Privilege, Priority

Privilege and priority are two orthogonal notions, meaning they have nothing to do with each other. :::warning


It’s all about the right to do something.
Supervisor privilege indicates privileged.
A promgram is executing in Supervisor mode to indicate privileged, or User mode to indicate unprivileged. :::


It’s all about the urgency of a program to execute. Every program is assigned a priority, specifying its urgency as compared to all other programs.


The Processor Status Register, PSR

Chapter 9 I/O - 图5specifies the privilege. There are two privilege modes.

  • 1 indicates supervisor privilege
  • 0 indicates unprivileged, or user mode.

Chapter 9 I/O - 图6specifies the priority level (PL) of the program.

  • the highest priority level is 7 ( PL7 ), the lowest is PL0.
  • e.g. 000 for user, 100 for keyboard input, 110 for power supply,
    111 for machine check, which means something goes wrong.

Chapter 9 I/O - 图7contains the currnt values of the condition codes.
image.png :::

Memory Address Space of LC-3

System Space Chapter 9 I/O - 图9

It contains the various data structures and code of the operating system.

  • Privileged
  • System Space
  • Supervisor Stack
    • Supervisor Stack Pointer, SSP

      User Space Chapter 9 I/O - 图10

      All user programs and data use this region of memory.
  • Unprivileged
  • User Space
  • User Stack
    • User Stack Pointer, USP

      I/O Page Chapter 9 I/O - 图11

      It identifies registers that take part in input and output functions and some special registers associated with the processor. e.g. PSR is assigned addressChapter 9 I/O - 图12, MCR ( Master Control Register ) is assigned addressChapter 9 I/O - 图13.
  • Privileged


Stack pointer

Each space has a stack pointer. Since a program can only execute in Supervisor mode or User mode at any one time, only one of the two stacks is active at any one time.
Register 6 is generally used as the stack pointer for the active stack.
Two Registers, Chapter 9 I/O - 图14andChapter 9 I/O - 图15are provided to save the SP not in use. ::: image.png

Input / Output

Basic Characteristics

All I/O activity is controlled by instructions in the computer’s ISA. :::warning

Memory-Mapped I/O

It uses the same data movement instructions that are used for loading or storing data between memory and GPR.
The I/O device registers are mapped to a set of addresses which are allocated to I/O device registers rather than to memory locations.
The LC-3 uses memory-mapped I/O.

Another scheme : Special I/O instructions

It uses special input and output instructions to control I/O devices. :::

Asynchronous and Synchronous

I/O devices usually operate at speeds different from that of a microprocessor, and not in lockstep. Asynchronous not in lockstep with microprocessor To control processing in an asynchronous world requires some protocol or handshaking mechanism. The Simplest Form of Synchronization : flag A single flag, which is a one-bit status register, is called the ready bit. Each time the typist types a character, the ready bit is set to 1. Each time the computer reads a character, it clears the ready bit to 0.



The processor and the typist each is doing its own thing. they need to interact.
The issue of interrupt-driven and _polling _is the issue of who controls the interaction. :::

Input from the Keyboard

Input Registers

KBDR, keyboard data register

A data register that contains the character to be input. Address Chapter 9 I/O - 图17 Chapter 9 I/O - 图18are used for the data, Chapter 9 I/O - 图19containsChapter 9 I/O - 图20.

KBSR, keyboard status register

A synchronization mechanism to let the processor know that input has occured. Address Chapter 9 I/O - 图21 Chapter 9 I/O - 图22contains the synchronization mechanism, which is the ready bit.


Basic Input Service Rountine

When a key on the keyboard is struck, the ASCII code for that key is loaded intoChapter 9 I/O - 图23, and the electronic circuits associated with the keyboard automatically setChapter 9 I/O - 图24.
When the LC-3 reads KBDR, the eletronic circuits associated with the keyboard automatically clearChapter 9 I/O - 图25. :::

  3. LDI R0, KBDR
  4. BRnzp NEXT_TASK
  5. KBSR .FILL xFE00
  6. KBDR .FILL xFE02



Output to the Monitor


Output Registers

DDR, display data register

A data register that contains the character to be output.
Address Chapter 9 I/O - 图27
Chapter 9 I/O - 图28are used for the data, Chapter 9 I/O - 图29containsChapter 9 I/O - 图30.

DSR, display status register

A synchronization mechanism to let the processor know that output has occured.
Address Chapter 9 I/O - 图31
Chapter 9 I/O - 图32contains the synchronization mechanism, which is the ready bit. :::

Basic Output Service Rountine

When the LC-3 transfer an ASCII code toChapter 9 I/O - 图33for outputting, the electronics curcuits of the monitor automatically clearChapter 9 I/O - 图34as the character processing begins. When the monitor finishes processing the character on the screen, the electronic curcuits of the monitor automatically setChapter 9 I/O - 图35.

  3. STI R0, DDR
  4. BRnzp NEXT_TASK
  5. DSR .FILL xFE04
  6. DDR .FILL xFE06



image.png :::


the message printed on the monitor to let the person sitting at the keyboard know that the program is waiting for input from the keyboard.

Implementation of Memory-Mapped I/O, Revisited

image.png MIO.EN indicates whether a data movement from/to memory or I/O is to take place this clock cycle. MAR contains the address of the memory location or the memory-mapped address of an I/O device register. R.W indicates whether a load or a store is to take place.

