tags: [笔记, Matplotlib, pyplot.gca()]
categories: [笔记, Matplotlib, pyplot.gca()]


可以使用plt.gcf()和plt.gca()获得当前的图表和坐标轴,分别表示Get Current Figure和Get Current Axes。在pyplot模块中,许多函数都是对当前的Figure或Axes对象进行处理,比如说:plt.plot()实际上会通过plt.gca()获得当前的Axes对象ax,然后再调用ax.plot()方法实现真正的绘图。

  1. Signature: plt.gca(**kwargs)
  2. Docstring:
  3. Get the current :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance on the
  4. current figure matching the given keyword args, or create one.
  5. Examples
  6. --------
  7. To get the current polar axes on the current figure::
  8. plt.gca(projection='polar')
  9. If the current axes doesn't exist, or isn't a polar one, the appropriate
  10. axes will be created and then returned.
