Layout Widget





  • Row、Column
  • Stack
  • Center
  • Container
  • ListView
  • Align
  • Padding
  • SizedBox
  • AspectRadio
  • DecoratedBox
  • Opactity




  1. class Column extends Flex {
  2. /// Creates a vertical array of children.
  3. class Row extends Flex {
  4. /// Creates a horizontal array of children.
  5. ///

从源码注释中我们了解到二者都是一个盛放children widget的array,不同的是一个是在水平方向(horizontal),另一个是竖直方向(vertical)


  1. Row({
  2. Key key,
  3. MainAxisAlignment mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.start,
  4. MainAxisSize mainAxisSize = MainAxisSize.max,
  5. CrossAxisAlignment crossAxisAlignment =,
  6. TextDirection textDirection,
  7. VerticalDirection verticalDirection = VerticalDirection.down,
  8. TextBaseline textBaseline,
  9. List children = const [],
  10. })

1.1 属性解析

1.1.1 MainAxisAlignment:


  • center:将children放置在主轴的中心;
  • end:将children放置在主轴的末尾;
  • spaceAround:将主轴方向上的空白区域均分,使得children之间的空白区域相等,但是首尾child的空白区域为1/2;
  • spaceBetween:将主轴方向上的空白区域均分,使得children之间的空白区域相等,首尾child都靠近首尾,没有间隙;
  • spaceEvenly:将主轴方向上的空白区域均分,使得children之间的空白区域相等,包括首尾child;
  • start:将children放置在主轴的起点;


1.1.2 MainAxisSize


  • max:根据传入的布局约束条件,最大化主轴方向的可用空间;
  • min:与max相反,是最小化主轴方向的可用空间;

1.1.3 CrossAxisAlignment


  • baseline:在交叉轴方向,使得children的baseline对齐;
  • center:children在交叉轴上居中展示;
  • end:children在交叉轴上末尾展示;
  • start:children在交叉轴上起点处展示;
  • stretch:让children填满交叉轴方向;



1.1.5 VerticalDirection


  • down:从top到bottom进行布局;
  • up:从bottom到top进行布局。


1.1.6 TextBaseline




8. Layout Widget - 图1


  1. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
  2. void main() {
  3. runApp(new MaterialApp(home: new LayoutDemo()));
  4. }
  5. class LayoutDemo extends StatelessWidget {
  6. @override
  7. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  8. return new Scaffold(
  9. appBar: new AppBar(
  10. title: new Text("水平方向布局"),
  11. ),
  12. //布局方向 Row:水平布局 Column:垂直布局
  13. body: new Row(
  14. mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
  15. children: [
  16. new RaisedButton(
  17. onPressed: () {
  18. print('点击红色按钮');
  19. },
  20. color: const Color(0xffff0000),
  21. child: new Text('红色按钮'),
  22. ),
  23. new RaisedButton(
  24. onPressed: () {
  25. print("点击蓝色按钮");
  26. },
  27. color: const Color(0xff000099),
  28. child: new Text('蓝色按钮'),
  29. ),
  30. new RaisedButton(
  31. onPressed: () {
  32. print("点击粉色按钮");
  33. },
  34. color: const Color(0xffee9999),
  35. child: new Text('粉色按钮'),
  36. )
  37. ],
  38. ),
  39. );
  40. ;
  41. }
  42. }


2. Stack




  1. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
  2. void main() {
  3. runApp(new MaterialApp(home: new StackLayoutDemo()));
  4. }
  5. class StackLayoutDemo extends StatelessWidget {
  6. @override
  7. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  8. return new Scaffold(
  9. appBar: new AppBar(
  10. title: new Text('层叠布局'),
  11. ),
  12. body: new Center(
  13. child: new Stack(
  14. children: [
  15. new
  16. '',
  17. scale: 0.5,
  18. ),
  19. new Positioned(
  20. left: 35.0,
  21. right: 35.0,
  22. top: 45.0,
  23. child: new Text(
  24. '第二层内容区域',
  25. style: new TextStyle(
  26. fontSize: 20.0,
  27. fontFamily: 'serif',
  28. ),
  29. )),
  30. new Positioned(
  31. left: 55.0,
  32. right: 55.0,
  33. top: 55.0,
  34. child: new Text(
  35. '第三层 this is the third child',
  36. style: new TextStyle(
  37. fontSize: 20.0,
  38. color:,
  39. fontFamily: 'serif',
  40. ),
  41. ))
  42. ],
  43. ),
  44. ));
  45. }
  46. }


Center布局使用比较简单,场景也比较单一,一般用于协助其他子widget布局,包裹其child widget显示在上层布局的中心位置。上述Stack布局中就利用Center让其显示在屏幕正中心,看下官方对Center的解释:

  1. class Center extends Align {
  2. /// Creates a widget that centers its child.
  3. const Center({ Key key, double widthFactor, double heightFactor, Widget child })
  4. : super(key: key, widthFactor: widthFactor, heightFactor: heightFactor, child: child);
  5. }


  1. //Center既中心定位控件,能够将子控件放在其内部中心。
  2. class CenterLayoutDemo extends StatelessWidget {
  3. @override
  4. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  5. return new Scaffold(
  6. appBar: new AppBar(
  7. title: new Text('中心布局'),
  8. ),
  9. body: new Center(
  10. child: new Text('我在屏幕中央'),
  11. ),
  12. );
  13. }
  14. }





