title: R_2 函数date: 2021-07-11
tags: R语言
categories: 学习
mathjax: true


1. 函数的调用


2. 基础函数


表2.1 一些内置函数

函数名 功能
print() 打印
min() 求最小值
sqrt() 开方
sum() 求和
round() 取整
toupper() 返回大写字母
paste() 字符连接
nchar() 统计字符数
c() 连接成向量
seq() 返回序列

3. 必需参数和可选参数


4. 加载函数


  1. #install.packages("stringr")#注意双引号,install是下载
  2. install.packages("stringr",repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")#使用knitr时必须指定CRAN
  3. library("stringr")#总是要用library,将库加载到当前会话中
  4. str_count("Mississippi","i")#对字符串的i计数,注意字符和字符串都可以用双引号,也可以用单引号

5. 编写函数


  1. #本函数名为make_full_name,接受两个参数:名;姓,返回全名
  2. make_full_name<-function(first_name, last_name)
  3. {
  4. full_name<-paste(first_name, last_name)
  5. print(full_name) #定义函数就是会在console出现一系列加号
  6. }
  7. my_name<-make_full_name("Rush", "Hush")






6. 调试函数




porridge_temp <- 44  #粥的温度是44摄氏度
# if(porridge_temp > 50)
# {
#   print("太热了。")
# }
# else if(porridge_temp < 30)       #错误,else要紧跟上一个大括号
# {
#   print("太冷了。")
# }
temp_judge <- function(temp)
  if(porridge_temp > 50)
  }else if(porridge_temp < 30)

8. 本章练习


Exercise 1: calling built-in functions

Create a variable my_name that contains your name

my_name <- paste("Hush","Rush")

Create a variable name_length that holds how many letters (including spaces) are in your name (use the nchar() function)

name_length <- nchar(my_name)

Print the number of letters in your name

print(name_length - 1)  #there is a space

Create a variable now_doing that is your name followed by “is programming!” (use the paste() function)

now_doing <- paste(my_name , "is programming!")

Make the now_doing variable upper case

now_doing <- toupper(now_doing)


Pick two of your favorite numbers (between 1 and 100) and assign them to variables fav_1 and fav_2

fav_1 <- 2
fav_2 <- 99

Divide each number by the square root of 201 and save the new value in the original variable

fav_1 <- fav_1/sqrt(201)
fav_2 <- fav_1/sqrt(201)

Create a variable raw_sum that is the sum of the two variables. Use the sum() function for practice.

#raw_sum <- fav_1 + fav_2
raw_sum <- sum(fav_1 , fav_2)

Create a variable round_sum that is the raw_sum rounded to 1 decimal place. Use the round() function.

round_sum <- round(raw_sum,1)

Create two new variables round_1 and round_2 that are your fav_1 and fav_2 variables rounded to 1 decimal places

round_1 <- round(fav_1,1)
round_2 <- round(fav_2,1)

Create a variable sum_round that is the sum of the rounded values

sum_round <- sum(round_1,round_2)

Which is bigger, round_sum or sum_round? (You can use the max() function!)

max_round <- max(round_sum,sum_round)

Exercise 2

# Exercise 2: using built-in string functions

# Create a variable `lyric` that contains the text "I like to eat apples and 
# bananas"

lyric <- "I like to eat apples and bananas"

# Use the `substr()` function to extract the 1st through 13th letters from the 
# `lyric`, and store the result in a variable called `intro`
# Use `?substr` to see more about this function

intro <- substr(lyric,1,13)

# Use the `substr()` function to extract the 15th through the last letter of the 
# `lyric`, and store the result in a variable called `fruits`
# Hint: use `nchar()` to determine how many total letters there are!

fruits <- substr(lyric,15,nchar(lyric))

# Use the `gsub()` function to substitute all the "a"s in `fruits` with "ee".
# Store the result in a variable called `fruits_e`
# Hint: see http://www.endmemo.com/program/R/sub.php for a simpmle example (or 
# use `?gsub`)

fruits_e <- gsub("a","ee",fruits)

# Use the `gsub()` function to substitute all the "a"s in `fruits` with "o".
# Store the result in a variable called `fruits_o`

fruits_o <- gsub("a","o",fruits)

# Create a new variable `lyric_e` that is the `intro` combined with the new
# `fruits_e` ending. Print out this variable

lyric_e <- paste(intro,fruits_e)

# Without making a new variable, print out the `intro` combined with the new
# `fruits_o` ending


Exercise 3

# Exercise 3: writing and executing functions

# Define a function `add_three` that takes a single argument and
# returns a value 3 greater than the input

add_three <- function(x)

# Create a variable `ten` that is the result of passing 7 to your `add_three` 
# function

ten <- add_three(7)

# Define a function `imperial_to_metric` that takes in two arguments: a number 
# of feet and a number of inches
# The function should return the equivalent length in meters

imperial_to_metric <- function(feet,inches)
  return(feet * 0.3048 + inches * 0.0254)

# Create a variable `height_in_meters` by passing your height in imperial to the
# `imperial_to_metric` function
height_in_meters <- imperial_to_metric(4,3)

Exercise 4

# Exercise 4: functions and conditionals

# Define a function `is_twice_as_long` that takes in two character strings, and 
# returns whether or not (e.g., a boolean) the length of one argument is greater
# than or equal to twice the length of the other.
# Hint: compare the length difference to the length of the smaller string

is_twice_as_long <- function(string1,string2) #This function returns a boolean which is TRUE when lengths equal.
  length1 <- nchar(string1)
  length2 <- nchar(string2)
  if(length1 == length2)
    flag <- TRUE
  } else
    flag <- FALSE
  return (flag)

# Call your `is_twice_as_long` function by passing it different length strings
# to confirm that it works. Make sure to check when _either_ argument is twice
# as long, as well as when neither are!

test <- is_twice_as_long("abc","bnm")

# Define a function `describe_difference` that takes in two strings. The
# function should return one of the following sentences as appropriate
#   "Your first string is longer by N characters"
#   "Your second string is longer by N characters"
#   "Your strings are the same length!"

describe_difference <- function(first_string,second_string)
  len1 <- nchar(first_string)
  len2 <- nchar(second_string)
  dif <- len1 - len2
  if(dif == 0)
    print("Your strings are the same length!")
  } else if(dif > 0)
    print("Your first string is longer by ")
    print(" characters")
  } else if(dif < 0)
    print("Your second string is longer by ")
    print(" characters")

# Call your `describe_difference` function by passing it different length strings
# to confirm that it works. Make sure to check all 3 conditions1
