


关于这个不同深度ResNet,分别有:18, 34, 50, 101, 152 ,它们所有的网络都分为5个部分,分别为: conv1,conv2_x,conv3_x,conv4_x,conv5_x。

以ResNet101为例,我们看看101-layer是哪些:首先有个输入7x7x64的卷积,然后经过3+4+23+3=33个building block,每一个block为3层,所以有33 x 3 = 99层,最后有一个全连接层用于分类,所以1 + 99 + 1 = 101,一共101层网络。


二、基于ResNet101的Faster R-CNN


该图展示了整个Faster RCNN的架构,其中蓝色的部分为ResNet101,可以发现conv4_x的最后的输出为RPN和RoI Pooling共享的部分,而conv5_x(共9层网络)都作用于RoI Pooling之后的一堆特征图(14 x 14 x 1024),特征图的大小维度也刚好符合原本的ResNet101中conv5_x的输入。

最后大家一定要记得最后要接一个average pooling,得到2048维特征,分别用于分类和框回归。





  1. def conv3x3(in_planes, out_planes, stride=1):
  2. "3x3 convolution with padding"
  3. return nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride,
  4. padding=1, bias=False)




Screenshot from 2020-01-28 21-39-10.png

  1. class BasicBlock(nn.Module):
  2. expansion = 1
  3. # 定义一个残差块
  4. def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None):
  5. super(BasicBlock, self).__init__()
  6. # 先来两层Conv3x3,后接bn,relu
  7. self.conv1 = conv3x3(inplanes, planes, stride)
  8. self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
  9. self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
  10. self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes, planes)
  11. self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
  12. # 节后后文来看,downsample也是一个卷积网络,不设置则默认为None
  13. self.downsample = downsample
  14. self.stride = stride
  15. def forward(self, x):
  16. residual = x
  17. out = self.conv1(x)
  18. out = self.bn1(out)
  19. out = self.relu(out)
  20. out = self.conv2(out)
  21. out = self.bn2(out)
  22. # 如果有下采样需求(stride>1,比如说2),就是把数据丢到downsample网络里跑一圈。
  23. # 就是当残差块中输入和输出的channel不一致是——需要进行 y=F(x)+Wx 操作
  24. # 跑出来的结果就是残差块里的残差
  25. if self.downsample is not None:
  26. residual = self.downsample(x)
  27. out += residual
  28. out = self.relu(out)
  29. return out


Screenshot from 2020-01-28 21-39-16.png

  1. class Bottleneck(nn.Module):
  2. # 表示输出的channel的膨胀系数为4 64-->256
  3. expansion = 4
  4. # 使用BottleNeck的好处是减少参数量,大幅加快运算速度
  5. def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None):
  6. super(Bottleneck, self).__init__()
  7. '''
  8. 下面分别是三个Conv层
  9. 1x1, 3x3, 1x1,其中最后一层1x1完成planes*4的out_channel定型
  10. 如果有下采样需求,在第一层的stride=stride中完成
  11. '''
  12. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(inplanes, planes, kernel_size=1, stride=stride,
  13. bias=False) # change
  14. self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
  15. self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=1, # change
  16. padding=1, bias=False)
  17. self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
  18. self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes * 4, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
  19. self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * 4)
  20. self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
  21. self.downsample = downsample
  22. self.stride = stride
  23. def forward(self, x):
  24. residual = x
  25. out = self.conv1(x)
  26. out = self.bn1(out)
  27. out = self.relu(out)
  28. out = self.conv2(out)
  29. out = self.bn2(out)
  30. out = self.relu(out)
  31. out = self.conv3(out)
  32. out = self.bn3(out)
  33. # 如果说残差块输入的channel和输出的channel不一致
  34. # 如果有下采样需求(stride>1,比如说为2),跑出来的结果就是残差块里的残差
  35. if self.downsample is not None:
  36. residual = self.downsample(x)
  37. out += residual
  38. out = self.relu(out)
  39. return out


  1. class ResNet(nn.Module):
  2. def __init__(self, block, layers, num_classes=1000):
  3. self.inplanes = 64
  4. '''
  5. 注意这个参数,默认为64,对应的是Conv1的out_channel=64,
  6. 如果修改Conv1的out_channel,这里也要修改
  7. '''
  8. super(ResNet, self).__init__()
  9. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3,
  10. bias=False)
  11. self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64)
  12. self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
  13. '''
  14. ResNet101=1+[3,4,23,3]+1,共计101层
  15. Conv1就是最开始的第一层,负责把输入的RGB图像用7x7的卷积核卷积为 64out_channel的特征图
  16. 同时使用stride=2,将特征图尺寸减半
  17. '''
  18. self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=0, ceil_mode=True)
  19. '''
  20. 这里把Maxpooling单独拿出来,又进行了一次feature map的放缩,其实是包含在Conv2_x中的
  21. maxpool层也是固定的,3x3pool,stride=2
  22. '''
  23. '''
  24. 下面根据我们的[3,4,23,3],搭建积木
  25. 此处的block依然为我们传进来的残差块类——BottleNeck
  26. 注意,layer234都有stride=2,此处feature map再除以2^3=8
  27. '''
  28. self.layer1 = self._make_layer(block, 64, layers[0])
  29. # layer1也就是Conv2_x,由于前面已经有个Maxpooling,所以stride=1
  30. self.layer2 = self._make_layer(block, 128, layers[1], stride=2)
  31. self.layer3 = self._make_layer(block, 256, layers[2], stride=2)
  32. self.layer4 = self._make_layer(block, 512, layers[3], stride=2)
  33. # it is slightly better whereas slower to set stride = 1
  34. # self.layer4 = self._make_layer(block, 512, layers[3], stride=1)
  35. self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(7)
  36. self.fc = nn.Linear(512 * block.expansion, num_classes)
  37. for m in self.modules():
  38. if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
  39. n = m.kernel_size[0] * m.kernel_size[1] * m.out_channels
  40. m.weight.data.normal_(0, math.sqrt(2. / n))
  41. elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
  42. m.weight.data.fill_(1)
  43. m.bias.data.zero_()
  44. def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1):
  45. downsample = None
  46. '''
  47. 先定义downsample
  48. 如果stride>1说明要进行下采样,很明显需要在short cut路径中进行一次卷积操作
  49. 或者 input_channel和out_channel不相等
  50. 也需要经过1x1的卷积使之达到我们的要求
  51. '''
  52. if stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion:
  53. downsample = nn.Sequential(
  54. nn.Conv2d(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion,
  55. kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False),
  56. nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * block.expansion),
  57. )
  58. '''
  59. 关于BottleNeck的结构
  60. 1x1,3x3,1x1的3次卷积,stride=2,feature map缩小在第一次1x1,
  61. expansion在最后一次1x1的卷积
  62. 若有dowmsample就进行dowmsample操作(残差的卷积变化),然后再relu相加
  63. '''
  64. layers = []
  65. layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample))
  66. ''''
  67. 这一层layer的out,传入下一层layer的in
  68. 再更新self.inplanes
  69. '''
  70. self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion
  71. '''
  72. blocks是指数量,对应我们传进来的[3,4,23,3]中的某一个数字
  73. 比如第一次make layer3,进来的是layer[0]=3,意思是搭3块积木
  74. 由于前面有一块带dowmsample的积木了,这里的range()从1开始,只需要再搭2块
  75. '''
  76. for i in range(1, blocks):
  77. '''
  78. 以make layer1为例,要搭建3块积木。
  79. 第一块在上面的appemd里,进去64,出来64*4,更新self.inplanes=64*4
  80. 再进入for循环,第二块进去self.inplanes=64*4,出来planes*4=64*4
  81. 注意:每一层残差块都只有刚进入是会使feature map缩放一般
  82. 第三块也是进去self.inplanes=64*4,出来plane*4=64*4
  83. '''
  84. layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes))
  85. return nn.Sequential(*layers)
  86. def forward(self, x):
  87. '''
  88. 我们设传入(bs,3,H,W)的图片,bs表示batch size
  89. 结束Conv1 得到 (bs,64,H/2,W/2)
  90. '''
  91. x = self.conv1(x)
  92. x = self.bn1(x)
  93. x = self.relu(x)
  94. # 结束Maxpooling,得到(bs,64,H/4,W/4)
  95. x = self.maxpool(x)
  96. #结束layer1后,得到(bs,64*expansion=64*4,H/4,W/4)
  97. x = self.layer1(x)
  98. #结束layer2后,得到(bs,128*expansion=128*4,H/8,W/8)
  99. x = self.layer2(x)
  100. #结束layer3后,得到(bs,256*expansion=256*4,H/16,W/16)
  101. x = self.layer3(x)
  102. #结束layer4后,得到(bs,512*expansion=512*4,H/32,W/32)
  103. x = self.layer4(x)
  104. '''
  105. avgpool的设置是kernelsize=7,stride=1
  106. 如果令input=(bs,3,224,224),则layer4之后,shape=(bs,2048,7,7)
  107. 再经过nn.Avgpool2d(7),得到shape=(bs,2048,1,1)
  108. '''
  109. x = self.avgpool(x)
  110. '''
  111. x.view之后,shape=(bs,2048)
  112. fc层再把512 * block.expansion=2048的数据,映射到num_classes上
  113. '''
  114. x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
  115. x = self.fc(x)
  116. # 得到shape=(bs,num_classes)
  117. return x


  1. def resnet18(pretrained=False):
  2. """Constructs a ResNet-18 model.
  3. Args:
  4. pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pre-trained on ImageNet
  5. """
  6. model = ResNet(BasicBlock, [2, 2, 2, 2])
  7. if pretrained:
  8. model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(model_urls['resnet18']))
  9. return model
  10. def resnet34(pretrained=False):
  11. """Constructs a ResNet-34 model.
  12. Args:
  13. pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pre-trained on ImageNet
  14. """
  15. model = ResNet(BasicBlock, [3, 4, 6, 3])
  16. if pretrained:
  17. model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(model_urls['resnet34']))
  18. return model
  19. def resnet50(pretrained=False):
  20. """Constructs a ResNet-50 model.
  21. Args:
  22. pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pre-trained on ImageNet
  23. """
  24. model = ResNet(Bottleneck, [3, 4, 6, 3])
  25. if pretrained:
  26. model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(model_urls['resnet50']))
  27. return model
  28. # 这是我们要使用的网络骨干
  29. def resnet101(pretrained=False):
  30. """Constructs a ResNet-101 model.
  31. Args:
  32. pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pre-trained on ImageNet
  33. """
  34. model = ResNet(Bottleneck, [3, 4, 23, 3])
  35. if pretrained:
  36. model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(model_urls['resnet101']))
  37. return model
  38. def resnet152(pretrained=False):
  39. """Constructs a ResNet-152 model.
  40. Args:
  41. pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pre-trained on ImageNet
  42. """
  43. model = ResNet(Bottleneck, [3, 8, 36, 3])
  44. if pretrained:
  45. model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(model_urls['resnet152']))
  46. return model

四、Faster R-CNN的forward过程



fasterRCNN = resnet(imdb.classes, 152, pretrained=True, class_agnostic=args.class_agnostic)

在主函数中定义的fasterRCNN是resnet类的实例化,而 class resnet(_fasterRCNN): resnet类是**_fasterRCNN类**的子类。

  1. class _fasterRCNN(nn.Module):
  2. """ faster RCNN """
  3. def __init__(self, classes, class_agnostic):
  4. super(_fasterRCNN, self).__init__()
  5. self.classes = classes
  6. self.n_classes = len(classes)
  7. self.class_agnostic = class_agnostic
  8. # loss
  9. self.RCNN_loss_cls = 0
  10. self.RCNN_loss_bbox = 0
  11. # define rpn
  12. self.RCNN_rpn = _RPN(self.dout_base_model)
  13. self.RCNN_proposal_target = _ProposalTargetLayer(self.n_classes)
  14.   '''
  15. imdb.classes tuple类型
  16. ('__background__', 'specularity', 'saturation', 'artifact',
  17. 'blur', 'contrast', 'bubbles', 'instrument')
  18. self.class_agnostic False
  19. '''
  20. # self.RCNN_roi_pool = _RoIPooling(cfg.POOLING_SIZE, cfg.POOLING_SIZE, 1.0/16.0)
  21. # self.RCNN_roi_align = RoIAlignAvg(cfg.POOLING_SIZE, cfg.POOLING_SIZE, 1.0/16.0)
  22. self.RCNN_roi_pool = ROIPool((cfg.POOLING_SIZE,
  23. cfg.POOLING_SIZE), 1.0/16.0)
  24. self.RCNN_roi_align = ROIAlign((cfg.POOLING_SIZE,
  25. cfg.POOLING_SIZE), 1.0/16.0, 0)

在前面笔记中关于数据加载的部分中我们知道: 在一个step中加载一个batch size的训练数据,必须要保证对于不同文件名的输入图像,getitem()函数返回的每一项都具有相同的shape,才能进行批量的前向传播操作。


iter for one step output

变量 类型 value
data torch.tensor

[batch_size,3,H,W],只减去了均值 | 其中的数值范围仅仅是BGR图像减去3个通道的均值,并没有归一化到(-1,1)之间 | | im_info | torch.tensor

[batch_size,3] | 真正用于训练的图像高度,宽度,和对图像进行的尺度缩放倍数 | | gt_boxes | torch.tensor

[batch_size,20,5] | 对于当前训练图像的ground truth包围框,是在尺度变换和padding变换之后的图像上的坐标值,最后一列表示包围框的类别 | | num_boxes | torch.tensor
[batch_size,] | gt包围框数量 |


base_feat = ``self``.RCNN_base(im_data)

  1. # 在resnet.py中的resnet类中
  2. self.RCNN_base = nn.Sequential(resnet.conv1, resnet.bn1,resnet.relu,
  3. resnet.maxpool,resnet.layer1,resnet.layer2,resnet.layer3)
  4. # feed image data to base model to obtain base feature map

以上是把图像输入到ResNet101中,通过输入到ResNet的Conv4_x中进行卷积特征提取,此时特征图的out_put stride=16,将图像分辨率缩小了16倍。


rois, rpn_loss_cls, rpn_loss_bbox = self.RCNN_rpn(base_feat, im_info, gt_boxes, num_boxes)


self.dout_base_model = 1024是指经过第四个卷积层(layer3)时,feature map的通道数为1024.

