


  1. class CALayer : NSObject











  • [var filters: [Any]? An array of Core Image filters to apply to the contents of the layer and its sublayers. Animatable.

  • [var compositingFilter: Any? A CoreImage filter used to composite the layer and the content behind it. Animatable.

  • [var backgroundFilters: [Any]? An array of Core Image filters to apply to the content immediately behind the layer. Animatable.

  • [var minificationFilter: CALayerContentsFilter The filter used when reducing the size of the content.

  • [var minificationFilterBias: Float The bias factor used by the minification filter to determine the levels of detail.

  • [var magnificationFilter: CALayerContentsFilter The filter used when increasing the size of the content.




  • [var transform: CATransform3D The transform applied to the layer’s contents. Animatable.

  • [var sublayerTransform: CATransform3D Specifies the transform to apply to sublayers when rendering. Animatable.

  • [func affineTransform() -> CGAffineTransform Returns an affine version of the layer’s transform.

  • [func setAffineTransform(CGAffineTransform) Sets the layer’s transform to the specified affine transform.




  • [func add(CAAnimation, forKey: String?) Add the specified animation object to the layer’s render tree.

  • [func animation(forKey: String) -> CAAnimation? Returns the animation object with the specified identifier.

  • [func removeAllAnimations() Remove all animations attached to the layer.

  • [func removeAnimation(forKey: String) Remove the animation object with the specified key.

  • [func animationKeys() -> [String]? Returns an array of strings that identify the animations currently attached to the layer.


  • [var layoutManager: CALayoutManager? The object responsible for laying out the layer’s sublayers.

  • [func setNeedsLayout() Invalidates the layer’s layout and marks it as needing an update.

  • [func layoutSublayers() Tells the layer to update its layout.

  • [func layoutIfNeeded() Recalculate the receiver’s layout, if required.

  • [func needsLayout() -> Bool Returns a Boolean indicating whether the layer has been marked as needing a layout update.

  • [var autoresizingMask: CAAutoresizingMask A bitmask defining how the layer is resized when the bounds of its superlayer changes.

  • [func resize(withOldSuperlayerSize: CGSize) Informs the receiver that the size of its superlayer changed.

  • [func resizeSublayers(withOldSize: CGSize) Informs the receiver’s sublayers that the receiver’s size has changed.

  • [func preferredFrameSize() -> CGSize Returns the preferred size of the layer in the coordinate space of its superlayer.


  • [var constraints: [CAConstraint]? The constraints used to position current layer’s sublayers.

  • [func addConstraint(CAConstraint) Adds the specified constraint to the layer.


  • [func action(forKey: String) -> CAAction? Returns the action object assigned to the specified key.

  • [var actions: [String : CAAction]? A dictionary containing layer actions.

  • [class func defaultAction(forKey: String) -> CAAction? Returns the default action for the current class.


  • [func convert(CGPoint, from: CALayer?) -> CGPoint Converts the point from the specified layer’s coordinate system to the receiver’s coordinate system.

  • [func convert(CGPoint, to: CALayer?) -> CGPoint Converts the point from the receiver’s coordinate system to the specified layer’s coordinate system.

  • [func convert(CGRect, from: CALayer?) -> CGRect Converts the rectangle from the specified layer’s coordinate system to the receiver’s coordinate system.

  • [func convert(CGRect, to: CALayer?) -> CGRect Converts the rectangle from the receiver’s coordinate system to the specified layer’s coordinate system.

  • [func convertTime(CFTimeInterval, from: CALayer?) -> CFTimeInterval Converts the time interval from the specified layer’s time space to the receiver’s time space.

  • [func convertTime(CFTimeInterval, to: CALayer?) -> CFTimeInterval Converts the time interval from the receiver’s time space to the specified layer’s time space


  • [func hitTest(CGPoint) -> CALayer? Returns the farthest descendant of the receiver in the layer hierarchy (including itself) that contains the specified point.

  • [func contains(CGPoint) -> Bool Returns whether the receiver contains a specified point.


  • [var visibleRect: CGRect The visible region of the layer in its own coordinate space.

  • [func scroll(CGPoint) Initiates a scroll in the layer’s closest ancestor scroll layer so that the specified point lies at the origin of the scroll layer.

  • [func scrollRectToVisible(CGRect) Initiates a scroll in the layer’s closest ancestor scroll layer so that the specified rectangle becomes visible.


  • [var name: String? The name of the receiver.


  • [func shouldArchiveValue(forKey: String) -> Bool Returns a Boolean indicating whether the value of the specified key should be archived.

  • [class func defaultValue(forKey: String) -> Any? Specifies the default value associated with the specified key.


  • [struct CAAutoresizingMask These constants are used by the autoresizingMask property.

  • [Action Identifiers These constants are the predefined action identifiers used by action(forKey:) , add(_:forKey:) , defaultAction(forKey:) , removeAnimation(forKey:) , Layer Filters, and the CAAction protocol method run(forKey:object:arguments:) .

  • [struct CAEdgeAntialiasingMask This mask is used by the edgeAntialiasingMask property.

  • [Identity Transform Defines the identity transform matrix used by Core Animation.

  • [Scaling Filters These constants specify the scaling filters used by magnificationFilter and minificationFilter .

  • [struct CATransform3D The standard transform matrix used throughout Core Animation.


  • [var cornerCurve: CALayerCornerCurve


  • [class func cornerCurveExpansionFactor(CALayerCornerCurve) -> CGFloat