rx-m-kubernetes-bootcamp-lab-03 - 图1


Lab 3 – Working with Pods

In this lab we will explore the nature of Kubernetes pods and how to work with them.

In Kubernetes, pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed. A pod corresponds to
a collocated group of containers running with a shared context. Within that context, the applications may also have
individual cgroup isolations applied. A pod models an application-specific “logical host” in a containerized
environment. It may contain one or more applications which are relatively tightly coupled — in a pre-container world,
they would have executed on the same physical or virtual host.

The context of the pod can be defined as the conjunction of several Linux namespaces:

  • Network - applications within the pod have access to the same IP and port space
  • IPC - applications within the pod can use SystemV IPC or POSIX message queues to communicate
  • UTS - applications within the pod share a hostname

Applications within a pod can also have access to shared volumes, which are defined at the pod level and made available
in each application’s file system. Additionally, a pod may define top-level cgroup isolations which form an outer bound
to any individual isolation applied to constituent containers.

Like individual application containers, pods are considered to be relatively ephemeral rather than durable entities.
Pods are scheduled to nodes and remain there until termination (according to restart policy) or deletion. When a node
dies, the pods scheduled to that node are deleted. Specific pods are never moved to new nodes; instead, they must be
replaced by running fresh copies of the images on the new node.

As a first step in our exploration we will create a simple single container pod.

1. A Simple Pod

To begin our exploration, we’ll create a basic Kubernetes pod from the command line. The easiest way to run a pod is
using the kubectl run command. Try creating a simple Apache Web Server pod using the kubectl run subcommand as

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ kubectl run apache --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=httpd:2.2
  2. pod/apache created
  3. user@ubuntu:~$

Now view the pod:

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ kubectl get pod
  3. apache 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 5s
  4. user@ubuntu:~$ kubectl get pod
  6. apache 1/1 Running 0 14s
  7. user@ubuntu:~$

What happened here?

The run command takes a name, an image and an API object as parameters and it generates pod template including the image
you specified.

The run subcommand syntax is as follows:

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ kubectl run -h | grep COMMAND
  2. kubectl run NAME --image=image [--env="key=value"] [--port=port] [--replicas=replicas] [--dry-run=bool] [--overrides=inline-json] [--command] -- [COMMAND] [args...] [options]
  3. user@ubuntu:~$

The —env switch sets environment variables (just like the docker run –e switch,) the —port switch exposes ports
for service mapping, the —replicas switch sets the number of instances of the pod you would like the cluster to
maintain and the —dry-run switch (if set to true) allows you to submit the command without executing it to test the

It doesn’t include anything about the --generator= flag, let’s try again:

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ kubectl run -h | grep generator
  2. --generator='': The name of the API generator to use, see http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/kubectl-conventions/#generators for a list.
  3. --service-generator='service/v2': The name of the generator to use for creating a service. Only used if --expose is true
  4. user@ubuntu:~$

Taking a look at the link provided by the help text reveals a number of different generators:

Resource kubectl command
Pod kubectl run —generator=run-pod/v1

Many of the generators that used to be valid in previous versions have been deprecated since version 1.12. They will
still function if they are invoked, but you will receive a warning each time you do so:

Resource kubectl command
Replication controller (deprecated) kubectl run —generator=run/v1
Deployment (deprecated) kubectl run —generator=extensions/v1beta1
Deployment (deprecated) kubectl run —generator=apps/v1beta1
Job (deprecated) kubectl run —generator=job/v1
CronJob (deprecated) kubectl run —generator=batch/v1beta1
CronJob (deprecated) kubectl run —generator=batch/v2alpha1

We can use kubectl run to create Pods.

For Controllers (RCs, Deployments, Jobs, CronJobs; more on Controllers later) You can also use kubectl create, which
is what the latest versions are moving towards.

