

  • 单机单库没这个问题
  • 从1:1 -> 1:N -> N:N

单体应用被拆分成微服务应用,原来的三个模块被拆分成三个独立的应用,分别使用三个独立的数据源,业务操作需要调用三三 个服务来完成。此时每个服务内部的数据一致性由本地事务来保证, 但是全局的数据一致性问题没法保证

Seata 介绍


  • Transaction ID XID 全局唯一的事务ID
  • 三组件概念
    • TC (Transaction Coordinator) - 事务协调者:维护全局和分支事务的状态,驱动全局事务提交或回滚。
    • TM (Transaction Manager) - 事务管理器:定义全局事务的范围:开始全局事务、提交或回滚全局事务。
    • RM (Resource Manager) - 资源管理器:管理分支事务处理的资源,与 TC 交谈以注册分支事务和报告分支事务的状态,并驱动分支事务提交或回滚。


  1. TM 向 TC 申请开启一个全局事务,全局事务创建成功并生成一个全局唯一的 XID
  2. XID 在微服务调用链路的上下文中传播;
  3. RM 向 TC 注册分支事务,将其纳入 XID 对应全局事务的管辖;
  4. TM 向 TC 发起针对 XID 的全局提交或回滚决议;
  5. TC 调度 XID 下管辖的全部分支事务完成提交或回滚请求。



2019 年 1 月份蚂蚁金服和阿里巴巴共同开源的分布式事务解决方案。
Simple Extensible Autonomous Transaction Architecture,简单可扩展自治事务框架。
2020起始,用 1.0 以后的版本。Alina Gingertail

  • TM 开启分布式事务(TM 向 TC 注册全局事务记录) ;
  • 按业务场景,编排数据库、服务等事务内资源(RM 向 TC 汇报资源准备状态) ;
  • TM 结束分布式事务,事务一阶段结束(TM 通知 TC 提交/回滚分布式事务);
  • TC 汇总事务信息,决定分布式事务是提交还是回滚;
  • TC 通知所有 RM 提交/回滚资源,事务二阶段结束。



  • 基于支持本地 ACID 事务的关系型数据库。
  • Java 应用,通过 JDBC 访问数据库。

整体机制 两阶段提交协议的演变:

  • 一阶段:业务数据和回滚日志记录在同一个本地事务中提交,释放本地锁和连接资源。
  • 二阶段:
    • 提交异步化,非常快速地完成。
    • 回滚通过一阶段的回滚日志进行反向补偿。


在一阶段,Seata 会拦截“业务SQL”

  1. 解析SQL语义,找到“业务SQL” 要更新的业务数据,在业务数据被更新前,将其保存成”before image”
  2. 执行“业务SQL” 更新业务数据
  3. 在业务数据更新之后,其保存成”after image”,最后生成行锁。

以上操作全部在一个数据库事务内完成, 这样保证了一阶段操作的原子性。
二阶段如果顺利提交的话,因为”业务SQL”在一阶段已经提交至数据库,所以 Seata 框架只需将一阶段保存的快照数据和行锁删掉,完成数据清理即可。
二阶段如果是回滚的话,Seata 就需要回滚一阶段已经执行的 “业务SQL”,还原业务数据。
回滚方式便是用”before image”还原业务数据;但在还原前要首先要校验脏写,对比“数据库当前业务数据”和”after image”。
如果两份数据完全一致就说明没有脏写, 可以还原业务数据,如果不一致就说明有脏写, 出现脏写就需要转人工处理。

Seata-Server 安装

发布说明: https://github.com/seata/seata/releases
本地 @Transactional
全局 @GlobalTransactional
SEATA 的分布式交易解决方案
我们只需要使用一个 @GlobalTransactional 注解在业务方法上

官网地址 - http://seata.io/zh-cn/
下载版本 - 0.9.0
seata-server-0.9.0.zip 解压到指定目录并修改 conf 目录下的 file.conf 配置文件
先备份原始 file.conf 文件
主要修改:自定义事务组名称 + 事务日志存储模式为db + 数据库连接信息
service 模块

