electron global object


  1. # Main window object
  2. this.app.electron.mainWindow
  3. introduction
  4. - his object is an instance of new browserwindow (winoptions);
  5. - Please refer to the API documentation of this objecthttps://www.electronjs.org/zh/docs/latest/api/browser-window
  6. # Tray object
  7. this.app.electron.tray
  8. introduction
  9. - The default value of this object is null;
  10. - Assigned in the project './electron/library/tray.js'
  11. - Please refer to the API documentation of this objecthttps://www.electronjs.org/zh/docs/latest/api/tray


  • introduction: application exit
    1. this.app.appQuit()


  • introduction: extended objects
  • closeWindow:true or false