Array Iterator API

New in version 1.6.

Array Iterator

The array iterator encapsulates many of the key features in ufuncs, allowing user code to support features like output parameters, preservation of memory layouts, and buffering of data with the wrong alignment or type, without requiring difficult coding.

This page documents the API for the iterator. The iterator is named NpyIter and functions are named NpyIter_*.

There is an introductory guide to array iteration which may be of interest for those using this C API. In many instances, testing out ideas by creating the iterator in Python is a good idea before writing the C iteration code.

Simple Iteration Example

The best way to become familiar with the iterator is to look at its usage within the NumPy codebase itself. For example, here is a slightly tweaked version of the code for PyArray_CountNonzero, which counts the number of non-zero elements in an array.

  1. npy_intp PyArray_CountNonzero(PyArrayObject* self)
  2. {
  3. /* Nonzero boolean function */
  4. PyArray_NonzeroFunc* nonzero = PyArray_DESCR(self)->f->nonzero;
  5. NpyIter* iter;
  6. NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext;
  7. char** dataptr;
  8. npy_intp nonzero_count;
  9. npy_intp* strideptr,* innersizeptr;
  10. /* Handle zero-sized arrays specially */
  11. if (PyArray_SIZE(self) == 0) {
  12. return 0;
  13. }
  14. /*
  15. * Create and use an iterator to count the nonzeros.
  16. * flag NPY_ITER_READONLY
  17. * - The array is never written to.
  19. * - Inner loop is done outside the iterator for efficiency.
  21. * - Reference types are acceptable.
  22. * order NPY_KEEPORDER
  23. * - Visit elements in memory order, regardless of strides.
  24. * This is good for performance when the specific order
  25. * elements are visited is unimportant.
  26. * casting NPY_NO_CASTING
  27. * - No casting is required for this operation.
  28. */
  29. iter = NpyIter_New(self, NPY_ITER_READONLY|
  33. NULL);
  34. if (iter == NULL) {
  35. return -1;
  36. }
  37. /*
  38. * The iternext function gets stored in a local variable
  39. * so it can be called repeatedly in an efficient manner.
  40. */
  41. iternext = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter, NULL);
  42. if (iternext == NULL) {
  43. NpyIter_Deallocate(iter);
  44. return -1;
  45. }
  46. /* The location of the data pointer which the iterator may update */
  47. dataptr = NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(iter);
  48. /* The location of the stride which the iterator may update */
  49. strideptr = NpyIter_GetInnerStrideArray(iter);
  50. /* The location of the inner loop size which the iterator may update */
  51. innersizeptr = NpyIter_GetInnerLoopSizePtr(iter);
  52. nonzero_count = 0;
  53. do {
  54. /* Get the inner loop data/stride/count values */
  55. char* data = *dataptr;
  56. npy_intp stride = *strideptr;
  57. npy_intp count = *innersizeptr;
  58. /* This is a typical inner loop for NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP */
  59. while (count--) {
  60. if (nonzero(data, self)) {
  61. ++nonzero_count;
  62. }
  63. data += stride;
  64. }
  65. /* Increment the iterator to the next inner loop */
  66. } while(iternext(iter));
  67. NpyIter_Deallocate(iter);
  68. return nonzero_count;
  69. }

Simple Multi-Iteration Example

Here is a simple copy function using the iterator. The order parameter is used to control the memory layout of the allocated result, typically NPY_KEEPORDER is desired.