To get more information about our pod use the kubectl describe subcommand:

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ kubectl describe pod apache
  2. Name: apache
  3. Namespace: default
  4. Priority: 0
  5. Node: ubuntu/
  6. Start Time: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:03:22 -0800
  7. Labels: run=apache
  8. Annotations: <none>
  9. Status: Running
  10. IP:
  11. IPs:
  12. IP:
  13. Containers:
  14. apache:
  15. Container ID: docker://5d79b1d7d769153646d528f06001514340a16b2dcb1bd8a07d6b235b02078fa0
  16. Image: httpd:2.2
  17. Image ID: docker-pullable://httpd@sha256:9784d70c8ea466fabd52b0bc8cde84980324f9612380d22fbad2151df9a430eb
  18. Port: <none>
  19. Host Port: <none>
  20. State: Running
  21. Started: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:03:35 -0800
  22. Ready: True
  23. Restart Count: 0
  24. Environment: <none>
  25. Mounts:
  26. /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-7bqf5 (ro)
  27. Conditions:
  28. Type Status
  29. Initialized True
  30. Ready True
  31. ContainersReady True
  32. PodScheduled True
  33. Volumes:
  34. default-token-7bqf5:
  35. Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
  36. SecretName: default-token-7bqf5
  37. Optional: false
  38. QoS Class: BestEffort
  39. Node-Selectors: <none>
  40. Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute for 300s
  41. node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute for 300s
  42. Events:
  43. Type Reason Age From Message
  44. ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
  45. Normal Scheduled 2m33s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/apache to ubuntu
  46. Normal Pulling 2m32s kubelet, ubuntu Pulling image "httpd:2.2"
  47. Normal Pulled 2m20s kubelet, ubuntu Successfully pulled image "httpd:2.2"
  48. Normal Created 2m20s kubelet, ubuntu Created container apache
  49. Normal Started 2m20s kubelet, ubuntu Started container apache
  50. user@ubuntu:~$

Read through the Events reported for the pod.

You can see that Kubernetes used the Docker Engine to pull, create, and start the httpd image requested. You can
also see which part of Kubernetes caused the event. For example the scheduler assigned the pod to node Ubuntu and then
the Kubelet on node Ubuntu starts the container.

Use the docker container ls subcommand to examine your containers directly on the Docker Engine.

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ docker container ls -f "name=apache"
  3. 5d79b1d7d769 httpd "httpd-foreground" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes k8s_apache_apache_default_5fd061ed-6706-41ee-b1ba-26181fb78141_0
  4. c3bd17add6fb k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1 "/pause" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes k8s_POD_apache_default_5fd061ed-6706-41ee-b1ba-26181fb78141_0
  5. user@ubuntu:~$

Kubernetes incorporates the pod name into the name of each container running in the pod.

Use the docker container inspect subcommand to examine the container details for your httpd container:

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ docker container inspect $(docker container ls -f "name=apache" --format '{{.ID}}') | less
  2. [
  3. {
  4. "Id": "5d79b1d7d769153646d528f06001514340a16b2dcb1bd8a07d6b235b02078fa0",
  5. "Created": "2020-01-08T21:03:35.432696743Z",
  6. "Path": "httpd-foreground",
  7. "Args": [],
  8. "State": {
  9. "Status": "running",
  10. "Running": true,
  11. "Paused": false,
  12. "Restarting": false,
  13. "OOMKilled": false,
  14. "Dead": false,
  15. "Pid": 89974,
  16. "ExitCode": 0,
  17. "Error": "",
  18. "StartedAt": "2020-01-08T21:03:35.654326293Z",
  19. "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  20. },
  21. "Image": "sha256:e06c3dbbfe239c6fca50b6ab6935b3122930fa2eea2136979e5b46ad77ecb685",
  22. "ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/c3bd17add6fb526468618ad932
  23. ...
  24. q
  25. user@ubuntu:~$

Notice that Kubernetes injects a standard set of environment variables into the containers of a pod providing the
location of the cluster API service. If you have not done so already, use apt to install the jq JSON processor:

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install jq -y
  2. ...
  3. user@ubuntu:~$ docker container inspect $(docker container ls -f "name=apache" --format '{{.ID}}') \
  4. | jq -r '.[0].Config.Env[]'
  5. KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP=tcp://
  12. KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp://
  13. PATH=/usr/local/apache2/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  14. HTTPD_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache2
  15. HTTPD_VERSION=2.2.34
  16. HTTPD_SHA256=e53183d5dfac5740d768b4c9bea193b1099f4b06b57e5f28d7caaf9ea7498160
  17. HTTPD_PATCHES=CVE-2017-9798-patch-2.2.patch 42c610f8a8f8d4d08664db6d9857120c2c252c9b388d56f238718854e6013e46 2.2.x-mod_proxy-without-APR_HAS_THREADS.patch beb66a79a239f7e898311c5ed6a38c070c641ec56706a295b7e5caf3c55a7296
  18. APACHE_DIST_URLS=https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?action=download&filename= https://www-us.apache.org/dist/ https://www.apache.org/dist/ https://archive.apache.org/dist/
  19. user@ubuntu:~$

Kubernetes has also added several labels to the container, for example you can see that the pod is running in the
default namespace.

