Analysis, visualization, and integration of spatial datasets with Seurat
Seurat 新版教程:分析空间转录组数据

对于10X空间转录组数据而言,可以使用官方软件space ranger对原始数据进行处理。

  1. spaceranger mkfastq ##将bcl数据转换成fastq数据
  2. spaceranger count ##将fastq数据转换成空间特征矩阵
  3. spaceranger aggr ##可以将同分组,同流程的样本进行合并



  1. ├── analysis
  2. |---├── clustering
  3. │---├── diffexp
  4. │---├── pca
  5. │---├── tsne
  6. │---└── umap
  7. ├── cloupe.cloupe
  8. ├── filtered_feature_bc_matrix ##需要的表达矩阵结果
  9. │---├── barcodes.tsv.gz
  10. │---├── features.tsv.gz
  11. │---└── matrix.mtx.gz
  12. ├── filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 ##需要的表达矩阵结果
  13. ├── metrics_summary.csv
  14. ├── molecule_info.h5
  15. ├── possorted_genome_bam.bam
  16. ├── possorted_genome_bam.bam.bai
  17. ├── raw_feature_bc_matrix
  18. │---├── barcodes.tsv.gz
  19. │---├── features.tsv.gz
  20. │---└── matrix.mtx.gz
  21. ├── raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5
  22. ├── spatial # 空间信息全在这 :这些文件是用户提供的原始全分辨率brightfield图像的下采样版本。
  23. 下采样是通过box滤波实现的,它对全分辨率图像中像素块的RGB值进行平均,得到下采样图像中一个像素点的RGB值。
  24. │---├── aligned_fiducials.jpg 这个图像的尺寸是tissue_hires_image.png。由基准对齐算法发现的基准点用红色高亮显示。此文件对于验证基准对齐是否成功非常有用。
  25. │---├── detected_tissue_image.jpg
  26. │---├── scalefactors_json.json
  27. │---├── tissue_hires_image.png 图像的最大尺寸为2,000像素
  28. │---├── tissue_lowres_image.png 图像的最大尺寸为600像素。
  29. │---└── tissue_positions_list.csv
  30. └── web_summary.html

一般需要的是 filtered_feature_bc_matrix/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5数据,和对应的空间信息。



  1. ?Load10X_Spatial
  2. Load10X_Spatial(
  3. data.dir,
  4. filename = "filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5",
  5. assay = "Spatial",
  6. slice = "slice1",
  7. filter.matrix = TRUE,
  8. to.upper = FALSE,
  9. ...
  10. )
  11. data.dir: Directory containing the matrix.mtx, genes.tsv (or features.tsv), and barcodes.tsv files provided by 10X. A vector or named vector can be given in order to load several data directories. If a named vector is given, the cell barcode names will be prefixed with the name.
  12. filename: Name of H5 file containing the feature barcode matrix, ps:默认读取的是"filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5"文件
  13. assay : Name of the initial assay
  14. slice : Name for the stored image of the tissue slice
  15. filter.matrix : Only keep spots that have been determined to be over tissue
  16. to.upper : Converts all feature names to upper case. Can be useful when analyses require comparisons between human and mouse gene names for example.
  17. brain<-Seurat::Load10X_Spatial("data/V1_Mouse_Brain_Sagittal_Anterio/")

The visium data from 10x consists of the following data types:

  • A spot by gene expression matrix
  • An image of the tissue slice (obtained from H&E staining during data acquisition)
  • Scaling factors that relate the original high resolution image to the lower resolution image used here for visualization.

In the Seurat object, the spot by gene expression matrix is similar to a typical “RNA” Assay but contains spot level, not single-cell level data. The image itself is stored in a new images slot in the Seurat object. The images slot also stores the information necessary to associate spots with their physical position on the tissue image.