  1. PyObject *CopyArray(PyObject *arr, NPY_ORDER order)
  2. {
  3. NpyIter *iter;
  4. NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext;
  5. PyObject *op[2], *ret;
  6. npy_uint32 flags;
  7. npy_uint32 op_flags[2];
  8. npy_intp itemsize, *innersizeptr, innerstride;
  9. char **dataptrarray;
  10. /*
  11. * No inner iteration - inner loop is handled by CopyArray code
  12. */
  14. /*
  15. * Tell the constructor to automatically allocate the output.
  16. * The data type of the output will match that of the input.
  17. */
  18. op[0] = arr;
  19. op[1] = NULL;
  20. op_flags[0] = NPY_ITER_READONLY;
  22. /* Construct the iterator */
  23. iter = NpyIter_MultiNew(2, op, flags, order, NPY_NO_CASTING,
  24. op_flags, NULL);
  25. if (iter == NULL) {
  26. return NULL;
  27. }
  28. /*
  29. * Make a copy of the iternext function pointer and
  30. * a few other variables the inner loop needs.
  31. */
  32. iternext = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter, NULL);
  33. innerstride = NpyIter_GetInnerStrideArray(iter)[0];
  34. itemsize = NpyIter_GetDescrArray(iter)[0]->elsize;
  35. /*
  36. * The inner loop size and data pointers may change during the
  37. * loop, so just cache the addresses.
  38. */
  39. innersizeptr = NpyIter_GetInnerLoopSizePtr(iter);
  40. dataptrarray = NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(iter);
  41. /*
  42. * Note that because the iterator allocated the output,
  43. * it matches the iteration order and is packed tightly,
  44. * so we don't need to check it like the input.
  45. */
  46. if (innerstride == itemsize) {
  47. do {
  48. memcpy(dataptrarray[1], dataptrarray[0],
  49. itemsize * (*innersizeptr));
  50. } while (iternext(iter));
  51. } else {
  52. /* For efficiency, should specialize this based on item size... */
  53. npy_intp i;
  54. do {
  55. npy_intp size = *innersizeptr;
  56. char *src = dataptrarray[0], *dst = dataptrarray[1];
  57. for(i = 0; i < size; i++, src += innerstride, dst += itemsize) {
  58. memcpy(dst, src, itemsize);
  59. }
  60. } while (iternext(iter));
  61. }
  62. /* Get the result from the iterator object array */
  63. ret = NpyIter_GetOperandArray(iter)[1];
  64. Py_INCREF(ret);
  65. if (NpyIter_Deallocate(iter) != NPY_SUCCEED) {
  66. Py_DECREF(ret);
  67. return NULL;
  68. }
  69. return ret;
  70. }

Iterator Data Types

The iterator layout is an internal detail, and user code only sees an incomplete struct.

  • NpyIter

    This is an opaque pointer type for the iterator. Access to its contents can only be done through the iterator API.

  • NpyIter_Type

    This is the type which exposes the iterator to Python. Currently, no API is exposed which provides access to the values of a Python-created iterator. If an iterator is created in Python, it must be used in Python and vice versa. Such an API will likely be created in a future version.

  • NpyIter_IterNextFunc

    This is a function pointer for the iteration loop, returned by NpyIter_GetIterNext.

  • NpyIter_GetMultiIndexFunc

    This is a function pointer for getting the current iterator multi-index, returned by NpyIter_GetGetMultiIndex.

Construction and Destruction

  • NpyIter NpyIter_New(PyArrayObject op , npy_uint32 flags , NPY_ORDER order , NPY_CASTING casting , PyArray_Descr dtype* )

    Creates an iterator for the given numpy array object op.

    Flags that may be passed in flags are any combination of the global and per-operand flags documented in NpyIter_MultiNew, except for NPY_ITER_ALLOCATE.

    Any of the NPY_ORDER enum values may be passed to order. For efficient iteration, NPY_KEEPORDER is the best option, and the other orders enforce the particular iteration pattern.

    Any of the NPY_CASTING enum values may be passed to casting. The values include NPY_NO_CASTING, NPY_EQUIV_CASTING, NPY_SAFE_CASTING, NPY_SAME_KIND_CASTING, and NPY_UNSAFE_CASTING. To allow the casts to occur, copying or buffering must also be enabled.

