Set up Elasticsearch(设置ES)

Installing Elasticsearch(安装ES)

Install Elasticsearch from archive on Linux(从Linux上下载ES)


Elasticsearch includes a bundled version of OpenJDK from the JDK maintainers (GPLv2+CE). To use your own version of Java, see the JVM version requirements

Elasticsearch包含来自JDK维护者(GPLv2 + CE)的OpenJDK捆绑版。 要使用自己的Java版本,请参阅JVM版本要求。

  1. wget
  2. wget
  3. shasum -a 512 -c elasticsearch-7.10.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz.sha512 --1
  4. tar -xzf elasticsearch-7.10.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  5. cd elasticsearch-7.10.1/ --2
  • — 1

    Compares the SHA of the downloaded .tar.gz archive and the published checksum, which should outputelasticsearch-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz: OK.

比较下载的.tar.gz档案的SHA和校验,输出: elasticsearch-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz: OK

  • — 2

    This directory is known as $ES_HOME.

此目录称为$ ES_HOME。

Alternatively, you can download the following package, which includes only Apache 2.0 licensed code:

或者,您可以下载以下软件包,其中仅包含Apache 2.0许可的代码:


Enable automatic creation of system indices(启用自动创建系统索引)

Some commercial features automatically create indices within Elasticsearch. By default, Elasticsearch is configured to allow automatic index creation, and no additional steps are required. However, if you have disabled automatic index creation in Elasticsearch, you must configure action.auto_create_index in elasticsearch.yml to allow the commercial features to create the following indices:

但是,如果你有Elasticsearch禁用自动创建索引,您必须配置 action.auto_create_indexelasticsearch.yml允许商业功能创建以下指标:

  1. cat >> /opt/es1/config/elasticsearch.yml << EOF
  2. action.auto_create_index: .monitoring*,.watches,.triggered_watches,.watcher-history*,.ml*
  3. EOF

Running Elasticsearch from the command line(命令行运行elasticsearch)

  1. ./bin/elasticsearch

Checking that Elasticsearch is running(检查Elasticsearch是否正在运行)

  1. curl -X GET "localhost:9200/?pretty"


Running as a daemon(作为守护程序运行)

Log printing to stdout can be disabled using the -q or --quiet option on the command line.


  1. ./bin/elasticsearch -d -p pid



Configuring Elasticsearch on the command line(在命令行上配置Elasticsearch)

Any settings that can be specified in the config file can also be specified on the command line, using the -E syntax as follows:

  1. ./bin/elasticsearch -d


  1. cd /opt/es3/bin
  2. ./elasticsearch


Type Description Default Location Setting
类型 描述 默认位置 设置
home Elasticsearch home directory or $ES_HOME Directory created by unpacking the archive
Elasticsearch主目录或 $ES_HOME 通过解压缩存档创建目录
bin Binary scripts including elasticsearch to start a node and elasticsearch-plugin to install plugins $ES_HOME/bin
箱子 二进制脚本,包括elasticsearch启动节点和elasticsearch-plugin安装插件
conf Configuration files including elasticsearch.yml $ES_HOME/config ES_PATH_CONF
配置文件包括 elasticsearch.yml
data The location of the data files of each index / shard allocated on the node. Can hold multiple locations. $ES_HOME/data
数据 节点上分配的每个索引/分片的数据文件的位置。可以容纳多个位置。
logs Log files location. $ES_HOME/logs path.logs
日志 日志文件位置。
plugins Plugin files location. Each plugin will be contained in a subdirectory. $ES_HOME/plugins
外挂程式 插件文件位置。每个插件将包含在一个子目录中。
repo Shared file system repository locations. Can hold multiple locations. A file system repository can be placed in to any subdirectory of any directory specified here. Not configured path.repo
回购 共享文件系统存储库位置。可以容纳多个位置。可以将文件系统存储库放置在此处指定的任何目录的任何子目录中。 未配置

