

This chapter describes how to establish a shared language, which __allows a group of people to create and use patterns cohesively for a particular product.


Digital products are built by teams. Everyone will have their own specific goals to accomplish and personal deadlines to meet. Inevitably, this means that sloppy patterns will be added, or that modules will be duplicated or misused.


Can we make sure a product still feels cohesive and whole, even when many people work on it? Yes, if we have a shared understanding in the team of what our design system is and how it works. This means that we follow the same guiding principles, that our vision of the brand lines up, that we have a shared approach to design and front-end architec- ture, and that we know our most effective patterns and what makes them work. In other words, creating cohesive design systems requires a shared language.

在《永恒的建筑方式》中,克里斯托弗·亚历山大(Christopher Alexander)提出了一种“模式语言”的思想,以创造一种既活泼又令人愉悦的建筑。他的书的核心是观察到许多伟大的建筑(沙特尔,阿罕布拉,布鲁内莱斯基的圆顶)不是由一位在绘图板上费力地工作的大师级建筑师创建的。它们是由一群人组成的,他们对设计模式具有深刻的共享知识,能够使这些建筑栩栩如生。

In The Timeless Way of Building, Christopher Alexander introduced the idea of a “pattern language” as a way to create buildings that feel alive and a pleasure to be in. At the core of his book is the observation that many great build- ings (Chartres, the Alhambra, Brunelleschi’s Dome) weren’tcreated by one master architect working laboriously at the drawing board. They were built by groups of people who allhad a deep, shared knowledge of the design patterns that were capable of bringing those buildings to life.

— Christopher Alexander,永恒的建筑方式

…groups of people can conceive their larger public buildings, on the ground, by following a commonpattern language, almost as if they __had a single mind.” — Christopher Alexander, The Timeless Way of Building


A similar idea can be applied to building digital products. The language can empower people to create products that feel whole, even when multiple contributors work on differ-ent parts. Naturally, some people will be steeped in it more deeply than others, but the idea is that everyone — design- ers, developers, researchers, product managers, content producers — should have some degree of fluency, and that the fluency improves over time, as the team continues to learn, use and evolve the language.


But what Alexander doesn’t mention in his book, is exactlyhow much work the pattern language approach takes to achieve. Medieval cathedrals took decades to build, and stonemasons went through years of apprenticeship to learn the pattern language. Similarly, it can take a lot of effort to establish a shared language in a product team and make it work.


But it can be done, even in larger teams.We can start by pay- ing attention to the language decisions we make.


具有影响力的英国教育家詹姆斯·布里顿(James Britton)在《语言与学习》 6中解释说,通过在物体上赋予名称,我们开始“使它们成真”,就像孩子们使用语言“摆脱虚无”一样。同样,如果接口对象没有适当的名称(该名称对你的团队中的人员来说是已知的且有意义的名称),那么它在系统中实际上就不存在作为可操作的单元来使用。一旦命名了对象,就可以塑造它的未来。如果给它起一个表述性的名称,则它的未来将受到限制,因为它将受到其样式的限制:“粉红色”按钮只能是粉红色的。

James Britton, an influential British educator, explains in _Language andLearning_6 that by conferring names on objects, we start “bringing them into existence,” just like children use language “to draw out of nothingness” the world around them. Similarly, if an interface object doesn’t have a proper name — a name that is known and makes sense to people in your team — then it doesn’t really exist in your system as an actionable unit to work with. Once you name an object, you shape its future; if you give it a presentational name, its future will be limited because it will be confined by its style: a “pink” button can only be pink.


A well-chosen name can become a powerful tool for shaping your design system, since names affect how patterns will beused. And, of course, it is not only about the names them- selves, but a shared approach to naming within your team.

6 http://smashed.by/languagelearning


“好名字”对于不同的团队意味着不同的事物。有时需要进行实验才能找到可行的方法。德国电信公司 Sipgate 的团队最初使用的是表述性名称。但是他们发现诸如“突出的瓷砖”或“带有圆点的圆圈”之类的名称无效,并最终导致了系统的碎片化。

A “good name” means different things for different teams. Sometimes it takes experimentation to find an approach that works. The team at Sipgate,7 a German telecommunica- tions company, used presentational names initially. But they found that names such as “Prominent tile” or “Circle with a dot” weren’teffective and ultimately contributed to the fragmentation of their system.