    If dtype isn’t NULL, then it requires that data type. If copying is allowed, it will make a temporary copy if the data is castable. If NPY_ITER_UPDATEIFCOPY is enabled, it will also copy the data back with another cast upon iterator destruction.

    Returns NULL if there is an error, otherwise returns the allocated iterator.

    To make an iterator similar to the old iterator, this should work.

    1. iter = NpyIter_New(op, NPY_ITER_READWRITE,

    If you want to edit an array with aligned double code, but the order doesn’t matter, you would use this.

    1. dtype = PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_DOUBLE);
    2. iter = NpyIter_New(op, NPY_ITER_READWRITE|
    4. NPY_ITER_NBO|
    8. dtype);
    9. Py_DECREF(dtype);
  • NpyIter NpyIter_MultiNew(npy_intp nop , PyArrayObject** op , npy_uint32 flags , NPY_ORDER order , NPY_CASTING casting , npy_uint32 op_flags , PyArray_Descr* op_dtypes* )

    Creates an iterator for broadcasting the nop array objects provided in op, using regular NumPy broadcasting rules.

    Any of the NPY_ORDER enum values may be passed to order. For efficient iteration, NPY_KEEPORDER is the best option, and the other orders enforce the particular iteration pattern. When using NPY_KEEPORDER, if you also want to ensure that the iteration is not reversed along an axis, you should pass the flag NPY_ITER_DONT_NEGATE_STRIDES.

    Any of the NPY_CASTING enum values may be passed to casting. The values include NPY_NO_CASTING, NPY_EQUIV_CASTING, NPY_SAFE_CASTING, NPY_SAME_KIND_CASTING, and NPY_UNSAFE_CASTING. To allow the casts to occur, copying or buffering must also be enabled.

    If op_dtypes isn’t NULL, it specifies a data type or NULL for each op[i].

    Returns NULL if there is an error, otherwise returns the allocated iterator.

    Flags that may be passed in flags, applying to the whole iterator, are:

