2021年11月24日,阿里云安全团队向Apache官方报告了Apache Log4j2远程代码执行漏洞。
Apache Log4j2 是一个基于 Java 的日志记录工具。该工具重写了 Log4j 框架,并且引入了大量丰富的特性。该日志框架被大量用于业务系统开发,用来记录日志信息。 由于Log4j2组件在处理程序日志记录时存在JNDI注入缺陷,未经授权的攻击者利用该漏洞,可向目标服务器发送精心构造的恶意数据,触发Log4j2组件解析缺陷,实现目标服务器的任意代码执行,获得目标服务器权限。
漏洞适用版本:2.0 <= Apache log4j2 <= 2.14.1
0x00 环境搭建
package com.example.logdemo;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public class Log4jTest {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase", "true");
lookup:417, InitialContext (javax.naming)
lookup:172, JndiManager (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net)
lookup:56, JndiLookup (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup)
lookup:221, Interpolator (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup)
resolveVariable:1110, StrSubstitutor (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup)
substitute:1033, StrSubstitutor (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup)
substitute:912, StrSubstitutor (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup)
replace:467, StrSubstitutor (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup)
format:132, MessagePatternConverter (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.pattern)
format:38, PatternFormatter (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.pattern)
toSerializable:344, PatternLayout$PatternSerializer (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout)
toText:244, PatternLayout (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout)
encode:229, PatternLayout (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout)
encode:59, PatternLayout (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout)
directEncodeEvent:197, AbstractOutputStreamAppender (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender)
tryAppend:190, AbstractOutputStreamAppender (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender)
append:181, AbstractOutputStreamAppender (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender)
tryCallAppender:156, AppenderControl (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config)
callAppender0:129, AppenderControl (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config)
callAppenderPreventRecursion:120, AppenderControl (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config)
callAppender:84, AppenderControl (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config)
callAppenders:540, LoggerConfig (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config)
processLogEvent:498, LoggerConfig (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config)
log:481, LoggerConfig (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config)
log:456, LoggerConfig (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config)
log:82, AwaitCompletionReliabilityStrategy (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config)
log:161, Logger (org.apache.logging.log4j.core)
tryLogMessage:2205, AbstractLogger (org.apache.logging.log4j.spi)
logMessageTrackRecursion:2159, AbstractLogger (org.apache.logging.log4j.spi)
logMessageSafely:2142, AbstractLogger (org.apache.logging.log4j.spi)
logMessage:2017, AbstractLogger (org.apache.logging.log4j.spi)
logIfEnabled:1983, AbstractLogger (org.apache.logging.log4j.spi)
error:740, AbstractLogger (org.apache.logging.log4j.spi)
main:12, Log4jTest (com.example.logdemo)
0x01 分析调用栈
public void logIfEnabled(final String fqcn, final Level level, final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable throwable) {
if (this.isEnabled(level, marker, message, throwable)) {
this.logMessage(fqcn, level, marker, message, throwable);
public boolean isEnabled(final Level level, final Marker marker, final String message, final Throwable t) {
return this.privateConfig.filter(level, marker, message, t);
boolean filter(final Level level, final Marker marker, final String msg, final Throwable t) {
Filter filter = this.config.getFilter();
if (filter != null) {
Filter.Result r = filter.filter(this.logger, level, marker, msg, t);
if (r != Result.NEUTRAL) {
return r == Result.ACCEPT;
return level != null && this.intLevel >= level.intLevel();
0x02 审计后续逻辑
0x03 创建log4j2 Database
codeql database create log4j2-rce --language=java --source-root=D:\Demo\Java\Apache-Log4j2-RCE --overwrite
0x04 思路分析&问题
* @name m0re
* @kind log4j2_RCE
* @problem.severity warning
* @id java/example/empty-block
import java
class ErrorMethod extends Method{
getParameterType(0).hasName("String") and/*保证error("String")的第一个参数是String类型的*/
getNumberOfParameters() = 1 and/*只有一个参数*/
getName() = "error" and/*方法名为error*/