其中核心部分是:_RPN类,附属部分为:_ProposalLayer类 和 _AnchorTargetLayer类

  1. class _RPN(nn.Module):
  2. """ region proposal network """
  3. def __init__(self, din):
  4. super(_RPN, self).__init__()
  5. '''
  6. RPN网络的depth,就是前面那个特征网络输出的channel=256*expansion=1024
  7. din ---> depth in
  8. get depth of input feature map, e.g., 512
  9. '''
  10. self.din = din
  11. '''
  12. 超参数,定义在/model/utils/config.py中
  13. 建议报错的话直接把cfg.* 换成注释内容
  14. '''
  15. self.anchor_scales = cfg.ANCHOR_SCALES # [8,16,32]
  16. self.anchor_ratios = cfg.ANCHOR_RATIOS # [0.5,1,2]
  17. self.feat_stride = cfg.FEAT_STRIDE[0] # [16,]
  18. '''
  19. define the convrelu layers processing input feature map
  20. 预处理层:先进行一次3x3的卷积,处理上一级网络传过来的feature map
  21. channel:1024 ---> 512
  22. '''
  23. self.RPN_Conv = nn.Conv2d(self.din, 512, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
  24. '''
  25. define bg/fg classifcation score layer
  26. 分类层:这里开始定义frontground和background背景的一个binary分类器
  27. 我们上面说的超参数,scale有3种,ratio有3种,所以一共9种anchor,又有前景背景2类,
  28. 一共18种结果。
  29. 这里的算法是,比如说第一种anchor落在前景的概率aa,落在背景的概率bb,所以要占2个格子。
  30. '''
  31. self.nc_score_out = len(self.anchor_scales) * len(self.anchor_ratios) * 2
  32. # 2(bg/fg) * 9 (anchors)
  33. # 这里做一次1x1的卷积,输出channel就是我们算出来的18个分数类别
  34. self.RPN_cls_score = nn.Conv2d(512, self.nc_score_out, 1, 1, 0)
  35. '''
  36. define anchor box offset prediction layer
  37. 回归层:这里开始做anchor box的回归,使用1x1的卷积
  38. 因为Bounding box的尺度是4,[x1,y1,x2,y2]
  39. 九种anchor,每种有四个尺度可以调整,一共36种结果
  40. '''
  41. self.nc_bbox_out = len(self.anchor_scales) * len(self.anchor_ratios) * 4
  42. # 4(coords) * 9 (anchors)
  43. self.RPN_bbox_pred = nn.Conv2d(512, self.nc_bbox_out, 1, 1, 0)
  44. '''
  45. define proposal layer
  46. 推荐层
  47. 效果是处理掉回归之后不符合条件的anchor boxes
  48. 如果回归后边界超越的,宽高过小的,得分太低的(使用NMS非极大值抑制)
  49. 定义在/lib/model/rpn/proposal_layer.py
  50. '''
  51. self.RPN_proposal = _ProposalLayer(self.feat_stride,
  52. self.anchor_scales,
  53. self.anchor_ratios)
  54. '''
  55. define anchor target layer
  56. 这个层和上面的推荐层的区别在于
  57. 推荐层proposal是没有结合标注信息的,仅仅依赖于binary classification算class score,
  58. 把超限的、得分低的排除。
  59. 而target layer是结合了ground truth信息,计算的不是二分类probability,
  60. 而是计算与标注框的重叠比例IoU,排除IoU太低的框。
  61. 定义在/lib/model/rpn/anchor_target_layer.py
  62. '''
  63. self.RPN_anchor_target = _AnchorTargetLayer(self.feat_stride,
  64. self.anchor_scales,
  65. self.anchor_ratios)
  66. self.rpn_loss_cls = 0
  67. self.rpn_loss_box = 0
  68. # 这个装饰符表示实例函数,可以不实例化对象直接用类名.函数名()调用
  69. @staticmethod
  70. def reshape(x, d):
  71. '''
  72. 本函数需要传入一个4维的x,shape = [ , , , ]
  73. 保持shape[0],shape[3]不变,
  74. 将shape[1]替换成我们指定的int(d),shape[2]做相应变化
  75. '''
  76. input_shape = x.size()
  77. x = x.view(
  78. input_shape[0],
  79. int(d),
  80. int(float(input_shape[1] * input_shape[2]) / float(d)),
  81. input_shape[3]
  82. )
  83. return x
  84. def forward(self, base_feat, im_info, gt_boxes, num_boxes):
  85. '''
  86. base_feat是我们的ResNet101的layer3产生的feature map
  87. shape=[bs, 256*expansion, H/16, W/16] = [bs, 1024, 14, 14]
  88. '''
  89. batch_size = base_feat.size(0)
  90. '''
  91. RPN的顺序是:预处理,分类,回归,推荐, target layer
  92. '''
  93. # return feature map after convrelu layer
  94. '''
  95. self.RPN_Conv是3x3卷积,预处理一下base_feature
  96. 得到shape=(bs,512,14,14)
  97. '''
  98. rpn_conv1 = F.relu(self.RPN_Conv(base_feat), inplace=True)
  99. '''
  100. get rpn classification score
  101. 分类score,shape=(bs,18,14,14)
  102. '''
  103. rpn_cls_score = self.RPN_cls_score(rpn_conv1)
  104. # 经过reshpe函数,得到shape=(bs,2,18*14/2,14)
  105. '''
  106. 我们知道通过1x1卷积过后的feature map中每一个点都对应的是这些anchor包含的信息
  107. 有positive和negative,这些信息都被保存在[W, H,9*2]的new feature map中
  108. 我们知道这个feature map上每一个点对应这9个anchorz中每一个anchor都有2个得分
  109. ---> positive score and negative score
  110. 可以用来初步提取目标检测候选anchor box(positive)
  111. '''
  112. '''
  113. reshape: [bs, 18, 14, 14]--->[bs, 2, 9*14, 14]
  114. channel : 18 ---> 2
  115. 相当于把原feature map的前九个或者后九个channel拼接在height上
  116. 变成了对channel=2的feature map进行positive or negative的分类
  117. '''
  118. rpn_cls_score_reshape = self.reshape(rpn_cls_score, 2)
  119. # 从softmax的dim=1可以看出是对height进行二分类
  120. rpn_cls_prob_reshape = F.softmax(rpn_cls_score_reshape, 1)
  121. # reshape回来,shape(bs,18,14,14)
  122. rpn_cls_prob = self.reshape(rpn_cls_prob_reshape, self.nc_score_out)
  123. # get rpn offsets to the anchor boxes
  124. '''
  125. 回归。实际上是用卷积,得到36个维度上的bbox推荐偏移
  126. 注意输入是Conv1,结果shape=(bs,36,14,14)
  127. '''
  128. rpn_bbox_pred = self.RPN_bbox_pred(rpn_conv1)
  129. # proposal layer
  130. # 推荐层,不加设置时,默认self.training=True
  131. cfg_key = 'TRAIN' if self.training else 'TEST'
  132. '''
  133. 结合了回归偏移信息,把偏移后越界的,score太低的,都丢掉
  134. 返回shape(bs,2000,5) ,2000是超参数,表示我们选出nms后得分最高的2000个proposal box
  135. '''
  136. rois = self.RPN_proposal((rpn_cls_prob.data, rpn_bbox_pred.data,
  137. im_info, cfg_key))
  138. self.rpn_loss_cls = 0
  139. self.rpn_loss_box = 0
  140. # generating training labels and build the rpn loss
  141. # 生成训练标签并计算RPN的loss
  142. if self.training:
  143. assert gt_boxes is not None
  144. rpn_data = self.RPN_anchor_target((rpn_cls_score.data, gt_boxes,
  145. im_info, num_boxes))
  146. # compute frontground/background classification loss
  147. '''
  148. permute之后,shape=(bs,14,14,18),contiguous()解决permute后遗症不用管
  149. view之后变成(bs,1764,2)
  150. '''
  151. rpn_cls_score = rpn_cls_score_reshape.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(batch_size, -1, 2)
  152. rpn_label = rpn_data[0].view(batch_size, -1)
  153. rpn_keep = Variable(rpn_label.view(-1).ne(-1).nonzero().view(-1))
  154. rpn_cls_score = torch.index_select(rpn_cls_score.view(-1,2), 0, rpn_keep)
  155. rpn_label = torch.index_select(rpn_label.view(-1), 0, rpn_keep.data)
  156. rpn_label = Variable(rpn_label.long())
  157. self.rpn_loss_cls = F.cross_entropy(rpn_cls_score, rpn_label)
  158. fg_cnt = torch.sum(rpn_label.data.ne(0))
  159. rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights, rpn_bbox_outside_weights = rpn_data[1:]
  160. # compute bbox regression loss
  161. rpn_bbox_inside_weights = Variable(rpn_bbox_inside_weights)
  162. rpn_bbox_outside_weights = Variable(rpn_bbox_outside_weights)
  163. rpn_bbox_targets = Variable(rpn_bbox_targets)
  164. self.rpn_loss_box = _smooth_l1_loss(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_targets,
  165. rpn_bbox_inside_weights,
  166. rpn_bbox_outside_weights,
  167. sigma=3, dim=[1,2,3])
  168. return rois, self.rpn_loss_cls, self.rpn_loss_box


1).rois = self.RPN_proposal((rpn_cls_prob.data, rpn_bbox_pred.data, im_info, cfg_key))

  1. '''
  2. 结合了回归偏移信息,把偏移后越界的,score太低的,都丢掉
  3. 返回shape(bs,2000,5) ,2000是超参数,表示我们选出nms后得分最高的2000个proposal box
  4. '''
  5. rois = self.RPN_proposal((rpn_cls_prob.data, rpn_bbox_pred.data,
  6. im_info, cfg_key))
  7. '''
  8. rpn_cls_prob torch.tensor shape [batch_size,18,(H/16),(W/16)]
  9. rpn_bbox_pred torch.tensor shape [batch_size,36,(H/16),(W/16)]
  10. im_info torch.tensor shape [batch_size,3]
  11. cfg_key = 'TRAIN'
  12. '''

包括generate anchor和proposal layer:

self.RPN_proposal = _ProposalLayer(self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,      self.anchor_ratios)

其中的参数为:self.feat_stride=cfg.FEAT_STRIDE[0]#__C.FEAT_STRIDE = [16, ]
 self.anchor_scales = cfg.ANCHOR_SCALES  #[8,16,32]
 self.anchor_ratios = cfg.ANCHOR_RATIOS  #[0.5,1,2]

  1. class _ProposalLayer(nn.Module):
  2. """
  3. Outputs object detection proposals by applying estimated bounding-box
  4. transformations to a set of regular boxes (called "anchors").
  5. """
  6. def __init__(self, feat_stride, scales, ratios):
  7. super(_ProposalLayer, self).__init__()
  8. self._feat_stride = feat_stride
  9. self._anchors = torch.from_numpy(generate_anchors(scales=np.array(scales),
  10. ratios=np.array(ratios))).float()
  11. # _anchors: shape:(9,4)
  12. self._num_anchors = self._anchors.size(0)
  13. # _num_anchors = 9

①.self._anchors = torch.from_numpy(generate_anchors(scales=np.array(scales), ratios=np.array(ratios))).float()

generate_anchors(scales=np.array(scales), ratios=np.array(ratios))

这一步骤并没有在特征图上的每个像素点上都生成3*3=9个anchor boxes坐标,而是只会在特征图上第(0,0)个位置的像素点上生成9个anchor位置坐标(位置坐标是在参与训练的输入图像分辨率上的坐标,是对数据集中原始图像经过尺度变换和padding之后的图像)。

进入/lib/model/rpn/generate_anchors.py 文件:该文件的作用主要用于生成规则的anchor boxes.