— Toipias Ritterbach,Sipgate的经验所有者_

The main problem with presentation based naming is that you can’t __find what you are looking for when the number of patterns in your library increases. It also gives you no guidance or inspiration for where to use a specific pattern. People start to build more and more new patterns instead of reusing and enhancing the existing ones, whichmakes the problem worse and worse over time.” —Tobias Ritterbach, experience owner, Sipgate


At Atlassian,components are named from a user’s perspec- tive. For instance, “Lozenges” and “Inline Edit” got their names because that’show their users referred to them.At first it was seen as controversial and an overhead for developers. But the team felt that naming modules this way enabled engineers to think from a user’s perspective and always have users in mind.

7 https://www.sipgate.de
8 Interview with Tobias Ritterbach, exp. owner, Sipgate,Aug. 2016
9 https://www.atlassian.com/


It’s a bit of an overhead for engineers, but to a certain extentwe’re __driving user empathy.

在 FutureLearn,我们同意,好名意味着它专注,令人难忘并体现了它所代表的模块的目的。与其他团队一样,我们也尝试过使用不同的方式来命名事物-从更精确,更具描述性的名称(例如“进度切换按钮”)到有趣的名称(例如“ Whisperbox”)。

At FutureLearn,11 we agreed that a good name means that it is focused, memorable and embodies the purpose of the module it represents. It is the name people relate to and want to use.Like other teams, we tried different ways to name things — from more precise and descriptive such as “Progress toggle button,” to fun ones, such as “Whisperbox.”


Having looked how the team used the modules, we noticedthat the most effective names in our system had one or more of these qualities: they were metaphorical, they had a personality, and they communicated the purpose of the pattern.



A metaphor from other industries, such as architecture or publishing, can inspire a good name. It can also make the name more memorable for the team, as they’ll have an association — something to imagine — when they think of that module.

7 Interview with Jurgen Spangl, head of design, Atlassian, Nov. 2016
8 https://www.futurelearn.com


Brackets in architecture are elements that support and strengthen a structure; for example, helping to hold up a roof. Similarly, in FutureLearn’s interface “Brackets” also support the main content by presenting small chunks of additional information.


另一个例子是“ Spotlight”:一种促销元素,旨在引起人们对特定内容的关注。

Another example is “Spotlight”: a promotional element designed to draw attention to a specific piece of content.

“Spotlight” is a promotional element designed to draw attention to a specific piece of content.

“ Bracket”和“ Spotlight”是有效名称的示例-团队中的人知道并使用它们。相反,没有视觉隐喻的名称效果不佳。

“Bracket” and “Spotlight” are examples of effective names — people on the team know and use them. Conversely, names that don’t have a visual metaphor associated with them turned out to be less effective.


For example, hardlyanyone can remember what a “Progress toggle button” is, or what a “Binary radio button” looks like.




The problem is that neither “Progress toggle button” nor “Binary radio button” creates an image in your mind that makes it easier to remember those patterns. Even if somepeople preferred a more precise and descriptive name like “Binary radio button,” the fact is no one remembered it. And if no one remembers it, there’s a high chance that people will recreate the pattern instead of reusing it.



Some names for buttons worked much better. There are small, secondary function buttons that are used all overFutureLearn’s interface. They are called“Minions.”

Minion buttons.12
而且,当然,在有奴才的地方,还应该有一个老板。 FutureLearn的“老板”是一个大按钮,通常是页面上主要的号召性用语。

And, of course, where there are minions there should also bea boss. FutureLearn’s “Boss” is a large button, typically the main call to action on a page.

12 版权奴才和格鲁:卑鄙的我,©Universal Pictures。

12 Copyright Minions and Gru: Despicable Me, ©Universal Pictures.



It’s also fun to see .minion and .boss class names used in CSS.13

13 在FutureLearn界面中,有更多的按钮样式。这里显示的示例是一些最有效的示例。

13 In the FutureLearn interface there are more button styles; the examples shown here are some of the most effective ones.