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ docker container inspect $(docker container ls -f "name=apache" --format '{{.ID}}') \
  2. | jq -r '.[0].Config.Labels'
  3. {
  4. "annotation.io.kubernetes.container.hash": "c3e9fd0c",
  5. "annotation.io.kubernetes.container.restartCount": "0",
  6. "annotation.io.kubernetes.container.terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
  7. "annotation.io.kubernetes.container.terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
  8. "annotation.io.kubernetes.pod.terminationGracePeriod": "30",
  9. "io.kubernetes.container.logpath": "/var/log/pods/default_apache_5fd061ed-6706-41ee-b1ba-26181fb78141/apache/0.log",
  10. "io.kubernetes.container.name": "apache",
  11. "io.kubernetes.docker.type": "container",
  12. "io.kubernetes.pod.name": "apache",
  13. "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "default",
  14. "io.kubernetes.pod.uid": "5fd061ed-6706-41ee-b1ba-26181fb78141",
  15. "io.kubernetes.sandbox.id": "c3bd17add6fb526468618ad932f15a306bf946f44d6573d4eb72c5b96bf9fbde"
  16. }
  17. user@ubuntu:~$

curl the IP address of the web server to ensure that you can reach the running Apache web server. Don’t forget

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ PIP=$(kubectl get pod -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.podIP}') && echo $PIP
  3. user@ubuntu:~$
  1. user@ubuntu:~$ curl -I $PIP
  2. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  3. Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 21:09:43 GMT
  4. Server: Apache/2.2.34 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.34 OpenSSL/1.0.1t DAV/2
  5. Last-Modified: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 20:16:24 GMT
  6. ETag: "43bc-2c-3e9564c23b600"
  7. Accept-Ranges: bytes
  8. Content-Length: 44
  9. Content-Type: text/html
  10. user@ubuntu:~$
  • How can you discover the address of the Apache web server running inside the container?
    • try docker container inspect $(docker container ls -f "ancestor=httpd:2.2" --format '{{.ID}}') |grep IPAddress
  • Why can’t you find the IP address in the container inspect data?
  • What is the value of the Apache container’s HostConfig.NetworkMode setting in the inspect data?
    • hint: docker container inspect $(docker container ls -f "ancestor=httpd:2.2" --format '{{.ID}}') -f '{{.HostConfig.NetworkMode}}'
  • What container does this reference?
    • docker container ls -f "ID=<insert_ID_returned_by_the_previous_command_here>"
  • What other keys in the apache container inspect has the same value and why?

Because pods house running processes on nodes in the cluster, it is important to allow those processes to gracefully
terminate when they are no longer needed. In Kubernetes, users can request deletion and discover when processes
terminate. When a user requests deletion of a pod, Kubernetes sends the appropriate termination signal to each container
in the pod (either SIGTERM or the container defined stop signal). Kubernetes then waits for a grace period after which,
if the pod has not shutdown, the pod is forcefully killed with SIGKILL and the pod is then deleted from the API server.
If the Kubelet or the container manager is restarted while waiting for processes to terminate, the termination will be
retried with the full grace period.

Go ahead and delete the apache pod:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl delete pod apache
  2. pod "apache" deleted
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get deployment,replicaset,pods
  4. No resources found in default namespace.
  5. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

While kubectl run is handy for quickly starting a single image based pod it is not the most flexible or repeatable way
to create pods. Next we’ll take a look at a more useful way of starting pods, from a configuration file.

2. Pod Config Files

Kubernetes supports declarative YAML or JSON configuration files. Often times config files are preferable to imperative
commands, since they can be checked into version control and changes to the files can be code reviewed, producing a more
robust, reliable and CI/CD friendly system. They can also save a lot of typing if you would like to deploy complex pods
or entire applications.

Let’s try running an nginx container in a pod but this time we’ll create the pod using a YAML configuration file. Create
the following config file with your favorite editor (as long as it is nano) in a new “pods” working directory.