  1. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
  2. void main() {
  3. runApp(new MaterialApp(home: new ListViewLayoutDemo()));
  4. }
  5. class ListViewLayoutDemo extends StatelessWidget {
  6. @override
  7. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  8. return new Scaffold(
  9. appBar: new AppBar(
  10. title: new Text('滚动布局'),
  11. ),
  12. body: new ListView(
  13. children: [
  14. new Center(
  15. child: new Text(
  16. '\n大标题',
  17. style: new TextStyle(fontFamily: 'serif', fontSize: 20.0),
  18. ),
  19. ),
  20. new Center(
  21. child: new Text(
  22. '小标题',
  23. style: new TextStyle(
  24. fontFamily: 'serif',
  25. fontSize: 12.0,
  26. ),
  27. ),
  28. ),
  29. new Center(
  30. child: new Text(
  31. '''
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  68. ''',
  69. style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 14.0),
  70. ),
  71. )
  72. ],
  73. ),
  74. );
  75. }
  76. }




  1. bottomCenter (0.5, 1.0) &####x5E95;&####x90E8;&####x4E2D;&####x5FC3;
  2. bottomLeft (0.0, 1.0) &####x5DE6;&####x4E0B;&####x89D2;
  3. bottomRight (1.0, 1.0) &####x53F3;&####x4E0B;&####x89D2;
  4. center (0.5, 0.5) &####x6C34;&####x5E73;&####x5782;&####x76F4;&####x5C45;&####x4E2D;
  5. centerLeft (0.0, 0.5) &####x5DE6;&####x8FB9;&####x7F18;&####x4E2D;&####x5FC3;
  6. centerRight (1.0, 0.5) &####x53F3;&####x8FB9;&####x7F18;&####x4E2D;&####x5FC3;
  7. topCenter (0.5, 0.0) &####x9876;&####x90E8;&####x4E2D;&####x5FC3;
  8. topLeft (0.0, 0.0) &####x5DE6;&####x4E0A;&####x89D2;
  9. topRight (1.0, 0.0) &####x53F3;&####x4E0A;&####x89D2;


8. Layout Widget - 图2


  1. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
  2. void main() {
  3. runApp(new MaterialApp(home: new AlignLayoutDemo()));
  4. }
  5. class AlignLayoutDemo extends StatelessWidget {
  6. @override
  7. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  8. return new Scaffold(
  9. appBar: new AppBar(
  10. title: new Text('Align布局'),
  11. ),
  12. body: new Stack(
  13. children: [
  14. new Align(
  15. alignment: new FractionalOffset(0.0, 0.5),
  16. child: new Text(
  17. '我在左边缘中心',
  18. style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 35.0),
  19. ),
  20. ),
  21. new Align(
  22. alignment: new FractionalOffset(1.0, 1.0),
  23. child: new Text(
  24. '我在右下角',
  25. style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 30.0),
  26. ),
  27. )
  28. ],
  29. ),
  30. );
  31. }
  32. }


SizedBox能够强制控制子控件的宽高显示,比如我指定一个宽高都为200的SiezedBox布局,其里面的child widget的宽高也就被限定死了最大宽高为SizedBox的宽高,即使他有更大的宽高。

  1. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
  2. void main() {
  3. runApp(new MaterialApp(home: new SizedBoxLayoutDemo()));
  4. }
  5. class SizedBoxLayoutDemo extends StatelessWidget {
  6. @override
  7. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  8. return new Scaffold(
  9. appBar: new AppBar(
  10. title: new Text('SizedBox布局'),
  11. ),
  12. body: new SizedBox(
  13. width: 200.0,
  14. height: 200.0,
  15. child: new Container(
  16. decoration: new BoxDecoration(color:,
  17. ),
  18. ),
  19. );
  20. }
  21. }


8. Layout Widget - 图3




8. Layout Widget - 图4

  1. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
  2. void main() {
  3. runApp(new MaterialApp(home: new OpacityLayoutDemo()));
  4. }
  5. //Opacity控件能调整子控件的不透明度,使子控件部分透明,不透明度的量从0.0到1.1之间,0.0表示完全透明,1.1表示完全不透明。
  6. class OpacityLayoutDemo extends StatelessWidget {
  7. @override
  8. Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  9. return new Scaffold(
  10. backgroundColor: Colors.white,
  11. appBar: new AppBar(
  12. title: new Text('Opacity'),
  13. ),
  14. body: new Center(
  15. child: new Stack(
  16. alignment:,
  17. children: [
  18. new Text("我在透明区域下方"),
  19. new Opacity(
  20. opacity: 0.5,
  21. child: new Container(
  22. width: 200.0,
  23. height: 220.0,
  24. decoration: new BoxDecoration(color: Colors.redAccent),
  25. ),
  26. ),
  27. ],
  28. ),
  29. ),
  30. );
  31. }
  32. }

本篇内容有点多,旨在带大家一起总结掌握Flutter中常用的几种布局,另外几种布局在现实开发中使用场景比较少,就没有逐一讲解分析, 读者感兴趣的话,可以自行查阅官方文档尝试下具体用法。