Table View





A reusable container view shown for a particular cell in a table view that uses rows for content.


[protocol NSTableViewDataSource]

A set of methods that a table view uses to provide data to a table view and to allow the editing of the table view’s data source object.

[protocol NSTableViewDelegate]

A set of optional methods you implement in a table view delegate to customize the behavior of the table view.


[class NSTableHeaderView]

An object that draws headers over a table view’s columns and handles mouse events in those headers.

[class NSTableHeaderCell]

An object that a table header view uses to draw the content of the column headers.

[class NSTableRowView]

The view shown for a row in a table view.

class NSTableColumn

显示一个Table View中一个列的性质和标示。

[class NSTableViewRowAction]

A single action to present when the user swipes horizontally on a table row.

[struct NSTableColumn.ResizingOptions]