Using the Websoft9 Magento (LAMP), you should have some skills for configure Apache like below:

  • List installed Apache modules
  • Install Apache modules
  • Understand Apache Configuration file
  • Configure SSL certificate for Apache
  • Apache Rewirte module and rules
  • Understand .htaccess file configuration
  • HTTP Status code
  • Password-Protect Access To An Application With Apache

For the above content, we have prepared the Apache Quik Start for users.

Top3 Apache configuration you must use when using this Image

#1 Apache HTTP VirtualHost template

  1. <VirtualHost *:80>
  2. ServerName
  3. ServerAlias
  4. DocumentRoot "/data/wwwroot/mediawiki"
  5. ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/www.mydomain.com_error_apache.log"
  6. CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/www.mydomain.com_apache.log" common
  7. <Directory "/data/wwwroot/mediawiki">
  8. Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
  9. AllowOverride All
  10. Require all granted
  11. </Directory>
  12. </VirtualHost>

#2 Apache Alias template

  1. Alias /path /data/wwwroot/mediawiki
  2. <Directory "/data/wwwroot/mediawiki">
  3. Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
  4. AllowOverride All
  5. Require all granted
  6. </Directory>

#3 Apache HTTPS VirtualHost template

  1. <VirtualHost *:443>
  2. ServerName
  3. DocumentRoot "/data/wwwroot/mediawiki"
  4. #ErrorLog "logs/"
  5. #CustomLog "logs/" common
  6. <Directory "/data/wwwroot/mediawiki">
  7. Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
  8. AllowOverride All
  9. Require all granted
  10. </Directory>
  11. SSLEngine on
  12. SSLCertificateFile /data/cert/
  13. SSLCertificateKeyFile /data/cert/
  14. SSLCertificateChainFile /data/cert/root_bundle.crt
  15. </VirtualHost>