  1. - ``NPY_ITER_C_INDEX``
  2. Causes the iterator to track a raveled flat index matching C
  3. order. This option cannot be used with [``NPY_ITER_F_INDEX``](#c.NPY_ITER_F_INDEX).
  4. - ``NPY_ITER_F_INDEX``
  5. Causes the iterator to track a raveled flat index matching Fortran
  6. order. This option cannot be used with [``NPY_ITER_C_INDEX``](#c.NPY_ITER_C_INDEX).
  8. Causes the iterator to track a multi-index.
  9. This prevents the iterator from coalescing axes to
  10. produce bigger inner loops. If the loop is also not buffered
  11. and no index is being tracked ( *NpyIter_RemoveAxis* can be called),
  12. then the iterator size can be ``-1`` to indicate that the iterator
  13. is too large. This can happen due to complex broadcasting and
  14. will result in errors being created when the setting the iterator
  15. range, removing the multi index, or getting the next function.
  16. However, it is possible to remove axes again and use the iterator
  17. normally if the size is small enough after removal.
  19. Causes the iterator to skip iteration of the innermost
  20. loop, requiring the user of the iterator to handle it.
  21. This flag is incompatible with [``NPY_ITER_C_INDEX``](#c.NPY_ITER_C_INDEX),
  24. This only affects the iterator when [``NPY_KEEPORDER``]($docs-reference-c-api-array.html#c.NPY_KEEPORDER) is
  25. specified for the order parameter. By default with
  26. [``NPY_KEEPORDER``]($docs-reference-c-api-array.html#c.NPY_KEEPORDER), the iterator reverses axes which have
  27. negative strides, so that memory is traversed in a forward
  28. direction. This disables this step. Use this flag if you
  29. want to use the underlying memory-ordering of the axes,
  30. but dont want an axis reversed. This is the behavior of
  31. ``numpy.ravel(a, order='K')``, for instance.
  33. Causes the iterator to convert all the operands to a common
  34. data type, calculated based on the ufunc type promotion rules.
  35. Copying or buffering must be enabled.
  36. If the common data type is known ahead of time, dont use this
  37. flag. Instead, set the requested dtype for all the operands.
  38. - ``NPY_ITER_REFS_OK``
  39. Indicates that arrays with reference types (object
  40. arrays or structured arrays containing an object type)
  41. may be accepted and used in the iterator. If this flag
  42. is enabled, the caller must be sure to check whether
  43. ``NpyIter_IterationNeedsAPI(iter)`` is true, in which case
  44. it may not release the GIL during iteration.
  46. Indicates that arrays with a size of zero should be permitted.
  47. Since the typical iteration loop does not naturally work with
  48. zero-sized arrays, you must check that the IterSize is larger
  49. than zero before entering the iteration loop.
  50. Currently only the operands are checked, not a forced shape.
  51. - ``NPY_ITER_REDUCE_OK``
  52. Permits writeable operands with a dimension with zero
  53. stride and size greater than one. Note that such operands
  54. must be read/write.
  55. When buffering is enabled, this also switches to a special
  56. buffering mode which reduces the loop length as necessary to
  57. not trample on values being reduced.
  58. Note that if you want to do a reduction on an automatically
  59. allocated output, you must use [``NpyIter_GetOperandArray``](#c.NpyIter_GetOperandArray)
  60. to get its reference, then set every value to the reduction
  61. unit before doing the iteration loop. In the case of a
  62. buffered reduction, this means you must also specify the
  63. flag [``NPY_ITER_DELAY_BUFALLOC``](#c.NPY_ITER_DELAY_BUFALLOC), then reset the iterator
  64. after initializing the allocated operand to prepare the
  65. buffers.
  66. - ``NPY_ITER_RANGED``
  67. Enables support for iteration of sub-ranges of the full
  68. ``iterindex`` range ``[0, NpyIter_IterSize(iter))``. Use
  69. the function [``NpyIter_ResetToIterIndexRange``](#c.NpyIter_ResetToIterIndexRange) to specify
  70. a range for iteration.
  71. This flag can only be used with [``NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP``](#c.NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP)
  72. when [``NPY_ITER_BUFFERED``](#c.NPY_ITER_BUFFERED) is enabled. This is because
  73. without buffering, the inner loop is always the size of the
  74. innermost iteration dimension, and allowing it to get cut up
  75. would require special handling, effectively making it more
  76. like the buffered version.
  78. Causes the iterator to store buffering data, and use buffering
  79. to satisfy data type, alignment, and byte-order requirements.