this.getDeclaringType().hasQualifiedName("org.apache.logging.log4j.spi", "AbstractLogger")
class LookupMethod extends Method{
getName() = "lookup" and
this.getDeclaringType().hasQualifiedName("javax.naming", "Context")
方法所属的类或其任意超类(包括继承链上的所有类)具有限定名称为 org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.DefaultReliabilityStrategy
用于检测代码中是否使用了 Log4j 2.x 的 DefaultReliabilityStrategy 类或其子类的 log 方法。
class JndiManagerMethod extends Method{
getName() = "lookup" and
this.getDeclaringType().hasQualifiedName("org.apache.logging.log4j.core.net", "JndiManager")
class StrategyLogMethod extends Method{
getName() = "log" and
this.getDeclaringType().getASupertype*().hasQualifiedName("org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config", "DefaultReliabilityStrategy")
/*在查询谓词的定义中,使用了 a.polyCalls(b) 的语法。这表明查询谓词会检查方法 a 是否通过多态调用(polyCalls)方法 b。*/
query predicate more(Method a, Method b) {
from JndiManagerMethod end, ErrorMethod entryPoint
where more+(entryPoint, end)
select end, entryPoint, end, "找到了一个path从source到sink"
然后同样是没有结果。尝试了其他师傅们写的规则,也是同样无结果,这个时候想了一下是不是我的数据库创建失败了。于是我看到了这篇文章https://xz.aliyun.com/t/12412,作者说使用GitHub Action来进行扫描。于是我尝试了一下
codeql database analyze --format=csv --output=D:\Demo\Java\output log4j2-rce
0x05 GitHub Action的使用
不用管其他的,先点Commit changes,随后再点一次确认。这里是算配置文件,后面如果需要用自己的规则来扫描的话,再来修改。
0x06 codeql的一点使用方法
codeql database create --language=java --source-root=D:\Demo\Java\Apache-Log4j2-RCE log4j2-rce --command="mvn clean install"
codeql database analyze --format=csv --output=D:\Demo\Java\output log4j2-rce
>codeql database create --help
Usage: codeql database create [OPTIONS] -- <database>
Create a CodeQL database for a source tree that can be analyzed using one of
the CodeQL products.
<database> [Mandatory] Path to the CodeQL database to create.
This directory will be created, and must not
already exist (but its parent must).
If the --db-cluster option is given, this will not
be a database itself, but a directory that will
contain databases for several languages built
from the same source root.
It is important that this directory is not in a
location that the build process will interfere
with. For instance, the target directory of a
Maven project would not be a suitable choice.
--[no-]db-cluster Instead of creating a single database, create a
"cluster" of databases for different languages,
each of which is a subdirectory of the directory
given on the command line.
-l, --language=<lang>[,<lang>...]
The language that the new database will be used to
Use codeql resolve languages to get a list of the
pluggable language extractors found on the
search path.
When the --db-cluster option is given, this can
appear multiple times, or the value can be a
comma-separated list of languages.
If this option is omitted, and the source root
being analysed is a checkout of a GitHub
repository, the CodeQL CLI will make a call to
the GitHub API to attempt to automatically
determine what languages to analyse. Note that
to be able to do this, a GitHub PAT token must
be supplied either in the environment variable
GITHUB_TOKEN or via standard input using the
--github-auth-stdin option.
-s, --source-root=<dir> [Default: .] The root source code directory. In
many cases, this will be the checkout root.
Files within it are considered to be the primary
source files for this database. In some output
formats, files will be referred to by their
relative path from this directory.
-j, --threads=<num> Use this many threads for the import operation,
and pass it as a hint to any invoked build
Defaults to 1. You can pass 0 to use one thread
per core on the machine, or -N to leave N cores
unused (except still use at least one thread).
-M, --ram=<MB> Use this much memory for the import operation, and
pass it as a hint to any invoked build commands.
-c, --command=<command> For compiled languages, build commands that will
cause the compiler to be invoked on the source
code to analyze. These commands will be executed
under an instrumentation environment that allows
analysis of generated code and (in some cases)
standard libraries.
If no build command is specified, the command
attempts to figure out automatically how to
build the source tree, based on heuristics from
the selected language pack.
Beware that some combinations of multiple
languages require an explicit build command to
be specified.
Extractor selection options:
A list of directories under which extractor packs
may be found. The directories can either be the
extractor packs themselves or directories that
contain extractors as immediate subdirectories.