  1. ###数据在切片上的整体基因表达情况
  2. plot1 <- VlnPlot(brain, features = "nCount_Spatial", pt.size = 0.1) + NoLegend()
  3. plot2 <- SpatialFeaturePlot(brain, features = "nCount_Spatial") + theme(legend.position = "right")
  4. wrap_plots(plot1, plot2)



  1. ###对数据进行标准化处理
  2. brain <- SCTransform(brain, assay = "Spatial", verbose = FALSE)



  1. SpatialFeaturePlot(brain, features = c("Hpca", "Ttr"))


  1. ##相关参数设置
  2. pt.size.factor- This will scale the size of the spots. Default is 1.6
  3. alpha - minimum and maximum transparency. Default is c(1, 1).
  4. Try setting to alpha c(0.1, 1), to downweight the transparency of points with lower expression
  5. #相关参数修改
  6. p1 <- SpatialFeaturePlot(brain, features = "Ttr", pt.size.factor = 1)
  7. p2 <- SpatialFeaturePlot(brain, features = "Ttr", alpha = c(0.1, 1))
  8. p1 + p2



使用与scRNA-seq分析相同的工作流程,对空间转录组数据进行聚类。使用 graph-based clustering approach方法进行聚类。

  1. brain <- RunPCA(brain, assay = "SCT", verbose = FALSE)
  2. brain <- FindNeighbors(brain, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
  3. brain <- FindClusters(brain, verbose = FALSE)
  4. brain <- RunUMAP(brain, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)


  1. ####可视化查看
  2. p1 <- DimPlot(brain, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE)
  3. p2 <- SpatialDimPlot(brain, label = TRUE, label.size = 3)
  4. p1 + p2

You can also use the cells.highlight parameter to demarcate particular cells of interest on a SpatialDimPlot

  1. ##查看特定类的情况
  2. SpatialDimPlot(brain, cells.highlight = CellsByIdentities(object = brain, idents = c(2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 8)), facet.highlight = TRUE, ncol = 3)



Both SpatialDimPlot and SpatialFeaturePlot now have an interactive parameter, that when set to TRUE, will open up the Rstudio viewer pane with an interactive Shiny plot.

  1. ##Interactive plotting
  2. SpatialDimPlot(brain, interactive = TRUE)

For SpatialFeaturePlot, setting interactive to TRUE brings up an interactive pane in which you can adjust the transparency of the spots, the point size, as well as the Assay and feature being plotted.

  1. SpatialFeaturePlot(brain, features = "Ttr", interactive = TRUE)

The LinkedDimPlot function links the UMAP representation to the tissue image representation and allows for interactive selection.

  1. LinkedDimPlot(brain)


  1. The first is to perform differential expression based on pre-annotated anatomical regions within the tissue, which may be determined either from unsupervised clustering or prior knowledge.This strategy works will in this case, as the clusters above exhibit clear spatial restriction.


  1. ##识别两个cluster中的差异基因
  2. de_markers <- FindMarkers(brain, ident.1 = 4, ident.2 = 6)
  3. SpatialFeaturePlot(object = brain, features = rownames(de_markers)[1:3], alpha = c(0.1, 1), ncol = 3)


  1. An alternative approach, implemented in FindSpatiallyVariables, is to search for features exhibiting spatial patterning in the absence of pre-annotation. The default method (method = 'markvariogram).


  1. brain <- FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures(brain, assay = "SCT", features = VariableFeatures(brain)[1:1000], selection.method = "markvariogram")
  2. ###查看显著的基因
  3. top.features <- head(SpatiallyVariableFeatures(brain, selection.method = "markvariogram"), 6)
  4. SpatialFeaturePlot(brain, features = top.features, ncol = 3, alpha = c(0.1, 1))



  1. ###Subset out anatomical regions 划分解剖区域
  2. cortex <- subset(brain, idents = c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7))
  3. # now remove additional cells, use SpatialDimPlots to visualize what to remove
  4. # SpatialDimPlot(cortex,cells.highlight = WhichCells(cortex, expression = image_imagerow > 400 | image_imagecol < 150))
  5. cortex <- subset(cortex, anterior1_imagerow > 400 | anterior1_imagecol < 150, invert = TRUE)
  6. cortex <- subset(cortex, anterior1_imagerow > 275 & anterior1_imagecol > 370, invert = TRUE)
  7. cortex <- subset(cortex, anterior1_imagerow > 250 & anterior1_imagecol > 440, invert = TRUE)
  8. ###
  9. p1 <- SpatialDimPlot(cortex, crop = TRUE, label = TRUE)
  10. p2 <- SpatialDimPlot(cortex, crop = FALSE, label = TRUE, pt.size.factor = 1, label.size = 3)
  11. p1 + p2



