
What is this?

These configuration options provide transparent access to, the WebSocket/pubsub server encapsulated by Sails.

Commonly-Used Options

Property Type Default Details
onConnect ((function)) see config/sockets.js A function to run every time a new client-side socket connects to the server.
onDisconnect ((function)) see config/sockets.js A function to run every time a new client-side socket disconnects from the server.
adapter ((string)) 'memory' The database where will store its message queue and answer pubsub logic. Can be set to either 'memory' or 'redis'
host ((string)) '' Hostname of your redis instance (only applicable if using the redis socket store adapter)
port ((integer)) 6379 Port of your redis instance (only applicable if using the redis socket store adapter)
db ((string)) 'sails' The name of the database to use within your redis instance (only applicable if using the redis socket store adapter)
pass ((string)) ((undefined)) The password for your redis instance (only applicable if using the redis socket store adapter)

Advanced Configuration

These configuration options provide lower-level access to the underlying server settings for complete customizability.

Property Type Default Details
transports ((array)) ['websocket', 'htmlfile', 'xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling'] A array of allowed transport methods which the clients will try to use. The flashsocket transport is disabled by default You can enable flashsockets by adding ‘flashsocket’ to this list.
origins ((string)) '*:*' Match string representing the origins that are allowed to connect to the Socket.IO server
heartbeats ((boolean)) true Sets whether we should use heartbeats to check the health of Socket.IO connections
close timeout ((integer)) 60 When client closes connection, the number of seconds to wait before attempting a reconnect. This value is sent to the client after a successful handshake.
heartbeat timeout ((integer)) 60 The max number of seconds between heartbeats sent from the client to the server. This value is sent to the client after a successful handshake.
heartbeat interval ((integer)) 25 The max number of seconds to wait for an expcted heartbeat before declaring the pipe broken. This number should be less than the heartbeat timeout
polling duration ((integer)) 20 The maximum duration of one HTTP poll; if it exceeds this limit it will be closed.
flash policy server ((boolean)) true Enables the flash policy server if the flashsocket transport is enabled.
flash policy port ((integer)) 10843 TODO
destroy buffer size ((integer)) 10E7 Used by the HTTP transports. The server buffers HTTP request bodies up to this limit. This limit is not applied to websocket or flashsockets.
destroy upgrade ((boolean)) true Whether we need to destroy upgrade requests
browser client ((boolean)) true Whether Sails/ should serve the client (as well as WebSocketMain.swf for Flash sockets, etc.)
browser client cache ((boolean)) true Whether to cache the file generation in the memory of the process to speed up the serving of the static files.
browser client minification ((boolean)) false Whether needs to send a minified build of the static client script
browser client etag ((boolean)) false Whether needs to send an ETag header for the static requests
browser client expires ((integer)) 315360000 TODO
browser client gzip ((boolean)) false Whet