Configuring Elasticsearch(配置Elasticsearch)

Config files location(配置文件位置)


  • elasticsearch.yml 用于配置Elasticsearch
  • jvm.options 用于配置Elasticsearch JVM设置
  • 用于配置Elasticsearch日志记录

For the archive distributions, the config directory location defaults to $ES_HOME/config. The location of the config directory can be changed via the ES_PATH_CONF environment variable as follows:

对于压缩包发行版,配置目录位置默认为$ ES_HOME / config。 可以通过ES_PATH_CONF环境变量来更改config目录的位置,如下所示:

  1. ES_PATH_CONF=/path/to/my/config ./bin/elasticsearch


Dynamic You can configure and update dynamic settings on a running cluster using the cluster update settings API. You can also configure dynamic settings locally on an unstarted or shut down node using elasticsearch.yml.

使用集群API更新设置在正在运行的集群上配置和更新动态 。

Static Static settings can only be configured on an unstarted or shut down node using elasticsearch.yml.


changing the path of the data and logs directories:(更改数据和日志目录的路径:)


  1. mkdir -p /opt/es_storage/{data,logs}
  2. chown -R es:es /opt/es_storage


  1. cat >> /opt/es1/config/elasticsearch.yml << EOF
  2. /opt/es_storage/data
  3. path.logs: /opt/es_storage/logs
  4. EOF


  1. su es
  2. cd /opt/es1/bin/
  3. ./elasticsearch

ES-学习笔记 - 图12



In YAML, you can format non-scalar values as sequences:

  1. cat >> /opt/es1/config/elasticsearch <<EOF
  2. discovery.seed_hosts:
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. EOF

Though less common, you can also format non-scalar values as arrays:

  1. cat >> /opt/es1/config/elasticsearch << EOF
  2. discovery.seed_hosts: ["", "", ""]
  3. EOF


Environment variable substitution(环境变量替代

Environment variables referenced with the ${...} notation within the configuration file will be replaced with the value of the environment variable. For example:

配置文件中用$ {…}标记引用的环境变量将替换为环境变量的值。 例如:

  1. ${HOSTNAME}

Values for environment variables must be simple strings. Use a comma-separated string to provide values that Elasticsearch will parse as a list. For example, Elasticsearch will split the following string into a list of values for the ${HOSTNAME} environment variable.
环境变量的值必须是简单的字符串。 使用逗号分隔的字符串提供Elasticsearch将解析为列表的值。 例如,Elasticsearch将以下字符串拆分为$ {HOSTNAME}环境变量的值列表。

  1. export HOSTNAME=“host1,host2"

Setting JVM options(设置JVM选项:)

-Xmx2g lines beginning with a - are treated as a JVM option that applies independent of the version of the JVM 以-开头的行被视为独立于JVM版本而应用的JVM选项
lines beginning with a number followed by a : followed by a - are treated as a JVM option that applies only if the version of the JVM matches the number 以数字开头接:后跟-的行被视为仅在JVM版本与数字匹配时才适用的JVM选项。
8-:-Xmx2g lines beginning with a number followed by a - followed by a : are treated as a JVM option that applies only if the version of the JVM is greater than or equal to the number 以数字接- 加:加-开头的行被视为JVM选项,仅在JVM版本大于或等于该数字时才适用
lines beginning with a number followed by a - followed by a number followed by a : are treated as a JVM option that applies only if the version of the JVM falls in the range of the two numbers 以数字接-加数字接:开头的行被视为JVM选项,仅当JVM版本在两个数字范围内时才适用
  1. An alternative mechanism for setting Java Virtual Machine options is via the _**`ES_JAVA_OPTS`**_ environment variable. For instance:

设置Java虚拟机选项的另一种机制是通过ES_JAVA_OPTS环境变量。 例如:

  1. export ES_JAVA_OPTS="$ES_JAVA_OPTS"
  2. ./bin/elasticsearch

Secure settings(安全设置


Auditing security settings(审核安全设置

use audit logging to record security-related events, such as authentication failures, refused connections, and data-access events.