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ mkdir pods && cd pods
  2. user@ubuntu:~/pods$
  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ nano nginxpod.yaml && cat nginxpod.yaml
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: Pod
  4. metadata:
  5. name: nginxpod
  6. spec:
  7. containers:
  8. - name: nginx
  9. image: nginx:1.11
  10. ports:
  11. - containerPort: 80
  12. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

The key “kind” tells Kubernetes we wish to create a pod. The “metadata” section allows us to define a name for the pod
and to apply any other labels we might deem useful.

The “spec” section defines the containers we wish to run in our pod. In our case we will run just a single container
based on the nginx image. The “ports” key allows us to share the ports the pod will be using with the orchestration
layer. More on this later.

To have Kubernetes create your new pod you can use the kubectl create or kubectl apply subcommand. The create
subcommand will accept a config file via stdin or you can load the config from a file with the -f switch (more
common). Whereas apply loads configs from files with -f or whole directories with -k. Try the following:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl apply -f nginxpod.yaml
  2. pod/nginxpod created
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Now list the pods on your cluster:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get pods
  3. nginxpod 1/1 Running 0 5s
  4. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Describe your pod:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl describe pod nginxpod
  2. Name: nginxpod
  3. Namespace: default
  4. Priority: 0
  5. Node: ubuntu/
  6. Start Time: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:11:32 -0800
  7. Labels: <none>
  8. Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration:
  9. {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Pod","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"nginxpod","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"containers":[{"image":"ngin...
  10. Status: Running
  11. IP:
  12. IPs:
  13. IP:
  14. Containers:
  15. nginx:
  16. Container ID: docker://5d6d28322f832ff9e1b9be308e2f973ea8394d66f3caf0168bd8f4da330e0fee
  17. Image: nginx:1.11
  18. Image ID: docker-pullable://nginx@sha256:e6693c20186f837fc393390135d8a598a96a833917917789d63766cab6c59582
  19. Port: 80/TCP
  20. Host Port: 0/TCP
  21. State: Running
  22. Started: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:11:34 -0800
  23. Ready: True
  24. Restart Count: 0
  25. Environment: <none>
  26. Mounts:
  27. /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-7bqf5 (ro)
  28. Conditions:
  29. Type Status
  30. Initialized True
  31. Ready True
  32. ContainersReady True
  33. PodScheduled True
  34. Volumes:
  35. default-token-7bqf5:
  36. Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
  37. SecretName: default-token-7bqf5
  38. Optional: false
  39. QoS Class: BestEffort
  40. Node-Selectors: <none>
  41. Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute for 300s
  42. node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute for 300s
  43. Events:
  44. Type Reason Age From Message
  45. ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
  46. Normal Scheduled 14s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/nginxpod to ubuntu
  47. Normal Pulled 13s kubelet, ubuntu Container image "nginx:1.11" already present on machine
  48. Normal Created 13s kubelet, ubuntu Created container nginx
  49. Normal Started 12s kubelet, ubuntu Started container nginx
  50. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

The kubectl get command allows you to retrieve pod metadata using the -o switch. The -o (or —output) switch
formats the output of the get command. The output format can be json, yaml, wide, name, template,
template-file, jsonpath, or jsonpath-file. The golang template specification is also used by Docker (more info
here: http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/) For example, to retrieve pod data in YAML, try:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get pod nginxpod -o yaml | head
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: Pod
  4. metadata:
  5. annotations:
  6. kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  7. {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Pod","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"nginxpod","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"containers":[{"image":"nginx:1.11","name":"nginx","ports":[{"containerPort":80}]}]}}
  8. creationTimestamp: "2020-01-08T21:11:32Z"
  9. name: nginxpod
  10. namespace: default
  11. resourceVersion: "4595"
  12. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

You can use a template to extract just the data you want.

For example, to extract just the status section’s podIP value try:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ POD=$(kubectl get pod nginxpod --template={{.status.podIP}}) && echo $POD
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Now that we have the pod IP we can try curling our nginx server:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ curl -I $POD
  2. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  3. Server: nginx/1.11.13
  4. Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 21:12:43 GMT
  5. Content-Type: text/html
  6. Content-Length: 612
  7. Last-Modified: Tue, 04 Apr 2017 15:01:57 GMT
  8. Connection: keep-alive
  9. ETag: "58e3b565-264"
  10. Accept-Ranges: bytes
  11. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Now that we have completed our work with the pod we can delete it:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl delete pod nginxpod
  2. pod "nginxpod" deleted
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$
  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get deployment,replicaset,pods
  2. No resources found in default namespace.
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

3. A Complex Pod

Next let’s try creating a pod with a more complex specification.