  80. To buffer an operand, do not specify the [``NPY_ITER_COPY``](#c.NPY_ITER_COPY)
  81. or [``NPY_ITER_UPDATEIFCOPY``](#c.NPY_ITER_UPDATEIFCOPY) flags, because they will
  82. override buffering. Buffering is especially useful for Python
  83. code using the iterator, allowing for larger chunks
  84. of data at once to amortize the Python interpreter overhead.
  85. If used with [``NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP``](#c.NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP), the inner loop
  86. for the caller may get larger chunks than would be possible
  87. without buffering, because of how the strides are laid out.
  88. Note that if an operand is given the flag [``NPY_ITER_COPY``](#c.NPY_ITER_COPY)
  89. or [``NPY_ITER_UPDATEIFCOPY``](#c.NPY_ITER_UPDATEIFCOPY), a copy will be made in preference
  90. to buffering. Buffering will still occur when the array was
  91. broadcast so elements need to be duplicated to get a constant
  92. stride.
  93. In normal buffering, the size of each inner loop is equal
  94. to the buffer size, or possibly larger if
  95. [``NPY_ITER_GROWINNER``](#c.NPY_ITER_GROWINNER) is specified. If
  96. [``NPY_ITER_REDUCE_OK``](#c.NPY_ITER_REDUCE_OK) is enabled and a reduction occurs,
  97. the inner loops may become smaller depending
  98. on the structure of the reduction.
  100. When buffering is enabled, this allows the size of the inner
  101. loop to grow when buffering isnt necessary. This option
  102. is best used if youre doing a straight pass through all the
  103. data, rather than anything with small cache-friendly arrays
  104. of temporary values for each inner loop.
  106. When buffering is enabled, this delays allocation of the
  107. buffers until [``NpyIter_Reset``](#c.NpyIter_Reset) or another reset function is
  108. called. This flag exists to avoid wasteful copying of
  109. buffer data when making multiple copies of a buffered
  110. iterator for multi-threaded iteration.
  111. Another use of this flag is for setting up reduction operations.
  112. After the iterator is created, and a reduction output
  113. is allocated automatically by the iterator (be sure to use
  114. READWRITE access), its value may be initialized to the reduction
  115. unit. Use [``NpyIter_GetOperandArray``](#c.NpyIter_GetOperandArray) to get the object.
  116. Then, call [``NpyIter_Reset``](#c.NpyIter_Reset) to allocate and fill the buffers
  117. with their initial values.
  119. If any write operand has overlap with any read operand, eliminate all
  120. overlap by making temporary copies (enabling UPDATEIFCOPY for write
  121. operands, if necessary). A pair of operands has overlap if there is
  122. a memory address that contains data common to both arrays.
  123. Because exact overlap detection has exponential runtime
  124. in the number of dimensions, the decision is made based
  125. on heuristics, which has false positives (needless copies in unusual
  126. cases) but has no false negatives.
  127. If any read/write overlap exists, this flag ensures the result of the
  128. operation is the same as if all operands were copied.
  129. In cases where copies would need to be made, **the result of the
  130. computation may be undefined without this flag!**
  131. Flags that may be passed in ``op_flags[i]``, where ``0 <= i < nop``:
  133. - ``NPY_ITER_READONLY``
  135. Indicate how the user of the iterator will read or write
  136. to ``op[i]``. Exactly one of these flags must be specified
  137. per operand. Using ``NPY_ITER_READWRITE`` or ``NPY_ITER_WRITEONLY``
  138. for a user-provided operand may trigger *WRITEBACKIFCOPY`*
  139. semantics. The data will be written back to the original array
  140. when ``NpyIter_Deallocate`` is called.
  141. - ``NPY_ITER_COPY``
  142. Allow a copy of ``op[i]`` to be made if it does not
  143. meet the data type or alignment requirements as specified
  144. by the constructor flags and parameters.
  146. Triggers [``NPY_ITER_COPY``](#c.NPY_ITER_COPY), and when an array operand
  147. is flagged for writing and is copied, causes the data
  148. in a copy to be copied back to ``op[i]`` when
  149. ``NpyIter_Deallocate`` is called.
  150. If the operand is flagged as write-only and a copy is needed,
  151. an uninitialized temporary array will be created and then copied
  152. to back to ``op[i]`` on calling ``NpyIter_Deallocate``, instead of
  153. doing the unnecessary copy operation.
  154. - ``NPY_ITER_NBO``
  155. - ``NPY_ITER_ALIGNED``
  156. - ``NPY_ITER_CONTIG``
  157. Causes the iterator to provide data for ``op[i]``
  158. that is in native byte order, aligned according to
