



  1. 如果Cell包含文本,请将文本的字体设置为与以下三种标准大小之一一致:regularsmallmini。为此,请使用NSFont类方法systemFontSizeForControlSize:。该方法的参数是NSControl类声明的NSControlSize常量。
  1. float fontSize = [NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
  2. NSCell *theCell = [theControl cell];
  3. NSFont *theFont = [NSFont fontWithName:[[theCell font] fontName] size:fontSize];
  4. [theCell setFont:theFont];
  1. 使用相同的常数将Control大小设置为与字体大小相同的大小。使用NSControlsetControlSize:方法。
  1. [theCell setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
  1. 最后,将sizeToFit发送到Control以修剪额外的宽度。
  1. [theControl sizeToFit];


The NSSetFocusRingStyle sets the style that a focus ring will be drawn in the next time you fill a bezier path. It takes a constant of type of NSFocusRingPlacement to tell the Application Kit to draw the focus ring over an image, under text, or (when neither text or image is a consideration) around a shape. You can use this function with a constant of NSFocusRingOnly to draw a focus ring just inside a cell’s bounds.

Listing 1 shows how you draw such a focus ring. It requires you to override the NSCell drawWithFrame:inView:. In this method, if the cell is supposed to draw evidence of first-responder status, set the rectangle for the focus ring, call NSSetFocusRingStyle with an argument of NSFocusRingOnly, and then create and fill a bezier path defining that rectangle. Filling in this case simply draws the ring.

Note: This technique requires you to subclass a cell class. See “Subclassing NSCell” for information.

Listing 1 Drawing a focus ring just inside a cell’s bounds

  1. - (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView {
  2. // other stuff might happen here
  3. if ([self showsFirstResponder]) {
  4. // showsFirstResponder is set for us by the NSControl that is drawing us.
  5. NSRect focusRingFrame = cellFrame;
  6. focusRingFrame.size.height -= 2.0;
  7. [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
  8. NSSetFocusRingStyle(NSFocusRingOnly);
  9. [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: NSInsetRect(focusRingFrame,4,4)] fill];
  10. [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
  11. }
  12. // other stuff might happen here
  13. }



注意: 此技术要求你将Cell类子类化。有关信息,请参见“对NSCell进行子类化”

例2 将图像居中放置在Cell

  1. - (NSRect) imageRectForBounds:(NSRect)theBounds {
  2. NSRect r = theBounds;
  3. // get size. If no image, result of method returning NSSize is undefined so assume NSZeroSize
  4. NSSize imageSize = [self image] != nil ? [[self image] size] : NSZeroSize;
  5. r.origin.x = floor((r.size.width/2) - (imageSize.width/2) + 0.5);
  6. r.origin.y = floor((r.size.height/2) - (imageSize.height/2) + 0.5);
  7. r.size = imageSize;
  8. return r;
  9. }
