Views and Controls










  • [网格视图]



  • [class NSStackView]


  • [class NSTabView]


  • [Scroll View]




  • [Browser View]




  • [class NSOpenGLView]



  • [class NSTextView]

A view that draws text and handles user interactions with that text.


Use controls to handle specific types of user interactions. Controls are specialized views that use the target-action design pattern to notify your app of interactions with their content.


  • [class NSColorWell]

A control that displays a color value and lets the user change that color value.

  • [Date Picker]

Display a calendar date and provide controls for editing the date value.

  • [class NSImageView]

A display of image data from an NSImage object in a frame.

  • [class NSLevelIndicator]

A visual representation of a level or quantity, using discrete values.

  • [Path Control]

A display of a file system path or virtual path information.

  • [class NSPopUpButton]

A display of a single item from a list of items, and provide an interface for selecting items from the list.

  • [class NSProgressIndicator]

An interface that provides visual feedback to the user about the status of an ongoing task.

  • [class NSRuleEditor]

An interface for configuring a rule-based list of options.

  • [class NSPredicateEditor]

A defined set of rules that allows the editing of predicate objects.

  • [Search Field]

Provide a text field that is optimized for text-based search interfaces.

  • [class NSSegmentedControl]

Display one or more buttons in a single horizontal group.

  • [Slider]

Display a range of values from which the user selects a single value.

  • [class NSStepper]

An interface with up and down arrow buttons for incrementing or decrementing a value.

  • [Text Field]

Provide a simple interface for displaying and editing text, including support for password fields and secure forms of text entry.

  • [Token Field]

Provide a text field whose text can be rendered in a visually distinct way so that users can recognize portions more easily.

  • [Toolbar]

Provide a space for controls under a window’s title bar and above your custom content.

  • [Combo Box]

Display a list of values in a pop-up menu that lets the user select a value or type in a custom value.

  • [class NSMatrix]

A legacy interface for grouping radio buttons or other types of cells together.

Visual Adornments

Add purely decorative elements to your user interface.

  • [class NSBox]

A stylized rectangular box with an optional title.

  • [class NSVisualEffectView]

A view that adds translucency and vibrancy effects to the views in your interface.

View Layout

  • [class NSLayoutConstraint]

The relationship between two user interface objects that must be satisfied by the constraint-based layout system.

  • [class NSLayoutGuide]

A rectangular area that can interact with Auto Layout.

  • [class NSLayoutDimension]

A factory class for creating size-based layout constraint objects using a fluent API.

  • [class NSLayoutAnchor]

A factory class for creating layout constraint objects using a fluent API.

  • [class NSLayoutXAxisAnchor]

A factory class for creating horizontal layout constraint objects using a fluent API.

  • [class NSLayoutYAxisAnchor]

A factory class for creating vertical layout constraint objects using a fluent API.

Appearance Customization

Apply standard themes to the views in your interface.

  • [class NSAppearance]

An object that manages standard appearance attributes for UI elements in an app.

  • [protocol NSAppearanceCustomization]

A set of methods for getting or setting the appearance attributes of a view.

UI Validation

  • [protocol NSUserInterfaceValidations]

A protocol that a custom class can adopt to manage the enabled state of a UI element.

  • [protocol NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem]

A protocol that a custom class can adopt to manage the automatic enablement of a UI control.

Tool Tips

  • [NSToolTipOwner]

A set of methods for dynamically associating a tool tip with a view.

See Also

User Interface

View Management

Manage your user interface, including the size and position of views in a window.

Menus, Cursors, and the Dock

Implement menus and cursors to facilitate interactions with your app, and use your app’s Dock tile to convey updated information.

Windows, Panels, and Screens

Organize your view hierarchies and facilitate their display onscreen.


Make your app more accessible to users with disabilities.

Touch Bar

Display interactive content and controls in the Touch Bar.


Animate your views and other content to create a more engaging experience for users.

Drag and Drop

Support the direct manipulation of your app’s content using drag and drop.

Sound, Speech, and Haptics

Play sounds and haptic feedback, and incorporate speech recognition and synthesis into your interface.