  1. def generate_anchors(base_size=16, ratios=[0.5, 1, 2],
  2. scales=2**np.arange(3, 6)):
  3. # ** 代表幂次, 所以 scales = [2^3, 2^4, 2^5] = [8,16,32]
  4. """
  5. Generate anchor (reference) windows by enumerating aspect ratios X
  6. scales wrt a reference (0, 0, 15, 15) window.
  7. """
  8. base_anchor = np.array([1, 1, base_size, base_size]) - 1
  9. # base_anchor 的大小为 16×16的, 其坐标为(0,0,15,15)
  10. '''
  11. # _ratio_enum 为本文件内定义的函数,
  12. 作用为相对于每一个anchor枚举所有可能ratios的anchor box.
  13. (注意, base_anchor的size只是作用一个过渡使用, 后面的语句会利用scales参数将其覆盖)
  14. '''
  15. ratio_anchors = _ratio_enum(base_anchor, ratios)
  16. # 在给定anchor下, 根据scale的值枚举所有可能的anchor box
  17. anchors = np.vstack([_scale_enum(ratio_anchors[i, :], scales)
  18. for i in xrange(ratio_anchors.shape[0])])
  19. return anchors

whctrs 函数:返回一个anchor的宽, 高, 以及中心点的(x,y)坐标值

  1. # # ./lib/model/rpn/generate_anchors.py
  2. def _whctrs(anchor):
  3. """
  4. Return width, height, x center, and y center for an anchor (window).
  5. 返回一个anchor的宽, 高, 以及中心点的(x,y)坐标值
  6. """
  7. w = anchor[2] - anchor[0] + 1
  8. h = anchor[3] - anchor[1] + 1
  9. x_ctr = anchor[0] + 0.5 * (w - 1)
  10. y_ctr = anchor[1] + 0.5 * (h - 1)
  11. return w, h, x_ctr, y_ctr

mkanchors 函数:给定一组围绕中心点(x_ctr, y_ctr) 的 widths(ws) 和 heights(hs) 序列, 输出对应的 anchors

  1. def _mkanchors(ws, hs, x_ctr, y_ctr):
  2. """
  3. Given a vector of widths (ws) and heights (hs) around a center
  4. (x_ctr, y_ctr), output a set of anchors (windows).
  5. """
  6. ws = ws[:, np.newaxis]
  7. hs = hs[:, np.newaxis]
  8. # anchors里面的坐标分别对应着左上角的坐标和右下角的坐标
  9. # 将两个数组按列放到一起
  10. anchors = np.hstack((x_ctr - 0.5 * (ws - 1),
  11. y_ctr - 0.5 * (hs - 1),
  12. x_ctr + 0.5 * (ws - 1),
  13. y_ctr + 0.5 * (hs - 1)))
  14. return anchors

ratio_enum 函数:相对于每一个anchor, 遍历其所有可能ratios对应的anchors

  1. def _ratio_enum(anchor, ratios):
  2. """
  3. Enumerate a set of anchors for each aspect ratio wrt an anchor.
  4. """
  5. w, h, x_ctr, y_ctr = _whctrs(anchor)
  6. size = w * h
  7. size_ratios = size / ratios
  8. ws = np.round(np.sqrt(size_ratios))
  9. hs = np.round(ws * ratios)
  10. anchors = _mkanchors(ws, hs, x_ctr, y_ctr)
  11. return anchors

scale_enum() 函数:根据给定的anchor(box), 枚举其所有可能scales的anchors(boxes)

  1. def _scale_enum(anchor, scales):
  2. """
  3. Enumerate a set of anchors for each scale wrt an anchor.
  4. 根据给定的anchor(box), 枚举其所有可能scales的anchors(boxes)
  5. """
  6. w, h, x_ctr, y_ctr = _whctrs(anchor)
  7. ws = w * scales
  8. hs = h * scales
  9. anchors = _mkanchors(ws, hs, x_ctr, y_ctr)
  10. return anchors

经过以上函数操作后,得到的是以[0,0,15,15]为base anchor的不同ration和不同scale的anchor的坐标。


  1. # 我们将anchor输出
  2. anchors = generate_anchors(base_size=16, ratios=[0.5, 1, 2],
  3. scales=2**np.arange(3, 6))
  4. Output:
  5. array([[ -84., -40., 99., 55.],
  6. [-176., -88., 191., 103.],
  7. [-360., -184., 375., 199.],
  8. [ -56., -56., 71., 71.],
  9. [-120., -120., 135., 135.],
  10. [-248., -248., 263., 263.],
  11. [ -36., -80., 51., 95.],
  12. [ -80., -168., 95., 183.],
  13. [-168., -344., 183., 359.]])
  14. # 我们在输出这些anchors的长宽,和中心点,以及长宽比(ration),缩放大小(scale)
  15. for anchor in anchors:
  16. w,h,x_ctr,y_ctr = _whctrs(anchor)
  17. print([w,h,x_ctr,y_ctr], [np.round(w/h)], [int(np.sqrt((w*h)/(16*16)))])
  18. Output:
  19. [184.0, 96.0, 7.5, 7.5] [2.0] [8]
  20. [368.0, 192.0, 7.5, 7.5] [2.0] [16]
  21. [736.0, 384.0, 7.5, 7.5] [2.0] [33]
  22. [128.0, 128.0, 7.5, 7.5] [1.0] [8]
  23. [256.0, 256.0, 7.5, 7.5] [1.0] [16]
  24. [512.0, 512.0, 7.5, 7.5] [1.0] [32]
  25. [88.0, 176.0, 7.5, 7.5] [0.0] [7]
  26. [176.0, 352.0, 7.5, 7.5] [0.0] [15]
  27. [352.0, 704.0, 7.5, 7.5] [0.0] [31]



  1. '''
  2. 结合了回归偏移信息,把偏移后越界的,score太低的,都丢掉
  3. 返回shape(bs,2000,5) ,2000是超参数,表示我们选出nms后得分最高的2000个proposal box
  4. '''
  5. rois = self.RPN_proposal((rpn_cls_prob.data, rpn_bbox_pred.data,
  6. im_info, cfg_key))
  7. '''
  8. rpn_cls_prob torch.tensor shape [batch_size,18,(H/16),(W/16)]
  9. rpn_bbox_pred torch.tensor shape [batch_size,36,(H/16),(W/16)]
  10. im_info torch.tensor shape [batch_size,3]
  11. cfg_key = 'TRAIN'


  1. class _ProposalLayer(nn.Module):
  2. """
  3. Outputs object detection proposals by applying estimated bounding-box
  4. transformations to a set of regular boxes (called "anchors").
  5. """
  6. def __init__(self, feat_stride, scales, ratios):
  7. super(_ProposalLayer, self).__init__()
  8. self._feat_stride = feat_stride
  9. self._anchors = torch.from_numpy(generate_anchors(scales=np.array(scales),
  10. ratios=np.array(ratios))).float()
  11. '''
  12. 上面的函数实现了对anchor的生成,但只是以(0,0,15,15)为base_anchor的anchors
  13. -->shape: (9,4)
  14. 在后面会通过迭代产生不同中心位置的这9个anchor
  15. '''
  16. self._num_anchors = self._anchors.size(0)
  17. # _num_anchors = 9


  1. def forward(self, input):
  2. # Algorithm:
  3. #
  4. # for each (H, W) location i
  5. # generate A anchor boxes centered on cell i
  6. # apply predicted bbox deltas at cell i to each of the A anchors
  7. # clip predicted boxes to image
  8. # remove predicted boxes with either height or width < threshold
  9. # sort all (proposal, score) pairs by score from highest to lowest
  10. # take top pre_nms_topN proposals before NMS
  11. # apply NMS with threshold 0.7 to remaining proposals
  12. # take after_nms_topN proposals after NMS
  13. # return the top proposals (-> RoIs top, scores top)
  14. # the first set of _num_anchors channels are bg probs
  15. # the second set are the fg probs
  16. '''
  17. rpn_cls_prob torch.tensor shape [batch_size,18,(H/16),(W/16)]
  18. 第1个维度上的通道数为18,
  19. 设定前0~8个通道表示的是在该像素点上的9个anchor boxes是背景(background)的概率
  20. 设定从9~17个通道表示的是在该像素点上的9个anchor boxes是前景(foreground)的概率
  21. input[0][:,0:8,:,:] 是背景概率(background posibility)
  22. input[0][:,9:17,:,:] 是前景概率(foreground posibility)
  23. '''
  24. scores = input[0][:, self._num_anchors:, :, :]
  25. '''
  26. bbox_deltas就是9种anchor在4个方向上的偏移(offset),shape(bs,36,14,14)
  27. '''
  28. bbox_deltas = input[1]
  29. #im_info是高宽信息
  30. im_info = input[2]
  31. #cfg_key='TRAIN' or 'TEST'
  32. cfg_key = input[3]
  33. #预定义为12000,表示在nms前选出得分最高的12000个框
  34. #是根据RPN输出坐标偏移量进行坐标调整之后的坐标
  35. pre_nms_topN = cfg[cfg_key].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N
  36. #预定义为2000,表示nms后,选出得分最高的2000个框
  37. '''
  38. 将所有经过位置调整之后的anchor boxes经过前滤波,阈值为0.7的NMS算法之后,再在
  39. 剩下的所有位置调整之后的anchor boxes中根据score选择前2000个作为region proposal
  40. 传入到后面的fast R-CNN网络
  41. '''
  42. post_nms_topN = cfg[cfg_key].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N
  43. #预定义为0.7,nms时会抛弃小于0.7的框
  44. nms_thresh = cfg[cfg_key].RPN_NMS_THRESH
  45. #预定义为16,框框被映射到原图上的高和宽都要大于这个数值
  46. min_size = cfg[cfg_key].RPN_MIN_SIZE
  47. batch_size = bbox_deltas.size(0)
  48. #再次说明RPN位置预测的是anchor 的偏移量
  49. #height=14,width=14,the width heigth of feature map
  50. #用于训练的输入图像是数据集中原始的图像经过尺度缩放和padding后的
  51. feat_height, feat_width = scores.size(2), scores.size(3)
  52. '''
  53. 下面这个过程,是把 14x14的网格,分别映射回原图,即乘以_feat_stride,x16
  54. 在原图上形成 feat_width*feat_height这么多个(16,16)的网格
  55. shift_x ,shift_y ------> [0, 16, 16*2, ......, 16*14]
  56. '''
  57. shift_x = np.arange(0, feat_width) * self._feat_stride
  58. shift_y = np.arange(0, feat_height) * self._feat_stride
  59. #下面的shift_x变成14行,每行都是上面这个shift_x的复制
  60. #下面的shift_y变成14列,每列都是上面这个shift_y的复制
  61. shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)
  62. '''
  63. ravel表示把(14,14)的矩阵shift_x,y展成一维向量(196,)
  64. vstack表示垂直方向上拼接,得到4行,shape=(4,196)
  65. transpose之后得到shape=(196,4)
  66. '''
  67. shifts = torch.from_numpy(np.vstack((shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(),
  68. shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel())).transpose())
  69. shifts = shifts.contiguous().type_as(scores).float()
  70. A = self._num_anchors # A = 9
  71. K = shifts.size(0) # K = feat_height*feat_width = 14*14
  72. # self._anchor shape:(9,4)
  73. self._anchors = self._anchors.type_as(scores)
  74. '''
  75. 运用Brodcast(广播)的性质,进行相加得到不同中心坐标的9中anchors
  76. 结果就是以这些14x14=196个网格点offset(7.5,7.5)为center,每个center画9种框
  77. 坐标形式[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]在用于训练的输入图像分辨率上的坐标
  78. 总结:
  79. 获取anchor boxes坐标的过程(代码实现)非常巧妙
  80. 并不是一次性产生对于特征图上所有像素点处的9个anchor boxes
  81. 而是首先在特征图第(0,0)位置上的像素点产生9个anchor boxes的位置相对坐标
  82. (这里的相对坐标是指相对于(0,0,16,16)这个网格的坐标),
  83. 然后再利用类似于sliding window的思想
  84. 直接将第(0,0)位置的9个anchor boxes坐标加到特征图分辨率上的所有像素点处
  85. '''
  86. anchors = self._anchors.view(1, A, 4) + shifts.view(K, 1, 4)
  87. # shifts : shape=(196,9,4) self._anchors : shape=(1,9,4) 符合广播性质的要求
  88. anchors = anchors.view(1, K * A, 4).expand(batch_size, K * A, 4)
  89. # view成(1,1764,4),然后自我复制batch_size份,变成(bs,1764,4)
  90. # Transpose and reshape predicted bbox transformations to get them
  91. # into the same order as the anchors:
  92. bbox_deltas = bbox_deltas.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()
  93. '''
  94. (bs,36,14,14) permute-> (bs,14,14,36)
  95. (bs,14,14,36) view-> (bs,1764,4)
  96. '''
  97. bbox_deltas = bbox_deltas.view(batch_size, -1, 4)
  98. '''
  99. Same story for the scores:
  100. 对scores做相同处理
  101. (bs,9,14,14) permute-> (bs,14,14,9) view - > (bs,1764,1)
  102. '''
  103. scores = scores.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()
  104. scores = scores.view(batch_size, -1)
  105. '''
  106. 总结:
  107. bbox_deltas里面存有dx,dy,dw,dh
  108. x += dx*width, y+= dy*width, w*= exp(dw),h*= exp(dh)
  109. 这样就得到了 加上偏移修正的proposl anchors,shape =[bs,1764,4]
  110. '''
  111. # Convert anchors into proposals via bbox transformations
  112. '''
  113. 根据anchors和RPN所预测的位置偏移量,对于RPN预测坐标值进行解码
  114. 得到RPN预测值在(实际上输入网络的)训练图像分辨率上的绝对坐标值
  115. 返回的proposals是RPN对于所有anchor boxes的预测坐标值 [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]形式
  116. shape (batch_size,(H/16)*(W/16)*9, 4)
  117. '''
  118. proposals = bbox_transform_inv(anchors, bbox_deltas, batch_size)
  119. '''
  120. 2. clip predicted boxes to image
  121. im_info是输入图像的高宽信息
  122. 对于batch size中的每一张图像,将RPN预测出的region proposals解码到
  123. 输入图像的分辨率上,并将解码后的候选框坐标限制在输入图像分辨率内
  124. 把超出图片边界的anchor都修剪到图片内,例如(-1,-1,2,2)修剪成(0,0,2,2)
  125. '''
  126. proposals = clip_boxes(proposals, im_info, batch_size)

