
So far, we’ve only been working with a single component. Real Vue applications are typically created with nested components.

A parent component can render another component in its template as a child component. To use a child component, we need to first import it:

js import ChildComp from './ChildComp.vue'
js import ChildComp from './ChildComp.vue' export default { components: { ChildComp } } We also need to register the component using the components option. Here we are using the object property shorthand to register the ChildComp component under the ChildComp key.
Then, we can use the component in the template as: vue-html <ChildComp />
js import ChildComp from './ChildComp.vue' createApp({ components: { ChildComp } }) We also need to register the component using the components option. Here we are using the object property shorthand to register the ChildComp component under the ChildComp key. Because we are writing the template in the DOM, it will be subject to browser’s parsing rules, which is case-insensitive for tag names. Therefore, we need to use the kebab-cased name to reference the child component: vue-html <child-comp></child-comp>

Now try it yourself - import the child component and render it in the template.