title: Redis coroutine client meta:

  • name: description content: Redis coroutine client, implemented by swoole coroutine client, covering redis 99% method
  • name: keywords content: swoole|swoole extension|swoole framework|EasySwoole redis| Swoole redis coroutine client|swoole Redis|redis coroutine

redis cluster configuration

When the redis cluster is instantiated, you need to pass in the \EasySwoole\Redis\Config\RedisConfig instance:

  1. $config = new \EasySwoole\Redis\Config\RedisClusterConfig([
  2. ['', 9001],
  3. ['', 9002],
  4. ['', 9003],
  5. ['', 9004],
  6. ], [
  7. 'auth' => '',
  8. 'serialize' => \EasySwoole\Redis\Config\RedisConfig::SERIALIZE_PHP
  9. ]);

::: warning The cluster configuration first passes a multi-dimensional array of ip and port, and then passes other configuration items. Other configuration items are consistent with redis configuration. :::

::: warning Note that the auth password needs to be the same for all nodes in the cluster, only one password is supported. :::

Call example:

  1. go(function () {
  2. $redis = new \EasySwoole\Redis\RedisCluster(new \EasySwoole\Redis\Config\RedisClusterConfig([
  3. ['', 9001],
  4. ['', 9002],
  5. ['', 9003],
  6. ['', 9004],
  7. ], [
  8. 'auth' => '',
  9. 'serialize' => \EasySwoole\Redis\Config\RedisConfig::SERIALIZE_PHP
  10. ]));
  11. var_dump($redis->set('a',1));
  12. var_dump($redis->get('a'));
  13. var_dump($redis->clusterKeySlot('a'));
  14. });

Cluster Compatibility Method

Under normal circumstances, some methods cannot be directly called by the cluster client, such as the mSet method, which involves multiple key name operations, and multiple key names are assigned to other nodes. At present, the redis cluster client implements compatibility of some multi-key name operation methods, and the implementation principle is as follows: For the multi-key name operation method, split into a single-key name, and then obtain the slot node by the key name, and then execute it through the client assigned by the slot node, and only execute one key name at a time.

A compatible method has been implemented:

Method Name Parameters Description Notes
mSet $data Setting multiple key-value pairs
mGet $keys Get the value of multiple key names
mSetNx $data Setting multiple key-value pairs This method will not accurately determine “set multiple key values when all keys do not exist”

Cluster Client Scheduling Logic

Client default scheduling

When the cluster client calls the redis method, it automatically defaults to a client to send and receive commands:

  1. function sendCommand(array $com, ?ClusterClient $client = null): bool
  2. {
  3. $client = $client ?? $this->getDefaultClient();
  4. $this->setDefaultClient($client);
  5. return $this->sendCommandByClient($com, $client);
  6. }
  7. function recv($timeout = null, ?ClusterClient $client = null): ?Response
  8. {
  9. $client = $client ?? $this->getDefaultClient();
  10. $this->setDefaultClient($client);
  11. return $this->recvByClient($client, $timeout);
  12. }

When the get or set key value slots are inconsistent, the client will automatically switch the send and receive commands:

  1. // Node transfer client processing
  2. if ($result->getErrorType() == 'MOVED') {
  3. $nodeId = $this->getMoveNodeId($result);
  4. $client = $this->getClient($nodeId);
  5. $this->clientConnect($client);
  6. //Only processed once, if it is wrong, it will not be processed
  7. $client->sendCommand($command);
  8. $result = $client->recv($timeout ?? $this->config->getTimeout());
  9. }

::: warning After the switch is completed, the next command is still the default client. :::

Get the client of the cluster

List of cluster operation methods:

Method name Parameter Description Notes
getNodeClientList Get the cluster client list
getNodeList Get cluster node information array
clientAuth ClusterClient $client, $password Cluster client auth verification
setDefaultClient ClusterClient $defaultClient Set a default client
getDefaultClient Get a default client (initialization will automatically default to one)
tryConnectServerList Try to get the client list again When the call command returns false, try to retrieve it again.
getClient $nodeKey = null Get a client based on nodeKey
getMoveNodeId Response $response Get a nodeKey according to the Move message returned by recv
getSlotNodeId $slotId Get nodeKey based on slot id

::: warning These methods are used by the user to send commands to the redis server, or to define the default client to send. :::

Cluster compatible pipeline method

Due to the characteristics of the pipeline, after the pipeline is opened, the commands executed later will not be sent directly until the last execution of execPipe will be sent once. In a cluster, you can only select one client and send a one-time command:

Method name Parameter Description Notes
execPipe ?ClusterClient $client = null One-time execution of methods saved in the pipeline You can customize a client to send by obtaining a client list.
discardPipe Cancel the pipeline
startPipe Pipeline starts recording

Cluster disable method

::: warning
Due to the characteristics of the cluster, different keys are assigned to different slots. When you call sUnion, sUnIonStore and other commands involving multiple key operations, it will return false, and the error message will be displayed in $redis->getErrorMsg(): :::

  1. $redis = new \EasySwoole\Redis\RedisCluster(new \EasySwoole\Redis\Config\RedisClusterConfig([
  2. ['', 9001],
  3. ['', 9002],
  4. ['', 9003],
  5. ['', 9004],
  6. ], [
  7. 'auth' => '',
  8. 'serialize' => \EasySwoole\Redis\Config\RedisConfig::SERIALIZE_PHP
  9. ]));
  10. $data = $redis->sUnIonStore('a','v','c');
  11. var_dump($data,$redis->getErrorMsg());

Will output:

  1. bool(false)
  2. string(53) "CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot"