
为什么Pro Tools升级到2021.3版之后,HDX硬件不能和DAPS一起工作了?

Avid HDX和HD Native的板卡固件升级到2021.3的HDX驱动之后,在使用杜比全景声制作套件(DAPS)时会出现问题。
如果Pro Tools的播放引擎没有设置成HDX或者Native硬件,则不会出现固件升级的提示,另外,当它们作为杜比全景声制作套件(DAPS)的Core Audio 输出设备时,输出会被静音。

解决方法是,在将Pro Tools的播放引擎设置成HDX或者Native硬件之后再运行HDX驱动更新程序,固件升级程序完成之后可将播放引擎设置成Dolby Audio Bridge,将HDX或者Native硬件设为DAPS的输出设备。

Why did HDX hardware stop working with the Production Suite after upgrading to Pro Tools 2021.3?

There is an issue with Avid HDX and HD Native card firmware upgrades to the 2021.3 HDX driver when using the Dolby Atmos Production Suite.

If the HDX or Native hardware is not set as the playback engine in Pro Tools the firmware upgrade prompt will never appear and the output will be muted when set as the core audio output device in the Dolby Atmos Production Suite.

To address this, run the HDX driver update with the playback engine set to HDX or Native hardware in Pro Tools. Once the firmware update process is complete the playback engine can be set to the Dolby Audio Bridge and the HDX or Native hardware as the output device in the Production Suite.