  159. the dtype requirements, contiguous, or any combination.
  160. By default, the iterator produces pointers into the
  161. arrays provided, which may be aligned or unaligned, and
  162. with any byte order. If copying or buffering is not
  163. enabled and the operand data doesn’t satisfy the constraints,
  164. an error will be raised.
  165. The contiguous constraint applies only to the inner loop,
  166. successive inner loops may have arbitrary pointer changes.
  167. If the requested data type is in non-native byte order,
  168. the NBO flag overrides it and the requested data type is
  169. converted to be in native byte order.
  170. - ``NPY_ITER_ALLOCATE``
  171. This is for output arrays, and requires that the flag
  173. be set. If ``op[i]`` is NULL, creates a new array with
  174. the final broadcast dimensions, and a layout matching
  175. the iteration order of the iterator.
  176. When ``op[i]`` is NULL, the requested data type
  177. ``op_dtypes[i]`` may be NULL as well, in which case it is
  178. automatically generated from the dtypes of the arrays which
  179. are flagged as readable. The rules for generating the dtype
  180. are the same is for UFuncs. Of special note is handling
  181. of byte order in the selected dtype. If there is exactly
  182. one input, the input’s dtype is used as is. Otherwise,
  183. if more than one input dtypes are combined together, the
  184. output will be in native byte order.
  185. After being allocated with this flag, the caller may retrieve
  186. the new array by calling [``NpyIter_GetOperandArray``](#c.NpyIter_GetOperandArray) and
  187. getting the i-th object in the returned C array. The caller
  188. must call Py_INCREF on it to claim a reference to the array.
  189. - ``NPY_ITER_NO_SUBTYPE``
  190. For use with [``NPY_ITER_ALLOCATE``](#c.NPY_ITER_ALLOCATE), this flag disables
  191. allocating an array subtype for the output, forcing
  192. it to be a straight ndarray.
  193. TODO: Maybe it would be better to introduce a function
  194. ``NpyIter_GetWrappedOutput`` and remove this flag?
  196. Ensures that the input or output matches the iteration
  197. dimensions exactly.
  199. *New in version 1.7.*
  200. Indicates that this operand is the mask to use for
  201. selecting elements when writing to operands which have
  202. the [``NPY_ITER_WRITEMASKED``](#c.NPY_ITER_WRITEMASKED) flag applied to them.
  203. Only one operand may have [``NPY_ITER_ARRAYMASK``](#c.NPY_ITER_ARRAYMASK) flag
  204. applied to it.
  205. The data type of an operand with this flag should be either
  206. [``NPY_BOOL``]($docs-reference-c-api-dtype.html#c.NPY_BOOL), [``NPY_MASK``]($docs-reference-c-api-dtype.html#c.NPY_MASK), or a struct dtype
  207. whose fields are all valid mask dtypes. In the latter case,
  208. it must match up with a struct operand being WRITEMASKED,
  209. as it is specifying a mask for each field of that array.
  210. This flag only affects writing from the buffer back to
  211. the array. This means that if the operand is also
  213. code doing iteration can write to this operand to
  214. control which elements will be untouched and which ones will be
  215. modified. This is useful when the mask should be a combination
  216. of input masks.
  218. *New in version 1.7.*
  219. This array is the mask for all [``writemasked``](
  220. operands. Code uses the ``writemasked`` flag which indicates
  221. that only elements where the chosen ARRAYMASK operand is True
  222. will be written to. In general, the iterator does not enforce
  223. this, it is up to the code doing the iteration to follow that
  224. promise.
  225. When ``writemasked`` flag is used, and this operand is buffered,
  226. this changes how data is copied from the buffer into the array.
  227. A masked copying routine is used, which only copies the
  228. elements in the buffer for which ``writemasked``
  229. returns true from the corresponding element in the ARRAYMASK
  230. operand.
  232. In memory overlap checks, assume that operands with
  233. ``NPY_ITER_OVERLAP_ASSUME_ELEMENTWISE`` enabled are accessed only
  234. in the iterator order.
  235. This enables the iterator to reason about data dependency,
  236. possibly avoiding unnecessary copies.
  237. This flag has effect only if ``NPY_ITER_COPY_IF_OVERLAP`` is enabled
  238. on the iterator.
  • NpyIter NpyIter_AdvancedNew(npy_intp nop , PyArrayObject** op , npy_uint32 flags , NPY_ORDER order , NPY_CASTING casting , npy_uint32 op_flags , PyArray_Descr op_dtypes , int oa_ndim , int op_axes , npy_intp const itershape , npy_intp buffersize* )