proposal = bbox_transform_inv(anchors, bbox_deltas, batch_size)
proposals = clip_boxes(proposals, im_info, batch_size)

进入 \faster-rcnn-pytorch-master\lib\model\rpn\bbox_transform.py,摘取这两个函数:

  1. def bbox_transform_inv(boxes, deltas, batch_size):
  2. widths = boxes[:, :, 2] - boxes[:, :, 0] + 1.0
  3. heights = boxes[:, :, 3] - boxes[:, :, 1] + 1.0
  4. ctr_x = boxes[:, :, 0] + 0.5 * widths
  5. ctr_y = boxes[:, :, 1] + 0.5 * heights
  6. dx = deltas[:, :, 0::4]
  7. dy = deltas[:, :, 1::4]
  8. dw = deltas[:, :, 2::4]
  9. dh = deltas[:, :, 3::4]
  10. pred_ctr_x = dx * widths.unsqueeze(2) + ctr_x.unsqueeze(2)
  11. pred_ctr_y = dy * heights.unsqueeze(2) + ctr_y.unsqueeze(2)
  12. pred_w = torch.exp(dw) * widths.unsqueeze(2)
  13. pred_h = torch.exp(dh) * heights.unsqueeze(2)
  14. pred_boxes = deltas.clone()
  15. # x1
  16. pred_boxes[:, :, 0::4] = pred_ctr_x - 0.5 * pred_w
  17. # y1
  18. pred_boxes[:, :, 1::4] = pred_ctr_y - 0.5 * pred_h
  19. # x2
  20. pred_boxes[:, :, 2::4] = pred_ctr_x + 0.5 * pred_w
  21. # y2
  22. pred_boxes[:, :, 3::4] = pred_ctr_y + 0.5 * pred_h
  23. return pred_boxes
  24. def clip_boxes(boxes, im_shape, batch_size):
  25. for i in range(batch_size):
  26. boxes[i,:,0::4].clamp_(0, im_shape[i, 1]-1)
  27. boxes[i,:,1::4].clamp_(0, im_shape[i, 0]-1)
  28. boxes[i,:,2::4].clamp_(0, im_shape[i, 1]-1)
  29. boxes[i,:,3::4].clamp_(0, im_shape[i, 0]-1)
  30. return boxes

③.根据RPN预测的scores和bbox_deltas,选择出2000个region proposal用于输入到后面的Fast R-CNN模型中用于后续训练

这里想解释一下anchor、region proposal和bounding boxes名词的区别,虽然从表面上看他们都是矩形包围框,但是作为物体检测中的重要术语,十分有必要区分开。

名词                含义

anchor | 翻译为锚框/预选框,生成anchor boxes的过程只需要(特征图分辨率,anchor_scale,anchor_ratio)信息,它的坐标信息完全不是由神经网络前向传播预测得到的,只是作为最原始的预选框,是诸如RPN,SSD(以及YOLO等one-stage method)等密集检测(dense detection)模型中最先需要生成的,因为网络模型预测的输出值是在anchor坐标上的偏移量 | | |

region proposal | 翻译为候选框/ROI/candidate boxes,通常在two stage detector中出现,它指的是经过一定的经验知识(将图像输入到selective search算法中)或者是根据网络学习到的知识预测(RPN输出,对于原始的anchor boxes进行位置调整之后的框)得到的可能是前景区域的矩形框,这些框也被称为candidate boxes/ROI,是因为已经根据一些先验知识或者网络学习提取到一些特征,可以有一定根据说这些框是前景框,而对于RPN输出,则对于每个region proposal都附加一个概率值,表示proposal是前景框的概率

简言之,region proposal是将RPN网络输出预测偏移量对于事先设定好的anchor boxes进行解码之后的在输入图像分辨率上的候选框 | | |

bounding boxes | 翻译为包围框,它指的是最终网络输出的transformed bounding boxes,就是整个网络最终的输出,在测试阶段就是用来计算mAP的框。比如描述ground truth包围框的时候,通常会说ground truth bounding boxes | |

下面代码摘自 \faster-rcnn-pytorch-master\lib\model\rpn\proposal_layer.py def forward()方法,接上面的代码:

  1. '''
  2. scores_keep : shape --> (bs, 1764,1)
  3. proposals_keep: shape --> (bs,1764,4)
  4. 先对RPN输出的对于anchor boxes预测偏移量进行解码得到proposal,再将proposal的坐标范围
  5. 限制在输入图像分辨率上,得到proposals_keep
  6. '''
  7. scores_keep = scores
  8. proposals_keep = proposals
  9. '''
  10. 对于batch size中的每一张输入图像,
  11. 对于(H/16)*(W/16)*9个region proposal按照RPN预测的foreground分数进行
  12. 降序排列,返回的第一个参数是降序排列后的分数数值,第二个参数是降序排列的位置索引编号
  13. order shape [batch_size,(H/16)*(W/16)*9,1]
  14. True表示降序,[bs,1764,1]
  15. '''
  16. _, order = torch.sort(scores_keep, 1, True)
  17. output = scores.new(batch_size, post_nms_topN, 5).zero_()
  18. '''
  19. output shape [batch_size, post_nms_topN, 5]
  20. torch.new() method 产生与当前torch.tensor具有相同datatype的 new tensor
  21. post_nms_topN=2000,表示传送到后面Faster R-CNN模型的候选框(region proposal)2000个
  22. 这就很明显可以看出RPN所起到的作用就是
  23. R-CNN模型和Fast R-CNN模型中的selective search算法的功能
  24. 只不过selective search算法不需要学习训练的过程,
  25. 而RPN是通过对网络进行训练得到region proposal
  26. selective search算法也是为后面的检测器提供后续框
  27. 这也更能体现出Fater R-CNN的End2End的思想
  28. '''
  29. for i in range(batch_size):
  30. # # 3. remove predicted boxes with either height or width < threshold
  31. # # (NOTE: convert min_size to input image scale stored in im_info[2])
  32. proposals_single = proposals_keep[i] #[1764,4]
  33. scores_single = scores_keep[i]  #[1764,1]
  34. # # 4. sort all (proposal, score) pairs by score from highest to lowest
  35. # # 5. take top pre_nms_topN (e.g. 6000)
  36. order_single = order[i] # #[1764,1]
  37. if pre_nms_topN > 0 and pre_nms_topN < scores_keep.numel():
  38. order_single = order_single[:pre_nms_topN]
  39. proposals_single = proposals_single[order_single, :]
  40. scores_single = scores_single[order_single].view(-1,1)
  41. # 6. apply nms (e.g. threshold = 0.7)
  42. # 7. take after_nms_topN (e.g. 300)
  43. # 8. return the top proposals (-> RoIs top)
  44. keep_idx_i = nms(proposals_single, scores_single.squeeze(1), nms_thresh)
  45. keep_idx_i = keep_idx_i.long().view(-1)
  46. if post_nms_topN > 0:
  47. keep_idx_i = keep_idx_i[:post_nms_topN]
  48. proposals_single = proposals_single[keep_idx_i, :]
  49. scores_single = scores_single[keep_idx_i, :]
  50. # padding 0 at the end.
  51. num_proposal = proposals_single.size(0)
  52. output[i,:,0] = i
  53. output[i,:num_proposal,1:] = proposals_single
  54. return output


【1】.Step 1 —— RPN network forward

  1. 先通过RPN_base_network产生对于RPN的分类网络网络和回归网络的shared feature map共享特征图,是通过代码中的layer3输出的特征图——output stride=16,output channel=1024再进行3x3卷积进一步提取语义信息特征得到的共享特征图——output stride=16,output channel=512。

  1. 然后在共享特征图上分别应用1*1,output channels=18的卷积操作得到RPN对于foreground和background前景背景类别分数预测 rpn_cls_prob shape(经过对于每个anchor boxes的两个通道上进行softmax操作之后的) [batch_size,18,H/16,W/16]

  1. 再应用1*1,output channels=36的卷积操作得到RPN对于特征图上每个像素点上的9个anchor boxes的位置偏移量的预测,rpn_bbox_pred shape [batch_size,36,H/16,W/16]。

【2】.Step 2 —— generate_anchor

通过RPN的generate_anchor.py生成对于特征图上第(0,0)位置像素点上的9个anchor boxes,shape [9,4]

scales: self.anchor_scales = cfg.ANCHOR_SCALES#[8,16,32]

ratios: self.anchor_ratios = cfg.ANCHOR_RATIOS#[0.5,1,2]

【3】. Step 3 —— proposal_layer.py

proposal layer 是 nn.Module 的子类,接在RPN网络的输出之后。

其输入为对于图像设定的一系列密集候选框(anchor boxes),可认为是通过sliding window策略得到的dense candidate region,现在还是在输入图像分辨率上的[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]的格式。

1.根据RPN的输出和anchor 进行解码,得到RPN生成的映射到输入图像上面的预测bounding boxes
对于region proposal network的输出,将网络对于每个anchor boxes的预测值进行解码
解码成为(transformed anchor boxes),即:
RPN_bounding boxes_prediction(预测的当然是经过normalization编码之后的数值)
anchors(generate layers生成的,在输入图像像素分辨率空间中)

RPN网络输出的,解码之后,映射到输入图像分辨率上面的region proposal,这里可以暴力地对于所有(H/16)(W/16)9个anchor解码
解码之后的region proposal是映射到输入图像上面的(并将坐标值限定在 600800像素范围内,但并不改变bounding boxes个数)
解码后region proposal格式 xmin ymin xmax ymax [batch_size,(H/16)
(W/16)*9, 4]

2.这一步主要是为了从RPN输出的 (H/16)(W/16)9个region proposal(已经转换成输入图像分辨率上)中挑选出一部分用于对后续 Fast R-CNN 的训练,首先根据RPN网络预测出对于每个anchor boxes是前景概率值scores进行排序,选择出 top M,引入超参数 RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N 12000 表示进行NMS算法之前,挑选出top N个 transformed bounding boxes,然后将这N个transformed bounding boxes进行NMS算法。

引入超参数:NMS_THRESH 0.7 RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N = 2000