具有个性的名字更容易记住。他们不仅会留下来,还会激发其他名字,甚至可以建立一个姓氏家族。 FutureLearn上的“ Whisperbox”模块旨在进行促销,而不会太分心。当另一个团队需要更突出的东西时,他们创建了一个“ Boombox”。 “ Whisperbox”和“ Boombox”是一对,有助于使词汇表更加紧密联系和令人难忘。

Names with personality are easier to remember. Not only do they stick around, they also inspire other names, and can even establish a family of names. A “Whisperbox” module on FutureLearn was designed to be promotional without being too distracting. When another team needed some- thing more prominent, they created a “Boombox.” “Whis- perbox” and “Boombox” are a pair, which helps to make thevocabulary more connected and memorable.



The best names offer guidance or inspiration for where to use a specific pattern. It’s easy to remember there can be many minions (on a page) but only one boss. People enjoy using them and we don’t need to enforce guidelines because they come with the name. Even a few names like this can help make your vocabulary more compelling, and the team will be more likely to use it and contribute to it.


Names let us not only identify and distinguish between patterns, but also describe what they’refor. Naming pat- terns is especially hard when we haven’t fully understood their purpose. If you find yourself struggling to come up with a name, chances are something isn’t quite right. Maybe amodule’s purpose is unclear, or it overlaps with another’s; either way, it’s a red flag you should notice.

欧洲之星新界面中的一个模块专门用于改善 SEO。在模式库研讨会中,团队努力为它起一个名字:“这是一个 SEO 模块!它没有功能。它的存在没有意义!”

One of the modules in Eurostar’s new interface was intro-duced specifically to improve SEO. During a pattern library workshop, the team struggled to come up with a name for it: “It’s an SEO module! It doesn’t have a function. There’s no meaning to its existence!”


他们最终给它起的名字是“ le blurb”。le blurb 的用途大致如下:提供潜在的有趣信息,旨在改善SEO。

The name they gave it in the end was “le blurb.”And the purpose of le blurb was something along the lines of: to providepotentially interesting information aiming to improve SEO.


Approaching difficult naming decisions with humor can help. And yet it’s almost never difficult for no reason. At some point we have to ask ourselves: what’s wrong here? Why can’t we come up with a name?



We can understand the purpose of a pattern better if the naming process in our team is collaborative. That doesn’t mean involving the whole company: it is not about the num-ber of people, but a diversity of perspectives. Too often the responsibility of naming modules falls on developers when they write CSS, but it can be made easier if the naming pro- cess is broadened to include more people from the team.


People from different disciplines will each view a module slightly differently. Someone from a content background might see it in a generic way because they’d need it to be flexible. Developers might see technical specifics, because they’re aware of how the module is built — they’ll know that something is a radio button even though it might not look like a radio button. Designers and user researchers might be more familiar with the original behavior a pattern is meant to support. Involving people with different points of view can help make a more informed and objective decision about the purpose of a module. And once you know the purpose, coming up with a name is easier.


Collaborative naming will also help team members who did not design or build the patterns understand their use. Involving the content team, for example, can help engage them as participants in this process, rather than simply being handed a stack of boxes to fill in.


进行命名协作的最简单方法之一是在你喜欢的日常通讯应用程序(例如“设计系统” Slack频道)上设置专用空间。与团队共享设计样机或现有模块,并简要描述其用途和区别所在。你可能会说:“这通常表示将附加信息或支持信息分成小块。”这有助于分享你到目前为止提出的名称。

One of the easiest ways to collaborate on naming is to set upa dedicated space on your favorite everyday communicationapp (like a “Design system” Slack channel). Share a designmock-up or an existing module with the team, and describe briefly whatit’s for and what distinguishes it.You might say: “This typically represents additional or supporting information portioned into smaller chunks.” It can help to share the namesyou’ve come up with so far.



A few people will join the discussion, ask questions, and suggest their ideas. Some suggestions won’tbe quite right, others will be humorous or unexpected. That’s OK — the point is to generate discussion. Talking through design deci- sions and the purpose of patterns helps to strengthen and evolve the shared language.14 If you come up with a good name, remember to give people kudos and celebrate it.It’s those moments that help unite the team and make collabo- rative naming part of your culture.



