



















1.R 的基本操作

  1. #查看当前工作目录;更改工作目录到桌面
  2. > getwd()
  3. > setwd('C:/Users/cuihy/Desktop/')
  4. #下载安装 R 包
  5. > install.packages('datasets')
  6. > library(datasets)
  7. #载入 iris 数据集,并查看数据行列数,查看数据类型
  8. > data("iris")
  9. > nrow(iris)
  10. > ncol(iris)
  11. > mode(iris) class(iris) str(iris)
  12. #对 iris 的 Sepal.Length 进行描述统计。并绘制箱线图。
  13. > summary(iris$sepal_length)
  14. > boxplot(iris$sepal_length)
  15. #用 R 查看 t.test()的帮助文档
  16. > ?t.test


  1. #利用上一题的鸢尾花数据集进行计算。鸢尾花的平均花瓣长度为 3.5cm,这种说法正确吗?
  2. > t.test(iris$Sepal.Length,alternative = "two.sided",mu = 3.5)
  3. One Sample t-test
  4. data: iris$Sepal.Length
  5. t = 34.659, df = 149, p-value < 2.2e-16
  6. alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 3.5
  7. 95 percent confidence interval:
  8. 5.709732 5.976934
  9. sample estimates:
  10. mean of x
  11. 5.843333


  1. #查看该目录下的文件
  2. > dir()
  3. #将基因表达数据 homework3.1_data.txt 导入到 R 中,使行名为样本编号,列名为 symbol 基因
  4. 名,并查看行列数及前 5 行数据, 计算每个基因表达的均值,标准差和最大值。
  5. > data3 <- read.table("D:/郭东灵/我的研究生/生统作业/homework3.1_data.txt",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
  6. > data3 <- t(data3)
  7. > dim(data)
  8. 14 199
  9. > head(data, n=5)
  10. > statistic <- apply(data3,2,function(x){
  11. + Mean <- mean(x);names(Mean)<-"Mean"
  12. + Sd<-sd(x);names(Sd)<-"Sd"
  13. + Max<-max(x);names(Max)<-"Max"
  14. + return(c(Mean,Sd,Max))
  15. + }) apply函数行、列运算
  16. #对样本 A9QA 的基因表达进行统计描述, 找出不表达的基因
  17. > summary(data["A9QA",])
  18. > names(data3["A9QA",which(data3["A9QA",]==0)]) names(向量)
  19. > colnames(data3[,which(data3["A9QA",]==0)]) colnames(矩阵)
  20. #从数据中随机选取 10 个基因得到新的表达矩阵,并绘制箱线图;
  21. > samp <- data3[,sample(1:ncol(data3),10)] sample取随机数
  22. > boxplot(samp)



  1. > z <- (210/500 - 0.5) / sqrt(0.25/500) ;z
  2. [1] -3.577709
  3. > pnorm(z)
  4. [1] 0.0001733097
  5. p-value值<0.001,故拒绝原假设,比例低于50%
  1. t检验

    1. > time <- c(4.21, 5.55, 3.02, 5.13, 4.77, 2.34, 3.54, 3.2, 4.5, 6.1, 0.38, 5.12, 6.19, 3.79,1.08)
    2. > shapiro.test(time) #小样本要进行正态性检验
    3. > t.test(time,alternative = "less",mu = 5)



    1. > wilcox.test(a,b,paired = FALSE,alternative = "two.sided",exact = FALSE)


    1. #检验方差是否同质
    2. > var.test(a,b)
    3. #t检验
    4. > shapiro.test(a)
    5. > shapiro.test(b)
    6. > t.test(a,b,paired = FALSE,var.equal = TRUE)


    1. H0:μ=4.15Ha:μ≠4.15
    2. > t <- (4.98-4.15)/(2.78/sqrt(16));t
    3. [1] 1.194245
    4. > p <- 2*(1-pt(t,15));p
    5. [1] 0.2509263
    6. p>0.05,故接收原假设,即认为陈旧性心肌梗死患者的血浆载脂蛋白E平均浓度与正常人无显著差别有统计学意义
    7. > left <- 4.98 - qt(0.975,15)*2.78/sqrt(16);left
    8. [1] 3.498643
    9. > right <- 4.98 + qt(0.975,15)*2.78/sqrt(16);right
    10. [1] 6.461357
    11. 95%CI=[3.4986436.461357]



    1. #读取数据
    2. > group1<-c(243, 251, 275, 291, 347, 354, 380, 392)
    3. > group2<-c(206, 210, 226, 249, 255, 273, 285, 295, 309)
    4. > group3<-c(241, 258, 270, 293, 328)
    5. > folic_acid <- data.frame(value=c(group1,group2,group3),cls=c(rep("G1",length(group1)),rep("G2",length(group2)),rep("G3",length(group3))))
    6. > folic_acid <- transform(folic_acid,cls=factor(cls,levels = c("G1","G2","G3")))
    7. > attach(folic_acid)
    8. #正态性检验
    9. > shapiro.test(group1)
    10. > shapiro.test(group2)
    11. > shapiro.test(group3)
    12. #方差齐性检验
    13. > bartlett.test(value~cls,folic_acid)
    14. #step-by-step
    15. #计算平方和
    16. > GrandMean <- mean(folic_acid$value);GrandMean
    17. > SMeans <- aggregate(folic_acid$value,by=list(folic_acid$cls),FUN=mean);SMeans
    18. > SVars <- aggregate(folic_acid$value,by=list(folic_acid$cls),FUN=var);SVars
    19. > SLens <- aggregate(folic_acid$value,by=list(folic_acid$cls),FUN=length);SLens
    20. > within_SS <- sum((SLens$x-1)*SVars$x)
    21. > total_SS <- sum((value-GrandMean)^2)
    22. > between_SS <- total_SS-within_SS
    23. > df_between <- length(levels(cls))-1
    24. > df_within <- length(value) - length(levels(cls))
    25. > between_MS <- between_SS/df_between
    26. > within_MS <- within_SS/df_within
    27. > F_ration <- between_MS/within_MS
    28. > P_value <- 1-pf(F_ration,df_between,df_within);P_value
    29. [1] 0.04358933
    30. p_value<0.05,故拒绝原假设,即认为三组之间存在显著性差异


    注:数据格式转换 ```r

    drug_data <- read.table(“D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/第五次/homework5_data2.csv”,header=TRUE,sep=”,”) View(drug_data) drug_data <-melt(drug_data) attach(drug_data) kruskal.test(value~variable,data=drug_data)

    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data: value by variable Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 3.0973, df = 2, p-value = 0.2125

  1. <a name="bZrvV"></a>
  2. ### 3.单因素方差分析(R)
  3. ```r
  4. > production <- read.table("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/第五次/homework5_data3.txt",header=TRUE,colClass=c("numeric","factor"))
  5. #正态性检验
  6. > shapiro.test(production$yield[production$seed==1])
  7. > shapiro.test(production$yield[production$seed==2])
  8. > shapiro.test(production$yield[production$seed==3])
  9. #齐性检验
  10. > bartlett.test(yield~seed,data=production)
  11. #方差分析
  12. > summary(aov(yield~seed,data=production))
  13. #后续分析
  14. > pairwise.t.test(production$yield,production$seed,p.adjust.method = "fdr")
  15. > TukeyHSD(aov(yield~seed,data=production))


  1. > tooth <- read.table("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/第五次/homework_5_data4.csv",sep=",",header=TRUE,colClass=c("numeric","factor","factor"))
  2. > summary(tooth$len)
  3. Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
  4. 4.20 13.07 19.25 18.81 25.27 33.90
  5. > summary(aov(len~supp*dose,data = tooth))
  6. > TukeyHSD(aov(len~supp*dose,data = tooth))