最后从NMS算法输出的bounding boxes中挑选出 top N 2000 个bounding boxes,返回 top N 的ROI scores 和ROI regions。

proposal layer 返回值 rois 返回值rois并不用于对于RPN的训练和损失函数计算,而是用后续对于Fast R-CNN的训练。


  1. shape : [bs, 2000, 5]
  2. 在第3个维度上,第0列表示当前的region proposal属于batch size 中的哪一张图像的编号
  3. 第1~4列表示region proposal在经过变换之后的输入图像分辨率上的坐标 [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]

2). rpn_data = self.RPN_anchor_target((rpn_cls_score.data, gt_boxes, im_info, num_boxes))

  1. self.RPN_anchor_target = _AnchorTargetLayer(self.feat_stride,
  2. self.anchor_scales,
  3. self.anchor_ratios)


  1. 将anchor boxes(没有经过任何操作的,没有经过网络模型预测值的)与ground truth boxes对比。
  2. 对于每个anchor boxes,都计算出它和ground truth boxes之间的IOU值,得到overlap。
  3. 对于每个anchor boxes,都遍历所有的ground trith,找到它与所有ground truth最大的overlap值,得到 max_overlap —-> shape: [# anchor boxes]。


  1. 对于每个ground truth boxes,与它具有最大的overlap的anchor boxes是正样本
  2. 对于每个anchor boxes,只要它与任意的ground truth boxes之间的IOU值大于0.7

选择出正样本后,对所有前景正样本进行坐标编码(generate good bounding boxes regression coefficients)。实际上代码实现的时候,是对图像中的每个anchor boxes都分配了ground truth boxes值,无论最后anchor boxes被分为正样本还是负样本,anchor boxes与哪个gt boxes的overlap最大,就认为它是哪个gt boxes 的正样本,然后进行位置编码。


  1. 所有overlap小于0.3的anchor记为负样本。

anchor_target_layers.py是用来对于每个anchor boxes区分正负样本,并计算出所有正样本编码后的数值计算出每个anchor boxes与每个ground truth boxes之间的overlap值,并对于每个anchor boxes找到与它具有最大IOU 的ground truth boxes,并指保留住这个overlap值。

如果overlap值大于0.7 则anchor 是正样本
如果overlap值小于0.3 则anchor 是负样本


  1. class _AnchorTargetLayer(nn.Module):
  2. """
  3. Assign anchors to ground-truth targets. Produces anchor classification
  4. labels and bounding-box regression targets.
  5. """
  6. def __init__(self, feat_stride, scales, ratios):
  7. super(_AnchorTargetLayer, self).__init__()
  8. self._feat_stride = feat_stride
  9. self._scales = scales
  10. anchor_scales = scales
  11. self._anchors = torch.from_numpy(generate_anchors(scales=np.array(anchor_scales), ratios=np.array(ratios))).float()
  12. self._num_anchors = self._anchors.size(0)
  13. # allow boxes to sit over the edge by a small amount
  14. self._allowed_border = 0 # default is 0
  15. def forward(self, input):
  16. # Algorithm:
  17. #
  18. # for each (H, W) location i
  19. # generate 9 anchor boxes centered on cell i
  20. # apply predicted bbox deltas at cell i to each of the 9 anchors
  21. # filter out-of-image anchors
  22. rpn_cls_score = input[0]
  23. gt_boxes = input[1]
  24. im_info = input[2]
  25. num_boxes = input[3]
  26. # map of shape (..., H, W)
  27. height, width = rpn_cls_score.size(2), rpn_cls_score.size(3)
  28. batch_size = gt_boxes.size(0)
  29. feat_height, feat_width = rpn_cls_score.size(2), rpn_cls_score.size(3)
  30. shift_x = np.arange(0, feat_width) * self._feat_stride
  31. shift_y = np.arange(0, feat_height) * self._feat_stride
  32. shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)
  33. shifts = torch.from_numpy(np.vstack((shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(),
  34. shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel())).transpose())
  35. shifts = shifts.contiguous().type_as(rpn_cls_score).float()
  36. '''
  37. 计算出所有anchor boxes坐标 [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
  38. 还是需要先进行base_anchor的生成,借助generate_anchor.py
  39. '''
  40. A = self._num_anchors
  41. K = shifts.size(0)
  42. self._anchors = self._anchors.type_as(gt_boxes) # move to specific gpu.
  43. all_anchors = self._anchors.view(1, A, 4) + shifts.view(K, 1, 4)
  44. all_anchors = all_anchors.view(K * A, 4)
  45. #shape [(H/16)*(W/16)*9,4]
  46. total_anchors = int(K * A) #当前分辨率图像上anchor的总数
  47. keep = ((all_anchors[:, 0] >= -self._allowed_border) &
  48. (all_anchors[:, 1] >= -self._allowed_border) &
  49. (all_anchors[:, 2] < long(im_info[0][1]) + self._allowed_border) &
  50. (all_anchors[:, 3] < long(im_info[0][0]) + self._allowed_border))
  51. # 除去所有越过图像边界的anchors
  52. inds_inside = torch.nonzero(keep).view(-1)
  53. # keep only inside anchors 除去所有越过图像边界的anchors
  54. anchors = all_anchors[inds_inside, :]
  55. # label: 1 is positive, 0 is negative, -1 is dont care
  56. labels = gt_boxes.new(batch_size, inds_inside.size(0)).fill_(-1)
  57. '''
  58. labels shape (batch_size, inds_inside.size(0))
  59. 虽然同一个batch size中每张训练图像的ground truth bounding boxes信息不相同,但是
  60. 由于一个batch size中的训练图像具有完全相同的空间分辨率,则它们的anchor boxes数以及
  61. 在图像边界之内的anchor boxes数量及位置信息都相同
  62. '''
  63. bbox_inside_weights = gt_boxes.new(batch_size, inds_inside.size(0)).zero_()
  64. bbox_outside_weights = gt_boxes.new(batch_size, inds_inside.size(0)).zero_()
  65. overlaps = bbox_overlaps_batch(anchors, gt_boxes)
  66. '''
  67. 现在先可以简单理解为
  68. anchors shape [inds_inside,4]
  69. gt_boxes shape [batch_size,20,5]
  70. overlaps shape [batch_size,num_anchors, num_max_gt] num_max_gt=20
  71. 表示每一张训练图像,每一个anchor boxes与每一个ground truth boxes框之间的overlap
  72. '''
  73. max_overlaps, argmax_overlaps = torch.max(overlaps, 2)
  74. '''
  75. max_overlaps shape [batch_size,num_anchors]
  76. anchor boxes与所有gt boxes之间最大的IOU值 range (0,1)
  77. argmax_overlaps shape [batch_size,num_anchors]
  78. anchor boxes与哪个gt boxes的IOU最大,位置索引 range (0,num_max_gt-1)
  79. 表示对于batch size中的每一张图像,对于每个anchor boxes,遍历所有的gt_boxes
  80. 找到当前的anchor boxes与哪一个gt_boxes 之间的overlap最大,就认为这个anchor boxes
  81. 与ground truth boxes之间的IOU是多少
  82. '''
  83. gt_max_overlaps, _ = torch.max(overlaps, 1)
  84. '''
  85. gt_max_overlaps shape [batch_size,num_max_gt]
  86. 表示对于batch size中的每一张图像,对于每个gt_boxes,遍历所有的anchor boxes,
  87. 找到与当前的gt_boxes具有最大IOU的anchor boxes 记录这个overlap
  88. '''
  90. labels[max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0
  91. '''
  92. IOU < thresh: negative example
  94. 对于一个batch size中的每个训练图像的每个anchor boxes,
  95. 计算anchor boxes 与当前训练图像的所有gt_boxes的overlap
  96. 如果最大的overlap值都小于所设定的 RPN负样本IOU阈值,则
  97. 当前anchor boxes就是负样本
  98. 这里的labels shape [batch_size,num_keep_anchors]
  99. max_overlaps shape [batch_size,num_anchors]
  100. 使用torch.tensor的element wise operation以避免使用for循环
  101. 将IOU小于0.3的anchor boxes设置成负样本
  102. '''
  103. gt_max_overlaps[gt_max_overlaps==0] = 1e-5
  104. keep = torch.sum(overlaps.eq(gt_max_overlaps.view(batch_size,1,-1).expand_as(overlaps)), 2)
  105. #将与ground truth boxes具有最大overlap的anchor设置为正样本
  106. if torch.sum(keep) > 0:
  107. labels[keep>0] = 1
  108. # fg label: above threshold IOU
  109. # IOU > thresh: positive example #RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP=0.7
  110. labels[max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP] = 1
  112. labels[max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0
  113. num_fg = int(cfg.TRAIN.RPN_FG_FRACTION * cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BATCHSIZE)
  114. '''
  115. __C.TRAIN.RPN_FG_FRACTION = 0.5 前景样本比例
  116. # Total number of examples
  117. __C.TRAIN.RPN_BATCHSIZE = 256
  118. 训练RPN的batch size=256
  119. 表示计算RPN损失函数时前景/背景或正/负样本共计算256个anchor boxes的损失值
  120. 这个batch size并不体现在任何前向传播的操作中,只是表示RPN选择多少个样本计算损失
  121. 就是说,对于image_batch_size数量的输入图像前向传播到了RPN,
  122. 对于同一batch size的每一张图像都会生成相同数量,相同坐标的anchor boxes
  123. 对于每一张图像就选择256个样本计算损失
  124. 并不是在一个batch size 的anchor boxes中一起进行选择的
  125. '''
  126. sum_fg = torch.sum((labels == 1).int(), 1)
  127. '''
  128. labels shape [batch_size,num_keep_anchors]
  129. sum_fg shape [batch_size,] 一个batch size中每张图像中的正样本总数
  130. '''
  131. sum_bg = torch.sum((labels == 0).int(), 1)
  132. for i in range(batch_size):
  133. # subsample positive labels if we have too many
  134. '''
  135. 对于batch size中的每一张图像,如果正样本数量大于128,则对当前图像的所有正样本anchor 下采样
  136. '''
  137. if sum_fg[i] > num_fg:
  138. fg_inds = torch.nonzero(labels[i] == 1).view(-1)
  139. '''
  140. shape [num_positive_anchors,] 为当前图像中正样本anchor数
  141. labels[i] == 1 前景正样本anchor为1,背景负样本为0
  142. fg_inds 表示在所有留下来的anchor boxes中,正样本的索引序号
  143. '''
  144. rand_num = torch.from_numpy(np.random.permutation(fg_inds.size(0))).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
  145. '''
  146. numpy.random.permutation(x)
  147. If x is an integer, randomly permute np.arange(x).随机打乱
  148. permutation = list(np.random.permutation(10))
  149. [5, 1, 7, 6, 8, 9, 4, 0, 2, 3]
  150. rand_num 对当前训练图像中num_positive_anchors个正样本索引序号进行随机打乱
  151. '''
  152. '''
  153. 所有overlap小于0.3的是负样本,overlap大于0.7的为正样本
  154. 然后对于batch size中的每张训练图像,随机采样出128个正样本和128个负样本
  155. '''
  156. disable_inds = fg_inds[rand_num[:fg_inds.size(0)-num_fg]]
  157. #取出前 (所有正样本数-128)个 不作为正样本考虑
  158. labels[i][disable_inds] = -1
  159. '''至此,一定能够保证,正样本数量小于或者等于128'''
  160. # num_bg = cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BATCHSIZE - sum_fg[i]
  161. num_bg = cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BATCHSIZE - torch.sum((labels == 1).int(), 1)[i]
  162. #负样本的数量可能大于或等于128
  163. # subsample negative labels if we have too many
  164. if sum_bg[i] > num_bg:
  165. bg_inds = torch.nonzero(labels[i] == 0).view(-1)
  166. #rand_num = torch.randperm(bg_inds.size(0)).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
  167. rand_num = torch.from_numpy(np.random.permutation(bg_inds.size(0))).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
  168. disable_inds = bg_inds[rand_num[:bg_inds.size(0)-num_bg]]
  169. labels[i][disable_inds] = -1
  170. offset = torch.arange(0, batch_size)*gt_boxes.size(1)
  171. argmax_overlaps = argmax_overlaps + offset.view(batch_size, 1).type_as(argmax_overlaps)
  172. '''
  173. argmax_overlaps shape [batch_size,num_anchors]
  174. anchor boxes与哪个gt boxes的IOU最大,位置索引 range (0,num_max_gt-1)
  175. argmax_overlaps [batch_size,num_anchors]
  176. '''
  177. bbox_targets = _compute_targets_batch(anchors,
  178. gt_boxes.view(-1,5)[argmax_overlaps.view(-1), :].view(batch_size, -1, 5))
  179. '''
  180. anchors shape [num_keep_anchors,4]
  181. gt_boxes shape [batch_size*num_max_gt,5]
  182. gt_boxes.view(-1,5)[argmax_overlaps.view(-1), :]
  183. 第二个参数 shape (batch_size, num_keep_anchors, 5)
  184. 意思是根据之前所计算出的在每张训练图像中的anchor boxes与
  185. 对应的ground truth bounding boxes之间的最大overlap值
  186. 给每个anchor boxes分配一个ground truth boxes
  187. (这个时候先并不对anchor boxes进行正负样本的区分,而是对于坐标范围在
  188. 当前图像空间分辨率范围内的所有anchor boxes,看看它跟图像中的哪个gt_boxes的overlap最大,
  189. 就认为这个anchor boxes所对应的gt是对应的ground truth boxes——
  190. 这时候anchor所对应的gt是原始的训练图像上的位置坐标,并没有经过编码)
  191. 就是对于batch size中的每张图像所有anchor boxes进行编码
  192. (认为anchor boxes对应的gt boxes是所有gt_boxes中与它具有最大overlap的gt_boxes)
  193. bbox_targets shape (batch_size, num_keep_anchors, 4)
  194. 对于anchor 的gt编码后的位置坐标
  195. [targets_dx,targets_dy,targets_dw,targets_dh]格式
  196. '''
  197. # use a single value instead of 4 values for easy index.
  198. bbox_inside_weights[labels==1] = cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS[0]
  199. '''
  200. bbox_inside_weights shape [batch_size, inds_inside.size(0)]
  201. inds_inside.size(0)=num_keep_anchors
  202. __C.TRAIN.RPN_BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
  203. Give the positive RPN examples weight of p * 1 / {num positives}
  204. and give negatives a weight of (1 - p)
  205. 这时候在labels中batch size中每张训练图像所对应的正负样本anchor已经被挑选出来了
  206. (对于每张图像共256个anchor,正样本数小于等于128,负样本数大于等于128)
  207. labels shape [batch_size,num_keep_anchors]
  208. '''
  209. if cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT < 0: # -1
  210. num_examples = torch.sum(labels[i] >= 0) # 256
  211. positive_weights = 1.0 / num_examples.item() # 1/256
  212. negative_weights = 1.0 / num_examples.item()
  213. else:
  214. assert ((cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT > 0) &
  216. bbox_outside_weights[labels == 1] = positive_weights
  217. #正样本计算损失时的权重 1/256
  218. bbox_outside_weights[labels == 0] = negative_weights
  219. #负样本计算损失时的权重
  220. labels = _unmap(labels, total_anchors, inds_inside, batch_size, fill=-1)
  221. bbox_targets = _unmap(bbox_targets, total_anchors, inds_inside,
  222. batch_size, fill=0)
  223. bbox_inside_weights = _unmap(bbox_inside_weights, total_anchors,
  224. inds_inside, batch_size, fill=0)
  225. bbox_outside_weights = _unmap(bbox_outside_weights, total_anchors,
  226. inds_inside, batch_size, fill=0)
  227. '''
  228. 因为前面的操作中是将所有在输入图像空间分辨率范围之内的anchor boxes进行操作,现在希望重新将
  229. num_keep_anchors的信息映射回 (H/16)*(W/16)*9 即所有的anchor boxes中
  230. bbox_inside_weights 所有正样本anchor boxes为1 其他都为0
  231. bbox_outside_weights 所有正样本和负样本anchor boxes为1/256 其他都为0
  232. '''
  233. outputs = []
  234. labels = labels.view(batch_size,
  235. height, width, A).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous()
  236. '''
  237. labels.shape [batch_size,(H/16)*(W/16)*9]
  238. ------->>>>>
  239. labels.shape [batch_size,9,(H/16),(W/16)]
  240. '''
  241. labels = labels.view(batch_size, 1, A * height, width)
  242. outputs.append(labels)
  243. #labels.shape [batch_size,1,9*(H/16),(W/16)]
  244. bbox_targets = bbox_targets.view(batch_size, height, width, A*4).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous()
  245. outputs.append(bbox_targets)
  246. #bbox_targets shape [batch_size,36,(H/16),(W/16)]
  247. anchors_count = bbox_inside_weights.size(1)
  248. bbox_inside_weights = bbox_inside_weights.view(batch_size,anchors_count,1)\
  249. .expand(batch_size, anchors_count, 4)
  250. bbox_inside_weights = bbox_inside_weights.contiguous()\
  251. .view(batch_size, height, width, 4*A)\
  252. .permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous()
  253. #bbox_inside_weights shape [batch_size,36, height, width]
  254. outputs.append(bbox_inside_weights)
  255. bbox_outside_weights = bbox_outside_weights.view(batch_size,anchors_count,1).expand(batch_size, anchors_count, 4)
  256. bbox_outside_weights = bbox_outside_weights.contiguous().view(batch_size, height, width, 4*A)\
  257. .permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous()
  258. outputs.append(bbox_outside_weights)
  259. #bbox_outside_weights shape [batch_size,36, height, width]
  260. return outputs


