Please kindly find CSP Dashboard in “Dashboard” - “CSP Dashboard”
    6 modules are available for your reference:
    1. HOT per supplier for last month (only for China)
    2. LT per supplier for last month (only for China)
    3. Ordered qty (by month & YTD)
    4. Shipped qty (by month & YTD)
    5. Greige DVS (YTD) Greige Inventory Rotation Days
    6. Greige availability rate (YTD)

    Above modules have the auto setting of the time period, if you want to change the time setting, please help to follow the below steps.
    1 — click small arrow shown on below printscreen to amend
    2 — add or change the current filter to choose the criteria you need, then click “SEARCH”
    3 — click on “SETTING”, and you could add the new filter as your favorite by click on “ADD TO MY FAVORITE”

    Calculation Logic:


    CSP Dashboard - 图6
    CSP Dashboard - 图7
    CSP Dashboard - 图8

    1. HOT | order number | item | EHD | AHD | ORDER QTY | QTY on time or in advance | | —- | —- | —- | —- | —- | —- | | PO(i) | item(ij) | CHD(ij) | AHD(ij) | N(ij) | n(ij) |

    When an item is handovered from component supplier warehouse on AHD(ij), if RFID record the same PO number, Item code, & Production Line as, and AHD(ij)-EHD(ij) < -4, n(ij) will be accumulated as QTY on time and in advance.
    HOT of PO(i):CSP Dashboard - 图9
    HOT of Week(k):CSP Dashboard - 图10
    HOT of Supplier(s):CSP Dashboard - 图11

    1. EHD RELIABILITY (ER) | order number | item | EHD | AHD | ORDER QTY | QTY on time or in advance | | —- | —- | —- | —- | —- | —- | | PO(i) | item(ij) | EHD(ij) | AHD(ij) | N(ij) | n(ij) |

    When an item is handovered from component supplier warehouse on AHD(ij), if RFID record the same PO number, Item code, & Production Line as, and AHD(ij)-EHD(ij) < -4, n(ij) will be accumulated as QTY on time and in advance.
    ER of PO(i):CSP Dashboard - 图12
    ER of Week(k):CSP Dashboard - 图13
    ER of Supplier(s):CSP Dashboard - 图14

    1. LT | order number | item | EHD | AHD | ORDER QTY | Shipped QTY | | —- | —- | —- | —- | —- | —- | | PO(i) | item(ij) | EHD(ij) | AHD(ij) | N(ij) | n(ij) |

    Creation(ij): Order creation date of item(ij)
    **LT:CSP Dashboard - 图15

    1. Greige DVS

    i : indicator, i = 1,2,3…n (n=no. this week)
    Wi : week number, Wi=i
    Qi : Ordered qty in week i, via
    Q: Estimated ordered qty for one year
    CSP Dashboard - 图16

    Si : Greige stock in week i , via CSP
    CSP Dashboard - 图17: average stock
    CSP Dashboard - 图18
    CSP Dashboard - 图19

    1. Greige Availability Rate

    Si : Greige stock in week i, via CSP
    Qi : Ordered qty in week i, via

    if S >0, greige availability rate = 100
    CSP Dashboard - 图20
    Greige availability rate =
    CSP Dashboard - 图21