  1. > Y <- c(162,120,223,131,67,167,81,192,116,55,252,232,144,103,212)
  2. > X1 <- c(274,180,375,205,86,265,98,330,195,53,430,372,236,157,370)
  3. > X2 <- c(2450,3250,3802,2838,2347,3782,3008,2450,2137,2560,4020,4427,2660,2088,2605)
  4. > ff <- lm(Y~X1+X2)
  5. > summary(ff)
  6. Call:
  7. lm(formula = Y ~ X1 + X2)
  8. Residuals:
  9. Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
  10. -3.9014 -1.2923 -0.1171 1.6956 3.7601
  11. Coefficients:
  12. Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
  13. (Intercept) 3.984819 2.553039 1.561 0.145
  14. X1 0.496767 0.006360 78.104 < 2e-16 ***
  15. X2 0.008913 0.001017 8.762 1.46e-06 ***
  16. ---
  17. Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 1
  18. Residual standard error: 2.287 on 12 degrees of freedom
  19. Multiple R-squared: 0.9988, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9986
  20. F-statistic: 5142 on 2 and 12 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

由此可得,Y =3.984819 + 0.496767X1 + 0.008913X2
从结果可得,F检验的p-value< 2.2e-16,且对X1和X2的t检验的p-value也都均显著,表明获得的线性回归方程有效


  1. > newdata <- data.frame(x1=200,x2=3000)
  2. > predict(ff,newdata = newdata,interval = "prediction",level = 0.95)
  3. fit lwr upr
  4. 1 130.0772 124.8931 135.2612




  1. > install.packages("ISLR")
  2. > library(ISLR)
  3. > summary(Default)
  4. default student balance income
  5. No :9667 No :7056 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 772
  6. Yes: 333 Yes:2944 1st Qu.: 481.7 1st Qu.:21340
  7. Median : 823.6 Median :34553
  8. Mean : 835.4 Mean :33517
  9. 3rd Qu.:1166.3 3rd Qu.:43808
  10. Max. :2654.3 Max. :73554
  11. > View(Default)



  1. > Default_training <- Default[1:7000,]
  2. > fit_tr <- glm(default~student+balance+income,data = Default_training,family = binomial())
  3. > summary(fit_tr)
  4. Call:
  5. glm(formula = default ~ student + balance + income, family = binomial(),
  6. data = Default_training)
  7. Deviance Residuals:
  8. Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
  9. -2.1872 -0.1417 -0.0549 -0.0196 3.6863
  10. Coefficients:
  11. Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
  12. (Intercept) -1.101e+01 5.889e-01 -18.704 <2e-16 ***
  13. studentYes -6.464e-01 2.846e-01 -2.271 0.0231 *
  14. balance 5.829e-03 2.781e-04 20.958 <2e-16 ***
  15. income 4.711e-06 9.875e-06 0.477 0.6333
  16. ---
  17. Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 1
  18. (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
  19. Null deviance: 2090.7 on 6999 degrees of freedom
  20. Residual deviance: 1109.4 on 6996 degrees of freedom
  21. AIC: 1117.4
  22. Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8


  1. > fit_red <- glm(default~student+balance,data = Default_training,family = binomial())
  2. > summary(fit_red)
  3. Call:
  4. glm(formula = default ~ student + balance, family = binomial(),
  5. data = Default_training)
  6. Deviance Residuals:
  7. Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
  8. -2.2079 -0.1420 -0.0550 -0.0196 3.6762
  9. Coefficients:
  10. Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
  11. (Intercept) -1.083e+01 4.405e-01 -24.586 < 2e-16 ***
  12. studentYes -7.526e-01 1.763e-01 -4.268 1.97e-05 ***
  13. balance 5.832e-03 2.781e-04 20.971 < 2e-16 ***
  14. ---
  15. Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 1
  16. (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
  17. Null deviance: 2090.7 on 6999 degrees of freedom
  18. Residual deviance: 1109.6 on 6997 degrees of freedom
  19. AIC: 1115.6
  20. Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8
  21. > anova(fit_red,fit_tr,test = "Chisq")
  22. Analysis of Deviance Table
  23. Model 1: default ~ student + balance
  24. Model 2: default ~ student + balance + income
  25. Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
  26. 1 6997 1109.6
  27. 2 6996 1109.4 1 0.22749 0.6334



  1. > Default_test <- Default[7001:10000,1:3]
  2. > Default_test$prob <- predict(fit_red,newdata = Default_test,type = "response")
  3. > summary(Default_test)
  4. default student balance prob
  5. No :2907 No :2105 Min. : 0.0 Min. :0.0000093
  6. Yes: 93 Yes: 895 1st Qu.: 486.1 1st Qu.:0.0002745
  7. Median : 826.7 Median :0.0019506
  8. Mean : 837.4 Mean :0.0351620
  9. 3rd Qu.:1168.0 3rd Qu.:0.0133454
  10. Max. :2654.3 Max. :0.9801269
  11. > Default_test <- Default_test[order(Default_test$prob,decreasing = TRUE),]
  12. > Default_test[1:93,"prob"] <- "Yes"
  13. > Default_test[94:3000,"prob"] <- "No"
  14. > Default_test$prob <- factor(Default_test$prob,levels = c("Yes","No"),labels = c("Yes","No"))
  15. > Default_test$judg <- ifelse(Default_test$default == Default_test$prob,1,0)
  16. > table(Default_test$judg)
  17. 0 1
  18. 90 2910
  19. > accuracy <- 2910/3000*100 ;accuracy
  20. [1] 97




  1. > crop_yield <- read.table("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统作业/第六次/homework6.3.csv",sep=",",header=TRUE)
  2. > fit_crop <- lm(crop_yield~illumination_time+illumination_intensity+chemical_fertilizer,data = crop_yield)
  3. > summary(fit_crop)
  4. Call:
  5. lm(formula = crop_yield ~ illumination_time + illumination_intensity +
  6. chemical_fertilizer, data = crop_yield)
  7. Residuals:
  8. Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
  9. -0.41065 -0.11562 -0.00984 0.13466 0.51361
  10. Coefficients:
  11. Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
  12. (Intercept) 7.5891 2.4450 3.104 0.004567 **
  13. illumination_time -2.3577 0.6379 -3.696 0.001028 **
  14. illumination_intensity 1.6122 0.2954 5.459 1.01e-05 ***
  15. chemical_fertilizer 0.5012 0.1259 3.981 0.000491 ***
  16. ---
  17. Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 1
  18. Residual standard error: 0.2347 on 26 degrees of freedom
  19. Multiple R-squared: 0.8936, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8813
  20. F-statistic: 72.8 on 3 and 26 DF, p-value: 8.883e-13


  1. > testdata$crop_yield <- predict(fit_crop,newdata = testdata)
  2. > testdata
  3. illumination_time illumination_intensity chemical_fertilizer crop_yield
  4. 1 0 0 7.77 11.48305