Circuit breaker settings(熔断器设置

Elasticsearch contains multiple circuit breakers used to prevent operations from causing an OutOfMemoryError. Each breaker specifies a limit for how much memory it can use. Additionally, there is a parent-level breaker that specifies the total amount of memory that can be used across all breakers. Except where noted otherwise, these settings can be dynamically updated on a live cluster with the cluster-update-settings API.

除非另有说明,否则可以使用cluster-update-settings API在活动集群上动态更新这些设置。

Parent circuit breaker(父级熔断器)

Parent circuit breaker(父级熔断器).png
The parent-level breaker can be configured with the following settings:

(Static) Determines whether the parent breaker should take real memory usage into account (true) or only consider the amount that is reserved by child circuit breakers (false). Defaults to true.


  1. cat >> /opt/es1/config/elasticsearch.yml << EOF
  2. true
  3. EOF

image.png ES-学习笔记 - 图18

(Dynamic) Starting limit for overall parent breaker. Defaults to 70% of JVM heap if is false. If is true, defaults to 95% of the JVM heap.

如果为false,则默认为JVM堆的70% 。
如果 为true,则默认为JVM堆的95%。


  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "" : "90%"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '




Content-Type: application/json

-X 指定请求方法
-H 指定请求标头
-d 发送POST请求提交的数据,使用-d参数后,会自动将请求转为POST,HTTP请求会自动加上标头Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded,可省略-X POST

Field data circuit breaker(列数据熔断器)

Field data circuit breaker(列数据熔断器).png

The field data circuit breaker estimates the heap memory required to load a field into the field data cache. If loading the field would cause the cache to exceed a predefined memory limit, the circuit breaker stops the operation and returns an error.

indices.breaker.fielddata.limit ES-学习笔记 - 图22

(Dynamic) Limit for fielddata breaker. Defaults to 40% of JVM heap.


  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "indices.breaker.fielddata.limit" : "40%"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '

indices.breaker.fielddata.overhead ES-学习笔记 - 图23

(Dynamic) A constant that all field data estimations are multiplied with to determine a final estimation. Defaults to 1.03.

(动态)所有列数据乘以一个常量得到最终的值。 默认为1.03。

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "indices.breaker.fielddata.overhead" : "1.03"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '

Cache size


(Static) The max size of the field data cache, eg 38% of node heap space, or an absolute value, eg 12GB. Defaults to unbounded. If you choose to set it, it should be smaller than Field data circuit breaker limit.

默认为无界。 如果选择设置,则它应小于列数据熔断器极限。

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "indices.fielddata.cache.size" : "38%"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '

In flight requests circuit breaker(请求中的熔断器)

In flight requests circuit breaker(请求中的熔断器).png

The in flight requests circuit breaker allows Elasticsearch to limit the memory usage of all currently active incoming requests on transport or HTTP level from exceeding a certain amount of memory on a node. The memory usage is based on the content length of the request itself. This circuit breaker also considers that memory is not only needed for representing the raw request but also as a structured object which is reflected by default overhead.

限制当前通过HTTP等进来的请求使用内存不能超过Node内存的指定值。这个内存主要是限制请求内容的长度。 默认100%。


(Dynamic) Limit for in flight requests breaker, defaults to 100% of JVM heap. This means that it is bound by the limit configured for the parent circuit breaker.

(动态)运行中请求中断程序的限制,默认为JVM堆的100%。 这意味着它受到为父级熔断器配置的限制所限制。

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "network.breaker.inflight_requests.limit" : "95%"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '


(Dynamic) A constant that all in flight requests estimations are multiplied with to determine a final estimation. Defaults to 2.