Create a pod config that describes a pod with a:

  • container based on an ubuntu:14.04 image,
  • with an environment variable called “MESSAGE” and a
  • command that will echo that message to stdout
  • make sure that the container is never restarted

See if you can design this specification on your own.

The pod and container spec documentation can be found here:

Create your pod when you have the configuration complete:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl apply -f cpod.yaml
  2. pod/hello created
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

List your pods:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get pod
  3. hello 0/1 Completed 0 28s
  4. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

We can verify that the container did what it was supposed to do buy checking the log output of the pod using the
kubectl logs subcommand:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl logs hello
  2. hello world
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$
  • Remove the hello pod

4. Pods and Linux Namespaces

Using the pod spec reference as a guide again, modify your nginx config (nginxpod.yaml) from step 2 so that it runs all
of the containers in the pod in the host network namespace (hostNetwork). Create a new pod from your updated config.

First copy the old pod spec:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ cp nginxpod.yaml nginxpod-namespace.yaml
  2. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Next modify the copy to use the hostNetwork (use the spec reference if you need help thinking through the edits you will
need to make):

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ nano nginxpod-namespace.yaml
  2. ...
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Run the new pod:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl apply -f nginxpod-namespace.yaml
  2. pod/nginxpod created
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Now display your pod status in yaml output:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get pod nginxpod -o yaml
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: Pod
  4. metadata:
  5. annotations:
  6. kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  7. {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Pod","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"nginxpod","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"containers":[{"image":"nginx:1.11","name":"nginx","ports":[{"containerPort":80}]}],"hostNetwork":true}}
  8. creationTimestamp: "2020-01-08T21:16:14Z"
  9. name: nginxpod
  10. namespace: default
  11. resourceVersion: "4980"
  12. selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/nginxpod
  13. uid: 07c33157-51d6-4783-a5a6-2e9a06adebfc
  14. spec:
  15. containers:
  16. - image: nginx:1.11
  17. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  18. name: nginx
  19. ports:
  20. - containerPort: 80
  21. hostPort: 80
  22. protocol: TCP
  23. resources: {}
  24. terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
  25. terminationMessagePolicy: File
  26. volumeMounts:
  27. - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
  28. name: default-token-7bqf5
  29. readOnly: true
  30. dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
  31. enableServiceLinks: true
  32. hostNetwork: true
  33. nodeName: ubuntu
  34. priority: 0
  35. restartPolicy: Always
  36. schedulerName: default-scheduler
  37. securityContext: {}
  38. serviceAccount: default
  39. serviceAccountName: default
  40. terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
  41. tolerations:
  42. - effect: NoExecute
  43. key: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready
  44. operator: Exists
  45. tolerationSeconds: 300
  46. - effect: NoExecute
  47. key: node.kubernetes.io/unreachable
  48. operator: Exists
  49. tolerationSeconds: 300
  50. volumes:
  51. - name: default-token-7bqf5
  52. secret:
  53. defaultMode: 420
  54. secretName: default-token-7bqf5
  55. status:
  56. conditions:
  57. - lastProbeTime: null
  58. lastTransitionTime: "2020-01-08T21:16:14Z"
  59. status: "True"
  60. type: Initialized
  61. - lastProbeTime: null
  62. lastTransitionTime: "2020-01-08T21:16:15Z"
  63. status: "True"
  64. type: Ready
  65. - lastProbeTime: null
  66. lastTransitionTime: "2020-01-08T21:16:15Z"
  67. status: "True"
  68. type: ContainersReady
  69. - lastProbeTime: null
  70. lastTransitionTime: "2020-01-08T21:16:14Z"
  71. status: "True"
  72. type: PodScheduled
  73. containerStatuses:
  74. - containerID: docker://efd6ef408bc2bb6fa6c4703612ac7716cf1fc899751a5509027c3d07b42e2833
  75. image: nginx:1.11
  76. imageID: docker-pullable://nginx@sha256:e6693c20186f837fc393390135d8a598a96a833917917789d63766cab6c59582
  77. lastState: {}
  78. name: nginx
  79. ready: true
  80. restartCount: 0
  81. started: true
  82. state:
  83. running:
  84. startedAt: "2020-01-08T21:16:14Z"
  85. hostIP:
  86. phase: Running
  87. podIP:
  88. podIPs:
  89. - ip:
  90. qosClass: BestEffort
  91. startTime: "2020-01-08T21:16:14Z"
  92. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

If your pod is running in the host network namespace you should see that the pod (podIP) and host IP (hostIP)
address are identical.