    Extends NpyIter_MultiNew with several advanced options providing more control over broadcasting and buffering.

    If -1/NULL values are passed to oa_ndim, op_axes, itershape, and buffersize, it is equivalent to NpyIter_MultiNew.

    The parameter oa_ndim, when not zero or -1, specifies the number of dimensions that will be iterated with customized broadcasting. If it is provided, op_axes must and itershape can also be provided. The op_axes parameter let you control in detail how the axes of the operand arrays get matched together and iterated. In op_axes, you must provide an array of nop pointers to oa_ndim-sized arrays of type npy_intp. If an entry in op_axes is NULL, normal broadcasting rules will apply. In op_axes[j][i] is stored either a valid axis of op[j], or -1 which means newaxis. Within each op_axes[j] array, axes may not be repeated. The following example is how normal broadcasting applies to a 3-D array, a 2-D array, a 1-D array and a scalar.

    Note: Before NumPy 1.8 oa_ndim == 0` was used for signalling that thatop_axesanditershapeare unused. This is deprecated and should be replaced with -1. Better backward compatibility may be achieved by using [NpyIter_MultiNew``](#c.NpyIter_MultiNew) for this case.

    1. int oa_ndim = 3; /* # iteration axes */
    2. int op0_axes[] = {0, 1, 2}; /* 3-D operand */
    3. int op1_axes[] = {-1, 0, 1}; /* 2-D operand */
    4. int op2_axes[] = {-1, -1, 0}; /* 1-D operand */
    5. int op3_axes[] = {-1, -1, -1} /* 0-D (scalar) operand */
    6. int* op_axes[] = {op0_axes, op1_axes, op2_axes, op3_axes};

    The itershape parameter allows you to force the iterator to have a specific iteration shape. It is an array of length oa_ndim. When an entry is negative, its value is determined from the operands. This parameter allows automatically allocated outputs to get additional dimensions which don’t match up with any dimension of an input.

    If buffersize is zero, a default buffer size is used, otherwise it specifies how big of a buffer to use. Buffers which are powers of 2 such as 4096 or 8192 are recommended.

    Returns NULL if there is an error, otherwise returns the allocated iterator.

  • NpyIter NpyIter_Copy(NpyIter iter )

    Makes a copy of the given iterator. This function is provided primarily to enable multi-threaded iteration of the data.

    TODO : Move this to a section about multithreaded iteration.

    The recommended approach to multithreaded iteration is to first create an iterator with the flags NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP, NPY_ITER_RANGED, NPY_ITER_BUFFERED, NPY_ITER_DELAY_BUFALLOC, and possibly NPY_ITER_GROWINNER. Create a copy of this iterator for each thread (minus one for the first iterator). Then, take the iteration index range [0, NpyIter_GetIterSize(iter)) and split it up into tasks, for example using a TBB parallel_for loop. When a thread gets a task to execute, it then uses its copy of the iterator by calling NpyIter_ResetToIterIndexRange and iterating over the full range.

    When using the iterator in multi-threaded code or in code not holding the Python GIL, care must be taken to only call functions which are safe in that context. NpyIter_Copy cannot be safely called without the Python GIL, because it increments Python references. The Reset* and some other functions may be safely called by passing in the errmsg parameter as non-NULL, so that the functions will pass back errors through it instead of setting a Python exception.