name shape mean
labels [batch_size,1,9*(H/16),(W/16)] 正样本为1
batch size中每张图像共256个正负样本
bbox_targets [batch_size,36,(H/16),(W/16)] 每个anchor boxes所对应的gt位置偏移量(对于anchor编码后的gt值,也就是希望RPN网络模型的输出值)
bbox_inside_weights [batch_size,36, height, width] 所有正样本anchor boxes为1 其他都为0
bbox_outside_weights [batch_size,36, height, width] 所有正样本和负样本anchor boxes为1/256 其他都为0


return rois, self.rpn_loss_cls, self.rpn_loss_box

rois:是batch size中的每张图像产生的2000个region proposal(由proposal layer层产生)。

[batch_size,2000,5] 的第3个维度上,第0列表示当前的region proposal属于batch size中的哪一张图像编号的,第1~4列表示region proposal在经过变换之后的输入图像分辨率上的坐标[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]。

self.rpn_loss_cls = F.cross_entropy(rpn_cls_score, rpn_label):
rpn_loss_cls RPN分类损失 对于batch size张图像,计算了batch size*256(RPN的batch size)个正样本anchor和负样本anchor的分类损失,使用的是cross entropy。


一个batch size中共有batch_size256个anchor boxes(加上正样本和负样本一共256个,前景样本比例0.5)参与了分类损失的计算,则分类损失的分母部分会自动是 batch_size256 的权值进行平均。


  1. self.rpn_loss_box = _smooth_l1_loss(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_targets,
  2. rpn_bbox_inside_weights,
  3. rpn_bbox_outside_weights,
  4. sigma=3, dim=[1,2,3])

rpn_loss_box RPN位置回归损失,对于batch size张图像,对于所有正样本(每张图像的正样本小于等于128)一起计算smooth L1回归损失,乘以权值1/256之后再还要取平均值。

4.通过RPN选取RoI (Proposal of interest)

roi_data = self.RCNN_proposal_target(rois, gt_boxes, num_boxes)

self.RCNN_proposal_target = _ProposalTargetLayer(self.n_classes)


  1. class _ProposalTargetLayer(nn.Module):
  2. """
  3. Assign object detection proposals to ground-truth targets. Produces proposal
  4. classification labels and bounding-box regression targets.
  5. """
  6. def __init__(self, nclasses):
  7. super(_ProposalTargetLayer, self).__init__()
  8. self._num_classes = nclasses
  10. # (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  12. #(0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2)
  14. #(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
  15. def forward(self, all_rois, gt_boxes, num_boxes):
  16. '''
  17. :param all_rois:
  18. 是proposal layer层输出,表示将RPN视作为selective search算法,生成2000个region proposal
  19. 具体的生成过程是:对于RPN产生的(H/16)*(W/16)*9个位置偏移量预测,与对应的anchor boxes信息
  20. 对RPN产生的位置预测值进行解码,解码出在输入图像分辨率(就是对输入图像进行缩放)的位置坐标
  21. 然后首先根据RPN网络模型预测出来的对于所有anchor boxes的前景类别分数,
  22. 挑选出前12000个region proposal;
  23. 再进行阈值为0.7的NMS算法,然后再在NMS算法后留下的所有region proposal中找出前2000个,
  24. 作为训练,
  25. Fast R-CNN模型的输入 [batch_size,2000,5]
  26. :param gt_boxes:
  27. torch.tensor [batch_size,20,5] 从annotation.txt文件中读取出来的坐标信息,经过尺度变换后
  28. :param num_boxes:
  29. torch.tensor [batch_size,] batch size中每张训练图像中有多少个gt boxes
  30. 其中all_rois是RPN模型的proposal layer层的输出
  31. gt_boxes和num_boxes参数是整个Faster R-CNN模型的输入
  32. (从trainval_net.py中的dataloader数据加载其中读取得到)
  33. '''
  34. self.BBOX_NORMALIZE_MEANS = self.BBOX_NORMALIZE_MEANS.type_as(gt_boxes)
  35. # (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  36. self.BBOX_NORMALIZE_STDS = self.BBOX_NORMALIZE_STDS.type_as(gt_boxes)
  37. # (0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2)
  38. self.BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS = self.BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS.type_as(gt_boxes)
  39. # (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
  40. gt_boxes_append = gt_boxes.new(gt_boxes.size()).zero_()
  41. gt_boxes_append[:,:,1:5] = gt_boxes[:,:,:4]
  42. # Include ground-truth boxes in the set of candidate rois
  43. all_rois = torch.cat([all_rois, gt_boxes_append], 1)
  44. '''
  45. torch.cat
  46. 操作前 all_rois shape [batch_size,2000,5]
  47. gt_boxes_append shape [batch_size,20,5]
  48. 操作后 all_rois shape [batch_size,2020,5]
  49. 2020=num_region_proposal+num_max_gt
  50. '''
  51. num_images = 1
  52. rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE / num_images)
  53. '''
  54. Minibatch size (number of regions of interest [ROIs])
  55. __C.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE = 128
  56. Fraction of minibatch that is labeled foreground (i.e. class > 0)
  57. __C.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION = 0.25
  58. '''
  59. fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
  60. fg_rois_per_image = 1 if fg_rois_per_image == 0 else fg_rois_per_image
  61. '''
  62. 对于batch size中的每张训练图像,虽然会传给Fast R-CNN模型2000个region proposal
  63. 但是每张图像中,Fast R-CNN模型只会训练128个正样本,其中包括小于等于32个正样本
  64. 和大于等于96个负样本,再根据rois和gt_boxes对每张图像中所有的2000个region proposal
  65. 进行正负样本的划分,对于batch size中的每张训练图像,从所有正样本region proposal中
  66. 随机挑选出小于等于32个(如果region proposal中正样本的数量大于32,则随机挑选出32个,
  67. 否则就把所有的正样本进行训练),然后在batch size中的每张图像从所有负样本中随机挑选出
  68. (128-对于当前图像所挑选出的正样本数)作为负样本,这里所指的正负样本是用于训练
  69. Fast R-CNN模型的region proposal,对于每张图像界定region proposal的正负样本的标准\
  70. 要依赖于当前训练图像的ground truth bounding boxes信息
  71. 在训练RPN阶段是需要在anchor boxes预选框的基础上进行位置调整,网络需要预测的也是相对于
  72. anchor boxes的坐标偏移量,根据当前图像gt_boxes信息对anchor boxes进行正负样本的划分
  73. 计算RPN的分类损失和回归损失
  74. 在训练Fast R-CNN阶段是需要在RPN输出的2000个region proposal基础上
  75. 进行位置调整和预测坐标偏移量,根据当前图像gt_boxes信息对region proposal进行正负样本的划分
  76. '''
  77. labels, rois,
  78. bbox_targets,
  79. bbox_inside_weights = self._sample_rois_pytorch(
  80. all_rois, gt_boxes, fg_rois_per_image,
  81. rois_per_image, self._num_classes)
  82. bbox_outside_weights = (bbox_inside_weights > 0).float()
  83. '''
  84. rois (4, 128, 5)
  85. labels (4, 128)
  86. bbox_targets (4, 128, 4)
  87. bbox_inside_weights (4, 128, 4)
  88. bbox_outside_weights (4, 128, 4)
  89. '''
  90. return rois, labels, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, bbox_outside_weights


