Predefined Sources and Sinks 预定义的源和接收器

A few basic data sources and sinks are built into Flink and are always available. The predefined data sources include reading from files, directories, and sockets, and ingesting data from collections and iterators. The predefined data sinks support writing to files, to stdout and stderr, and to sockets.

Bundled Connectors 捆绑式连接器

Connectors provide code for interfacing with various third-party systems. Currently these systems are supported:

Keep in mind that to use one of these connectors in an application, additional third party components are usually required, e.g. servers for the data stores or message queues. Note also that while the streaming connectors listed in this section are part of the Flink project and are included in source releases, they are not included in the binary distributions. Further instructions can be found in the corresponding subsections.

Connectors in Apache Bahir Apache Bahir中的连接器

Additional streaming connectors for Flink are being released through Apache Bahir, including:
通过Apache Bahir发布了用于Flink的其他流连接器,包括:

Other Ways to Connect to Flink 连接到Flink的其他方式

Data Enrichment via Async I/O 通过异步I / O进行数据丰富

Using a connector isn’t the only way to get data in and out of Flink. One common pattern is to query an external database or web service in a Map or FlatMap in order to enrich the primary datastream. Flink offers an API for Asynchronous I/O to make it easier to do this kind of enrichment efficiently and robustly.
使用连接器并不是将数据传入和传出Flink的唯一方法。一个常见的模式是查询外部数据库或Web服务在一个Map或FlatMap以丰富的主要数据流。Flink提供了一个用于异步I / O的API,以使其更容易有效且强大地完成这种扩充。

Queryable State 可查询状态

When a Flink application pushes a lot of data to an external data store, this can become an I/O bottleneck. If the data involved has many fewer reads than writes, a better approach can be for an external application to pull from Flink the data it needs. The Queryable State interface enables this by allowing the state being managed by Flink to be queried on demand.
当Flink应用程序将大量数据推送到外部数据存储时,这可能成为I / O瓶颈。如果涉及的数据的读取次数少于写入的次数,则更好的方法是让外部应用程序从Flink中提取所需的数据。在可查询的状态界面,允许通过弗林克管理的状态下进行按需查询支持这个。