title: easyswoole | Environmental requirements meta:

  • name: description content: EasySwoole is a resident memory-based distributed PHP framework based on Swoole Server. It is designed for APIs and gets rid of the performance loss caused by process evoke and file loading in traditional PHP running mode.
  • name: keywords content: swoole|swoole extension|swoole framework|Easyswoole|swoole framework|swoole coroutine framework|php framework

Environmental requirements 1

The basic environment requirements are met to run the framework. The EasySwoole framework is very simple to the environment. It only needs to meet the conditions for running Swoole extension, and the PHP version is above 7.1.

Basic operating environment

  • Guaranteed PHP version is greater than or equal to 7.1
  • Guaranteed Swoole extended version is greater than or equal to 4.4.12
  • Need any version of pcntl extension
  • Use Linux / FreeBSD / MacOS These three types of operating systems
  • Use Composer as a dependency management tool

::: warning Refer to the suggestions below, they are not required, but help to use the framework and develop more efficiently. :::

  • Use Ubuntu14 / CentOS 7.0 or higher operating system


  • QQ exchange group

    • VIP group 579434607 (this group needs to pay 599 RMP)
    • EasySwoole official group 633921431 (full)
    • EasySwoole official two groups 709134628 (full)
    • EasySwoole official three groups 932625047
  • Business support:

    • QQ 291323003
    • EMAIL admin@fosuss.com
  • Author WeChat

    Environmental requirements 1 - 图1

  • Donation Your donation is the greatest encouragement and support for the Swoole project development team. We will insist on development and maintenance. Your donation will be used to:

    • Continuous and in-depth development
    • Document and community construction and maintenance
  • EasySwoole The document uses GitBook as the document writing tool. If you find that the document needs to be corrected or supplemented during use, please fork project document warehouse, modify and supplement, submit Pull Request and contact us