:::tips 在这里将了解到最新的参数,对你接下来的调试具有参考作用
仿github团队协作模式,达到每天开始能回到同一个枝干上的目的 :::


更新时间为: 2021-10-05 20:27

:::info box 由0.05调整到0.03,得到了目前最好的效果,map稳定在0.8以上 :::

  1. lr0: 0.01 # initial learning rate (SGD=1E-2, Adam=1E-3)
  2. lrf: 0.2 # final OneCycleLR learning rate (lr0 * lrf)
  3. momentum: 0.937 # SGD momentum/Adam beta1
  4. weight_decay: 0.0005 # optimizer weight decay 5e-4
  5. warmup_epochs: 3.0 # warmup epochs (fractions ok)
  6. warmup_momentum: 0.8 # warmup initial momentum
  7. warmup_bias_lr: 0.1 # warmup initial bias lr
  8. box: 0.03 # box loss gain
  9. cls: 0.4 # cls loss gain
  10. cls_pw: 1.0 # cls BCELoss positive_weight
  11. obj: 1.0 # obj loss gain (scale with pixels)
  12. obj_pw: 1.0 # obj BCELoss positive_weight
  13. iou_t: 0.20 # IoU training threshold
  14. anchor_t: 4.0 # anchor-multiple threshold
  15. # anchors: 3 # anchors per output layer (0 to ignore)
  16. fl_eiou_gamma: 0.0 #focal eiou loss gamma
  17. iou_aware: 0.0
  18. fl_gamma: 0.0 # focal loss gamma (efficientDet default gamma=1.5)
  19. hsv_h: 0.015 # image HSV-Hue augmentation (fraction)
  20. hsv_s: 0.7 # image HSV-Saturation augmentation (fraction)
  21. hsv_v: 0.4 # image HSV-Value augmentation (fraction)
  22. degrees: 0.0 # image rotation (+/- deg)
  23. translate: 0.1 # image translation (+/- fraction)
  24. scale: 0.5 # image scale (+/- gain)
  25. shear: 0.0 # image shear (+/- deg)
  26. perspective: 0.0 # image perspective (+/- fraction), range 0-0.001
  27. flipud: 0.0 # image flip up-down (probability)
  28. fliplr: 0.5 # image flip left-right (probability)
  29. mosaic: 1.0 # image mosaic (probability)
  30. mixup: 0.0 # image mixup (probability)
  31. copy_paste: 0.0 # segment copy-paste (probability)

快速小报 - 图1


  1. lr0: 0.01 # initial learning rate (SGD=1E-2, Adam=1E-3)
  2. lrf: 0.2 # final OneCycleLR learning rate (lr0 * lrf)
  3. momentum: 0.937 # SGD momentum/Adam beta1
  4. weight_decay: 0.0005 # optimizer weight decay 5e-4
  5. warmup_epochs: 3.0 # warmup epochs (fractions ok)
  6. warmup_momentum: 0.8 # warmup initial momentum
  7. warmup_bias_lr: 0.1 # warmup initial bias lr
  8. box: 0.05 # box loss gain
  9. cls: 0.5 # cls loss gain
  10. cls_pw: 1.0 # cls BCELoss positive_weight
  11. obj: 1.0 # obj loss gain (scale with pixels)
  12. obj_pw: 1.0 # obj BCELoss positive_weight
  13. iou_t: 0.20 # IoU training threshold
  14. anchor_t: 4.0 # anchor-multiple threshold
  15. # anchors: 3 # anchors per output layer (0 to ignore)
  16. fl_eiou_gamma: 0.0 #focal eiou loss gamma
  17. iou_aware: 0.0
  18. fl_gamma: 0.0 # focal loss gamma (efficientDet default gamma=1.5)
  19. hsv_h: 0.015 # image HSV-Hue augmentation (fraction)
  20. hsv_s: 0.7 # image HSV-Saturation augmentation (fraction)
  21. hsv_v: 0.4 # image HSV-Value augmentation (fraction)
  22. degrees: 0.0 # image rotation (+/- deg)
  23. translate: 0.1 # image translation (+/- fraction)
  24. scale: 0.5 # image scale (+/- gain)
  25. shear: 0.0 # image shear (+/- deg)
  26. perspective: 0.0 # image perspective (+/- fraction), range 0-0.001
  27. flipud: 0.0 # image flip up-down (probability)
  28. fliplr: 0.5 # image flip left-right (probability)
  29. mosaic: 1.0 # image mosaic (probability)
  30. mixup: 0.0 # image mixup (probability)
  31. copy_paste: 0.0 # segment copy-paste (probability)

快速小报 - 图2


  1. yolov5s6.pt
  2. 下载地址:
  3. https://yun.hengyimonster.top/s/3zhE


这里你将学会简单的几步:方便大家同步前进 你的付出也就具有参考价值,快速学习


  1. 第一步:


  1. 第二步:

相同的操作但是是3个###开始3级标题 为:你的操作日志

  1. 第三步:


  • 输入 :::info 回车
    • 数据:xxxx
    • 命令行:xxxx
  • 复制截图直接粘贴
  • 复制参数并且粘贴同时将更改的参数标注为红色
  1. 每次训练一次请重复第二和第三步
  2. 小总结:

当你今天不想继续训练的时候: 请输入:::tips 回车
写一下今天调了哪一个 觉得那个最好
并在最后附上觉得最好的那张图 方便李师兄总结并更新小报 :::



:::info 今日一共有 2人,提交了6份数据 :::

  • 陈唯彬:

box 由0.05调整到0.03,得到了目前最好的效果,map稳定在0.8以上

得出的最优模型图: 快速小报 - 图3