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get pod nginxpod -o yaml | grep -E "(host|pod)IP"
  2. hostIP:
  3. podIP:
  4. podIPs:
  5. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Namespace select-ability allows you have the benefits of container deployment while still empowering infrastructure
tools to see and manipulate host based networking features.

Try curling your pod using the host IP address:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ curl -I
  2. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  3. Server: nginx/1.11.13
  4. Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 21:17:26 GMT
  5. Content-Type: text/html
  6. Content-Length: 612
  7. Last-Modified: Tue, 04 Apr 2017 15:01:57 GMT
  8. Connection: keep-alive
  9. ETag: "58e3b565-264"
  10. Accept-Ranges: bytes
  11. user@ubuntu:~/pods$
  • Clean up the resources (pods, etc.)

5. Multi-container pod

In this step we’ll experiment with multi-container pods. Keep in mind that by default all containers in a pod share the
same network, uts, and ipc namespace.

You can use the —validate switch with the kubectl apply subcommand to verify your pod config, however the apply
command will try to create the config regardless (work to be done here).

Create a new Pod config which:

  • runs two ubuntu:14.04 containers, named hello1 and hello2
  • both executing the command line “tail -f /dev/null”
  • and then apply it with the validate switch

You can start from an existing pod config if you like:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ cp cpod.yaml two.yaml
  2. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Then edit the new config to meet the requirements:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ nano two.yaml
  2. ...
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Finally, create the pod:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl apply -f two.yaml --validate
  2. pod/two created
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

If you got it right the first time the pod will simply run. If not you will get a descriptive error.

Issue the kubectl get pods command.

  • How many containers are running in your new pod?
  • How can you tell?

Use the kubectl describe pod subcommand on your new pod.

  • What is the ip address of the first container?
  • What is the ip address of the second container?

Shell into the first container to explore its context.

e.g. kubectl exec -c hello1 -it two /bin/bash

Run the ps -ef command inside the container.

  • What processes are running in the container?
  • What is the container’s host name?


  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl exec -c hello1 -it two /bin/bash
  2. root@two:/# ps -ef
  4. root 1 0 0 21:20 ? 00:00:00 sh -c tail -f /dev/null
  5. root 11 1 0 21:20 ? 00:00:00 tail -f /dev/null
  6. root 12 0 0 21:20 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/bash
  7. root 26 12 0 21:21 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef
  8. root@two:/#

Run the ip a command inside the container.

  • What is the MAC address of eth0?
  • What is the IP address

Create a file in the root directory and exit the container:

  1. root@two:/# echo "Hello" > TEST
  2. root@two:/# exit

Kubernetes executed our last command in the first container in the pod. We now want to open a shell into the second
container. To do this we can use the -c switch. Exec a shell into the second container using the -c switch and the
name of the second container:

e.g. kubectl exec -c hello2 -it two /bin/bash

  • Is the TEST file you created previously there?
  • What is the host name in this container?
  • What is the MAC address of eth0?
  • What is the IP address?
  • Which of the following namespaces are shared across the containers in the pod?
    • User
    • Process
    • UTS (hostname)
    • Network
    • IPC
    • Mount (filesystem)

Clean up the resources (pods, etc.)

6. Resource Requirements

Next let’s explore resource requirements. Kubernetes configs allow you to specify requested levels of memory and cpu.
You can also assign limits. Requests are used when scheduling the pod to ensure that it is place on a host with enough
resources free. Limits are configured in the kernel cgroups to constrain the runtime use of resources by the pod.

Create a new pod config (limit.yaml) like the following:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ nano limit.yaml && cat limit.yaml
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: Pod
  4. metadata:
  5. name: frontend
  6. spec:
  7. containers:
  8. - name: db
  9. image: mysql
  10. resources:
  11. requests:
  12. memory: "64Mi"
  13. cpu: ".25"
  14. limits:
  15. memory: "128Mi"
  16. cpu: ".5"
  17. - name: wp
  18. image: wordpress
  19. resources:
  20. requests:
  21. memory: "64Mi"
  22. cpu: ".25"
  23. limits:
  24. memory: "128Mi"
  25. cpu: ".5"
  26. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

This config will run a pod with the Wordpress image and the MySql image with explicit requested resource levels and
explicit resource constraints.