If the path contains multiple directory trees,
their order defines precedence between them: if
the target language is matched in more than one
of the directory trees, the one given first wins.
The extractors bundled with the CodeQL toolchain
itself will always be found, but if you need to
use separately distributed extractors you need
to give this option (or, better yet, set up
--search-path in a per-user configuration file).
Options to configure how to call the GitHub API to auto-detect languages.
-a, --github-auth-stdin Accept a GitHub Apps token or personal access
token via standard input.
This overrides the GITHUB_TOKEN environment
-g, --github-url=<url> URL of the GitHub instance to use. If omitted, the
CLI will attempt to autodetect this from the
checkout path and if this is not possible
default to https://github.com/
Options to configure the package manager.
Authenticate to GitHub Enterprise Server Container
registries by passing a comma-separated list of
<registry_url>=<token> pairs.
For example, you can pass "https://containers.
GHEHOSTNAME2/v2/=TOKEN2" to authenticate to two
GitHub Enterprise Server instances.
This overrides the CODEQL_REGISTRIES_AUTH and
GITHUB_TOKEN environment variables. If you only
need to authenticate to the github.com Container
registry, you can instead authenticate using the
simpler --github-auth-stdin option.
Low-level dataset cleanup options:
--max-disk-cache=<MB> Set the maximum amount of space that the disk
cache for intermediate query results can use.
If this size is not configured explicitly, the
evaluator will try to use a "reasonable" amount
of cache space, based on the size of the dataset
and the complexity of the queries. Explicitly
setting a higher limit than this default usage
will enable additional caching which can speed
up later queries.
-m, --mode=<mode> Select how aggressively to trim the cache. Choices
brutal: Remove the entire cache, trimming down to
the state of a freshly extracted dataset
normal (default): Trim everything except
explicitly "cached" predicates.
light: Simply make sure the defined size limits
for the disk cache are observed, deleting as
many intermediates as necessary.
Delete any backup directories resulting from
database upgrades.
Options to control extractor behavior:
-O, --extractor-option=<extractor-option-name=value>
Set options for CodeQL extractors.
extractor-option-name should be of the form
extractor_name.group1.group2.option_name or
group1.group2.option_name. If
extractor_option_name starts with an extractor
name, the indicated extractor must declare the
option group1.group2.option_name. Otherwise, any
extractor that declares the option group1.group2.
option_name will have the option set. value can
be any string that does not contain a newline.
You can use this command-line option repeatedly to
set multiple extractor options. If you provide
multiple values for the same extractor option,
the behaviour depends on the type that the
extractor option expects. String options will
use the last value provided. Array options will
use all the values provided, in order. Extractor
options specified using this command-line option
are processed after extractor options given via
When passed to codeql database init or codeql
database begin-tracing, the options will only be
applied to the indirect tracing environment. If
your workflow also makes calls to codeql
database trace-command then the options also
need to be passed there if desired.
See https://codeql.github.
com/docs/codeql-cli/extractor-options for more
information on CodeQL extractor options,
including how to list the options declared by
each extractor.
Specify extractor option bundle files. An
extractor option bundle file is a JSON file
(extension .json) or YAML file (extension .yaml
or .yml) that sets extractor options. The file
must have the top-level map key 'extractor' and,
under it, extractor names as second-level map
keys. Further levels of maps represent nested
extractor groups, and string and array options
are map entries with string and array values.
Extractor option bundle files are read in the
order they are specified. If different extractor
option bundle files specify the same extractor
option, the behaviour depends on the type that
the extractor option expects. String options
will use the last value provided. Array options
will use all the values provided, in order.
Extractor options specified using this
command-line option are processed before
extractor options given via --extractor-option.
When passed to codeql database init or codeql
database begin-tracing, the options will only be
applied to the indirect tracing environment. If
your workflow also makes calls to codeql
database trace-command then the options also
need to be passed there if desired.
See https://codeql.github.
com/docs/codeql-cli/extractor-options for more
information on CodeQL extractor options,
including how to list the options declared by
each extractor.
Common options:
-h, --help Show this help text.
-v, --verbose Incrementally increase the number of progress
messages printed.
-q, --quiet Incrementally decrease the number of progress
messages printed.
Some advanced options have been hidden; try --help -v for a fuller view.