  1. > crop_yield$pred <- predict(fit_crop,newdata = crop_yield)
  2. > Res_SS <- sum((crop_yield$crop_yield - crop_yield$pred)^2) ; Res_SS
  3. [1] 1.431813
  4. > Total_SS <- sum((crop_yield$crop_yield - mean(crop_yield$crop_yield))^2) ; Total_SS
  5. [1] 13.45859
  6. > Reg_SS <- Total_SS - Res_SS ; Reg_SS
  7. [1] 12.02677
  8. > R2 <- Reg_SS/Total_SS ; R2
  9. [1] 0.8936135
  1. H0:β12=0 Ha:β1、β2中至少有一个不等于0
  2. > fit_crop_reduce <- lm(crop_yield~chemical_fertilizer,data = crop_yield)
  3. > crop_yield$reduce <- predict(fit_crop_reduce,newdata = crop_yield)
  4. > Res_SS_reduce <- sum((crop_yield$crop_yield - crop_yield$reduce)^2) ;Res_SS_reduce
  5. [1] 3.131884
  6. > Total_SS_reduce <- sum((crop_yield$crop_yield - mean(crop_yield$reduce))^2) ; Total_SS_reduce
  7. [1] 13.45859
  8. > Reg_SS_reduce <- Total_SS_reduce - Res_SS_reduce ; Reg_SS_reduce
  9. [1] 10.3267
  10. > Reg_df_reduce <- 2 ;Reg_df_reduce
  11. [1] 2
  12. > Res_df <- 30-3-1 ; Res_df
  13. [1] 26
  14. > Reg_MS_reduce <- Reg_SS_reduce / Reg_df_reduce ;Reg_MS_reduce
  15. [1] 5.163351
  16. > Res_MS <- Res_SS/Res_df ; Res_MS
  17. [1] 0.05506972
  18. > F <- Reg_MS_reduce / Res_MS ; F
  19. [1] 93.76027
  20. > 1-pf(F,Reg_df_reduce,Res_df)
  21. [1] 1.294076e-12




  1. > data(iris)
  2. > head(iris, 3)
  3. > par(mfrow=c(2,2)) #将画幅进行分割
  4. #绘制直方图
  5. > hist(iris$Sepal.Length, breaks = 20)
  6. > hist(iris$Sepal.Width, breaks = 20)
  7. > hist(iris$Petal.Length, breaks = 20)
  8. > hist(iris$Petal.Width, breaks = 20)
  9. #取对数值
  10. > log.iris <- log(iris[,1:4])
  11. #主成分分析
  12. > iris.pca <- prcomp(log.iris,center = TRUE,scale = TRUE )#center标准分布 #scale量纲标准化
  13. > print(iris.pca)
  14. > summary(iris.pca)
  15. 故,需要PC1PC2


  1. > iris.hc <- hclust(dist(iris[,1:4]))
  2. > plot(iris.hc,hang = -1)
  3. > re <- rect.hclust(iris.hc, k=3)#标注3
  4. > iris.id <- cutree(iris.hc, 3)#分类编号
  5. > table(iris.id,iris$Species)
  6. iris.id setosa versicolor virginica
  7. 1 50 0 0
  8. 2 0 23 49
  9. 3 0 27 1


  1. > gene_data <- read.table("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/第七次/homework7_data2.txt",header=TRUE)
  2. #画密度图
  3. >library(ggplot2)
  4. >library(ggpubr)
  5. > pl1 <- plot(density(gene_data$norm1), main="norm1")
  6. > plot1 <- ggplot(gene_data,aes(x=norm1)) + geom_density(fill="cornflowerblue",color="white",alpha=0.7) + xlim(-5,50);plot1
  7. #画箱线图
  8. > pl <- boxplot(gene_data)
  9. #求最大最小值
  10. > row.names(gene_data)[order(gene_data$sumtumor,decreasing = TRUE)[1]]
  11. [1] "652991"
  12. > row.names(gene_data)[order(gene_data$sumnorm,decreasing=TRUE)[1]]
  13. [1] "7223"
  1. #limma包得安装
  2. > install.packages("BiocManager")
  3. > BiocManager::install("limma")
  4. > library(limma)
  5. #标准化
  6. > gene_normlize <- normalizeQuantiles(gene_data[,1:6])
  7. > boxplot(gene_normlize)
  8. #取对数
  9. > gene_log <- log(gene_normlize[,1:6] + 1)
  10. > boxplot(gene_log)
  1. #求p值
  2. > gene_log$pvalue <- apply(gene_log,1,function(x){
  3. + if(var.test(as.numeric(x[1:3]),as.numeric(x[4:6]))$p.value>0.05)
  4. + t.test(as.numeric(x[1:3]),as.numeric(x[4:6]),alternative="less",var.equal=TRUE)$p.value
  5. + else t.test(as.numeric(x[1:3]),as.numeric(x[4:6]),alternative="less",var.equal=FALSE)$p.value})
  6. #求foldchange
  7. > gene_log$foldchange <- apply(gene_log[,1:6],1,function(x){(mean(x[4:6])-mean(x[1:3]))/min(mean(x[4:6]),mean(x[1:3]))})
  8. #根据条件取值
  9. > up_gene <- row.names(gene_log)[which(gene_log$pvalue<0.05 & gene_log$foldchange > 1.5)]
  10. > length(up_gene)
  1. #画热图
  2. > library(pheatmap)
  3. > up_gene_matrix <- gene_log[which(gene_log$pvalue<0.05&gene_log$foldchange>1.5),1:6]
  4. > pheatmap(up_gene_matrix)
  1. #fisher算法
  2. > kegg_list <- read.table("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/第七次/homework7_kegg.txt")
  3. #计算基因个数
  4. > up_in_list <- length(intersect(up_gene,kegg_list))
  5. > up_out_list <- length(up_gene) - up_in_list
  6. > all_except_up_in_list <- length(intersect(row.names(gene_data),kegg_list))
  7. > all_except_up_out_list <- dim(gene_data)[1] - up_in_list - up_out_list - all_except_up_in_list
  8. #制作表格
  9. > rnames <- c("In anno group","Not in anno group")
  10. > cnames <- c("Gene list","Genome")
  11. > counts <- matrix(c(up_in_list,up_out_list,all_except_up_in_list,all_except_up_out_list),nrow = 2,dimnames = list(rnames,cnames));counts
  12. Gene list Genome
  13. In anno group 2 13
  14. Not in anno group 448 5899
  15. # 进行Fisher精确检验
  16. # H0:列联表中行列变量相互独立
  17. # HA:行列变量相互关联
  18. > fisher.test(counts,alternative = "greater")
  19. Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
  20. data: counts
  21. p-value = 0.2873
  22. alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
  23. 95 percent confidence interval:
  24. 0.3259235 Inf
  25. sample estimates:
  26. odds ratio
  27. 2.025459
  28. 因p-value>0.05,故接受原假设





  1. #二项分布检验
  2. #计算对应的概率密度值
  3. >pbinom(q, size, prob, lower.tail = TRUE)
  4. #某值的概率
  5. dbinom(x, size, prob, log = FALSE)
  6. #概率密度
  7. pbinom(q, size, prob, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
  8. #计算某概率下的值
  9. >qbinom(p, size, prob, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
  10. #二项分布检验
  11. >binom.test(x, n, p = 0.5,alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), conf.level = 0.95)
  1. #正态分布
  2. #计算对应z值的概率密度(Pr)
  3. >pnorm(q, lower.tail = TRUE)
  4. #计算z值
  5. >qnorm(p,lower.tail = TRUE)
  6. #生成符合某正态分布的随机数
  7. >rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1)


  1. > mu <- 200
  2. > sd <- 16
  3. > n <- 50
  4. > z <- (203.5-mu)/(sd/sqrt(n));z
  5. [1] 1.546796
  6. > p <- 2*(1-pnorm(z));p
  7. [1] 0.1219124