  1. service {
  2. ##fsp_tx_group是自定义的
  3. vgroup_mapping.my.test.tx_group="fsp_tx_group"
  4. default.grouplist = ""
  5. enableDegrade = false
  6. disable = false
  7. max.commitretry.timeout= "-1"
  8. max.ollbackretry.timeout= "-1"
  9. }

store 模块

  1. ## transaction log store
  2. store {
  3. ## store mode: file, db
  4. ## 改成db
  5. mode = "db"
  6. ## file store
  7. file {
  8. dir = "sessionStore"
  9. # branch session size, if exceeded first try compress lockkey, still exceeded throws exceptions
  10. max-branch-session-size = 16384
  11. # globe session size, if exceeded throws exceptions
  12. max-global-session-size = 512
  13. # file buffer size, if exceeded allocate new buffer
  14. file-write-buffer-cache-size = 16384
  15. # when recover batch read size
  16. session.reload.read_size= 100
  17. # async, sync
  18. flush-disk-mode = async
  19. }
  20. # database store
  21. db {
  22. ## the implement of javax.sql.DataSource, such as DruidDataSource(druid)/BasicDataSource(dbcp) etc.
  23. datasource = "dbcp"
  24. ## mysql/oracle/h2/oceanbase etc.
  25. ## 配置数据源
  26. db-type = "mysql"
  27. driver-class-name = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
  28. url = "jdbc:mysql://"
  29. user = "root"
  30. password = "你自己密码"
  31. min-conn= 1
  32. max-conn = 3
  33. global.table = "global_table"
  34. branch.table = "branch_table"
  35. lock-table = "lock_table"
  36. query-limit = 100
  37. }
  38. }

mysql5.7 数据库新建库 seata,在 seata 库里建表
建表 db_store.sql\seata-server-0.9.0\seata\conf 目录里面

  1. -- the table to store GlobalSession data
  2. drop table if exists `global_table`;
  3. create table `global_table` (
  4. `xid` varchar(128) not null,
  5. `transaction_id` bigint,
  6. `status` tinyint not null,
  7. `application_id` varchar(32),
  8. `transaction_service_group` varchar(32),
  9. `transaction_name` varchar(128),
  10. `timeout` int,
  11. `begin_time` bigint,
  12. `application_data` varchar(2000),
  13. `gmt_create` datetime,
  14. `gmt_modified` datetime,
  15. primary key (`xid`),
  16. key `idx_gmt_modified_status` (`gmt_modified`, `status`),
  17. key `idx_transaction_id` (`transaction_id`)
  18. );
  19. -- the table to store BranchSession data
  20. drop table if exists `branch_table`;
  21. create table `branch_table` (
  22. `branch_id` bigint not null,
  23. `xid` varchar(128) not null,
  24. `transaction_id` bigint ,
  25. `resource_group_id` varchar(32),
  26. `resource_id` varchar(256) ,
  27. `lock_key` varchar(128) ,
  28. `branch_type` varchar(8) ,
  29. `status` tinyint,
  30. `client_id` varchar(64),
  31. `application_data` varchar(2000),
  32. `gmt_create` datetime,
  33. `gmt_modified` datetime,
  34. primary key (`branch_id`),
  35. key `idx_xid` (`xid`)
  36. );
  37. -- the table to store lock data
  38. drop table if exists `lock_table`;
  39. create table `lock_table` (
  40. `row_key` varchar(128) not null,
  41. `xid` varchar(96),
  42. `transaction_id` long ,
  43. `branch_id` long,
  44. `resource_id` varchar(256) ,
  45. `table_name` varchar(32) ,
  46. `pk` varchar(36) ,
  47. `gmt_create` datetime ,
  48. `gmt_modified` datetime,
  49. primary key(`row_key`)
  50. );

修改 seata-server-0.9.0\seata\conf 目录下的 registry.conf 配置文件

  1. registry {
  2. # file 、nacos 、eureka、redis、zk、consul、etcd3、sofa
  3. # 改用为nacos
  4. type = "nacos"
  5. nacos {
  6. ## 加端口号
  7. serverAddr = "localhost:8848"
  8. namespace = ""
  9. cluster = "default"
  10. }
  11. ...
  12. }

目的是:指明注册中心为 nacos,及修改 nacos 连接信息
先启动 Nacos 端口号 8848 nacos\bin\startup.cmd
再启动 seata-server - seata-server-0.9.0\seata\bin\seata-server.bat



以下演示都需要先启动 Nacos 后启动 Seata,保证两个都 OK

  • seata_ order:存储订单的数据库;
  • seata_ storage:存储库存的数据库;
  • seata_ account:存储账户信息的数据库。

建库 SQL

  1. CREATE DATABASE seata_order;
  2. CREATE DATABASE seata_storage;
  3. CREATE DATABASE seata_account;


  • seata_order库下建t_order表

    1. CREATE TABLE t_order (
    3. `user_id` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户id',
    4. `product_id` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '产品id',
    5. `count` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '数量',
    6. `money` DECIMAL(11,0) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '金额',
    7. `status` INT(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '订单状态: 0:创建中; 1:已完结'
    9. SELECT * FROM t_order;
  • seata_storage 库下建 t_storage 表