  1. labels, rois,
  2. bbox_targets,
  3. bbox_inside_weights = self._sample_rois_pytorch(
  4. all_rois, gt_boxes, fg_rois_per_image,
  5. rois_per_image, self._num_classes)
  1. def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
  2. """This layer does not propagate gradients."""
  3. pass
  4. def reshape(self, bottom, top):
  5. """Reshaping happens during the call to forward."""
  6. pass
  7. def _get_bbox_regression_labels_pytorch(self, bbox_target_data, labels_batch, num_classes):
  8. """
  9. Bounding-box regression targets (bbox_target_data) are stored in a
  10. compact form b x N x (class, tx, ty, tw, th)
  11. This function expands those targets into the 4-of-4*K representation used
  12. by the network (i.e. only one class has non-zero targets).
  13. Returns:
  14. bbox_target (ndarray): b x N x 4K blob of regression targets
  15. bbox_inside_weights (ndarray): b x N x 4K blob of loss weights
  16. """
  17. batch_size = labels_batch.size(0)
  18. rois_per_image = labels_batch.size(1)
  19. clss = labels_batch
  20. bbox_targets = bbox_target_data.new(batch_size, rois_per_image, 4).zero_()
  21. bbox_inside_weights = bbox_target_data.new(bbox_targets.size()).zero_()
  22. for b in range(batch_size):
  23. # assert clss[b].sum() > 0
  24. if clss[b].sum() == 0:
  25. continue
  26. inds = torch.nonzero(clss[b] > 0).view(-1)
  27. for i in range(inds.numel()):
  28. ind = inds[i]
  29. bbox_targets[b, ind, :] = bbox_target_data[b, ind, :]
  30. bbox_inside_weights[b, ind, :] = self.BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS
  31. return bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights
  32. def _compute_targets_pytorch(self, ex_rois, gt_rois):
  33. """Compute bounding-box regression targets for an image."""
  34. assert ex_rois.size(1) == gt_rois.size(1)
  35. assert ex_rois.size(2) == 4
  36. assert gt_rois.size(2) == 4
  37. batch_size = ex_rois.size(0)
  38. rois_per_image = ex_rois.size(1)
  39. targets = bbox_transform_batch(ex_rois, gt_rois)
  41. # Optionally normalize targets by a precomputed mean and stdev
  42. targets = ((targets - self.BBOX_NORMALIZE_MEANS.expand_as(targets))
  43. / self.BBOX_NORMALIZE_STDS.expand_as(targets))
  44. return targets
  45. def _sample_rois_pytorch(self, all_rois, gt_boxes, fg_rois_per_image, rois_per_image, num_classes):
  46. """
  47. Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
  48. examples.
  49. :param all_rois : shape [batch_size, 2020, 5]
  50. 2020=num_region_proposal+num_max_gt
  51. :param gt_boxes : shape torch.tensor [batch_size,20,5]
  52. 从annotation.txt文件中读取出来的坐标信息,经过尺度变换后
  53. :param fg_rois_per_image: 128*0.25=32
  54. :param rois_per_image: 128
  55. :param num_classes:
  56. """
  57. # overlaps: (rois x gt_boxes)
  58. overlaps = bbox_overlaps_batch(all_rois, gt_boxes)
  59. '''
  60. 计算batch size中所有训练图像的region proposal与gt_boxes之间的overlap
  61. overlaps shape [batch_size,2020,20]
  62. 2020=num_region_proposal+num_max_gt
  63. '''
  64. max_overlaps, gt_assignment = torch.max(overlaps, 2)
  65. '''
  66. 对于batch size中的每张图像,RPN所给定的每个region proposal,遍历所有的gt_boxes
  67. 得到当前region proposal与哪个gt_boxes的overlap最大,就认为当前的region proposal与
  68. gt_boxes的overlap是多少,region proposal的ground truth类别也与之对应
  69. '''
  70. batch_size = overlaps.size(0)
  71. num_proposal = overlaps.size(1)
  72. num_boxes_per_img = overlaps.size(2)
  73. offset = torch.arange(0, batch_size)*gt_boxes.size(1)
  74. offset = offset.view(-1, 1).type_as(gt_assignment) + gt_assignment
  75. # changed indexing way for pytorch 1.0
  76. labels = gt_boxes[:,:,4].contiguous().view(-1)[(offset.view(-1),)].view(batch_size, -1)
  77. labels_batch = labels.new(batch_size, rois_per_image).zero_()
  78. rois_batch = all_rois.new(batch_size, rois_per_image, 5).zero_()
  79. gt_rois_batch = all_rois.new(batch_size, rois_per_image, 5).zero_()
  80. # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than max_fg_rois_per_image
  81. # foreground RoIs
  82. for i in range(batch_size):
  83. fg_inds = torch.nonzero(max_overlaps[i] >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH).view(-1)
  84. fg_num_rois = fg_inds.numel()
  85. # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
  86. bg_inds = torch.nonzero((max_overlaps[i] < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI) &
  87. (max_overlaps[i] >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO)).view(-1)
  88. bg_num_rois = bg_inds.numel()
  89. if fg_num_rois > 0 and bg_num_rois > 0:
  90. # sampling fg
  91. fg_rois_per_this_image = min(fg_rois_per_image, fg_num_rois)
  92. '''
  93. 对于batch size中的每张图像,从所有正样本region proposal挑选出128*0.25=32
  94. 个正样本,(如果正样本的数量小于32)则将所有的正样本ROI都训练
  95. '''
  96. rand_num = torch.from_numpy(np.random.permutation(fg_num_rois)).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
  97. fg_inds = fg_inds[rand_num[:fg_rois_per_this_image]]
  98. # sampling bg
  99. bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
  100. # Seems torch.rand has a bug, it will generate very large number and make an error.
  101. # We use numpy rand instead.
  102. #rand_num = (torch.rand(bg_rois_per_this_image) * bg_num_rois).long().cuda()
  103. rand_num = np.floor(np.random.rand(bg_rois_per_this_image) * bg_num_rois)
  104. rand_num = torch.from_numpy(rand_num).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
  105. bg_inds = bg_inds[rand_num]
  106. elif fg_num_rois > 0 and bg_num_rois == 0:
  107. # sampling fg
  108. #rand_num = torch.floor(torch.rand(rois_per_image) * fg_num_rois).long().cuda()
  109. rand_num = np.floor(np.random.rand(rois_per_image) * fg_num_rois)
  110. rand_num = torch.from_numpy(rand_num).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
  111. fg_inds = fg_inds[rand_num]
  112. fg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image
  113. bg_rois_per_this_image = 0
  114. elif bg_num_rois > 0 and fg_num_rois == 0:
  115. # sampling bg
  116. #rand_num = torch.floor(torch.rand(rois_per_image) * bg_num_rois).long().cuda()
  117. rand_num = np.floor(np.random.rand(rois_per_image) * bg_num_rois)
  118. rand_num = torch.from_numpy(rand_num).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
  119. bg_inds = bg_inds[rand_num]
  120. bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image
  121. fg_rois_per_this_image = 0
  122. else:
  123. raise ValueError("bg_num_rois = 0 and fg_num_rois = 0, this should not happen!")
  124. # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
  125. keep_inds = torch.cat([fg_inds, bg_inds], 0)
  126. # Select sampled values from various arrays:
  127. labels_batch[i].copy_(labels[i][keep_inds])
  128. # Clamp labels for the background RoIs to 0
  129. if fg_rois_per_this_image < rois_per_image:
  130. labels_batch[i][fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0
  131. rois_batch[i] = all_rois[i][keep_inds]
  132. rois_batch[i,:,0] = i
  133. gt_rois_batch[i] = gt_boxes[i][gt_assignment[i][keep_inds]]
  134. '''
  135. (1)rois_batch.shape,(batch_size, 128, 5),
  136. 用于对Fast R-CNN训练的rois,
  137. 对于batch size中的每张训练图像随机选出了128个正负样本(比例1:3)region proposal
  138. 其中5列的第一列表示当前的region proposal是属于batch size中哪张图像的图像索引编号
  139. 后面4列表示所挑选出来的region proposal在输入图像空间分辨率上的位置坐标值
  140. 这128个rois就是用于训练Fast R-CNN的,其中既有正样本也有负样本,
  141. 但是在Fast R-CNN,是认为RPN所传送给它的
  142. 2000个region proposal都是很好的(考虑过一定信息的)区域候选框
  143. (2)labels_batch.shape,(batch_size, 128),
  144. 用于对Fast R-CNN训练的rois,
  145. 对于batch size中的每张训练图像的128个region proposal的ground truth类别
  146. range (0,num_classes-1)
  147. (3)gt_rois_batch.shape,(batch_size, 128, 5)
  148. 用于对Fast R-CNN训练的rois,
  149. 对于batch size中的每张训练图像的128个region proposal的坐标值ground truth(编码之前)
  150. 注意前四列表示每个region proposal对应的ground truth boxes坐标值
  151. [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]还是在经过尺度变换的输入图像的空间分辨率上
  152. 最后一列表示rois对应的ground truth类别标签 0代表背景,
  153. '''
  154. bbox_target_data = self._compute_targets_pytorch(
  155. rois_batch[:,:,1:5], gt_rois_batch[:,:,:4])
  156. '''
  157. bbox_target_data才是对于rois_batch[batch_size,128,4]原始的在输入图像空间分辨率上面的
  158. region proposal与在输入图像空间分辨率上面的gt_rois_batch进行编码,
  159. 注意编码后的位置偏移量是相当于认为现在的region proposal为anchor的编码方式
  160. 而与之前RPN anchor 的空间分辨率没有任何关系
  161. 现在得到的编码偏移量是gt_boxes相对于region proposal的偏移量
  162. 这时的bbox_target_data是对于batch*128个region proposal全部进行位置编码,
  163. 无论region proposal是正样本还是负样本
  164. 如果region proposal是负样本,则认为它对应的gt_boxes 是在当前输入图像中
  165. 与它具有最大overlap的gt_boxes,然后对region proposal进行编码
  166. '''
  167. bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
  168. self._get_bbox_regression_labels_pytorch(bbox_target_data,
  169. labels_batch,
  170. num_classes)
  171. '''
  172. (1)bbox_targets : shape [batch_size,128,4]
  173. 正样本的target偏移量不为0 负样本的target偏移量为0
  174. (2)bbox_inside_weights : shape [batch_size,128,4]
  175. 表示batch size的当前图像中,128个region proposal中
  176. 哪些region proposal是正样本,哪些region proposal是负样本
  177. 正样本为1 负样本为0
  178. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  179. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  180. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  181. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  182. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  183. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  184. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  185. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  186. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  187. [1., 1., 1., 1.],
  188. [0., 0., 0., 0.],
  189. [0., 0., 0., 0.],
  190. [0., 0., 0., 0.],
  191. [0., 0., 0., 0.],
  192. [0., 0., 0., 0.],
  193. ……
  194. '''
  195. return labels_batch, rois_batch, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights


labels_batch (batch_size, 128) 用于对Fast R-CNN训练的rois,对于batch size中的每张训练图像的128个region proposal的ground truth类别
range (0,num_classes-1)
rois_batch (batch_size, 128, 5) 用于对Fast R-CNN训练的rois,对于batch size中的每张训练图像随机选出了128个正负样本(比例1:3)region proposal,其中5列的第一列表示当前的region proposal是属于batch size中哪张图像的图像索引编号,后面4列表示所挑选出来的region proposal在输入图像空间分辨率上的位置坐标值
bbox_targets (batch_size, 128, 4) 正样本的target偏移量不为0 负样本的target偏移量为0,这里的编码偏移量是gt_boxes相对于region proposal的偏移量
bbox_inside_weights (batch_size, 128, 4) 表示batch size的当前图像中,128个region proposal中,哪些region proposal是正样本,哪些region proposal是负样本 正样本为1 负样本为0
bbox_outside_weights (batch_size, 128, 4) bbox_outside_weights = (bbox_inside_weights > 0).float() 其中数值与bbox_inside_weights相同,只是将其变为浮点数格式

5.对[batch_size,128,4]region proposal进行ROI Pooling

pooled_feat = self.RCNN_roi_pool(base_feat, rois.view(-1,5))

输出的pooled_feat shape [batch_size*128,1024,7,7]

对于batch size中的每张图像,对于128个region proposal,根据它在rois_batch即输入图像空间分辨率上的位置坐标信息先映射到resnet.layer3输出的特征图上(output stride=16,output channels=1024),然后再从特征图上扣取出相应特征块(对于不同的region proposal,特征块的分辨率可能不同),然后统一变到77,通道数还是1024,对于batch size中的每张图像需要抠取128个77的特征块。

6.pooled_feat = self._head_to_tail(pooled_feat)

将从RPN和Fast R-CNN模型的shared feature map上抠取下来的特征块pooled_feat(shape:[batch_size128,1024,7,7])送入resnet.layer4进一步提取特征,得到shape为[batch_size,128,2048,3,3],然后再在这个33特征块上进行global average pooling,得到shape [batch_size128,2048],即对于batch size每张图像中的128个正负样本region proposal,得到2048维度的特征向量。

