1 登录认证
server = 'xxx.xxx'
# 两种方式均可,推荐IMAP4_SSL
mail = imaplib.IMAP4(server) # 默认端口imaplib.IMAP4_PORT 143
mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(server) # 默认端口imaplib.IMAP4_SSL_PORT 993
res = mail.login(username, password)
# 登录成功: ('OK', ['Success login ok'])
# 登录失败:error: command LOGIN illegal in state AUTH, only allowed in states NONAUTH
# 退出:('BYE', ['LOGOUT received'])
2 查看邮件
# login ...
# 列出目录
print mail.list()[0]
# OK
for each in mail.list()[1]:
print each
# (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX" - 收件箱
# (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Sent Messages" - 已发送邮件
# (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Drafts" - 草稿箱
# (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Deleted Messages" - 已删除邮件
# (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Junk" - 垃圾邮件
# ...
# 选择目录
# ('OK', ['11477']) - 11477为该目录下邮件的数目
# 在该目录下按状态条件搜索
mail.search(None, 'UNSEEN')
# ('OK', ['11477'])
3 MailBox状态
Condition | Meaning |
MESSAGES | The number of messages in the mailbox. |
RECENT | The number of messages with the \\Recent flag set. |
UIDNEXT | The next unique identifier value of the mailbox. |
UIDVALIDITY | The unique identifier validity value of the mailbox. |
UNSEEN | The number of messages which do not have the \\Seen flag set. |
# ... select
# 查看未读邮件
mail.search(None, 'unseen') # or new
# 查看已读邮件
mail.search(None, 'seen')
# 按条件搜索 不生效???
mail.search(None, '(SUBJECT "test")')
mail.search(None, '(UNSEEN SUBJECT "test")')
# 修改邮件状态
mail.store('11477', '+FLAGS', '\\seen') # 设为已读
mail.store('11477', '-FLAGS', '\\seen') # 设为未读
# 删除邮件
mail.store('11477', '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted')
mail.store('11477', '-FLAGS', '\\Deleted')
# 永久删除
mail.expunge() # logout时才会真的删除
4 获取邮件内容
# ... select
# 获取header
mail.fetch('11476', '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER])')
# 获取text
mail.fetch('11476', '(BODY.PEEK[TEXT])')
# 获取全部(header+text)
mail.fetch('11476', '(RFC822)')
# 获取flags
mail.fetch('11476', '(FLAGS)')
# ================================
# 解析邮件
import email
typ, data = mail.fetch('11476', '(RFC822)')
msg = email.message_from_string(data[0][1])
print msg['from']
print msg['to']
print msg['subject']
## subject如果包含中文需要解码
text, enc = email.header.decode_header(msg['subject'])[0]
subject = text.decode(enc) if enc else text
print subject
## 发信人邮箱获取
## 邮件正文获取
if msg['sender']:
email_from = msg['sender']
elif re.findall(r'<.+?>', msg['from']):
email_from = re.findall(r'<(.+?)>', msg['from'])[0]
email_from = msg['from']
for each in mail.list()[1]:
catalog = each.split(' "/" ')[-1].replace('&', '+').decode('utf-7')
# 选择目录时按原写法即可
# 也可以反向转回去
catalog = '其他文件夹/售后'.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-7').replace('+', '&')