title: PSR-7 meta:

  • name: description content: easyswoole,Easyswoole is fully compatible with PSR7 Http Message Interface Specification
  • name: keywords content: swoole|swoole extension|swoole framework|easyswoole|PSR7

PSR-7 Http Message

Easyswoole is fully compatible with the PSR7 Http Message interface specification.

Interface Specification Example


Part of the object detailed

Stream Object

easySwoole uses php://memory to implement Stream object, (newbie can understand Stream as a string object), all operations are binary security, and completely memory IO, so the efficiency is very high, not due to disk IO problem Affects execution speed.

  • __toString Returns the complete stream data in the Stream object.
  • close The current stream object is closed, and the data in the stream object is also cleared.
  • detach The resources (file stream handles) in the stream object are extracted from the Stream object.

    Note: After the extraction, the Stream object will no longer be unavailable.

  • getSize Gets the size (length) of the data in the current Stream object.
  • tell Get the location of the current stream pointer.
  • eof Determine if the data stream pointer is at the end of the resource.
  • isSeekable
  • seek Move the data stream pointer to the specified location.
  • rewind Move the data stream pointer to the starting position.
  • isWritable
  • write Write data to the current data stream.

    Note: You should pay attention to the location of the data stream pointer when writing.

  • isReadable
  • read
  • getContents
  • getMetadata

UploadFile object

In easySwoole, all files are automatically converted to an UploadFile object.

  • getStream Returns the data stream of the uploaded file.
  • moveTo Save the uploaded file as an entity file.
    1. >Note: moveTo is implemented as file_put_contents, so make sure that the file storage path already exists and has write access when saving the file.
  • getSize Get the file size.
  • getError Get the error message when the file is uploaded.
  • getClientFilename Get the client file name of the file.
  • getClientMediaType