webpack doc

webpack doc

中文翻译 [ds](stephenzhao.github.io/webpack_cn_doc/)


how to work cooperatively

  1. npm install gitbook-cli -g

2.clone 我的书的代码

  1. git clone https://github.com/stephenzhao/webpack_cn_doc

3.利用任意一种你觉得顺手的编辑器比如 markdown 来编辑章节 推荐使用Gitbook Editor


  1. //创建预览页面 http://localhost:4000
  2. $ gitbook serve
  3. Press CTRL+C to quit ...
  4. Live reload server started on port: 35729
  5. Starting build ...
  6. Successfully built!
  7. Starting server ...
  8. Serving book on http://localhost:4000