(动态)一个常数,所有运行中的请求估计值都将与该常数相乘以确定最终估计值。 默认为2。

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "network.breaker.inflight_requests.overhead" : "2"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '

Accounting requests circuit breaker(累计请求熔断器)

Accounting requests circuit breaker(累计请求熔断器).png

The accounting circuit breaker allows Elasticsearch to limit the memory usage of things held in memory that are not released when a request is completed. This includes things like the Lucene segment memory.

累计请求熔断器允许Elasticsearch限制请求完成后未释放的内存使用。例如 Lucene Segment memory(段内存)。

(Dynamic) Limit for accounting breaker, defaults to 100% of JVM heap. This means that it is bound by the limit configured for the parent circuit breaker.

累计请求熔断器,限制的是请求完成时,未被释放的内容的内存大小(例如,Lucene 段内存等),默认值为 100%(这意味着可能会在父熔断器允许的范围内将内存耗尽)

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "indices.breaker.accounting.limit" : "80%"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '


(Dynamic) A constant that all accounting estimations are multiplied with to determine a final estimation. Defaults to 1

(动态)用来和累计请求熔断器的估计值相乘的常数,默认值为 1

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "indices.breaker.accounting.overhead" : "1"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '

Script compilation circuit breaker(脚本编译熔断器)

Script compilation circuit breaker(脚本编译熔断器).png

Slightly different than the previous memory-based circuit breaker, the script compilation circuit breaker limits the number of inline script compilations within a period of time. See the “prefer-parameters” section of the scripting documentation for more information.


(Dynamic) Limit for the number of unique dynamic scripts within a certain interval that are allowed to be compiled for a given context. Defaults to 75/5m, meaning 75 every 5 minutes.

(动态)在给定上下文中允许在一定间隔内唯一动态脚本的数量限制。 默认值为75 / 5m,即每5分钟75。

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "script.context.$CONTEXT.max_compilations_rate" : "75/5m"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '

cluster update settings API.(集群API更新设置.)

The order of precedence for cluster settings is:

  • transient cluster settings
  • persistent cluster settings
  • settings in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file.


  • 临时群集设置
  • 永久集群设置
  • elasticsearch.yml配置文件中的设置。


flat_settings (Optional, Boolean) If true, returns settings in flat format. Defaults to false.

(可选,布尔值)如果为true,则以平面格式返回设置。默认为 false
include_defaults (Optional, Boolean) If true, returns all default cluster settings. Defaults to false.

master_timeout (Optional, time units) Specifies the period of time to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s.

timeout (Optional, time units) Specifies the period of time to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s.



An example of a persistent update:(持续更新示例:)

  1. curl -X PUT "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "persistent" : {
  4. "indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec" : "50mb"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '

An example of a transient update:(临时更新示例:)

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?flat_settings=true&pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "transient" : {
  4. "indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec" : "20mb"
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '

This example resets a setting:

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "transient" : {
  4. "indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec" : null
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '


The response does not include settings that have been reset:(该响应不包括已重置的设置:)

You can also reset settings using wildcards. For example, to reset all dynamic **indices.recovery** settings:

  1. curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  2. {
  3. "transient" : {
  4. "indices.recovery.*" : null
  5. }
  6. }
  7. '


Cluster-level shard allocation and routing settings(集群级分片分配和路由设置)

There are a number of settings available to control the shard allocation process:

Besides these, there are a few other miscellaneous cluster-level settings.



Cluster-level shard allocation settings(集群级分片分配设置)


(Dynamic) Enable or disable allocation for specific kinds of shards:

  • all - (default) Allows shard allocation for all kinds of shards.

  • primaries - Allows shard allocation only for primary shards.

  • new_primaries - Allows shard allocation only for primary shards for new indices.

  • none - No shard allocations of any kind are allowed for any indices.

This setting does not affect the recovery of local primary shards when restarting a node. A restarted node that has a copy of an unassigned primary shard will recover that primary immediately, assuming that its allocation id matches one of the active allocation ids in the cluster state.


