
Send a simple response. statusCode defaults to 200 (“OK”).

This method is used in the underlying implementation of most of the other terminal response methods.


  1. return res.send([statusCode,] body);


This method performs a myriad of useful tasks for simple non-streaming responses such as automatically assigning the Content-Length unless previously defined and providing automatic HEAD and HTTP cache freshness support.

When a Buffer is given the Content-Type is set to “application/octet-stream” unless previously defined as shown below:

  1. res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
  2. res.send(new Buffer('some html'));

When a String is given the Content-Type is set defaulted to “text/html”:

  1. res.send('some html');

When an Array or Object is given Express will respond with the JSON representation:

  1. res.send({ user: 'tobi' })
  2. res.send([1,2,3])

Finally when a Number is given without any of the previously mentioned bodies, then a response body string is assigned for you. For example 200 will respond will the text “OK”, and 404 “Not Found” and so on.

  1. res.send(200)
  2. res.send(404)
  3. res.send(500)


  1. res.send(new Buffer('whoop'));
  2. res.send({ some: 'json' });
  3. res.send('some html');
  4. res.send(404, 'Sorry, we cannot find that!');
  5. res.send(500, { error: 'something blew up' });
  6. res.send(200);


  • This method is terminal, meaning it is generally the last line of code your app should run for a given request (hence the advisory usage of return throughout these docs).