    1. CREATE TABLE t_storage (
    3. `product_id` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '产品id',
    4. `total` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '总库存',
    5. `used` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '已用库存',
    6. `residue` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '剩余库存'
    8. INSERT INTO seata_storage.t_storage(`id`, `product_id`, `total`, `used`, `residue`)
    9. VALUES ('1', '1', '100', '0','100');
    10. SELECT * FROM t_storage;
  • seata_account 库下建 t_account 表

    1. CREATE TABLE t_account(
    3. `user_id` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户id',
    4. `total` DECIMAL(10,0) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '总额度',
    5. `used` DECIMAL(10,0) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '已用余额',
    6. `residue` DECIMAL(10,0) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '剩余可用额度'
    8. INSERT INTO seata_account.t_account(`id`, `user_id`, `total`, `used`, `residue`)
    9. VALUES ('1', '1', '1000', '0', '1000');
    10. SELECT * FROM t_account;


  • 订单-库存-账户3个库下都需要建各自的回滚日志表

  • \seata-server-0.9.0\seata\conf 目录下的 db_ undo_ log.sql
  • 建表 SQL

    1. -- the table to store seata xid data
    2. -- 0.7.0+ add context
    3. -- you must to init this sql for you business databese. the seata server not need it.
    4. -- 此脚本必须初始化在你当前的业务数据库中,用于AT 模式XID记录。与server端无关(注:业务数据库)
    5. -- 注意此处0.3.0+ 增加唯一索引 ux_undo_log
    6. drop table `undo_log`;
    7. CREATE TABLE `undo_log` (
    8. `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    9. `branch_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    10. `xid` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    11. `context` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
    12. `rollback_info` longblob NOT NULL,
    13. `log_status` int(11) NOT NULL,
    14. `log_created` datetime NOT NULL,
    15. `log_modified` datetime NOT NULL,
    16. `ext` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
    17. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    18. UNIQUE KEY `ux_undo_log` (`xid`,`branch_id`)

    Order-Module 搭建

    下订单 -> 减库存 -> 扣余额 -> 改(订单)状态

    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2. <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
    3. xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    4. xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
    5. <parent>
    6. <artifactId>cloud2020</artifactId>
    7. <groupId>com.atguigu.springcloud</groupId>
    8. <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
    9. </parent>
    10. <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
    11. <artifactId>seata-order-service2001</artifactId>
    12. <dependencies>
    13. <!--nacos-->
    14. <dependency>
    15. <groupId>com.alibaba.cloud</groupId>
    16. <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery</artifactId>
    17. </dependency>
    18. <!--seata-->
    19. <dependency>
    20. <groupId>com.alibaba.cloud</groupId>
    21. <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-seata</artifactId>
    22. <exclusions>
    23. <exclusion>
    24. <artifactId>seata-all</artifactId>
    25. <groupId>io.seata</groupId>
    26. </exclusion>
    27. </exclusions>
    28. </dependency>
    29. <dependency>
    30. <groupId>io.seata</groupId>
    31. <artifactId>seata-all</artifactId>
    32. <version>0.9.0</version>
    33. </dependency>
    34. <!--feign-->
    35. <dependency>
    36. <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId>
    37. <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-openfeign</artifactId>
    38. </dependency>
    39. <!--web-actuator-->
    40. <dependency>
    41. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
    42. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId>
    43. </dependency>
    44. <dependency>
    45. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
    46. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifactId>
    47. </dependency>
    48. <!--mysql-druid-->
    49. <dependency>
    50. <groupId>mysql</groupId>
    51. <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId>
    52. <version>5.1.37</version>
    53. </dependency>
    54. <dependency>
    55. <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId>
    56. <artifactId>druid-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
    57. <version>1.1.10</version>
    58. </dependency>
    59. <dependency>
    60. <groupId>org.mybatis.spring.boot</groupId>
    61. <artifactId>mybatis-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
    62. <version>2.0.0</version>
    63. </dependency>
    64. <dependency>
    65. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
    66. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId>
    67. <scope>test</scope>
    68. </dependency>
    69. <dependency>
    70. <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId>
    71. <artifactId>lombok</artifactId>
    72. <optional>true</optional>
    73. </dependency>
    74. </dependencies>
    75. </project>


    1. server:
    2. port: 2001
    3. spring:
    4. application:
    5. name: seata-order-service
    6. cloud:
    7. alibaba:
    8. seata:
    9. #自定义事务组名称需要与seata-server中的对应
    10. tx-service-group: fsp_tx_group
    11. nacos:
    12. discovery:
    13. server-addr: localhost:8848
    14. datasource:
    15. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    16. url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seata_order
    17. username: root
    18. password: 123456
    19. feign:
    20. hystrix:
    21. enabled: false
    22. logging:
    23. level:
    24. io:
    25. seata: info
    26. mybatis:
    27. mapperLocations: classpath:mapper/*.xml


    1. transport {
    2. # tcp udt unix-domain-socket
    3. type = "TCP"
    4. #NIO NATIVE
    5. server = "NIO"
    6. #enable heartbeat
    7. heartbeat = true
    8. #thread factory for netty
    9. thread-factory {
    10. boss-thread-prefix = "NettyBoss"
    11. worker-thread-prefix = "NettyServerNIOWorker"
    12. server-executor-thread-prefix = "NettyServerBizHandler"
    13. share-boss-worker = false
    14. client-selector-thread-prefix = "NettyClientSelector"
    15. client-selector-thread-size = 1
    16. client-worker-thread-prefix = "NettyClientWorkerThread"
    17. # netty boss thread size,will not be used for UDT
    18. boss-thread-size = 1
    19. #auto default pin or 8
    20. worker-thread-size = 8
    21. }
    22. shutdown {
    23. # when destroy server, wait seconds
    24. wait = 3
    25. }
    26. serialization = "seata"
    27. compressor = "none"
    28. }
    29. service {
    30. vgroup_mapping.fsp_tx_group = "default" #修改自定义事务组名称
    31. default.grouplist = ""
    32. enableDegrade = false
    33. disable = false
    34. max.commit.retry.timeout = "-1"
    35. max.rollback.retry.timeout = "-1"
    36. disableGlobalTransaction = false
    37. }
    38. client {
    39. async.commit.buffer.limit = 10000
    40. lock {
    41. retry.internal = 10
    42. retry.times = 30
    43. }
    44. report.retry.count = 5
    45. tm.commit.retry.count = 1
    46. tm.rollback.retry.count = 1
    47. }
    48. ## transaction log store
    49. store {
    50. ## store mode: file、db
    51. mode = "db"
    52. ## file store
    53. file {
    54. dir = "sessionStore"
    55. # branch session size , if exceeded first try compress lockkey, still exceeded throws exceptions
    56. max-branch-session-size = 16384
    57. # globe session size , if exceeded throws exceptions
    58. max-global-session-size = 512
    59. # file buffer size , if exceeded allocate new buffer
    60. file-write-buffer-cache-size = 16384
    61. # when recover batch read size
    62. session.reload.read_size = 100
    63. # async, sync
    64. flush-disk-mode = async
    65. }
    66. ## database store
    67. db {
    68. ## the implement of javax.sql.DataSource, such as DruidDataSource(druid)/BasicDataSource(dbcp) etc.
    69. datasource = "dbcp"
    70. ## mysql/oracle/h2/oceanbase etc.
    71. db-type = "mysql"
    72. driver-class-name = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    73. url = "jdbc:mysql://"
    74. user = "root"
    75. password = "123456"
    76. min-conn = 1
    77. max-conn = 3
    78. global.table = "global_table"
    79. branch.table = "branch_table"
    80. lock-table = "lock_table"
    81. query-limit = 100
    82. }
    83. }
    84. lock {
    85. ## the lock store mode: local、remote
    86. mode = "remote"
    87. local {
    88. ## store locks in user's database
    89. }
    90. remote {
    91. ## store locks in the seata's server
    92. }
    93. }
    94. recovery {
    95. #schedule committing retry period in milliseconds
    96. committing-retry-period = 1000
    97. #schedule asyn committing retry period in milliseconds
    98. asyn-committing-retry-period = 1000
    99. #schedule rollbacking retry period in milliseconds
    100. rollbacking-retry-period = 1000
    101. #schedule timeout retry period in milliseconds
    102. timeout-retry-period = 1000
    103. }
    104. transaction {
    105. undo.data.validation = true
    106. undo.log.serialization = "jackson"
    107. undo.log.save.days = 7
    108. #schedule delete expired undo_log in milliseconds
    109. undo.log.delete.period = 86400000
    110. undo.log.table = "undo_log"
    111. }
    112. ## metrics settings
    113. metrics {
    114. enabled = false
    115. registry-type = "compact"
    116. # multi exporters use comma divided
    117. exporter-list = "prometheus"
    118. exporter-prometheus-port = 9898
    119. }
    120. support {
    121. ## spring
    122. spring {
    123. # auto proxy the DataSource bean
    124. datasource.autoproxy = false
    125. }
    126. }


    1. registry {
    2. # file 、nacos 、eureka、redis、zk、consul、etcd3、sofa
    3. type = "nacos"
    4. nacos {
    5. serverAddr = "localhost:8848"
    6. namespace = ""
    7. cluster = "default"
    8. }
    9. eureka {
    10. serviceUrl = "http://localhost:8761/eureka"
    11. application = "default"
    12. weight = "1"
    13. }
    14. redis {
    15. serverAddr = "localhost:6379"
    16. db = "0"
    17. }
    18. zk {
    19. cluster = "default"
    20. serverAddr = ""
    21. session.timeout = 6000
    22. connect.timeout = 2000
    23. }
    24. consul {
    25. cluster = "default"
    26. serverAddr = ""
    27. }
    28. etcd3 {
    29. cluster = "default"
    30. serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379"
    31. }
    32. sofa {
    33. serverAddr = ""
    34. application = "default"
    35. region = "DEFAULT_ZONE"
    36. datacenter = "DefaultDataCenter"
    37. cluster = "default"
    38. group = "SEATA_GROUP"
    39. addressWaitTime = "3000"
    40. }
    41. file {
    42. name = "file.conf"
    43. }
    44. }
    45. config {
    46. # file、nacos 、apollo、zk、consul、etcd3
    47. type = "file"
    48. nacos {
    49. serverAddr = "localhost"
    50. namespace = ""
    51. }
    52. consul {
    53. serverAddr = ""
    54. }
    55. apollo {
    56. app.id = "seata-server"
    57. apollo.meta = ""
    58. }
    59. zk {
    60. serverAddr = ""
    61. session.timeout = 6000
    62. connect.timeout = 2000
    63. }
    64. etcd3 {
    65. serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379"
    66. }
    67. file {
    68. name = "file.conf"
    69. }
    70. }


    1. import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
    2. import lombok.Data;
    3. import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
    4. @Data
    5. @AllArgsConstructor
    6. @NoArgsConstructor
    7. public class CommonResult<T> {
    8. private Integer code;
    9. private String message;
    10. private T data;
    11. public CommonResult(Integer code, String message) {
    12. this(code,message,null);
    13. }
    14. }

    ```java package com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import java.math.BigDecimal;

@Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor public class Order { private Long id; private Long userId; private Long productId; private Integer count; private BigDecimal money; private Integer status; //订单状态:0:创建中;1:已完结 }

  1. Dao 接口及实现
  2. ```java
  3. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.Order;
  4. import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
  5. import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
  6. @Mapper
  7. public interface OrderDao {
  8. //1 新建订单
  9. void create(Order order);
  10. //2 修改订单状态,从零改为1
  11. void update(@Param("userId") Long userId,@Param("status") Integer status);
  12. }
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
  3. <mapper namespace="com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.dao.OrderDao">
  4. <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.Order">
  5. <id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT"/>
  6. <result column="user_id" property="userId" jdbcType="BIGINT"/>
  7. <result column="product_id" property="productId" jdbcType="BIGINT"/>
  8. <result column="count" property="count" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
  9. <result column="money" property="money" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
  10. <result column="status" property="status" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
  11. </resultMap>
  12. <insert id="create">
  13. insert into t_order (id,user_id,product_id,count,money,status)
  14. values (null,#{userId},#{productId},#{count},#{money},0);
  15. </insert>
  16. <update id="update">
  17. update t_order set status = 1
  18. where user_id=#{userId} and status = #{status};
  19. </update>
  20. </mapper>


  • OrderService
    • OrderServiceImpl
  • StorageService
  • AccountService ```java import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.Order;

public interface OrderService { void create(Order order); }

  1. ```java
  2. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.CommonResult;
  3. import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.FeignClient;
  4. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
  5. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
  6. import java.math.BigDecimal;
  7. @FeignClient(value = "seata-storage-service")
  8. public interface StorageService {
  9. @PostMapping(value = "/storage/decrease")
  10. CommonResult decrease(@RequestParam("productId") Long productId, @RequestParam("count") Integer count);
  11. }
  1. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.CommonResult;
  2. import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.FeignClient;
  3. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
  4. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
  5. import java.math.BigDecimal;
  6. @FeignClient(value = "seata-account-service")
  7. public interface AccountService {
  8. @PostMapping(value = "/account/decrease")
  9. CommonResult decrease(@RequestParam("userId") Long userId, @RequestParam("money") BigDecimal money);
  10. }
  1. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.dao.OrderDao;
  2. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.Order;
  3. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.service.AccountService;
  4. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.service.OrderService;
  5. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.service.StorageService;
  6. import io.seata.spring.annotation.GlobalTransactional;
  7. import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
  8. import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
  9. import javax.annotation.Resource;
  10. @Service
  11. @Slf4j
  12. public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService {
  13. @Resource
  14. private OrderDao orderDao;
  15. @Resource
  16. private StorageService storageService;
  17. @Resource
  18. private AccountService accountService;
  19. /**
  20. * 创建订单->调用库存服务扣减库存->调用账户服务扣减账户余额->修改订单状态
  21. * 简单说:下订单->扣库存->减余额->改状态
  22. */
  23. @Override
  24. //@GlobalTransactional(name = "fsp-create-order",rollbackFor = Exception.class)
  25. public void create(Order order) {
  26. log.info("----->开始新建订单");
  27. //1 新建订单
  28. orderDao.create(order);
  29. //2 扣减库存
  30. log.info("----->订单微服务开始调用库存,做扣减Count");
  31. storageService.decrease(order.getProductId(),order.getCount());
  32. log.info("----->订单微服务开始调用库存,做扣减end");
  33. //3 扣减账户
  34. log.info("----->订单微服务开始调用账户,做扣减Money");
  35. accountService.decrease(order.getUserId(),order.getMoney());
  36. log.info("----->订单微服务开始调用账户,做扣减end");
  37. //4 修改订单状态,从零到1,1代表已经完成
  38. log.info("----->修改订单状态开始");
  39. orderDao.update(order.getUserId(),0);
  40. log.info("----->修改订单状态结束");
  41. log.info("----->下订单结束了,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~");
  42. }
  43. }


  1. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.CommonResult;
  2. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.Order;
  3. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.service.OrderService;
  4. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
  5. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
  6. import javax.annotation.Resource;
  7. @RestController
  8. public class OrderController {
  9. @Resource
  10. private OrderService orderService;
  11. @GetMapping("/order/create")
  12. public CommonResult create(Order order) {
  13. orderService.create(order);
  14. return new CommonResult(200,"订单创建成功");
  15. }
  16. }


  • MyBatisConfig
  • DataSourceProxyConfig ```java import org.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

@Configuration @MapperScan({“com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.dao”}) public class MyBatisConfig { }

  1. ```java
  2. import com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource;
  3. import io.seata.rm.datasource.DataSourceProxy;
  4. import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
  5. import org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean;
  6. import org.mybatis.spring.transaction.SpringManagedTransactionFactory;
  7. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
  8. import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
  9. import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
  10. import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
  11. import org.springframework.core.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver;
  12. import javax.sql.DataSource;
  13. /**
  14. * 使用Seata对数据源进行代理
  15. */
  16. @Configuration
  17. public class DataSourceProxyConfig {
  18. @Value("${mybatis.mapperLocations}")
  19. private String mapperLocations;
  20. @Bean
  21. @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")
  22. public DataSource druidDataSource(){
  23. return new DruidDataSource();
  24. }
  25. @Bean
  26. public DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy(DataSource dataSource) {
  27. return new DataSourceProxy(dataSource);
  28. }
  29. @Bean
  30. public SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactoryBean(DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy) throws Exception {
  31. SqlSessionFactoryBean sqlSessionFactoryBean = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();
  32. sqlSessionFactoryBean.setDataSource(dataSourceProxy);
  33. sqlSessionFactoryBean.setMapperLocations(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources(mapperLocations));
  34. sqlSessionFactoryBean.setTransactionFactory(new SpringManagedTransactionFactory());
  35. return sqlSessionFactoryBean.getObject();
  36. }
  37. }


  1. import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
  2. import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
  3. import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceAutoConfiguration;
  4. import org.springframework.cloud.client.discovery.EnableDiscoveryClient;
  5. import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.EnableFeignClients;
  6. @EnableDiscoveryClient
  7. @EnableFeignClients
  8. //取消数据源的自动创建,而是使用自己定义的
  9. @SpringBootApplication(exclude = DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class)
  10. public class SeataOrderMainApp2001 {
  11. public static void main(String[] args) {
  12. SpringApplication.run(SeataOrderMainApp2001.class, args);
  13. }
  14. }


seata- storage - service2002

  1. server:
  2. port: 2002
  3. spring:
  4. application:
  5. name: seata-storage-service
  6. cloud:
  7. alibaba:
  8. seata:
  9. tx-service-group: fsp_tx_group
  10. nacos:
  11. discovery:
  12. server-addr: localhost:8848
  13. datasource:
  14. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  15. url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seata_storage
  16. username: root
  17. password: 123456
  18. logging:
  19. level:
  20. io:
  21. seata: info
  22. mybatis:
  23. mapperLocations: classpath:mapper/*.xml


  1. import lombok.Data;
  2. @Data
  3. public class Storage {
  4. private Long id;
  5. /**
  6. * 产品id
  7. */
  8. private Long productId;
  9. /**
  10. * 总库存
  11. */
  12. private Integer total;
  13. /**
  14. * 已用库存
  15. */
  16. private Integer used;
  17. /**
  18. * 剩余库存
  19. */
  20. private Integer residue;
  21. }

Dao 接口及实现

  1. import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
  2. import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
  3. @Mapper
  4. public interface StorageDao {
  5. //扣减库存
  6. void decrease(@Param("productId") Long productId, @Param("count") Integer count);
  7. }
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
  3. <mapper namespace="com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.dao.StorageDao">
  4. <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.Storage">
  5. <id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT"/>
  6. <result column="product_id" property="productId" jdbcType="BIGINT"/>
  7. <result column="total" property="total" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
  8. <result column="used" property="used" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
  9. <result column="residue" property="residue" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
  10. </resultMap>
  11. <update id="decrease">
  12. UPDATE
  13. t_storage
  14. SET
  15. used = used + #{count},residue = residue - #{count}
  16. WHERE
  17. product_id = #{productId}
  18. </update>
  19. </mapper>


  1. public interface StorageService {
  2. /**
  3. * 扣减库存
  4. */
  5. void decrease(Long productId, Integer count);
  6. }
  1. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.dao.StorageDao;
  2. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.service.StorageService ;
  3. import org.slf4j.Logger;
  4. import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
  5. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  6. import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
  7. import javax.annotation.Resource;
  8. @Service
  9. public class StorageServiceImpl implements StorageService {
  10. private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StorageServiceImpl.class);
  11. @Resource
  12. private StorageDao storageDao;
  13. /**
  14. * 扣减库存
  15. */
  16. @Override
  17. public void decrease(Long productId, Integer count) {
  18. LOGGER.info("------->storage-service中扣减库存开始");
  19. storageDao.decrease(productId,count);
  20. LOGGER.info("------->storage-service中扣减库存结束");
  21. }
  22. }


  1. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.CommonResult ;
  2. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.service.StorageService ;
  3. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  4. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
  5. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
  6. @RestController
  7. public class StorageController {
  8. @Autowired
  9. private StorageService storageService;
  10. /**
  11. * 扣减库存
  12. */
  13. @RequestMapping("/storage/decrease")
  14. public CommonResult decrease(Long productId, Integer count) {
  15. storageService.decrease(productId, count);
  16. return new CommonResult(200,"扣减库存成功!");
  17. }
  18. }

Config 配置(与seata-order-service2001模块大致相同)


与 seata-order-service2001 模块大致相同
seata- account- service2003

  1. server:
  2. port: 2003
  3. spring:
  4. application:
  5. name: seata-account-service
  6. cloud:
  7. alibaba:
  8. seata:
  9. tx-service-group: fsp_tx_group
  10. nacos:
  11. discovery:
  12. server-addr: localhost:8848
  13. datasource:
  14. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  15. url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seata_account
  16. username: root
  17. password: 123456
  18. feign:
  19. hystrix:
  20. enabled: false
  21. logging:
  22. level:
  23. io:
  24. seata: info
  25. mybatis:
  26. mapperLocations: classpath:mapper/*.xml


  1. import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
  2. import lombok.Data;
  3. import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
  4. import java.math.BigDecimal;
  5. @Data
  6. @AllArgsConstructor
  7. @NoArgsConstructor
  8. public class Account {
  9. private Long id;
  10. /**
  11. * 用户id
  12. */
  13. private Long userId;
  14. /**
  15. * 总额度
  16. */
  17. private BigDecimal total;
  18. /**
  19. * 已用额度
  20. */
  21. private BigDecimal used;
  22. /**
  23. * 剩余额度
  24. */
  25. private BigDecimal residue;
  26. }