(Dynamic) How many concurrent incoming shard recoveries are allowed to happen on a node. Incoming recoveries are the recoveries where the target shard (most likely the replica unless a shard is relocating) is allocated on the node. Defaults to 2.


(Dynamic) How many concurrent outgoing shard recoveries are allowed to happen on a node. Outgoing recoveries are the recoveries where the source shard (most likely the primary unless a shard is relocating) is allocated on the node. Defaults to 2.


(Dynamic) A shortcut to set bothcluster.routing.allocation.node_concurrent_incoming_recoveries and cluster.routing.allocation.node_concurrent_outgoing_recoveries.


(Dynamic) While the recovery of replicas happens over the network, the recovery of an unassigned primary after node restart uses data from the local disk. These should be fast so more initial primary recoveries can happen in parallel on the same node. Defaults to 4.

(Dynamic) Allows to perform a check to prevent allocation of multiple instances of the same shard on a single host, based on host name and host address. Defaults to false, meaning that no check is performed by default. This setting only applies if multiple nodes are started on the same machine.

Important System Configuration(重要系统配置)

Configuring system settings(配置系统设置)

When using the .zip or .tar.gz packages, system settings can be configured:

  • temporarily with ulimit, or
  • permanently in /etc/security/limits.conf.


  • 临时设置:ulimit
  • 永久设置:/etc/security/limits.conf
    E.g:File Descriptors
    Change the max number of open files:(更改打开文件的最大数量:)
  1. ulimit -n 65535


  1. cat >> /etc/security/limits.conf << EOF
  2. es soft nofile 65535
  3. es hard nofile 65535
  4. EOF


  1. vim /etc/pam.d/su
  2. #(删除该井号) session required

Systemd configuration(系统配置)


RPM /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch
Debian /etc/default/elasticsearch

An alternative mechanism for setting Java Virtual Machine options is via the ES_JAVA_OPTS environment variable. For instance:



  1. export ES_JAVA_OPTS="$ES_JAVA_OPTS"
  2. ./bin/elasticsearch

using the RPM:

The systemd service file (/usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service) contains the limits that are applied by default.


To override them, add a file called /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/override.conf (alternatively, you may run sudo systemctl edit elasticsearch which opens the file automatically inside your default editor). Set any changes in this file, such as:

要覆盖它们,请添加一个名为的文件 /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/override.conf
(或者,您可以运行sudo systemctl edit elasticsearch该文件,该文件会在默认编辑器中自动打开)。

  1. [Service]
  2. LimitMEMLOCK=infinity

Once finished, run the following command to reload units:

  1. sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Disable swapping(禁用交换)


  1. cat >> /etc/sysctl.conf << EOF
  2. vm.swappiness = 1
  3. EOF


  1. cat >> /opt/es1/config/ << EOF
  2. bootstrap.memory_lock: true
  3. EOF

将安全限制配置中,将内存锁定值的限制(max locked memory)设置为无限,用户限定设置为允许所有用户

  1. cat >> /etc/security/limits.conf << EOF
  2. es soft memlock unlimited
  3. es hard memlock unlimited
  4. EOF
  1. su es
  2. cd /opt/es1/bin
  3. ./elasticseasrch


  1. curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_nodes?filter_path=**.mlockall&pretty"

image.png第一台为true,发现其他两台为false,也可以在这两台从机的elasticsearch.yml文件配置中添加bootstrap.memory_lock: true
Systems using systemdSet LimitMEMLOCK to infinity in the systemd configuration.
在systemd配置中,将systemdSet LimitMEMLOCK设置为infinity的系统。
Another possible reason why mlockall can fail is that the JNA temporary directory (usually a sub-directory of /tmp) is mounted with the noexec option.
mlockall失败的另一个可能原因是JNA临时目录(通常是/ tmp的子目录)是使用noexec选项安装的。
This can be solved by specifying a new temporary directory for JNA using the ESJAVA_OPTS environment variable:
linux:与/tmp or /var/tmp有关

