1.Precautions for Firstly Calibration

i). If the exposure is too high while you are using steel plate to do firstly calibration,you can insert a paper from the gap on the lid to cover the inside light,but need to ensure that the paper cannot block the second reflect lens base.
ii). It’s better to use steel plate and 530*380mm white paper while doing firstly calibration,and ensure the big white paper should be placed totaly flat,and the paper should be aligned with the end of both Y-axis slider.

2.Precautions for Comprehensive Test

i). Make sure the desk for setting laerbox must be placed flat while use IR to detective the thickness of unknow materials.The error range for a total new laserbox for testing the thickness of unknow material is around 0-0.5mm,if the laserbox has been used for a while,error range will be a little lager.
ii). If laserbox cannot detective the thickness accurately,you can test the thickness by using a ruler and input it manually to laserbox software.
iii). It’s better to set the power for laserhead between 8-10W,if the power is over 10W,it will be laser through the Cardboard.we need to engrave on the Cardboard to check if laserhead losing engrave or not.

3.Precautions for Adding Antifreezing Liquid to Water Tank

i). Remove charging cable to keep safe while adding antifreezing liquid to water tank.
ii). Need to make ensure water and antifreezing liquid should be totally mixed before add to water tank, keep stiring in one direction while mixing 1.2L purified water with 1.6L antifreezing liquid slowly,after these 2 liquid mixed,keep stiring for about 2 minutes,and then place mixed liquid stationary for 5 minutes to keep intensive mixing,if antifreezing liquid cannot mixing intensive it will affect the power of laser-tube.
iii). Use a funnel to add antifreezing liquid to water tank.All the antifreezing liquid should be devided into twice add to water tank:
1.Add antifreezing liquid to almost full(under top surface of water tank),and then power on laserbox standby for about 2 minutes,reboot laserbox and standby for 2 minutes again to speed up push out the bubbles in laser-tube until we can hardly see any obviously bubbles.
2.Add the rest antifreezing liquid to water tank,and reboot laerbox standby for 2 minutes again to ensure there isn’t any obviously bubbles in laser-tube any more.

4.Precautions for Adjusting Laser-path

i). Remove charging cable to keep safe while adjusting laser-path
ii). Paste a small paper to cover the hole on the left side of laser-head,draw that hole in the pasted paper and remark the center of the hole in pasted paper.we will use that center to check if laser-path need to be adjueted to left or right by checking the position of laser dot on pasted paper.
iii). You must be ensure that the base surface of second reflection lens should be in same surface with its connection crossgirder.