  1. #读入文件
  2. > gene_pre <- read.csv("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第三次作业/homework3-4_data.csv",header=TRUE,row.names=1,sep=",") #设置行名;#标记列名
  3. #绘制密度图
  4. > plot(density(as.numeric(gene_pre[3,]))) #将列表中的数据作为输入时,需要as.numeric将数据转为数字格式
  5. #导出pdf文件
  6. > pdf("G3_density_plot.pdf")
  7. > plot(density(as.numeric(gene_pre[3,])))
  8. > dev.off()
  9. RStudioGD
  10. 2
  11. #计算最小值、中位数和方差
  12. > median(as.numeric(gene_pre[3,]))
  13. [1] 10.08245
  14. > var(as.numeric(gene_pre[3,]))
  15. [1] 0.3880644
  16. > min(as.numeric(gene_pre[3,]))
  17. [1] 9.271463
  18. #去掉离群值
  19. > boxplot(gene_pre)
  20. > gene_pre_new <- gene_pre
  21. > gene_pre_new[gene_pre_new>100] <- NA
  22. > boxplot(gene_pre_new)
  23. #只在作图时不看离群值
  24. > boxplot(gene_pre,outline = FALSE)



  1. > t <- (4.98-4.15)/(2.78/sqrt(16));t
  2. [1] 1.194245
  3. > p <- 2*(1-pt(t,15));p
  4. [1] 0.2509263
  5. > left <- 4.98 - qt(0.975,15)*2.78/sqrt(16);left
  6. [1] 3.498643
  7. > right <- 4.98 - qt(0.975,15)*2.78/sqrt(16);right
  8. [1] 3.498643
  9. > right <- 4.98 + qt(0.975,15)*2.78/sqrt(16);right
  10. [1] 6.461357


  1. > a <- c(113,120,138,120,100,118,138,123)
  2. > b <- c(138,116,125,136,110,132,130,110)
  3. > wilcox.test(a,b,paired = FALSE,exact = FALSE)


  1. #先做假设
  2. #正态检验
  3. > shapiro.test(keshan$patient)
  4. Shapiro-Wilk normality test
  5. data: keshan$patient
  6. W = 0.97286, p-value = 0.4412
  7. > shapiro.test(keshan$healthy)
  8. Shapiro-Wilk normality test
  9. data: keshan$healthy
  10. W = 0.97239, p-value = 0.427
  11. #方差齐性检验
  12. > var.test(keshan[,1],keshan[,2])
  13. F test to compare two variances
  14. data: keshan[, 1] and keshan[, 2]
  15. F = 1.3064, num df = 39, denom df = 39, p-value = 0.4077
  16. alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
  17. 95 percent confidence interval:
  18. 0.6909357 2.4699694
  19. sample estimates:
  20. ratio of variances
  21. 1.306365
  22. #t检验
  23. > t.test(keshan[,1],keshan[,2],var.equal = TRUE)
  24. Two Sample t-test
  25. data: keshan[, 1] and keshan[, 2]
  26. t = 17.992, df = 78, p-value < 2.2e-16
  27. alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
  28. 95 percent confidence interval:
  29. 1.333801 1.665699
  30. sample estimates:
  31. mean of x mean of y
  32. 5.00625 3.50650


  1. #配对t检验
  2. > t.test(BMI2,BMI1,paired = TRUE,alternative = "less")
  3. Paired t-test
  4. data: BMI2 and BMI1
  5. t = -17.72, df = 9, p-value = 1.316e-08
  6. alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is less than 0
  7. 95 percent confidence interval:
  8. -Inf -1.394139
  9. sample estimates:
  10. mean of the differences
  11. -1.555
  12. #单样本t检验
  13. > t.test(BMI2,mu=23.2,alternative = "greater")
  14. One Sample t-test
  15. data: BMI2
  16. t = 7.0921, df = 9, p-value = 2.858e-05
  17. alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 23.2
  18. 95 percent confidence interval:
  19. 24.61632 Inf
  20. sample estimates:
  21. mean of x
  22. 25.11
  23. #计算样本数量
  24. >library(pwr)
  25. > pwr.t.test(d = d,sig.level = 0.001,type = "one.sample",alternative = "greater",power = 0.95) #注意power的含义为1-typeⅡ error #d的含义为effect size
  26. One-sample t test power calculation
  27. n = 9.181621
  28. d = 2.242734
  29. sig.level = 0.001
  30. power = 0.95
  31. alternative = greater


  1. > snp <- read.csv("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第四次作业/homework4-5_data.csv",header=TRUE)
  2. > snp$bonfer <- p.adjust(snp$p.value,method = "bonferroni",length(snp$p.value))
  3. > snp$SNP[snp$bonfer<0.05]
  4. [1] 7
  5. > snp$fdr <- p.adjust(snp$p.value,method = "fdr",length(snp$p.value))
  6. > snp$SNP[snp$fdr<0.05]
  7. [1] 7 8 10
  8. 故可知,fdr的矫正结果比bonferroni矫正更为宽松


  1. > expression_data <- read.table("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第四次作业/homework4-6_data.txt",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
  2. > expression_data$pvalue <- apply(expression_data,1,function(x){
  3. + if(var.test(as.numeric(x[1:40]),as.numeric(x[41:80]))$p.value>0.05)
  4. + t.test(as.numeric(x[1:40]),as.numeric(x[41:80]),var.equal = TRUE)$p.value
  5. + else t.test(as.numeric(x[1:40]),as.numeric(x[41:80]),var.equal = FALSE)$p.value})
  6. > rownames(expression_data[which(expression_data$pvalue>0.05),])
  7. [1] "gene_7"
  8. 故可知,gene7在两组间不存在显著性差异1
  9. > expression_data$bonferr <- p.adjust(expression_data$pvalue,method = "bonferroni")
  10. > rownames(expression_data[which(expression_data$bonferr>0.05),])
  11. [1] "gene_1" "gene_2" "gene_3" "gene_7" "gene_8" "gene_10" "gene_15" "gene_17" "gene_19"
  12. > expression_data$fdr <- p.adjust(expression_data$pvalue,method = "fdr")
  13. > rownames(expression_data[which(expression_data$fdr>0.05),])
  14. [1] "gene_7"



  1. > alt <- read.csv("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第五次作业/data5_3.csv",header=TRUE)
  2. > boxplot(alt)
  3. H0ABC之间不存在显著性差异;Ha:至少有一组存在显著性差异
  4. #格式转变
  5. > alt_trans <- data.frame(alt=c(alt$A,alt$B,alt$C),effect=c(rep("A",15),rep("B",15),rep("C",15)))
  6. > alt_trans <- transform(alt_trans,effect=factor(effect,levels = c("A","B","C")))
  7. #正态性检验
  8. > shapiro.test(alt$A)
  9. > shapiro.test(alt$B)
  10. > shapiro.test(alt$C)
  11. #方差齐性检验
  12. > bartlett.test(alt~effect,alt_trans)
  13. #韦尔奇step-by-step
  14. > GrandMean <- mean(alt_trans$alt);GrandMean
  15. [1] 16.80667
  16. > SMeans <- aggregate(alt_trans$alt,by=list(alt_trans$effect),FUN=mean);SMeans
  17. > SVars <- aggregate(alt_trans$alt,by=list(alt_trans$effect),FUN=var);SVars
  18. > SLens <- aggregate(alt_trans$alt,by=list(alt_trans$effect),FUN=length);SLens
  19. > within_SS <- sum((SLens$x-1)*SVars$x)
  20. > total_SS <- sum((alt_trans$alt-GrandMean)^2)
  21. > between_SS <- total_SS-within_SS
  22. > df_between <- length(levels(alt_trans$effect))-1
  23. > df_within <- length(alt_trans$alt) - length(levels(alt_trans$effect))
  24. > between_MS <- between_SS/df_between;between_MS
  25. [1] 1197.954
  26. > within_MS <- within_SS/df_within;within_MS
  27. [1] 21.06286
  28. > k <- length(levels(alt_trans$effect));k
  29. [1] 3
  30. > n.i <- SLens$x;n.i
  31. [1] 15 15 15
  32. > m.i <- SMeans$x;m.i
  33. [1] 7.346667 25.106667 17.966667
  34. > v.i <- SVars$x;v.i
  35. [1] 5.406952 46.850667 10.930952
  36. > w.i <- n.i/v.i;w.i
  37. [1] 2.7742060 0.3201662 1.3722501
  38. > sum.w.i <- sum(w.i);sum.w.i
  39. [1] 4.466622
  40. > tmp <- sum((1-w.i/sum.w.i)^2/(n.i-1))/(k^2-1);tmp
  41. [1] 0.01326148
  42. > m <- sum(w.i * m.i)/sum.w.i;m
  43. [1] 11.88241
  44. > F_welch <- sum(w.i * (m.i-m)^2)/((k-1)*(1+2*(k-2)*tmp));F_welch
  45. [1] 79.8145
  46. > pvalue_welch <- pf(F_welch,k-1,1/(3*tmp),lower.tail = FALSE);pvalue_welch
  47. [1] 1.294731e-11
  48. #R代码计算
  49. > oneway.test(alt~effect,data=alt_trans,var.equal = FALSE)
  50. One-way analysis of means (not assuming equal variances)
  51. data: alt and effect
  52. F = 79.814, num df = 2.000, denom df = 25.135, p-value = 1.295e-11
  53. #后续多重比较
  54. > pairwise.t.test(alt_trans$alt,alt_trans$effect,p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")
  55. Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD
  56. data: alt_trans$alt and alt_trans$effect
  57. A B
  58. B 5.8e-13 -
  59. C 3.9e-07 0.00034
  60. P value adjustment method: bonferroni
  61. 故可知,三个样本之间均存在显著性差异


  1. > data2 <- read.csv("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第五次作业/data5_4.csv",header=TRUE)
  2. > data2 <- transform(data2,A=factor(A,levels = c("A1","A2","A3")),B=factor(B,levels = c("B1","B2")))
  3. > shapiro.test(data2$Weight[data2$A=="A1"])
  4. > shapiro.test(data2$Weight[data2$A=="A2"])
  5. > shapiro.test(data2$Weight[data2$A=="A3"])
  6. > shapiro.test(data2$Weight[data2$B=="B1"])
  7. > shapiro.test(data2$Weight[data2$B=="B2"])
  8. > bartlett.test(Weight~A,data = data2)
  9. > bartlett.test(Weight~B,data = data2)
  10. #R包直接分析
  11. > summary(aov(Weight~A*B,data = data2))
  12. > interaction.plot(data2$A,data2$B,data2$Weight,type = "b",col = c("red","blue"),pch = c(16,18),main = "Interaction between A and B")
  13. > library(gplots)
  14. > plotmeans(data2$Weight~interaction(data2$A,data2$B,sep=" "),connect = list(c(1,2),c(3,4)),col = c("red","blue"),main="plot with 95% CIs",xlab = "age and sex combination")
  15. #双因素方差分析step-by-step
  16. > GrandMean <- mean(data2$Weight);GrandMean
  17. > SMeansA <- aggregate(data2$Weight,by=list(data2$A),FUN=mean);SMeansA
  18. > SMeansB <- aggregate(data2$Weight,by=list(data2$B),FUN=mean);SMeansB
  19. > SMeansAB <- aggregate(data2$Weight,by=list(data2$A,data2$B),FUN=mean);SMeansAB
  20. > SVarsA <- aggregate(data2$Weight,by=list(data2$A),FUN=var);SVarsA
  21. > SVarsB <- aggregate(data2$Weight,by=list(data2$B),FUN=var);SVarsB
  22. > SVarsAB <- aggregate(data2$Weight,by=list(data2$A,data2$B),FUN=var);SVarsAB
  23. > SLenA <- aggregate(data2$Weight,by=list(data2$A),FUN=length);SLenA
  24. > SLenB <- aggregate(data2$Weight,by=list(data2$B),FUN=length);SLenB
  25. > SLenAB <- aggregate(data2$Weight,by=list(data2$A,data2$B),FUN=length);SLenAB
  26. > withinSSA <- sum((SLenA$x-1)*SVarsA$x);withinSSA
  27. > betweenSSA <- sum(SLenA$x*SMeansA$x^2)-length(data2$A)*(GrandMean)^2;betweenSSA
  28. > withinSSB <- sum((SLenB$x-1)*SVarsB$x);withinSSB
  29. > betweenSSB <- sum(SLenB$x*SMeansB$x^2)-length(data2$B)*(GrandMean)^2;betweenSSB
  30. > SSE <- sum(data2$Weight^2)-sum(SMeansAB$x^2*SLenAB$x);SSE
  31. > SSTotal <- sum((data2$Weight-GrandMean)^2);SSTotal
  32. > betweenSSAB <- SSTotal - betweenSSA - betweenSSB - SSE;betweenSSAB
  33. > n <- 10
  34. > df_betweenA <- length(levels(data2$A))-1;df_betweenA
  35. [1] 2
  36. > df_betweenB <- length(levels(data2$B))-1;df_betweenB
  37. [1] 1
  38. > df_betweenAB <- df_betweenA*df_betweenB;df_betweenAB
  39. [1] 2
  40. > df_E <- length(levels(data2$A)) * length(levels(data2$B)) * (n-1);df_E
  41. [1] 54
  42. > df_total <- length(levels(data2$A)) * length(levels(data2$B)) * n-1;df_total
  43. [1] 59
  44. > MSA <- betweenSSA/df_betweenA;MSA
  45. [1] 4540.214
  46. > MSB <- betweenSSB/df_betweenB;MSB
  47. [1] 127.0215
  48. > MSAB <- betweenSSAB/df_betweenAB;MSAB
  49. [1] 8.664
  50. > MSE <- SSE/df_E;MSE
  51. [1] 79.92094
  52. > FA <- MSA/MSE;FA
  53. [1] 56.80881
  54. > FB <- MSB/MSE;FB
  55. [1] 1.589339
  56. > FAB <- MSAB/MSE;FAB
  57. [1] 0.1084071
  58. > p_value_A <- pf(FA,df_betweenA,df_E,lower.tail = FALSE);p_value_A
  59. [1] 5.223962e-14
  60. > p_value_B <- pf(FB,df_betweenB,df_E,lower.tail = FALSE);p_value_B
  61. [1] 0.2128406
  62. > p_value_AB <- pf(FAB,df_betweenAB,df_E,lower.tail = FALSE);p_value_AB
  63. [1] 0.897457
  64. #后续多重分析
  65. > TukeyHSD(aov(Weight~A*B,data = data2))
  66. > p_adj <- TukeyHSD(aov(Weight~A*B,data = data2))$`A:B`[TukeyHSD(aov(Weight~A*B,data = data2))$`A:B`[,"p adj"]<0.05,]
  67. > rownames(p_adj)[grep(rownames(p_adj),pattern = "A2:B1")]
  68. [1] "A2:B1-A1:B1" "A1:B2-A2:B1"


  1. > data3 <- read.csv("D:/郭东灵/学习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第五次作业/protein.csv",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
  2. > data3_standardlized <- apply(data3,2,function(x){x/mean(x)})
  3. > boxplot(log10(data3_standardlized))
  4. #按行进行多因素方差分析
  5. > groups <- rep(c("A","B","C"),each=5)
  6. aov_per_gen <- apply(data3_standardlized,1,function(x){unlist(summary(aov(x~factor(groups))))["Pr(>F)1"]})
  7. > length(aov_per_gen[aov_per_gen<0.05])
  8. [1] 1048
  9. > anova_per_gene <- apply(data3_standardlized,1,function(x){anova(lm(x~factor(groups)))$'Pr(>F)'[1]})
  10. > length(anova_per_gene[anova_per_gene<0.05])
  11. [1] 1048
  12. #多假设检验矫正
  13. > anova_per_gene_padjust <- p.adjust(anova_per_gene,method = "bonferroni")
  14. > length(anova_per_gene_padjust[anova_per_gene_padjust <0.05])
  15. [1] 203



  1. > data(cars)
  2. > View(cars)
  3. > head(cars,6)
  4. speed dist
  5. 1 4 2
  6. 2 4 10
  7. 3 7 4
  8. 4 7 22
  9. 5 8 16
  10. 6 9 10
  11. #绘制散点图并拟合平滑的曲线
  12. > scatter.smooth(x=cars$speed,y=cars$dist,main="Dist~Speed")
  13. #绘制密度图以及检验正态分布
  14. > plot(density(cars$speed))
  15. > plot(density(cars$dist))
  16. > shapiro.test(cars$speed)
  17. Shapiro-Wilk normality test
  18. data: cars$speed
  19. W = 0.97765, p-value = 0.4576
  20. > shapiro.test(cars$dist)
  21. Shapiro-Wilk normality test
  22. data: cars$dist
  23. W = 0.95144, p-value = 0.0391
  24. #计算回归系数,构建线性模型
  25. > cor(cars$speed,cars$dist)
  26. [1] 0.8068949
  27. 设回归模型为 y=α+βx
  28. > linearMode <- lm(dist~speed,data=cars)
  29. > summary(linearMode)
  30. Call:
  31. lm(formula = dist ~ speed, data = cars)
  32. Residuals:
  33. Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
  34. -29.069 -9.525 -2.272 9.215 43.201
  35. Coefficients:
  36. Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
  37. (Intercept) -17.5791 6.7584 -2.601 0.0123 *
  38. speed 3.9324 0.4155 9.464 1.49e-12 ***
  39. ---
  40. Signif. codes:
  41. 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 1
  42. Residual standard error: 15.38 on 48 degrees of freedom
  43. Multiple R-squared: 0.6511, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6438
  44. F-statistic: 89.57 on 1 and 48 DF, p-value: 1.49e-12
  45. 故回归方程为 y=-17.5791+3.9324x
  46. Pr(>|t|) 值可知,统计模型显著


  1. > install.packages("mlbench")
  2. > library(mlbench)
  3. > data(BreastCancer)
  4. > bc <- BreastCancer[complete.cases(BreastCancer), ] #create copy,避免更改原始数据集
  5. #数据结构特征
  6. > str(bc)
  7. #将因子装换为数字
  8. > bc <- BreastCancer[complete.cases(BreastCancer), ]
  9. > for (i in 2:10) {
  10. + bc[,i] <- as.numeric(as.character(bc[,i]))
  11. + }
  12. #编码二元响应变量,并设为因子
  13. > bc$Class <- ifelse(bc$Class=="malignant",1,0)
  14. > bc$Class <- factor(bc$Class,levels = c(0,1))
  15. #二元变量回归分析 #数据必须设置为数字
  16. > f2full <- glm(Class~Cl.thickness+Cell.size+Cell.shape+Marg.adhesion+Epith.c.size+Bare.nuclei+Bl.cromatin+Normal.nucleoli+Mitoses,data = bc,family = binomial())
  17. > summary(f2full)
  18. #简化模型
  19. #答题时要注意写设拟合回归方程为logit(P)=ln(odds)=ln(P/(1-P))=α+∑5(i=1) βixi
  20. > f2reduce <- glm(Class~Cl.thickness+Marg.adhesion+Bare.nuclei+Bl.cromatin+Normal.nucleoli,data = bc,family = binomial())
  21. > summary(f2reduce)
  22. #两个模型假设检验
  23. H0: 两模型没有显著差异 H1: 两模型有显著差异
  24. > anova(f2reduce,f2full,test = "Chisq")
  25. 因为p_value>0.05,故没有显著性差异
  26. #模型训练,计算准确性
  27. > training <- bc[1:400,]
  28. > testing <- bc[401:683,]
  29. > f2training <- glm(Class~Cl.thickness+Marg.adhesion+Bare.nuclei+Bl.cromatin+Normal.nucleoli,data = training,family = binomial())
  30. > summary(f2training)
  31. #根据模型计算
  32. > p1 <- predict(f2training,newdata = testing,type = "response")
  33. #计算准确率
  34. > n1 <- length(intersect(which(p1<0.5),which(testing$Class=="0")))
  35. > n2 <- length(intersect(which(p1>=0.5),which(testing$Class=="1")))
  36. > prob <- (n1+n2)/dim(testing)[1];prob
  37. [1] 0.9858657


  1. #回归分析
  2. > fev <- read.table("D:/BaiduNetdiskWorkspace/生统复习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第六次作业/FEV.DAT.txt",header=TRUE)
  3. > f3 <- lm(FEV~Age+Hgt+Sex+Smoke,data = fev)
  4. > summary(f3)
  5. #计算预测值
  6. #先创建数据表格
  7. > nd <- data.frame(Age=15,Hgt=65,Sex=1,Smoke=0)
  8. #进行预测(与二元的预测不同)
  9. > predict(f3,newdata = nd,interval = "prediction",level = 0.95)
  10. fit lwr upr
  11. 1 3.455732 2.641431 4.270032
  12. #计算R2(R2是总体模型的预测)
  13. #预测值
  14. > fev$fev_pre <- predict(f3,newdata = fev,interval = "prediction",level = 0.95)[,1]
  15. #计算
  16. > Res_SS <- sum((fev$FEV-fev$fev_pre)^2);Res_SS
  17. [1] 110.2796
  18. > Total_SS <- sum((fev$FEV-mean(fev$FEV) )^2);Total_SS
  19. [1] 490.9198
  20. > Reg_SS <- Total_SS - Res_SS ; Reg_SS
  21. [1] 380.6403
  22. > R2 <- Reg_SS/Total_SS ; R2
  23. [1] 0.7753614
  24. #F检验(不区分参数的个数,总体检验)
  25. > Reg_df <- 4
  26. > Res_df <- length(fev$FEV)-Reg_df-1
  27. > F <- (Reg_SS/Reg_df)/(Res_SS/Res_df);F
  28. [1] 560.0212
  29. > pf(F,Reg_df,Res_df,lower.tail = FALSE)
  30. [1] 9.101982e-209



  1. > cll <- read.table("D:/BaiduNetdiskWorkspace/生统复习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第七次作业/CLL_expr.txt",header=TRUE)
  2. #标准化
  3. > library(limma)
  4. > cll_normlize <- normalizeQuantiles(cll)
  5. #箱线图
  6. > boxplot(cll)
  7. > boxplot(cll_normlize)
  8. #求p——value
  9. > DEG_fdr <- apply(cll_normlize , 1, function(x)
  10. + p.adjust(wilcox.test(x[seq(1,11,2)],x[seq(2,12,2)],paired=TRUE,exact=FALSE)$p.value,method = "fdr"))
  11. #求foldchange
  12. > DEG_fc <- apply(cll_normlize , 1, function(x){abs(mean(x[seq(1,11,2)])-mean(x[seq(2,12,2)]))/min(mean(x[seq(1,11,2)]),mean(x[seq(2,12,2)]))})
  13. #寻找交集
  14. > DEG <- intersect(names(DEG_fdr[DEG_fdr<0.05]),names(DEG_fc[DEG_fc>2]))
  1. > library(pheatmap)
  2. > cll_DEG <- cll_normlize[rownames(cll_normlize) %in% DEG,]
  3. #聚类+绘制热图
  4. > pheatmap(cll_DEG,annotation = data.frame(cll_group$Subclone,row.names = colnames(cll_DEG)))
  5. #GO估计分析——fisher
  6. > go <- read.csv("D:/BaiduNetdiskWorkspace/生统复习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第七次作业/GO0008528.csv",header=TRUE)
  7. > go_in_genome <- intersect(go$gene_symbol,rownames(cll_normlize))
  8. > in_list <- length(intersect(DEG,go_in_genome));in_list
  9. [1] 3
  10. > out_list <- length(DEG)-in_list;out_list
  11. [1] 31
  12. > all_except_in_list <- length(intersect(go$gene_symbol,rownames(cll_normlize)));all_except_in_list
  13. [1] 124
  14. > all_except_in_list <- length(intersect(go$gene_symbol,rownames(cll_normlize)))-in_list;all_except_in_list
  15. [1] 121
  16. > all_except_out_list <- length(rownames(cll_normlize))-in_list - out_list - all_except_in_list;all_except_out_list
  17. [1] 13506
  18. > rnames <- c("In anno group","Not in anno group")
  19. > cnames <- c("Gene list","Genome")
  20. > counts <- matrix(c(in_list,out_list,all_except_in_list,all_except_out_list),nrow=2,dimnames=list(rnames,cnames));counts
  21. #fisher检验
  22. > fisher.test(counts,alternative = "greater")


  1. > stock <- read.table("D:/BaiduNetdiskWorkspace/生统复习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/biostatistic_homework/第七次作业/stocks.txt",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
  2. > stock_pca <- prcomp(stock,center = TRUE,scale. = TRUE)
  3. > summary(stock_pca)
  4. 由此可知,PC1解释了53.6%的variability PC2解释了21%的variability。根据Cumulative Proportion,可以知道,需要保留PC1-PC4
  5. #biplot图
  6. > biplot(stock_pca)
  7. > print(stock_pca)
  8. 由此可以看出,PC1主要由entry_price, market_cap, cash_and_marketable, tev, revenues, ebitda组成。




  1. #正态性检验
  2. > sup_1<- c(6802,5730,5823,5915,5774,5880,5870,5773,5830,5841,5763,5851,5789,5796,5818,5685,5602, 5841,5723,5757)
  3. > sup_2<- c(5884,5871,5797,5957,5803,5862,5814,5885,5856,5940,5945,5803,5864,5851,5714,5943,5830, 5858,5922,5866)
  4. > shapiro.test(sup_1)
  5. > shapiro.test(sup_2)
  6. sup_1不符合正态分布,但是题目规定进行t检验
  7. #方差齐性检验
  8. > var.test(sup_1,sup_2,alternative = "two.sided")
  9. #t检验
  10. > t.test(sup_1,sup_2,alternative = "two.sided",var.equal = FALSE)
  11. 可得p_value>0.05,不能拒绝原假设,即认为两种灯泡的使用寿命时间无显著性差别


  1. #正态分布值计算
  2. > pnorm(2,mean = 4,sd=1)
  3. [1] 0.02275013
  4. > qnorm(0.05,mean = 4,sd=1,lower.tail = FALSE)
  5. [1] 5.644854
  1. #二项分布值计算
  2. > dbinom(0,8,0.5)
  3. [1] 0.00390625
  4. > dbinom(4,8,0.5)
  5. [1] 0.2734375
  6. > 1-pbinom(5,8,0.5)
  7. [1] 0.1445312
  8. > pbinom(5,8,0.5,lower.tail = FALSE)
  9. [1] 0.1445313


  1. #产生符合正态分布的数据
  2. > n1000 <- rnorm(1000,mean = 100,sd=8)
  3. > hist(n1000)
  4. > boxplot(n1000)







  1. > insurance <- c(4152,4579,5053,5112,5745,6250,7081,9048,12095,14430,17220,20610,22836,48950,67200)
  2. > wilcox.test(insurance,mu=7520)


  1. # 导入数据
  2. > expression_data <- read.table('./data/Data.txt',header = T,stringsAsFactors =F )
  3. > View(expression_data) ##观察数据可发现前十列为control组,后十列为case组
  4. #计算p值
  5. > t.test.p.value <- function(x){ p_value <- t.test(x[1:10],x[11:20],paired = TRUE)$p.value p_value }
  6. > p.t.test <- apply(expression_data,1,t.test.p.value)
  7. #显著差异表达的基因数
  8. > length(p.t.test[p.t.test<0.05])
  9. #前10个差异表达的基因
  10. > names(p.t.test[order(p.t.test,decreasing=F)[1:10]])
  11. #多假设检验校正



  1. #导入数据
  2. > yield <- read.delim("./data/yield.txt")
  3. #正态检验
  4. # H0:数据符合正态分布 H1:数据不符合正态分布。
  5. > shapiro.test(yield$yield[yield$seed==1])
  6. > shapiro.test(yield$yield[yield$seed==2])
  7. > shapiro.test(yield$yield[yield$seed==3])
  8. #方差齐性检验
  9. # H0:数据方差齐性 H1:数据方差非齐性
  10. > bartlett.test(yield~seed,data = yield)
  11. #单样本多因素方差分析
  12. > seed_aov <- aov(yield~factor(seed),data = yield)
  13. > summary(seed_aov)
  14. #后续差异分析_方法1
  15. > tukey_results <- TukeyHSD(seed_aov);tukey_results
  16. > plot(tukey_results)
  17. #后续差异分析_方法2
  18. > pairwise.t.test(yield$yield,yield$seed,p.adjust.method = "none")





  1. #读取数据
  2. > drug <- read.csv("D:/BaiduNetdiskWorkspace/生统复习/生统/题目/19级作业答案/2019年考试题目/考试时用到的数据/q2_data.csv",header=TRUE,colClass =c("numeric","factor"))
  3. #方差齐性检验
  4. > bartlett.test(Performance_Scores~Treatment,data = drug)
  5. #单因素方差分析(step-by-step)
  6. H0:不存在显著性差异;Ha:至少有一组存在显著性差异
  7. > GrandMean <- mean(drug$Performance_Scores);GrandMean
  8. [1] 57.3
  9. > SMeans <- aggregate(drug$Performance_Scores,by=list(drug$Treatment),FUN=mean);SMeans
  10. Group.1 x
  11. 1 anxietyDrug 50.0
  12. 2 excitingDrug 83.4
  13. 3 hypertensionDrug 79.2
  14. 4 Placebos 16.6
  15. > SVars <- aggregate(drug$Performance_Scores,by=list(drug$Treatment),FUN=var);SVars
  16. Group.1 x
  17. 1 anxietyDrug 109.0
  18. 2 excitingDrug 112.3
  19. 3 hypertensionDrug 150.7
  20. 4 Placebos 112.3
  21. > SLens <- aggregate(drug$Performance_Scores,by=list(drug$Treatment),FUN=length);SLens
  22. Group.1 x
  23. 1 anxietyDrug 5
  24. 2 excitingDrug 5
  25. 3 hypertensionDrug 5
  26. 4 Placebos 5
  27. > within_SS <- sum((SLens$x-1)*SVars$x);within_SS
  28. [1] 1937.2
  29. > total_SS <- sum((drug$Performance_Scores-GrandMean)^2) ;total_SS
  30. [1] 16290.2
  31. > between_SS <- total_SS-within_SS;between_SS
  32. [1] 14353
  33. > df_between <- length(levels(drug$Treatment))-1;df_between
  34. [1] 3
  35. > df_within <- length(drug$Performance_Scores) - length(levels(drug$Treatment));df_within
  36. [1] 16
  37. > between_MS <- between_SS/df_between;between_MS
  38. [1] 4784.333
  39. > within_MS <- within_SS/df_within;within_MS
  40. [1] 121.075
  41. > F_ration <- between_MS/within_MS;F_ration
  42. [1] 39.51545
  43. > P_value <- 1-pf(F_ration,df_between,df_within);P_value
  44. [1] 1.262592e-07
  45. 因此可知p_value远小于0.05,故拒绝原假设,即认为至少有一组存在差异。
  46. #aov包
  47. > summary(aov(Performance_Scores~Treatment,data = drug))
  48. Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
  49. Treatment 3 14353 4784 39.52 1.26e-07 ***
  50. Residuals 16 1937 121
  51. ---
  52. Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 1
  53. > TukeyHSD(aov(Performance_Scores~Treatment,data = drug))
  1. #计算cor,计算相关性
  2. > BC$diagnosis <- as.numeric(as.character(BC$diagnosis))
  3. > cor(BC$diagnosis,BC[,2:11])
  4. radius texture perimeter area
  5. [1,] 0.7300285 0.4151853 0.7426355 0.7089838
  6. smoothness compactness concavity concave.points
  7. [1,] 0.35856 0.5965337 0.6963597 0.7766138
  8. symmetry fractal_dimension
  9. [1,] 0.3304986 -0.0128376
  10. > pairs(diagnosis~radius+texture+perimeter+area+smoothness+compactness+concavity+concave.points+symmetry+fractal_dimension,data = BC)
  1. #训练
  2. > training <- BC[1:400,]
  3. > testing <- BC[401:,]
  4. 错误: 意外的',' in "testing <- BC[401:,"
  5. > testing <- BC[401:569,]
  6. > training$diagnosis <- factor(training$diagnosis,levels = c(0,1))
  7. > f3full <- glm(diagnosis~radius+texture+perimeter+area+smoothness+compactness+concavity+concave.points+symmetry+fractal_dimension,data = training,family = binomial())
  8. > summary(f3full)
  9. #计算准确率
  10. > testing$predict <- predict(f3full,newdata = testing,type = "response")
  11. > testing$predict <- ifelse(testing$predict >0.5,1,0)
  12. > a <- length(rownames(testing[which(testing$diagnosis == testing$predict),]));a
  13. [1] 153
  14. > accuracy <- a / length(rownames(testing));accuracy
  15. [1] 0.9053254


  1. > P_value <- apply(AD[,2:11],2,function(x){if(var.test(x[1:161],x[162:346])$p.value>0.05)
  2. + t.test(x[1:161],x[162:346],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value
  3. + else
  4. + t.test(x[1:161],x[162:346],var.equal=FALSE)$p.value})
  5. > p_value_adjest <- p.adjust(P_value,method = "bonferroni");p_value_adjest
  6. > names(p_value_adjest[p_value_adjest<0.05])
  7. [1] "ABR" "ACTN4" "ADAM8" "ADAMTSL4" "AFF3"
  8. [6] "AKAP5" "AP5B1" "APIP" "ARF4" "ARHGAP4"
  9. > AD_fc
  11. 0.009096499 0.012365542 0.013486465 0.024721369 0.032628461
  13. 0.030557573 0.015770836 0.037186678 0.008875474 0.015433558
  14. 虽然存在显著性差异,但基因表达倍数改变不大,故不能跳出其中表达存在显著性差异表达的基因




  1. #分别用小函数去求
  2. #学到一个新的函数
  3. > library(psych)
  4. > describe(q1_15)
  5. vars n mean sd median trimmed mad
  6. reticulyte 1 30 6.86 2.29 7.19 6.91 2.83
  7. lymphocyte 2 30 3326.49 1187.68 3448.31 3351.60 1671.88
  8. min max range skew kurtosis se
  9. reticulyte 3.14 9.99 6.85 -0.19 -1.52 0.42
  10. lymphocyte 1396.15 4984.70 3588.55 -0.20 -1.47 216.84




  1. 差异:


  1. 优缺点:


  1. 非参数检验适用的情况:





  1. > pdf("the distributation G3 gene expression among 20 samples.pdf")
  2. > plot(density(as.numeric(q3_15[3,])),main="the distributation G3 gene expression among 20 samples")
  3. > dev.off()


  1. > boxplot(q3_15)
  2. > boxplot(q3_15,outline = FALSE)
  3. #删除离群值【造表格删除值不同于列表】
  4. > for(i in 1:20){ #造表格需要按列操作
  5. + OutVals <- boxplot(q3_15[i])$out #获取离群值
  6. + which(q3_15[[i]] %in% OutVals)
  7. + delete <- q3_15[[i]][! q3_15[[i]] %in% OutVals] #删除离群值
  8. +write.table(t(delete),file = "q3_15_new.csv",sep = ",",append = TRUE,col.names = FALSE,row.names = FALSE)} #写入
  9. > q3_15_new <- read.csv("q3_15_new.csv") #读取新文件
  10. > boxplot(t(q3_15_new))




  1. #方差其性检验
  2. #计算因变量(要有统一标定)
  3. > q4_15$A <- q4_15$exp_A/q4_15$exp_actin
  4. #自变量要注意设置为因子
  5. > summary(aov(A~as.factor(hospital) ,data = q4_15))



  1. > q4_glm <- glm(as.factor(status)~as.factor(abnormal),data = q4_15[q4_15$hospital == 1,],family = binomial())
  2. > summary(q4_glm)



  1. > sum(is.na(q5_15_data))
  2. [1] 0
  3. > library(limma)
  4. > q5_15_data_nor <- normalizeQuantiles(q5_15_data)


  1. #t检验
  2. > q5_15_data_nor$pvalue <- apply(q5_15_data_nor,1,function(x){
  3. + if(var.test(x[11:18],x[1:10])$p.value >0.05)
  4. + t.test(x[11:18],x[1:10],var.equal=TRUE,alternativate="greater")$p.value
  5. + else
  6. + t.test(x[11:18],x[1:10],var.equal=FALSE,alternativate="greater")$p.value})
  7. #列出前20的差异基因
  8. > row.names(q5_15_data_nor[order(q5_15_data_nor$pvalue,decreasing = FALSE),]) [1:20]


  1. > q5_15 <- data.frame(q5_15) #注意数据形式,list or data.frame
  2. > DEGnames <- rownames(q5_15[q5_15$p.value<0.05])
  3. > UNDEGnames <- rownames(UNDEG)[1:length(DEGnames )]
  4. > DEG_met <- q5_15[q5_15$V1 %in% DEGnames,]
  5. > UNDEG_met <- q5_15[q5_15$V1 %in% UNDEGnames,]
  6. > var.test(DEG_met$V2,UNDEG_met$V2)
  7. > t.test(DEG_met$V2,UNDEG_met$V2,var.equal = FALSE)



  1. > pwr.t.test(d=d,n=length(DEGnames),type = "two.sample",alternative = "two.sided")
  2. Two-sample t test power calculation
  3. n = 2093
  4. d = 97158.13
  5. sig.level = 0.05
  6. power = 1
  7. alternative = two.sided
  8. NOTE: n is number in *each* group
  9. > ?power.t.test
  10. > power.t.test(n=length(DEGnames),delta = abs(mu_DEG - mu_UNDEG ),sd=s,sig.level = 0.95,type = "two.sample",alternative = "two.sided")
  11. Two-sample t test power calculation
  12. n = 2093
  13. delta = 0.08765963
  14. sd = 4.127671e-05
  15. sig.level = 0.95
  16. power = 1
  17. alternative = two.sided
  18. NOTE: n is number in *each* group