  1. export ES_JAVA_OPTS="$ES_JAVA_OPTS -Djna.tmpdir=<path>"
  2. ./bin/elasticsearch


JNA temporary directory not mounted with noexecJNA临时目录未装入 noexec)

NOTE:This is only relevant for Linux. Elasticsearch uses the Java Native Access (JNA) library for executing some platform-dependent native code. On Linux, the native code backing this library is extracted at runtime from the JNA archive. By default, this code is extracted to the Elasticsearch temporary directory which defaults to a sub-directory of /tmp. Alternatively, this location can be controlled with the JVM flag -Djna.tmpdir=<path>. As the native library is mapped into the JVM virtual address space as executable, the underlying mount point of the location that this code is extracted to must not be mounted with noexec as this prevents the JVM process from being able to map this code as executable. On some hardened Linux installations this is a default mount option for /tmp. One indication that the underlying mount is mounted with noexec is that at startup JNA will fail to load with a java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkerError exception with a message along the lines of failed to map segment from shared object. Note that the exception message can differ amongst JVM versions. Additionally, the components of Elasticsearch that rely on execution of native code via JNA will fail with messages indicating that it is because JNA is not available. If you are seeing such error messages, you must remount the temporary directory used for JNA to not be mounted with noexec.

注意:这仅与 Linux 有关
Elasticsearch 使用 Java 本机访问 (JNA) 库来执行一些平台相关的本机代码.
在 Linux 上,在运行时从 JNA 存档中提取支持该库的本机代码。默认情况下,此代码被提取到 Elasticsearch 的临时目录中,该目录默认为 / tmp 的子目录。
或者,可以使用 JVM 标志 -Djna.tmpdir=
由于本机库以可执行文件的形式映射到 JVM 虚拟地址空间中,因此代码提取到的位置的底层挂载点必须不能使用 noexec 装载,因为这会阻止 JVM 进程能够将此代码映射为可执行文件。
在某些加载的 Linux 安装中,这是 / tmp 的默认安装选项。表示使用 noexec 挂载了基础挂载的一种迹象是,JNA 在启动时将无法加载,会导致 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkerError 异常,并带有一条类似 failed to map segment from shared object 映射段。
请注意,在 JVM 版本之间,异常消息可能有所不同。
此外,依赖于通过 JNA 执行本机代码的 Elasticsearch 组件将失败,并显示消息 because JNA is not available。如果看到此类错误消息,则必须重新挂载用于 JNA 的临时目录,以使其不通过 noexec 进行挂载。

JNA 全称Java Native Access,是一个建立在经典的JNI技术之上的Java开源框架(。JNA提供一组Java工具类用于在运行期动态访问系统本地库(native library:如Window的dll)而不需要编写任何Native/JNI代码。开发人员只要在一个java接口中描述目标native library的函数与结构,JNA将自动实现Java接口到native function的映射。
JNI JNI(Java Native Interface,JAVA原生接口)

File Descriptors(文件描述符)

Virtual memory(虚拟内存)

Elasticsearch uses a mmapfs directory by default to store its indices. The default operating system limits on mmap counts is likely to be too low, which may result in out of memory exceptions. On Linux, you can increase the limits by running the following command as root:

在Linux上,您可以通过运行以下命令来增加限制 root
The MMap FS type stores the shard index on the file system (maps to Lucene MMapDirectory) by mapping a file into memory (mmap).
Memory mapping uses up a portion of the virtual memory address space in your process equal to the size of the file being mapped.
Before using this class, be sure you have allowed plenty of virtual address space.
Elasticsearch uses a mmapfs directory by default to store its indices.
The default operating system limits on mmap counts is likely to be too low, which may result in out of memory exceptions.
MMap FS类型将shard索引存储在文件系统上 (映射到LuceneMMapDirectory) 通过将文件映射到内存 (mmap)。