You might want to go even further and involveyour users in the language decisions. Try testing modules on paper cards. Testing on cards differs from other user research techniques, which use linear tasks and scenarios for users to work through. Here, participants can pick up the cards, move them around, discuss and scribble on them, actively becoming part of the design process. This can give you a chance to test your language choices and make sure that the modules you’ve defined are aligned with your users’ poten- tial behaviors and mental models. On some occasions you might discover that your “Prominent tabs” are completely ignored, or that your “Wizard control” is interpreted as a set of optional tabs.

14 而且,在共享新设计时,可能会发现有人已经存在类似的模块,因此可以防止重复。

14 What’s more, when sharing a new design, someone might spot thata similar module already exists and you can prevent a duplication.



As useful as it is to involveteam members and users in the naming process, it’s important to stay focused and not get stuck in a loop of endless discussion. Sometimes too much input can lead to diluted or confusing names.To avoid this, at FutureLearn we would take on board the suggestions, but always leave the final decision up to the designer-developerpair who worked on a module.



Naming things together, however, is not enough to establish a shared language. The entire team should be immersed in it. Make it omnipresent. If you create the right conditions, even people who aren’t initially interested will learn pas- sively, through exposure. Here are some tips for creating such conditions.



Set up a dedicated space on a wall to represent your designsystem visually: a pattern wall.

FutureLearn 办公室中的图案墙

A pattern wall gives you a bird’s-eye view of your system. This makes it a great space for naming conversations to happen, as you can refer to things right there in front of you— no need to search all over the site or remember what theylook like. Having a dedicated space also makes your system more open: people feel like they are welcome to join in, ask questions and contribute.


You don’t need a lot of space to create a pattern wall, and not all the screens of your product have to appear there.


Start with the ones that are the most crucial or used most frequently. Print them out on A3 sheets, put them up on the wall, and label the most prominent patterns. It can be helpful to position the printouts in the order that follows your most common user journeys; for example: discovery screens, sign-in journey, comparingproducts, making a purchase.


You can be creative when making your design patterns visible. The team at MOO, a digital print and design com- pany, printed some of the pages from their style guide onto MOO postcards as handy sheets the employees can grab for reference.



Automated reminders can also be helpful. It only takes a few minutes to set up a Slack bot that will occasionally remind your team what different elements are called.

一个 Slack 机器人提醒团队“ Signpost”是什么样的



Like with any language, you need to use it to keep it alive. It needs to be part of day-to-day conversations. That’swhy it’s important to make a conscious effort to keep referring to the patterns by the names you agreed on — no matter how bizarre this might sound.

15 一些工具(例如Brand.ai和https://frontify.com)也与Slack集成在一起,以便在更新模式库时ping通道。有关工具的更多信息,请参见第10章。

15 Some tools, such as Brand.ai and https://frontify.com, also have integrations with Slack to ping channels when a pattern library is updated. More about tools in chapter 10.


“Whisperbox” is a promotional module on FutureLearn. As the name suggests, it is meant to be subtle and not draw too much attention to itself.

在给它起一个适当的名称之前,我们一直将其称为“中间带有线条和图标的东西”。称呼它很容易。花了更多的努力才开始将其称为“ Whisperbox”。但是,直到你开始使用其实际名称调用模式之前,该模式在你的系统中都不是可操作的可靠块。每次使用该名称时,你都会增强调用的元素,并改进你的设计语言。

Until we gave it a proper name, we kept referring to it as “that thing with the lines and an icon in the middle.” It was easy to call it that. It took more effort to start calling it “Whisperbox.” But until you start calling a pattern by its actual name, it doesn’t exist in your system as a solid action- able block to work with. And every time you do use the name, you strengthen the element you call on, and evolve your design language.


Doing so requires a certain self-discipline in the team. It can be hard, especially if you’re not used to it (imagine you joined a team where everyone is talking about minions, bosses and whisperboxes!). But very soon those names become part of a normal conversation and people get used to it. The goal is to get to the point where everyone knows exactly what you’re talking about just by calling a name.


Everyone knows the purpose of sequence navigation and refers to it as “Sequence navigation”, and not “Fancy bub- bles” or “Wizard control.” Naturally, it also means that names in the design file and code match.


