
In addition to receiving props, a child component can also emit events to the parent:

vue <script setup> // declare emitted events const emit = defineEmits(['response']) // emit with argument emit('response', 'hello from child') </script>
js export default { // declare emitted events emits: ['response'], setup(props, { emit }) { // emit with argument emit('response', 'hello from child') } }

js export default { // declare emitted events emits: ['response'], created() { // emit with argument this.$emit('response', 'hello from child') } }

The first argument to this.$emit()emit() is the event name. Any additional arguments are passed on to the event listener.

The parent can listen to child-emitted events using v-on - here the handler receives the extra argument from the child emit call and assigns it to local state:

vue-html <ChildComp @response="(msg) => childMsg = msg" />
vue-html <child-comp @response="(msg) => childMsg = msg"></child-comp>

Now try it yourself in the editor.