  1. sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144


  1. cat >> /etc/sysctl.conf << EOF
  2. vm.max_map_count=262144
  3. EOF
  4. sysctl -p

Number of threads(线程数)

Elasticsearch uses a number of thread pools for different types of operations. It is important that it is able to create new threads whenever needed. Make sure that the number of threads that the Elasticsearch user can create is at least 4096. This can be done by setting ulimit -u 4096 as root before starting Elasticsearch, or by setting nproc to 4096 in /etc/security/limits.conf.

这可以通过ulimit -u 4096在启动Elasticsearch之前设置为root或在/etc/security/limits.conf设置nproc4096来完成。

  1. ulimit -u 4096


  1. cat >> /etc/security/limits.conf << EOF
  2. es soft nproc 4096
  3. es hard nproc 4096
  4. EOF

DNS cache settings(DNS缓存设置)

Elasticsearch runs with a security manager in place.

With a security manager in place, the JVM defaults to caching positive hostname resolutions indefinitely and defaults to caching negative hostname resolutions for ten seconds. Elasticsearch overrides this behavior with default values to cache positive lookups for sixty seconds, and to cache negative lookups for ten seconds. These values should be suitable for most environments, including environments where DNS resolutions vary with time. If not, you can edit the values es.networkaddress.cache.ttl and es.networkaddress.cache. negative.ttl in the JVM options. Note that the values networkaddress.cache.ttl= and networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl= in the Java security policy are ignored by Elasticsearch unless you remove the settings for es.networkaddress.cache.ttl and es.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl.

Elasticsearch 运行时有一个安全管理器。
有了它, JVM 会默认无期限地缓存正主机名解析,并默认将负主机名解析缓存十秒。
Elasticsearch 用默认值覆盖此行为,以将正向查找缓存六十秒,并将负向查找缓存十秒,这些值应适用于大多数环境,包括 DNS 分辨率随时间变化的环境。
如果没有,你可以编辑 es.networkaddress.cache.ttl 和 es.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl 在 JVM 选项的值,注意这些值 networkaddress.cache.ttl=拓展:

networkaddress.cache.ttlSpecified in to indicate the caching policy for successful name lookups from the name service.. The value is specified as integer to indicate the number of seconds to cache the successful lookup. A value of -1 indicates “cache forever”. The default behavior is to cache forever when a security manager is installed, and to cache for an implementation specific period of time, when a security manager is not installed. networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl (default: 10)Specified in to indicate the caching policy for un-successful name lookups from the name service.. The value is specified as integer to indicate the number of seconds to cache the failure for un-successful lookups. A value of 0 indicates “never cache”. A value of -1 indicates “cache forever”.


JNA temporary directory not mounted with noexec(JNA临时目录未用noexec挂载)

TCP retransmission timeout(TCP重传超时)

The Linux default allows for communication over networks that may experience very long periods of packet loss, but this default is excessive for production networks within a single data centre as is the case for most Elasticsearch clusters. Highly-available clusters must be able to detect node failures quickly so that they can react promptly by reallocating lost shards, rerouting searches and perhaps electing a new master node. Linux users should therefore reduce the maximum number of TCP retransmissions. You can decrease the maximum number of TCP retransmissions to 5 by running the following command as root. Five retransmissions corresponds with a timeout of around six seconds.


  1. sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=5


  1. cat >> /etc/sysctl.conf << EOF
  2. net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=5
  3. EOF
  4. sysctl -p

IMPORTANT: This setting applies to all TCP connections and will affect the reliability of communication with systems outside your cluster too. If your cluster communicates with external systems over an unreliable network then you may need to select a higher value for net.ipv4.tcp_retries2. For this reason, Elasticsearch does not adjust this setting automatically.
