- 关于文档
- 1. 概览
- 开始
- 2.1. 动机
- 2.2. webpack是什么
- 2.3. 安装
- 2.4. 用法
- 2.5. Require Modules
- 2.6. Vendor Modules
- 2.7. 使用 Loaders
- 2.8. 使用 Plugins
- 2.9. 工具
- 2.10. 故障处理
- 教程与例子
- 指南
- webpack with
- Lists
- Development
- 7.1. Changelog
- 7.2. Roadmap
- 7.3. Ideas
- 7.4. Contributing
- Published with GitBook
webpack doc
Note: The webpack-dev-middleware is for advanced users. See [[webpack-dev-server]] for a ready-to-use solution.
The webpack-dev-middleware is a small middleware for a connect-based middleware stack. It uses webpack to compile assets in-memory and serve them. When a compilation is running every request to the served webpack assets is blocked until we have a stable bundle.
Now, koa-webpack-middleware ready for koa2 ecosystem also with HMR supports.
You can use it in two modes:
- watch mode (default): The compiler recompiles on file change.
- lazy mode: The compiler compiles on every request to the entry point.
var webpackDevMiddleware = require("webpack-dev-middleware");
var webpack = require("webpack");
var compiler = webpack({
// configuration
output: { path: '/' }
app.use(webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, {
// options
Display no info to console (only warnings and errors)
Default: false
Display nothing to the console
Default: false
Switch into lazy mode.
Default: false
In lazy mode: Switch request should trigger the compilation.
In most cases this equals the webpack configuration option output.filename
Delay the rebuilt after the first change. Value is a time in ms.
Default: 300
: use polling
number: use polling with specified interval
Default: undefined
The path where to bind the middleware to the server.
In most cases this equals the webpack configuration option output.publicPath
Add custom headers. i. e. { "X-Custom-Header": "yes" }
Output options for the stats. See [[node.js API]].
Manually invalidate the compilation. Useful if stuff of the compiler has changed.
A readable (in-memory) filesystem that can access the compiled data.