architectures, let’s take a look and see what are some of the options Java offered up until now, and how they perform compared to this new API.

Dirty counters

– this approach means you’re writing / reading from a regular object or static field across multiple threads. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for two reasons. The first is that in Java, an A += B operation isn’t Atomic. If you open up the output bytecode, you’ll see at least four instructions – one for loading the field value from the heap into the thread stack, a second for loading the delta, a third to add them and the fourth to set the result into the field.
If more than one thread is doing this at the same time for the same memory location, you run a high chance of missing out on a write operation, as one thread can override the value of another (AKA “read-modify-write”). There’s also another nasty angle to this which has to do with the volatility of the value. More on that below.
This is such a rookie mistake, and one that’s super hard to debug. If you do run across anybody doing this in your app, I’d like to ask a small favor. Run a search across your database for “Tal Weiss”. If you see me there – delete my records. I’ll feel safer.


– the most basic of concurrency idioms, this blocks all other threads while reading or writing the value. While it works, it’s a sure-fire way of turning your code into a DMV line.


– this slightly more sophisticated version of the basic Java lock enables you to discern between threads that change the value and need to block others vs. ones that only read and don’t require a critical section. While this can be more efficient (assuming the number of writers is low) it’s a pretty approach, as you’re blocking the execution of all other threads when acquiring the write lock. It’s really only a good approach when you know the number of writers is materially limited compared to readers.


– this fairly misunderstood keyword essentially instructs the JIT compiler to de-optimize the run-time machine code, so that any modification to the field is immediately seen by other threads.
This invalidates some of the JIT compiler favorite optimizations of playing with the order in which assignments are applied to memory. Come again you say? You heard me. The JIT compiler may change the order in which assignments to fields are made. This arcane little strategy (also known as happens-before) allows it to minimize the number of times the program needs to access global heap, while still making sure your code is unaffected by it. Pretty sneaky…
So when should I use volatile counters? If you have just one thread updating a value and multiple threads consuming it, this is a really good strategy – no contention at all.
So why not use it always you ask? Because this doesn’t work well when more than one thread is updating the field. Since A += B is not atomic, you’re running a risk of overriding somebody else’s write. Up until Java 8, what you needed to do for this was use an AtomicInteger.


– this set of classes uses CAS (compare-and-swap) processor instructions to update the value of the counter. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Well, yes and no. This works well as it utilizes a direct machine code instruction to set the value with minimum effect on the execution of other threads. The downside is that if it fails to set the value due to a race with another thread, it has to try again. Under high contention this can turn into a spin lock, where the thread has to continuously try and set the value in an infinite loop, until it succeeds. This isn’t quite what we were looking for. Enter Java 8 with LongAdders.

Java 8 Adders

this is such a cool new API I just can’t stop gushing about it ♥♥♥. From a usage perspective it’s very similar to an AtomicInteger. Simply create a LongAdder and use intValue() and add() to get / set the value. The magic happens behind the scenes.
What this class does is when a straight CAS fails due to contention, it stores the delta in an internal cell object allocated for that thread. It then adds the value of pending cells to the sum when intValue() is called. This reduces the need to go back and CAS or block other threads. Pretty smart stuff!

Benchmark Test (基准测试)

So alright, enough talking – let’s see this puppy in action. We’ve set up the following benchmark -to increment a counter across multiple threads up to 10^8. We ran the benchmark with a total of ten threads – five for writing and five for reading. The target machine has an i7 processor with 4 cores, so we’re bound to have some serious contention here:
The code is available here
Notice that both dirty and volatile risk some serious value overwrites.

The Bottom Line

  • Concurrent Adders clean house with a 60-100% performance boost over atomic integers.
  • Adding threads didn’t make much of a difference, except when locking.
  • Notice the huge performance penalty you get for using synchronized or RW-locks – one order or even two orders of magnitude slower!

If you’ve already had the chance to use these classes in your code – I’d love to hear about it.
Additional reading:

  • Brian Goetz on Java concurrency.
  • Java 8 Features Tutorial

    2.Counting Words - ConcurrentHashMap

    Ref: https://massivetechinterview.blogspot.com/2016/05/counting-word-multi-thread.html

    2.1 ConcurrentHashMap

    Fully parametrized constructor of ConcurrentHashMap takes 3 parameters:
    1) initialCapacity
    2) loadFactor
    3) concurrencyLevel
    First two are fairly simple as their name implies but last one is tricky part. This denotes the number of shards. It is used to divide the ConcurrentHashMap internally into this number of partitions and equal number of threads are created to maintain thread safety maintained at shard level.
    In most cases in normal application, a single shard is able to handle multiple threads with reasonable count of key-value pairs. And performance will be also optimal. Having multiple shards just makes the things complex internally and introduces a lot of un-necessary objects for garbage collection, and all this for no performance improvement.
    The extra objects created per concurrent hashmap using default constructor are normally in ratio of 1 to 50 i.e. for 100 such instance of ConcurrentHashMap, there will be 5000 extra objects created.
    Based on above, I will suggest to use the constructor parameters wisely to reduce the number of unnecessary objects and improving the performance.
    A good approach can be having initialization like this:
    1. ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> instance
    2. = newConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(16, 0.9f, 1);
    An initial capacity of 16 ensures a reasonably good number of elements before resizing happens. Load factor of 0.9 ensures a dense packaging inside ConcurrentHashMap which will optimize memory use. And concurrencyLevel set to 1 will ensure that only one shard is created and maintained.