Dao 接口及实现

  1. import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
  2. import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
  3. import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
  4. import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
  5. import java.math.BigDecimal;
  6. @Mapper
  7. public interface AccountDao {
  8. /**
  9. * 扣减账户余额
  10. */
  11. void decrease(@Param("userId") Long userId, @Param("money") BigDecimal money);
  12. }
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
  3. <mapper namespace="com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.dao.AccountDao">
  4. <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.Account">
  5. <id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT"/>
  6. <result column="user_id" property="userId" jdbcType="BIGINT"/>
  7. <result column="total" property="total" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
  8. <result column="used" property="used" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
  9. <result column="residue" property="residue" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
  10. </resultMap>
  11. <update id="decrease">
  12. UPDATE t_account
  13. SET
  14. residue = residue - #{money},used = used + #{money}
  15. WHERE
  16. user_id = #{userId};
  17. </update>
  18. </mapper>


  1. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
  2. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
  3. import java.math.BigDecimal;
  4. public interface AccountService {
  5. /**
  6. * 扣减账户余额
  7. * @param userId 用户id
  8. * @param money 金额
  9. */
  10. void decrease(@RequestParam("userId") Long userId, @RequestParam("money") BigDecimal money);
  11. }
  1. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.dao.AccountDao;
  2. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.service.AccountService ;
  3. import org.slf4j.Logger;
  4. import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
  5. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  6. import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
  7. import javax.annotation.Resource;
  8. import java.math.BigDecimal;
  9. import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
  10. /**
  11. */
  12. @Service
  13. public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
  14. private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccountServiceImpl.class);
  15. @Resource
  16. AccountDao accountDao;
  17. /**
  18. * 扣减账户余额
  19. */
  20. @Override
  21. public void decrease(Long userId, BigDecimal money) {
  22. LOGGER.info("------->account-service中扣减账户余额开始");
  23. accountDao.decrease(userId,money);
  24. LOGGER.info("------->account-service中扣减账户余额结束");
  25. }
  26. }


  1. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.domain.CommonResult ;
  2. import com.atguigu.springcloud.alibaba.service.AccountService ;
  3. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  4. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
  5. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
  6. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
  7. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
  8. import javax.annotation.Resource;
  9. import java.math.BigDecimal;
  10. @RestController
  11. public class AccountController {
  12. @Resource
  13. AccountService accountService;
  14. /**
  15. * 扣减账户余额
  16. */
  17. @RequestMapping("/account/decrease")
  18. public CommonResult decrease(@RequestParam("userId") Long userId, @RequestParam("money") BigDecimal money){
  19. accountService.decrease(userId,money);
  20. return new CommonResult(200,"扣减账户余额成功!");
  21. }
  22. }

Config 配置(与seata-order-service2001模块大致相同)

@GlobalTransactional 验证

下订单 -> 减库存 -> 扣余额 -> 改(订单)状态
正常下单 - http://localhost:2001/order/create?userId=1&productId=1&count=10&money=100

超时异常,没加 **@GlobalTransactional**
模拟 AccountServiceImpl 添加超时

  1. @Service
  2. public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
  3. private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccountServiceImpl.class);
  4. @Resource
  5. AccountDao accountDao;
  6. /**
  7. * 扣减账户余额
  8. */
  9. @Override
  10. public void decrease(Long userId, BigDecimal money) {
  11. LOGGER.info("------->account-service中扣减账户余额开始");
  12. //模拟超时异常,全局事务回滚
  13. //暂停几秒钟线程
  14. try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
  15. accountDao.decrease(userId,money);
  16. LOGGER.info("------->account-service中扣减账户余额结束");
  17. }
  18. }

另外,OpenFeign 的调用默认时间是 1s 以内,所以最后会抛异常。

  • 当库存和账户金额扣减后,订单状态并没有设置为已经完成,没有从零改为1
  • 而且由于 feign 的重试机制,账户余额还有可能被多次扣减

超时异常,加了 **@GlobalTransactional**
@GlobalTransactional 标注 OrderServiceImpl 的 create() 方法。

  1. @Service
  2. @Slf4j
  3. public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService {
  4. ...
  5. /**
  6. * 创建订单->调用库存服务扣减库存->调用账户服务扣减账户余额->修改订单状态
  7. * 简单说:下订单->扣库存->减余额->改状态
  8. */
  9. @Override
  10. //rollbackFor = Exception.class表示对任意异常都进行回滚
  11. @GlobalTransactional(name = "fsp-create-order",rollbackFor = Exception.class)
  12. public void create(Order order) {
  13. ...
  14. }
  15. }