预处理scRNA-seq 参考数据集,然后执行标签传输。该过程为每个spot输出每个scRNA-seq派生类的概率分类。我们将这些预测添加到Seurat对象中作为新的试验。

  1. allen_reference <- readRDS("~/Downloads/allen_cortex.rds")
  2. # note that setting ncells=3000 normalizes the full dataset but learns noise models on 3k cells
  3. # this speeds up SCTransform dramatically with no loss in performance
  4. library(dplyr)
  5. allen_reference <- SCTransform(allen_reference, ncells = 3000, verbose = FALSE) %>% RunPCA(verbose = FALSE) %>% RunUMAP(dims = 1:30)
  6. # After subsetting, we renormalize cortex
  7. cortex <- SCTransform(cortex, assay = "Spatial", verbose = FALSE) %>% RunPCA(verbose = FALSE)
  8. # the annotation is stored in the 'subclass' column of object metadata
  9. DimPlot(allen_reference, group.by = "subclass", label = TRUE)


  1. # get prediction scores for each spot for each class
  2. anchors <- FindTransferAnchors(reference = allen_reference, query = cortex, normalization.method = "SCT")
  3. predictions.assay <- TransferData(anchorset = anchors, refdata = allen_reference$subclass, prediction.assay = TRUE, weight.reduction = cortex[["pca"]])
  4. cortex[["predictions"]] <- predictions.assay

Here we can distinguish between distinct sequential layers of these neuronal subtypes

  1. DefaultAssay(cortex) <- "predictions"
  2. SpatialFeaturePlot(cortex, features = c("L2/3 IT", "L4"), pt.size.factor = 1.6, ncol = 2, crop = TRUE)

Based on these prediction scores, we can also predict cell types whose location is spatially restricted. 利用预测得分获得细胞类型
We use the same methods based on marked point processes to define spatially variable features, but use the cell type prediction scores as the “marks” rather than gene expression. 利用预测得分去定义空间变量特征

  1. cortex <- FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures(cortex, assay = "predictions", selection.method = "markvariogram", features = rownames(cortex), r.metric = 5, slot = "data")
  2. top.clusters <- head(SpatiallyVariableFeatures(cortex), 4)
  3. SpatialPlot(object = cortex, features = top.clusters, ncol = 2)

show that our integrative procedure

  1. SpatialFeaturePlot(cortex, features = c("Astro", "L2/3 IT", "L4", "L5 PT", "L5 IT", "L6 CT", "L6 IT",
  2. "L6b", "Oligo"), pt.size.factor = 1, ncol = 2, crop = FALSE, alpha = c(0.1, 1))


Working with multiple slices in Seurat

  1. ##Working with multiple slices in Seurat
  2. brain2 <- LoadData("stxBrain", type = "posterior1")
  3. brain2 <- SCTransform(brain2, assay = "Spatial", verbose = FALSE)
  4. ###merge函数合并数据
  5. brain.merge <- merge(brain, brain2)
  6. ###聚类
  7. DefaultAssay(brain.merge) <- "SCT"
  8. VariableFeatures(brain.merge) <- c(VariableFeatures(brain), VariableFeatures(brain2))
  9. brain.merge <- RunPCA(brain.merge, verbose = FALSE)
  10. brain.merge <- FindNeighbors(brain.merge, dims = 1:30)
  11. brain.merge <- FindClusters(brain.merge, verbose = FALSE)
  12. brain.merge <- RunUMAP(brain.merge, dims = 1:30)
  13. ##查看
  14. DimPlot(brain.merge, reduction = "umap", group.by = c("ident", "orig.ident"))
  15. SpatialDimPlot(brain.merge)
  16. SpatialFeaturePlot(brain.merge, features = c("Hpca", "Plp1"))