Before you create the pod verify the resources on your node:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl describe $(kubectl get node -o name) | grep -A 6 Allocated
  2. Allocated resources:
  3. (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
  4. Resource Requests Limits
  5. -------- -------- ------
  6. cpu 770m (38%) 0 (0%)
  7. memory 140Mi (3%) 340Mi (8%)
  8. ephemeral-storage 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
  9. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Examine the Capacity field for your node.

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get $(kubectl get node -o name) -o json | jq .status.capacity
  2. {
  3. "cpu": "2",
  4. "ephemeral-storage": "18447100Ki",
  5. "hugepages-1Gi": "0",
  6. "hugepages-2Mi": "0",
  7. "memory": "4028884Ki",
  8. "pods": "110"
  9. }
  10. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

If you are unfamiliar with jq, here is an example to list keys nested in the metadata object.

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get $(kubectl get nodes -o name | head -1) -o json | jq '.metadata | keys'
  2. [
  3. "annotations",
  4. "creationTimestamp",
  5. "labels",
  6. "name",
  7. "resourceVersion",
  8. "selfLink",
  9. "uid"
  10. ]
  11. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Next examine the Allocated resources section.

  • Will the node be able accept the scheduled pod?

Now create the new pod and verify its construction:

  1. user@ubuntu:~$ kubectl apply -f limit.yaml
  2. pod/frontend created
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get pods
  5. frontend 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 5s
  6. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Use the kubectl describe pod frontend or kubectl get events | grep -i frontend command to display the events for
your new pod. You may see the image pulling. This means the Docker daemon is pulling the image in the background. You
can monitor the pull by issuing the docker pull subcommand for the same image on the pulling host:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ docker image pull wordpress
  2. Using default tag: latest
  3. latest: Pulling from library/wordpress
  4. Digest: sha256:73e8d8adf491c7a358ff94c74c8ebe35cb5f8857e249eb8ce6062b8576a01465
  5. Status: Image is up to date for wordpress:latest
  6. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Once the image has pulled, check the pod status:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl get pods
  3. frontend 1/2 Error 2 74s
  4. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

It errored out (or may be in a CrashLoopBack cycle)! Try to diagnose any issues using kubectl logs frontend. (Hint:
Some containerized applications need more configuration than others).

Regardless of whether the application is actually running, the pod still has resources set aside for it on the host.

Rerun the kubectl describe $(kubectl get node -o name) command to redisplay your node resource usage:

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl describe $(kubectl get node -o name)
  2. ...
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl describe $(kubectl get node -o name) | grep -A 6 Allocated
  4. Allocated resources:
  5. (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
  6. Resource Requests Limits
  7. -------- -------- ------
  8. cpu 1270m (63%) 1 (50%)
  9. memory 268Mi (6%) 596Mi (15%)
  10. ephemeral-storage 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
  11. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Can you see the impact of the new pod on the host? How does it correspond with the resource limits and requests you
listed in the pod spec?

Clean Up

Delete the frontend pod after examining its resource usage.

  1. user@ubuntu:~/pods$ kubectl delete pod frontend
  2. pod "frontend" deleted
  3. user@ubuntu:~/pods$

Congratulations, you have completed the lab!

Selected Answers

Pod cpod.yaml:

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Pod
  3. metadata:
  4. name: hello
  5. spec: # specification of the pod’s contents
  6. restartPolicy: Never
  7. containers:
  8. - name: hellocont
  9. image: "ubuntu:14.04"
  10. env:
  11. - name: MESSAGE
  12. value: "hello world"
  13. command: ["/bin/sh","-c"]
  14. args: ["/bin/echo \"${MESSAGE}\""]

Pod nginxpod-namespace.yaml:

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Pod
  3. metadata:
  4. name: nginxpod
  5. spec:
  6. hostNetwork: true
  7. containers:
  8. - name: nginx
  9. image: nginx:1.11
  10. ports:
  11. - containerPort: 80

Pod two.yaml:

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Pod
  3. metadata:
  4. name: two
  5. spec:
  6. restartPolicy: Never
  7. containers:
  8. - name: hello1
  9. image: "ubuntu:14.04"
  10. command: ["/usr/bin/tail"]
  11. args: ["-f", "/dev/null"]
  12. - name: hello2
  13. image: "ubuntu:14.04"
  14. command: ["/usr/bin/tail"]
  15. args: ["-f", "/dev/null"]

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