The default value of “concurrencyLevel” is 16. It means 16 shards whenever we create an instance of ConcurrentHashMap using default constructor, before even adding first key-value pair. It also means the creation of instances for various inner classes like ConcurrentHashMap$Segment, ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry[] and ReentrantLock$NonfairSync.
Please note that if you are working on very high concurrent application with very high frequency of updates in ConcurrentHashMap, you should consider increasing the concurrencyLevel more than 1, but again it should be a well calculated number to get the best results

2.2 computeIfAbsent()

The very nifty method computeIfAbsent has been added in the ConcurrentMap interface in Java 8 as part of the atomic operations of the ConcurrentMap interface. It’s more precisely a default method that provides an alternative to what we use to code ourselves:

  1. if (map.get(key) == null) {
  2. V newValue = mappingFunction.apply(key);
  3. if (newValue != null)
  4. return map.putIfAbsent(key, newValue);
  5. }

but this time providing a function as a second argument.

  1. private final Map counters = new ConcurrentHashMap();
  2. private void accumulate(String name) {
  3. counters.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new AtomicInteger()).incrementAndGet();
  4. }


This class is usually preferable to AtomicLong when multiple threads update a common sum that is used for purposes such as collecting statistics, not for fine-grained synchronization control. Under low update contention, the two classes have similar characteristics. But under high contention, expected throughput of this class is significantly higher, at the expense of higher space consumption.

  1. ConcurrentHashMap<String, LongAdder> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
  2. map.computeIfAbsent("key", k -> new LongAdder()).increment();

2.3 putIfAbsent() ERROR


  1. * Write a program to count words. This program should be threadsafe.
  2. * Implement two apis
  3. * 1) void addWord(String word) -> increment count of this word
  4. * 2) long getCount(String word) -> get count of this word
  5. *
  6. * Solution
  7. * Keep a concurrent map. Key to this map should be word while value should be AtomicLong to update it
  8. * in threadsafe way
  9. *
  10. * Test cases
  11. * One word updated by many threads
  12. * Many words updated by many threads
  13. */
  14. public class CountingWord {
  15. private ConcurrentMap<String, AtomicLong> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
  16. public void addWord(String word){
  17. AtomicLong l = map.get(word);
  18. if(l == null){
  19. l = new AtomicLong(1);
  20. l = map.putIfAbsent(word, l);
  21. if(l != null){
  22. l.incrementAndGet();
  23. }
  24. }else{
  25. l.incrementAndGet();
  26. }
  27. }
  28. public long getCount(String word){
  29. AtomicLong l = map.get(word);
  30. if(l != null){
  31. return l.longValue();
  32. }
  33. return 0;
  34. }
  35. }

If you invoke concurrentHashMap.get(key) and it returns an object, that object is guaranteed to be fully initialized. Each put (or putIfAbsent) will obtain a bucket specific lock and will append the element to the bucket’s entries.

Now you may go through the code and notice that the get method doesnt obtain this same lock. So you can argue that there can be an out of date read, that isn’t true either. The reason here is that value within the entry itself is volatile. So you will be sure to get the most up to date read.
putIfAbsent method in ConcurrentHashMap is check-if-absent-then-set method. It’s an atomic operation. But to answer the following part: “Then does this ensures that myObj would be 100% intialiased when another thread does a cHashM.get() “, it would depend on when the object is put into the HashMap. Usually there is a happens-before precedence, i.e., if the caller gets first before the object is placed in the map, then null would be returned, else the value would be returned.

2.4 putIfAbsent() via RWLock OK


private ConcurrentHashMap<String,AtomicInteger> counters = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicInteger>();
private ReadWriteLock rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

public void count(String invoker) {
        AtomicInteger currentValue = counters.get(invoker);
        // if entry is absent - initialize it. If other thread has added value before - we will yield and not replace existing value
        if(currentValue == null){
            // value we want to init with
            AtomicInteger newValue = new AtomicInteger(0);
            // try to put and get old
            AtomicInteger oldValue = counters.putIfAbsent(invoker, newValue);
            // if old value not null - our insertion failed, lets use old value as it's in the map
            // if old value is null - our value was inserted - lets use it
            currentValue = oldValue != null ? oldValue : newValue;
        // counter +1
    }finally {

 * @return Map with counting results
public Map<String, Integer> getCount() {
    // stop all updates (readlocks)
        HashMap<String, Integer> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        // read all Integers to a new map
        for(Map.Entry<String,AtomicInteger> entry: counters.entrySet()){
            resultMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().intValue());
        // reset ConcurrentMap
        return resultMap;

    }finally {

Guava’s new AtomicLongMap (in release 11) might address this need.

