title: The reason I love summerdate: 2021-8-21
tags: Summer memories
categories: 不眠夜

The reason I love summer

the reason I love the summer - 图1


4 min read

the reason I love the summer - 图2

It was some 2 months ago, when the final examination of my 4th semester piled up, it seemed there was no way for me to get away with all those unwatched online courses. One day I woke up as usual in my narrow, messy room shared with other 3 guys who stayed in dreams, it suddenly came to me that maybe it’s time to do some reviewing on my courses.

I cleaned my face, brushed my teeth, filled my bag with several books and went out the room with a gentle and mild shut of the wooden cracked door — maybe installed decades ago, however a blast of wind blew the door with no mercy.

I went straight to the library for studying. Library is the few places with no coverage of plane tree leaves over the head for it stands right behind a square. The summer sky always seemed clean and clear, pure enough if only the air, much cuter if there were some clouds. Light of the sun remained so strong and dazzling even traveled through a long journey in space. I passed statues and grass scattering on the plain ground to the gate of this grand building. I loved so much of the 4th floor of the library for its long, wide hall filled with brown wooden desks and chairs with high, thin glass windows like those in the church on the both sides. That brown color was the bond connecting the past and present of this time-honored university for architectures in last century adopt it widely across China. On the other hand, this hall give me a déjà vu of my high school life which always attracts me after graduation.

I turned off the network and put my phone into the bag for keeping me away with distractions, then began to read the Analog Digital Circuits Fundamentals from the very first page. Morning breezes sometimes brought me to those days I leaned on the handrailing of a bridge in the air connecting two buildings(it is really cool and romantic to connect to buildings with bridges in the air), watching other students walking their ways to their classrooms chatting with friends or alone and it was also breezes which woke me up in the dark mornings when sun was yet to rise.

I tried to concentrate on words and equations on my book but I just cannot stop memorizing those high school days, when I earned high scores easily without reviewing, when there was no worries other than the college entrance examination, when a group of same age young people gathered together by chance everyday and I had the chance to know my closest friends, when I was still a teenager who go home every night and don’t need to considerate for living. I could watch out through the window sitting next to the wall, watching how my familiar little hometown changes every day and how lights of thousands of homes turned on every night.

It was always summer when I didn’t need to wear thick, heavy coats and went for a walk after dinner along the Yangtze River, feeling the wind blows through my whole body, seeing people enjoying themselves strolling on the embankment. Sun sank down the invisible far end of the everlasting flowing river, dyeing the entire sky into a fascinating pink color. Lights turned on one by one till the dark covered sky. When up in the sky hanged the bright moon high, poems thousands of years ago always came to me.

Who on the riverside saw first the rising moon?
When did the moon above shine first upon the soul?

After generations people would still come and go
While the river scene stays the same year after year.
I do not know whom the moon is waiting for here,
But see only the Yangtze River flow and flow.

(see here)

All the wonder wonderful things seem to be happening in the summer, all the fascinating memories bring back me to the good old days, no matter it is my teenage time, my walks along the river or those beautiful girls wearing skirts on the streets, those afternoons I want nothing other than lying on the sofa. When the summer comes, my hometown, my teenage life, days in high school and breeze from the river began to fill my head. How I wish to go back to those old days, chat with friends during the breaks one more time.

Summer brings me back to the wonderful memories, and that is why I love summer.