
Subscribes a socket to a generic room.


  1. sails.sockets.join(socket, roomName);
Argument Type Details
1 socket ((string)) -or- ((socket)) The socket to be subscribed. May be specified by the socket’s id or a raw socket object.
2 roomName ((string)) The name of the room to which the socket will be subscribed. If the room does not exist yet, it will be created.


In a controller action:

  1. subscribeToFunRoom: function(req, res) {
  2. var roomName = req.param('roomName');
  3. sails.sockets.join(req.socket, roomName);
  4. res.json({
  5. message: 'Subscribed to a fun room called '+roomName+'!'
  6. });
  7. }

Note: req.socket is only valid if the action is triggered via a socket request, e.g. socket.get('/subscribeToFunRoom/someRoomName')


  • The phrase “request socket” here refers to an application-layer WebSocket/ connection. req.socket also exists for HTTP requests, but it refers to the underlying TCP socket at the transport layer, which is different. Be sure and ensure req.isSocket == true before using req.socket with this method.