title: Frame installation meta:

  • name: description content: EasySwoole installation, Composer installation EasySwoole, swoole quick start
  • name: keywords content: swoole|swoole extension|swoole framework|Easyswoole|swoole extension|swoole framework|php coroutine framework

Frame installation

::: danger Please pay attention to the installation. :::

  • The framework uses Composer as the dependency management tool. Before you start installing the framework, make sure you have configured the environment and installed the Composer tool as described in the previous section.
  • For the installation of Composer, please refer to the [Composer China Full Mirror] (https://pkg.phpcomposer.com/#how-to-install-composer) installation tutorial.
  • The currently recommended image is Alibaba Cloud or Source Station.
  • During the installation process, the files of the framework will be released to the project directory, please ensure that the project directory has writeable permissions.
  • After the installation is complete, the App directory will not be automatically generated. Please configure it according to the Hello World section.
  • Do not use the virtual machine shared directory as the installation directory. Otherwise, the socket cannot be created because of insufficient permissions, and an error is reported: listen xxxxxx.sock fail
  • The shared directory generates the above error, manually change the Temp directory to another path in the dev.php configuration file.

Switch Ali cloud image

  1. composer config -g repo.packagist composer https://mirrors.aliyun.com/composer/

Composer installation

Follow the steps below to manually install


  1. composer require easyswoole/easyswoole=3.x
  2. php vendor/easyswoole/easyswoole/bin/easyswoole install

Or (may be wrong)

  1. composer require easyswoole/easyswoole=3.x
  2. php vendor/bin/easyswoole install
  1. php vendor/easyswoole/easyswoole/bin/easyswoole install
  2. ______ _____ _
  3. | ____| / ____| | |
  4. | |__ __ _ ___ _ _ | (___ __ __ ___ ___ | | ___
  5. | __| / _` | / __| | | | | \___ \ \ \ /\ / / / _ \ / _ \ | | / _ \
  6. | |____ | (_| | \__ \ | |_| | ____) | \ V V / | (_) | | (_) | | | | __/
  7. |______| \__,_| |___/ \__, | |_____/ \_/\_/ \___/ \___/ |_| \___|
  8. __/ |
  9. |___/
  10. EasySwooleEvent.php has already existed. do you want to replace it? [ Y/N (default) ] : n
  11. index.php has already existed. do you want to replace it? [ Y/N (default) ] : n
  12. dev.php has already existed. do you want to replace it? [ Y/N (default) ] : n
  13. produce.php has already existed. do you want to replace it? [ Y/N (default) ] : n

::: danger 新版安装注意事项 :::

  • 新版的easyswoole安装会默认提供App命名空间,还有index控制器
  • 在这里面需要填写n,不需要覆盖,已经有的 EasySwooleEvent.php,index.php dev.php produce.php

Start frame

If there is no error in the middle, you can execute:

  1. # Start frame
  2. php easyswoole start

At this point you can visit http://localhost:9501 to see the welcome page of the framework, indicating that the framework has been successfully installed.


Easyswoole official docker

::: warning Docker knowledge, please learn by yourself :::


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    • VIP group 579434607 (this group needs to pay 599 RMP)
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  • Business support:

    • QQ 291323003
    • EMAIL admin@fosuss.com
  • Author WeChat

    Frame installation - 图1

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