UML Composite Structure Diagram Example

This is an example of UML internal structure diagram which shows simplified composite structure of non clustered Apache Tomcat 7 Server.
A Server element represents a Catalina servlet container of the Apache Tomcat 7 web server. It is a single outermost element in the conf/server.xml configuration file. Server element could contain optional Global Naming Resources component and one or more Services.
Each Service element is a composition of Executors and Connectors that share a single Engine component. The Engine receives and processes all requests from one or more connectors, and returns the completed response to the connector for its transmission back to the web client. One or more Host elements are nested inside the Engine.
Apache Tomcat 7 Server - 图1image.png
Internal structure example - Apache Tomcat 7 Server

The Host element represents a virtual host, which is an association of a network name for a server (such as ““) with the particular server on which Tomcat is running. More than one network name could be associated with the same virtual host.
The Context element represents a web application, which runs within a particular virtual host. Each web application is based on a Web Application Archive (WAR) file or a directory containing the corresponding unpacked contents, as described in the Servlet specification. Each context must have a unique context name.