
In addition to passing data via props, the parent component can also pass down template fragments to the child via slots:

vue-html <ChildComp> This is some slot content! </ChildComp>
vue-html <child-comp> This is some slot content! </child-comp>

In the child component, it can render the slot content from the parent using the <slot> element as outlet:

vue-html <!-- in child template --> <slot/>
vue-html <!-- in child template --> <slot></slot>

Content inside the <slot> outlet will be treated as “fallback” content: it will be displayed if the parent did not pass down any slot content:

  1. <slot>Fallback content</slot>

Currently we are not passing any slot content to <ChildComp>, so you should see the fallback content. Let’s provide some slot content to the child while making use of the parent’s msg state.