Normalization Layers

[nn.BatchNorm1d]( Applies Batch Normalization over a 2D or 3D input (a mini-batch of 1D inputs with optional additional channel dimension) as described in the paper Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift .
[nn.BatchNorm2d]( Applies Batch Normalization over a 4D input (a mini-batch of 2D inputs with additional channel dimension) as described in the paper Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift .
[nn.BatchNorm3d]( Applies Batch Normalization over a 5D input (a mini-batch of 3D inputs with additional channel dimension) as described in the paper Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift .
[nn.GroupNorm]( Applies Group Normalization over a mini-batch of inputs as described in the paper Group Normalization
[nn.SyncBatchNorm]( Applies Batch Normalization over a N-Dimensional input (a mini-batch of [N-2]D inputs with additional channel dimension) as described in the paper Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift .
[nn.InstanceNorm1d]( Applies Instance Normalization over a 3D input (a mini-batch of 1D inputs with optional additional channel dimension) as described in the paper Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization.
[nn.InstanceNorm2d]( Applies Instance Normalization over a 4D input (a mini-batch of 2D inputs with additional channel dimension) as described in the paper Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization.
[nn.InstanceNorm3d]( Applies Instance Normalization over a 5D input (a mini-batch of 3D inputs with additional channel dimension) as described in the paper Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization.
[nn.LayerNorm]( Applies Layer Normalization over a mini-batch of inputs as described in the paper Layer Normalization
[nn.LocalResponseNorm]( Applies local response normalization over an input signal composed of several input planes, where channels occupy the second dimension.
  1. class PixelNorm(nn.Module):
  2. def __init__(self, num_channels=None):
  3. super().__init__()
  4. # num_channels is only used to match function signature with other normalization layers
  5. # it has no actual use仅用于将函数签名与其他规范化层匹配 ,它没有实际用途
  6. def forward(self, input):
  7. return input / torch.sqrt(torch.mean(input ** 2, dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-5)
  8. def get_norm_layer(norm_type='instance'):
  9. if norm_type == 'instance':
  10. norm_layer = functools.partial(nn.InstanceNorm2d, affine=False)
  11. elif norm_type == 'pixel':
  12. norm_layer = PixelNorm
  13. else:
  14. raise NotImplementedError('normalization layer [%s] is not found' % norm_type)
  15. return norm_layer