2.5 AtomicLongMap

Guava’s new AtomicLongMap.

public void test_guavaAtomicLongMap() {
    AtomicLongMap<String> map = AtomicLongMap.create();

2.6 ConcurrentHashMap.replace()


private final Map<String,Integer> queryCounts =
    Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,Integer>(1000));

  private void incrementCount(String q) {
    Integer cnt = queryCounts.get(q);
    if (cnt == null) {
      queryCounts.put(q, 1);
    } else {
      queryCounts.put(q, cnt + 1);

Recall that wrapping the map with Collections.synchronizedMap(…) makes it safe to access the map concurrently: each call to get(), put(), size(), containsKey() etc will synchronize on the map during the call. (One problem that we’ll see in a minute is that iterating_over the map does still require explicit synchronization.)
Note that this **doesn’t make incrementCount() _atomic
, but it does make it safe. That is, concurrent calls to incrementCount() will never leave the map in a corrupted state**. But they might ‘miss a count’ from time to time. For example, two threads could concurrently read a current value of, say, 2 for a particular query, both independently increment it to 3, and both set it to 3, when in fact two queries have been made.

public final class MyServlet extends MyAbstractServlet {
  private final ConcurrentMap<String,Integer> queryCounts =
    new ConcurrentHashMap<String,Integer>(1000);

  private void incrementCount(String q) {
    Integer oldVal, newVal;
      // do CAS
    do {
      oldVal = queryCounts.get(q);
      newVal = (oldVal == null) ? 1 : (oldVal + 1);
    } while (!queryCounts.replace(q, oldVal, newVal));

An additional benefit of ConcurrentHashMap is that we can iterate over the map without locking. (Indeed, it is not actually possible to lock a ConcurrentHashMap during this or any other operation.)
Recall that with an ordinary HashMap– even one wrapped in a Collections.synchronizedMap(…) wrapper!– iteration over the map must occur whilst synchronized on the map in order to be thread-safe. If, due to incorrect synchronization, one thread does update the map whilst another is iterating over it, one of the threads is liable to throw a ConcurrentModificationException.
In contrast, whilst one or more threads is iterating over a ConcurrntHashMap, other threads can concurrently access the map. Such operations will never throw a ConcurrentModificationException. In this case, the thread that is iterating over the map is not guaranteed to “see” updates since the iteration began, but it will still see the map in a “safe state”, reflecting at the very least the state of the map at the time iteration began. This is both good news and bad news:

  • Good news: it is perfect for cases where we want iteration not to affect concurrency, at the expense of possibly missing an update while iterating (e.g. in our imaginary web server, while iterating in order to persist the current query counts to a database: we probably wouldn’t care about missing the odd count);
  • Bad news: because there’s no way to completely lock a ConcurrentHashMap, there’s no easy option for taking a “snapshot” of the map as a truly atomic operation.

so-called copy-on-write structures added in Java 5: CopyOnWriteArrayList and CopyOnWriteArraySet. These provide high read concurrency by making an entirely new copy every time the collection is updated.

2.7 ConcurrentHashMap Usage


// ConcurrentHashMap is often introduced to simplify code and application logic. 
// For example:
HashMap<String, MyClass> m = new HashMap<String, MyClass>();
synchronized (m) {
for each (Entry<String, MyClass> e in m.entrySet())
// might be replaced with the following 
// so long as a consistent snapshot is not required:
ConcurrentHashMap<String, MyClass> m = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MyClass>();
for each (Entry<String, MyClass> e in m.entrySet())

More often though, ConcurrentHashMap is introduced to improve performance: internally ConcurrentHashMap allows concurrent threads to read values without locking at all, except in a minority of cases, and for concurrent writers to add and update values while only acquiring locks over localised segments of the internal data structure. Read operations are therefore mostly synchronization free and have greatly improved performance, and if there are many concurrent writers then lock contention will be reduced improving performance even further.

there is unfortunately a big caveat that 99% have missed: The designers of ConcurrentHashMap originally conceived the class for occasional use in in high concurrency areas at the center of systems and the default construction options reflect this!!-

Specifically, the fully parametized constructor of ConcurrentHashMap has 3 parameters, initialCapacity, loadFactor and concurrencyLevel and this last one can cause problems.
Recall that ConcurrentHashMap shards its data into segments to reduce writer lock contention. Well, in actual fact the concurrencyLevel parameter directly specifies the number of shards that are created by the class internally. The idea is that the number of shards should equal the number of concurrent writer threads that you normally see. And, the default value for concurrencyLevel is 16!