然后将这个特征向量分别送入两个全连接层:classifier 从2048->num_classes(数据集中的类别数+1个背景),regression:从2048->4,分别输出[batch_size128,num_classes]的类别概率预测值和[batch_size128,4]的位置偏移量预测值。

bbox_pred = self.RCNN_bbox_pred(pooled_feat)

cls_score = self.RCNN_cls_score(pooled_feat)


  1. def _head_to_tail(self, pool5):
  2. fc7 = self.RCNN_top(pool5).mean(3).mean(2)
  3. return fc7
  4. '''
  5. self.RCNN_top = nn.Sequential(resnet.layer4)
  6. '''

7.计算Fast R-CNN模型的损失函数

RCNN_loss_cls = F.cross_entropy(cls_score, rois_label)

RCNN_loss_bbox = _smooth_l1_loss(bbox_pred, rois_target,
rois_inside_ws, rois_outside_ws)

分类同样使用交叉熵损失函数,会对batch size*128个region proposal分类结果进行平均

回归也是对于所有正样本进行计算回归损失,但是进行平均的时候还是将分母设置成batch size*128进行平均,再不像RPN那样继续加权值。

  1. def _smooth_l1_loss(bbox_pred, bbox_targets,
  2. bbox_inside_weights, bbox_outside_weights,
  3. sigma=1.0, dim=[1]):
  4. sigma_2 = sigma ** 2
  5. box_diff = bbox_pred - bbox_targets
  6. in_box_diff = bbox_inside_weights * box_diff
  7. abs_in_box_diff = torch.abs(in_box_diff)
  8. smoothL1_sign = (abs_in_box_diff < 1. / sigma_2).detach().float()
  9. in_loss_box = torch.pow(in_box_diff, 2) * (sigma_2 / 2.) * smoothL1_sign \
  10. + (abs_in_box_diff - (0.5 / sigma_2)) * (1. - smoothL1_sign)
  11. out_loss_box = bbox_outside_weights * in_loss_box
  12. loss_box = out_loss_box
  13. for i in sorted(dim, reverse=True):
  14. loss_box = loss_box.sum(i)
  15. loss_box = loss_box.mean()
  16. return loss_box

以上,我们就把Faster R-CNN前向传播的所有过程都看过一遍了。

五、Faster R-CNN图示



上面的讲解中,我们是把Faster R-CNN的骨干网络分成几部来讲解,下面我们重新阅读梳理一遍它的核心代码:

  1. #---对应jwyang项目/lib/model/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn.py
  2. '''
  3. 搭建Faster_rcnn骨架
  4. 1)RCNN_base,就是我们说的backbone,只约定名字,由子类实现。
  5. 2)RCNN_rpn,分两部分,一为上面写好的_RPN类,二为_ProposalTargetLayer类
  6. 3)RCNN_roi_pool/RCNN_roi_align
  7. 4)_head_to_tail,只约定名字,由子类实现。
  8. 5)RCNN_bbox_pred,只约定名字,由子类实现。
  9. 6)RCNN_cls_score,只约定名字,由子类实现。
  10. 7)init_modules,只约定名字,由子类实现,因为我们不知道子类具体会采用什么backbone。
  11. 8)_init_weights,初始化网络里的参数,因为约定好了各部分名字,所以可以在这里通过名字提取参数。
  12. '''
  13. import random
  14. import torch
  15. import torch.nn as nn
  16. import torch.nn.functional as F
  17. from torch.autograd import Variable
  18. import torchvision.models as models
  19. from torch.autograd import Variable
  20. import numpy as np
  21. from model.utils.config import cfg
  22. from model.rpn.rpn import _RPN
  23. from model.roi_layers import ROIAlign, ROIPool
  24. # from model.roi_pooling.modules.roi_pool import _RoIPooling
  25. # from model.roi_align.modules.roi_align import RoIAlignAvg
  26. from model.rpn.proposal_target_layer_cascade import _ProposalTargetLayer
  27. import time
  28. import pdb
  29. from model.utils.net_utils import _smooth_l1_loss, _crop_pool_layer, _affine_grid_gen, _affine_theta
  30. class _fasterRCNN(nn.Module):
  31. """ faster RCNN """
  32. def __init__(self, classes, class_agnostic):
  33. super(_fasterRCNN, self).__init__()
  34. self.classes = classes
  35. self.n_classes = len(classes)
  36. self.class_agnostic = class_agnostic
  37. '''
  38. class_agnostic控制bbox的回归方式,与之对应的是class_specific
  39. 很好理解,agnostic的话就是不管啥类别,把bbox调整到有东西(类别非0)即可
  40. specific的话,必须要调整到确定的class
  41. 一般我们推荐使用class_agnostic,一模型(代码)简单,二参数数量少内存开销小运行速度快,
  42. 三对结果而言没什么太大影响.
  43. '''
  44. # loss
  45. self.RCNN_loss_cls = 0
  46. self.RCNN_loss_bbox = 0
  47. # define rpn
  48. self.RCNN_rpn = _RPN(self.dout_base_model)
  49. self.RCNN_proposal_target = _ProposalTargetLayer(self.n_classes)
  50. # self.RCNN_roi_pool = _RoIPooling(cfg.POOLING_SIZE, cfg.POOLING_SIZE, 1.0/16.0)
  51. # self.RCNN_roi_align = RoIAlignAvg(cfg.POOLING_SIZE, cfg.POOLING_SIZE, 1.0/16.0)
  52. self.RCNN_roi_pool = ROIPool((cfg.POOLING_SIZE, cfg.POOLING_SIZE), 1.0/16.0)
  53. self.RCNN_roi_align = ROIAlign((cfg.POOLING_SIZE, cfg.POOLING_SIZE), 1.0/16.0, 0)
  54. def forward(self, im_data, im_info, gt_boxes, num_boxes):
  55. '''
  56. input param
  57. :param im_data: data shape: [batch_size,3,H,w]
  58. :param im_info: im_info shape: [batch_size,3] 3: 用于训练的高宽,缩放比
  59. :param gt_boxes: gt_boxes shape: [batch_size,20,5]
  60. :param num_boxes: num_boxes shape : [batch_size, up to data ]
  61. :return:
  62. '''
  63. batch_size = im_data.size(0)
  64. im_info = im_info.data
  65. gt_boxes = gt_boxes.data
  66. num_boxes = num_boxes.data
  67. # feed image data to base model to obtain base feature map
  68. '''
  69. 1.RCNN_base只声明名称,定义由子类实现
  70. 此处我们选用ResNet101的Layer1~3
  71. 产出base feature map,shape=(bs,256*expansion,H/16,w/16)= (bs,1024,14,14)
  72. '''
  73. base_feat = self.RCNN_base(im_data)
  74. # feed base feature map tp RPN to obtain rois
  75. '''
  76. 2.1 RPN网络,rois shape:[batch_size,2000,5],nms后的前2000个框[i,x1,y1,x2,y2]
  77. '''
  78. rois, rpn_loss_cls, rpn_loss_bbox = self.RCNN_rpn(base_feat, im_info, gt_boxes, num_boxes)
  79. # if it is training phrase, then use ground trubut bboxes for refining
  80. if self.training:
  81. # 2.2 RCNN_proposal_target
  82. '''
  83. RCNN_proposal_target
  84. roi_data includes :
  85. rois --> rois_batch: shape [batch_size,128,5]
  86. 128: positive examples : negative examples = 1: 3
  87. 5 : [i,x1,y1,x2,y2] i:index of image
  88. rois_label --> label_batch: shape [batch_size,128]
  89. 128 : 128 examples'classes range-->[0,num_classes-1]
  90. rois_target --> bbox_target : shape [batch_size, 128, 4]
  91. 4 : offset --> positive example offset isn't 0,negative is
  92. rois_inside_ws --> bbox_inside_weights : shape [batch_size,128,4]
  93. 4 : positive example is [1,1,1,1],negative example is [0,0,0,0]
  94. rois_ioutside_ws --> bbox_outside_weights :shape [batch_size,128,4]
  95. 4: bbox_outside_weights = (bbox_inside_weights > 0).float()
  96. '''
  97. roi_data = self.RCNN_proposal_target(rois, gt_boxes, num_boxes)
  98. rois, rois_label, rois_target, rois_inside_ws, rois_outside_ws = roi_data
  99. rois_label = Variable(rois_label.view(-1).long())
  100. rois_target = Variable(rois_target.view(-1, rois_target.size(2)))
  101. rois_inside_ws = Variable(rois_inside_ws.view(-1, rois_inside_ws.size(2)))
  102. rois_outside_ws = Variable(rois_outside_ws.view(-1, rois_outside_ws.size(2)))
  103. else:
  104. rois_label = None
  105. rois_target = None
  106. rois_inside_ws = None
  107. rois_outside_ws = None
  108. rpn_loss_cls = 0
  109. rpn_loss_bbox = 0
  110. rois = Variable(rois)
  111. # do roi pooling based on predicted rois
  112. # 3.ROI POOLING层
  113. if cfg.POOLING_MODE == 'align':
  114. pooled_feat = self.RCNN_roi_align(base_feat, rois.view(-1, 5))
  115. elif cfg.POOLING_MODE == 'pool':
  116. pooled_feat = self.RCNN_roi_pool(base_feat, rois.view(-1,5))
  117. # feed pooled features to top model
  118. # 4._head_to_tail
  119. '''
  120. 将pooled features 输入到top model中
  121. 本例中top model为ResNet Layer4,在子类中定义,先返回(bs,512*expansion, /2,/2)
  122. 再经过mean(3),mean(2),得到 pooled_feat,shape=(bs,512*4)
  123. '''
  124. pooled_feat = self._head_to_tail(pooled_feat)
  125. # compute bbox offset
  126. '''
  127. 5.RCNN_bbox_pred ,利用pooled_feat计算bbox offset。
  128. 定义在子类中。本例中,RCNN_bbox_pred是一个全连接层。
  129. 开启class_agnostic的情况下,把(bs,512*4)映射到(bs,4)上
  130. '''
  131. bbox_pred = self.RCNN_bbox_pred(pooled_feat)
  132. if self.training and not self.class_agnostic:
  133. # select the corresponding columns according to roi labels
  134. bbox_pred_view = bbox_pred.view(bbox_pred.size(0), int(bbox_pred.size(1) / 4), 4)
  135. bbox_pred_select = torch.gather(bbox_pred_view, 1, rois_label.view(rois_label.size(0), 1, 1).expand(rois_label.size(0), 1, 4))
  136. bbox_pred = bbox_pred_select.squeeze(1)
  137. # compute object classification probability
  138. '''
  139. 6.利用pooled_feat计算分类概率
  140. RCNN_cls_score本例中是一个全连接层,将512*4映射到n_classes维上
  141. 得到 shape=(bs,n_classes)
  142. '''
  143. cls_score = self.RCNN_cls_score(pooled_feat)
  144. cls_prob = F.softmax(cls_score, 1)
  145. RCNN_loss_cls = 0
  146. RCNN_loss_bbox = 0
  147. if self.training:
  148. # classification loss
  149. RCNN_loss_cls = F.cross_entropy(cls_score, rois_label)
  150. # bounding box regression L1 loss
  151. RCNN_loss_bbox = _smooth_l1_loss(bbox_pred, rois_target, rois_inside_ws, rois_outside_ws)
  152. cls_prob = cls_prob.view(batch_size, rois.size(1), -1)
  153. bbox_pred = bbox_pred.view(batch_size, rois.size(1), -1)
  154. return rois, cls_prob, bbox_pred, rpn_loss_cls, rpn_loss_bbox, RCNN_loss_cls, RCNN_loss_bbox, rois_label
  155. def _init_weights(self):
  156. def normal_init(m, mean, stddev, truncated=False):
  157. """
  158. weight initalizer: truncated normal and random normal.
  159. """
  160. # x is a parameter
  161. if truncated:
  162. m.weight.data.normal_().fmod_(2).mul_(stddev).add_(mean) # not a perfect approximation
  163. else:
  164. m.weight.data.normal_(mean, stddev)
  165. m.bias.data.zero_()
  166. normal_init(self.RCNN_rpn.RPN_Conv, 0, 0.01, cfg.TRAIN.TRUNCATED)
  167. normal_init(self.RCNN_rpn.RPN_cls_score, 0, 0.01, cfg.TRAIN.TRUNCATED)
  168. normal_init(self.RCNN_rpn.RPN_bbox_pred, 0, 0.01, cfg.TRAIN.TRUNCATED)
  169. normal_init(self.RCNN_cls_score, 0, 0.01, cfg.TRAIN.TRUNCATED)
  170. normal_init(self.RCNN_bbox_pred, 0, 0.001, cfg.TRAIN.TRUNCATED)
  171. def create_architecture(self):
  172. self._init_modules()
  173. self._init_weights()