
注意 Bipartite Graph目前仅在Gelly Java API中受支持。





  • 它们保存了有关顶点之间连接的更多信息。例如,代表两位研究人员之间的单一链接,代表他们一起撰写了一篇论文,二分图保存了他们撰写的论文信息。
  • 二分图可以比单模图更紧凑地编码相同的信息


A BipartiteGraph代表:

  • 一个DataSet顶级节点
  • 一个DataSet底部节点
  • 一个DataSet顶部和底部节点之间的边


图形边缘由BipartiteEdge类型表示。A BipartiteEdge由顶部ID(顶部的ID Vertex),底部ID(底部的ID Vertex)和可选值定义。Edge和之间的主要区别在于BipartiteEdge它链接的节点的ID可以是不同类型。没有值的边具有NullValue值类型。

  1. BipartiteEdge<Long, String, Double> e = new BipartiteEdge<Long, String, Double>(1L, "id1", 0.5);
  2. Double weight = e.getValue(); // weight = 0.5
  1. // Scala API is not yet supported



  • 从一个DataSet顶部顶点,一个DataSet底部顶点和一个DataSet边缘:

  • Java

  • Scala

  1. ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
  2. DataSet<Vertex<String, Long>> topVertices = ...
  3. DataSet<Vertex<String, Long>> bottomVertices = ...
  4. DataSet<Edge<String, String, Double>> edges = ...
  5. Graph<String, String, Long, Long, Double> graph = BipartiteGraph.fromDataSet(topVertices, bottomVertices, edges, env);
  1. // Scala API is not yet supported


  • Projection:Projection是二分图的常见 算子操作,可将二分图转换为常规图。有两种类型的Projection:顶部和底部Projection。顶部Projection仅保存结果图中的顶部节点,并且仅当顶部节点在原始图中连接到中间底部节点时才在新图中创建它们之间的链接。底部Projection与顶部Projection相反,即仅保存底部节点并连接一对节点(如果它们在原始图形中连接)。

二分图 - 图1



  1. ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
  2. // Vertices (1, "top1")
  3. DataSet<Vertex<Long, String>> topVertices = ...
  4. // Vertices (2, "bottom2"); (4, "bottom4")
  5. DataSet<Vertex<Long, String>> bottomVertices = ...
  6. // Edge that connect vertex 2 to vertex 1 and vertex 4 to vertex 1:
  7. // (1, 2, "1-2-edge"); (1, 4, "1-4-edge")
  8. DataSet<Edge<Long, Long, String>> edges = ...
  9. BipartiteGraph<Long, Long, String, String, String> graph = BipartiteGraph.fromDataSet(topVertices, bottomVertices, edges, env);
  10. // Result graph with two vertices:
  11. // (2, "bottom2"); (4, "bottom4")
  12. //
  13. // and one edge that contains ids of bottom edges and a tuple with
  14. // values of intermediate edges in the original bipartite graph:
  15. // (2, 4, ("1-2-edge", "1-4-edge"))
  16. Graph<Long, String, Tuple2<String, String>> graph bipartiteGraph.projectionBottomSimple();
  1. // Scala API is not yet supported


  1. ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
  2. // Vertices (1, "top1")
  3. DataSet<Vertex<Long, String>> topVertices = ...
  4. // Vertices (2, "bottom2"); (4, "bottom4")
  5. DataSet<Vertex<Long, String>> bottomVertices = ...
  6. // Edge that connect vertex 2 to vertex 1 and vertex 4 to vertex 1:
  7. // (1, 2, "1-2-edge"); (1, 4, "1-4-edge")
  8. DataSet<Edge<Long, Long, String>> edges = ...
  9. BipartiteGraph<Long, Long, String, String, String> graph = BipartiteGraph.fromDataSet(topVertices, bottomVertices, edges, env);
  10. // Result graph with two vertices:
  11. // (2, "bottom2"); (4, "bottom4")
  12. // and one edge that contains ids of bottom edges and a tuple that
  13. // contains id and value of the intermediate edge, values of connected vertices
  14. // and values of intermediate edges in the original bipartite graph:
  15. // (2, 4, (1, "top1", "bottom2", "bottom4", "1-2-edge", "1-4-edge"))
  16. Graph<String, String, Projection<Long, String, String, String>> graph bipartiteGraph.projectionBottomFull();
  1. // Scala API is not yet supported