如果这是入职流程的一部分,则将新员工介绍到你的设计系统中会更容易。 Atlassian 的新团队成员通读了如何创建准则的故事,以便他们可以理解为什么以及如何做出决定。在 FutureLearn 中,我们创建了一个内部归纳在线课程,其中包括有关模式库的专门章节,其中包括测验和小技巧课程。

It’s easier to introduce new employees to your design system if it’s part of your induction process. New team members at Atlassian are taken through the story of how the guidelines were created so they can understand why and how the decisions had been made. At FutureLearn, we created an internal induction online course, which includes a dedicated chapter about the pattern library, with quizzes and bite-size lessons.

FutureLearn 的在线入门课程中有关模式库的一章



Everyone hates meetings. But design system catch-ups are worthwhile if you want to keep everyone on the same page when evolving your system.It’s the time when all designers and developers can fully focus on the system together.


The catch-ups can work with a group of around 16–20 peo- ple, and for larger groups people can take turns to attend. They don’t have to take long — half an hour is usually enough, if you have a well-structured agenda. Initially, you can run them weekly, and then fortnightlywhen the teamfinds its rhythm. Teams can use this time to agree on the overarching patterns, such as icons or typography across the product. It is also a good opportunity to sharenew modules and discuss their purpose, usage, and any problems and questions people might have.



  • 创建图案图
  • 进行针对特定模式的界面清单
  • 图纸图案结构
  • 商定模式的目的并提出名称
  • 阐明使你的产品有特定感觉的模式
  • 使用新模式进行小规模实验

    Try pairing on designing and building patterns as much as possible. All the exercises described in the previous two chapters can help collaboration and establish shared lan- guage between disciplines:

    • Creating a pattern map
    • Conducting an interface inventory focused on a specific pattern
    • Drawing pattern structure
    • Agreeing on the purpose of a pattern and coming upwith a name
    • Articulating the patterns that make your product feel acertain way
    • Running small scale experiments with new patterns


In any team there will be people who are more fluent in your pattern language and more enthusiastic to work on the system, and they might naturally gravitate towards working with each other. But try to encourage them to work with everyone, so that they have an opportunity to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with people who are less immersed in the system.By spreading out the knowledge across an organization, a design system becomes more resilient.



One of the most effective practices for sharing and evolvinga design language is to keep a glossary of the terms you use. Creating and keeping a glossary allows you to be con- sciously aware of the words you use, as you have to articu- late things to write them down. For example, at Intercom, a customer messaging platform, the team keep a glossary of terms to make sure they use “the same language from code to customer.”


And, of course, an up-to-date, easily accessible pattern library can also be a reliable glossary of design patterns and a reference point for the entire team (as well as being the actual toolkit of patterns for designing and building an interface).

16 http://smashed.by/intercom
17 We’ll discuss pattern libraries in detail in chapter 10.


The value of a glossary is not only in the tool it provides: it is also in the language practices it cultivates. By establishing and keeping a glossary, you get into a habit of vetting, dis- cussing and articulating your language decisions as a team— you acknowledge that words matter.

并非所有团队每天都平等地协作和开放讨论设计原则和模式。建立一种共享的语言需要某种团队文化。但是它也可以以相反的方式起作用—集成以语言为中心的流程可以带来更好的结果合作。三年前,在 FutureLearn 中,我们没有一种工作共享的设计语言,而且合作程度还不如今天。设计人员正在用PDF品牌文档记录模式,而开发人员则建立了前端样式指南。尽管两个文档对每个学科都有用,但它们并没有提供共同的语言基础。但是通过实践和流程,我们逐渐改变了工作方式。

Not all teams are equally collaborative and open to discuss- ing design principles and patterns every day.Establishing a shared language requires a certain kind of team culture.But it can also work the other way around — integrating language-focused processes can lead to better collaboration. Three years ago at FutureLearn we didn’t have a workingshared design language and we didn’t collaborate nearly as much as today.Designers were documenting patterns in a PDF brand document and developers built their front-end style guide. Although both documents were useful for eachof the disciplines, they didn’tprovide a shared language foundation to work with. But by putting practices and pro- cesses in place, we gradually transformed how we work.


Establishing a shared language is always a gradual, piece- meal process. Sometimes it will be messy and slow, but if you just keep going, you’ll see your language evolving and strengthening. Eventually, the effects will ripple out within your team, with other teams, and with stakeholders, as they start to understand what you’retrying to achieve and join you in this process.