Core Graphics



Core Graphics框架基于Quartz高级绘图引擎。它提供了低级的轻量级的2D渲染,具有无与伦比的输出保真度。你使用此框架来处理基于路径的绘图,转换,颜色管理,屏幕外渲染,图案,渐变和阴影,图像数据管理,图像创建和图像蒙版,以及PDF文档的创建,显示和解析。

在macOS中,Core Graphics还包括用于处理显示硬件,低级用户输入事件和窗口系统的服务。



struct CGFloat The basic type for floating-point scalar values in Core Graphics and related frameworks.

struct CGPoint A structure that contains a point in a two-dimensional coordinate system.

struct CGSize A structure that contains width and height values.

struct CGRect A structure that contains the location and dimensions of a rectangle.

struct CGVector A structure that contains a two-dimensional vector.

struct CGAffineTransform An affine transformation matrix for use in drawing 2D graphics.


  • class CGContext

    Quartz 2D绘图环境。

  • class CGImage A bitmap image or image mask.

  • class CGPath An immutable graphics path: a mathematical description of shapes or lines to be drawn in a graphics context.

  • class CGMutablePath A mutable graphics path: a mathematical description of shapes or lines to be drawn in a graphics context.

  • class CGLayer An offscreen context for reusing content drawn with Core Graphics.