Operating System Service Rountine

It’s not an easy way to control I/O activity with many programs, so in general it’s ill-advised to give user programmers access to these registers and the addresses of hardare registers are part of the privileged memory address space.
The simpler and safer solution to the problem of user program requiring I/O, involves the TRAP instruction and the operating system.

TRAP Mechanism

:::warning The trap mechanism involves several elements.

  1. A set of service routines executed on behalf of user programs by the operating system
  2. A table of the staring address of these 256 service routines.
    • The table is stored in memory locationsChapter 9 I/O - 图38.
    • The table is called the System Control Block or the Trap Vector Table.
  3. The TRAP instruction.
  4. A linkage back to the user program.



    TRAP and RTI Instruction


    Opcode Chapter 9 I/O - 图40 Operand

    • Chapter 9 I/O - 图41 must be 0000
    • Chapter 9 I/O - 图42 trapvect8

    FUNTION Chapter 9 I/O - 图43 Condition Codes ✗ image.png


for Return from Trap or Interrupt Opcode Chapter 9 I/O - 图45 Operand

  • Chapter 9 I/O - 图46 must be 0000 0000 0000

FUNTION Chapter 9 I/O - 图47 Condition Codes ✗ image.png


TRAP Examples

Handling I/O

GETC or TRAP x20
  3. LDI R0, KBDR
  4. RTI
  5. KBSR .FILL xFE00
  6. KBDR .FILL xFE02

OUT or TRAP x21
  1. ADD R6, R6, #-1
  2. STR R1, R6, #0
  4. BRzp TRAP_OUT
  5. STI R0, DDR
  6. LDR R1, R6, #0
  7. ADD R6, R6, #1
  8. RTI
  9. DSR .FILL xFE04
  10. DDR .FILL xFE06

PUTS or TRAP x22
  1. ADD R6, R6, #-1
  2. STR R0, R6, #0
  3. ADD R6, R6, #-1
  4. STR R1, R6, #0
  5. ADD R1, R0, #0
  7. LDR R0, R1, #0
  9. OUT
  10. ADD R1, R1, #1
  13. LDR R1, R6, #0
  14. ADD R6, R6, #1
  15. LDR R0, R6, #0
  16. ADD R6, R6, #1
  17. RTI

IN or TRAP x23
  2. PUTS
  3. GETC
  4. OUT
  5. ADD R6, R6, #-1
  6. STR R0, R6, #0
  7. AND R0, R0, #0
  8. ADD R0, R0, x000A
  9. OUT ; Print LF
  10. LDR R0, R6, #0
  11. ADD R6, R6, #1
  12. RTI
  13. TRAP_IN_MSG .STRINGZ "\nInput a character> "

Halting the Computer

Recall the RUN latch is ANDed with the crystal oscillator. image.png In the LC-3, the RUN latch is bit[15] of the Master Control Register ( MCR ), which is memory-mapped to the locationChapter 9 I/O - 图51. If bit[15] of MCR is cleared, then the computer halts.

HALT or TRAP x25
  2. PUTS
  3. LDI R0, MCR
  5. AND R0, R0, R1
  6. STI R0, MCR
  7. BRnzp TRAP_HALT

Interrupts and Interrupt-Driven I/O

What is Interrupt-Driven I/O ?

An I/O device that has nothing to do with the running program can

  1. force the running program to stop
  2. have the processor execute a program that carries out the needs of the I/O device
  3. have the stopped promgram _resume _execution as if nothing had happened.

Interrupt-Driven I/O Mechanism

Precondition to trigger an interrupt signal ( INT )


The device MUST WANT service

The I/O device wants service when the corresponding ready bit is set. :::

The device MUST HAVE THE RIGHT to request the service

In most I/O devices, the interrupt enable ( IE ) bit is part of the device status register. In KBSR and DSR, the IE bit is bit[14]. The interrupt request signal from I/O device is the logical AND of IE bit and the ready bit. image.png


The deivce request MUST BE MORE URGENT than what the processor is currently doing

To successfully interrupt the running program, the priority of the request must be higher than the priority of the program wished to interrupt. :::

Test for INT

The INT Signal

To interrupt, the INT signal must be asserted. The PL of each device are stored in the corresponding hardware. image.png

Interrruption can happen at any time. But it makes much more sense to ignore interrupt signals except when we are at an instruction boundary. At the first clock cycle of FETCH phase, it will test the INT signal to see whether it’s asserted. If INT signal is asserted, then the next state is handling the interrupt request.

Handling the Interrrupt Request


Initiate the Interrupt

Save the State of the Interrupted Program

Push PC and PSR to the supervisor stack.

Load the State of the Interrupt Service Routine.
  • Load PC

the mechanism of vectored interrupts.
If the interrupt is taken, the processor expands the 8-bit interrupt vector (INTV) to form a 16-bit address, which is an entry into the Interrupt Vector Table.
The Interrupt Vector Table consists of memory locations x0100 to x01FF, each containing the starting address of an interrupt service routine.
PC is loaded with the contents of location in the Interrupt Vector Table corresponding to the address formed by expanding INTV.

  • Load PSR

PSR[2:0] contains no meaningful information. We arbitarily load it initailly with 010.
PSR[15] is set to 0.
PSR[10:8] is set to the priority level associated with the interrupt request. :::

Service the Interrupt


Return from the Interrupt, RTI

  1. Pop PSR and PC to the supervisor stack.
  2. Check whether change modes and the stack pointer. :::