    NpyIter_Deallocate must be called for each copy.

int NpyIter_RemoveAxis(NpyIter* iter, int axis)

  1. Removes an axis from iteration. This requires that
  2. [``NPY_ITER_MULTI_INDEX``](#c.NPY_ITER_MULTI_INDEX) was set for iterator creation, and does
  3. not work if buffering is enabled or an index is being tracked. This
  4. function also resets the iterator to its initial state.
  5. This is useful for setting up an accumulation loop, for example.
  6. The iterator can first be created with all the dimensions, including
  7. the accumulation axis, so that the output gets created correctly.
  8. Then, the accumulation axis can be removed, and the calculation
  9. done in a nested fashion.
  10. **WARNING**: This function may change the internal memory layout of
  11. the iterator. Any cached functions or pointers from the iterator
  12. must be retrieved again! The iterator range will be reset as well.
  13. Returns ``NPY_SUCCEED`` or ``NPY_FAIL``.
  • int NpyIter_RemoveMultiIndex(NpyIter iter* )

    If the iterator is tracking a multi-index, this strips support for them, and does further iterator optimizations that are possible if multi-indices are not needed. This function also resets the iterator to its initial state.

    WARNING: This function may change the internal memory layout of the iterator. Any cached functions or pointers from the iterator must be retrieved again!

    After calling this function, NpyIter_HasMultiIndex(iter) will return false.

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL.

  • int NpyIter_EnableExternalLoop(NpyIter iter* )

    If NpyIter_RemoveMultiIndex was called, you may want to enable the flag NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP. This flag is not permitted together with NPY_ITER_MULTI_INDEX, so this function is provided to enable the feature after NpyIter_RemoveMultiIndex is called. This function also resets the iterator to its initial state.

    WARNING: This function changes the internal logic of the iterator. Any cached functions or pointers from the iterator must be retrieved again!

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL.

  • int NpyIter_Deallocate(NpyIter iter* )

    Deallocates the iterator object and resolves any needed writebacks.

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL.

  • int NpyIter_Reset(NpyIter iter , char** errmsg* )

    Resets the iterator back to its initial state, at the beginning of the iteration range.

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL. If errmsg is non-NULL, no Python exception is set when NPY_FAIL is returned. Instead, *errmsg is set to an error message. When errmsg is non-NULL, the function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

  • int NpyIter_ResetToIterIndexRange(NpyIter iter , npy_intp istart , npy_intp iend , char** errmsg* )

    Resets the iterator and restricts it to the iterindex range [istart, iend). See NpyIter_Copy for an explanation of how to use this for multi-threaded iteration. This requires that the flag NPY_ITER_RANGED was passed to the iterator constructor.

    If you want to reset both the iterindex range and the base pointers at the same time, you can do the following to avoid extra buffer copying (be sure to add the return code error checks when you copy this code).

    1. /* Set to a trivial empty range */
    2. NpyIter_ResetToIterIndexRange(iter, 0, 0);
    3. /* Set the base pointers */
    4. NpyIter_ResetBasePointers(iter, baseptrs);
    5. /* Set to the desired range */
    6. NpyIter_ResetToIterIndexRange(iter, istart, iend);

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL. If errmsg is non-NULL, no Python exception is set when NPY_FAIL is returned. Instead, *errmsg is set to an error message. When errmsg is non-NULL, the function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

  • int NpyIter_ResetBasePointers(NpyIter \iter , char** baseptrs , char** errmsg* )

    Resets the iterator back to its initial state, but using the values in baseptrs for the data instead of the pointers from the arrays being iterated. This functions is intended to be used, together with the op_axes parameter, by nested iteration code with two or more iterators.

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL. If errmsg is non-NULL, no Python exception is set when NPY_FAIL is returned. Instead, *errmsg is set to an error message. When errmsg is non-NULL, the function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

    TODO : Move the following into a special section on nested iterators.

    Creating iterators for nested iteration requires some care. All the iterator operands must match exactly, or the calls to NpyIter_ResetBasePointers will be invalid. This means that automatic copies and output allocation should not be used haphazardly. It is possible to still use the automatic data conversion and casting features of the iterator by creating one of the iterators with all the conversion parameters enabled, then grabbing the allocated operands with the NpyIter_GetOperandArray function and passing them into the constructors for the rest of the iterators.

    WARNING: When creating iterators for nested iteration, the code must not use a dimension more than once in the different iterators. If this is done, nested iteration will produce out-of-bounds pointers during iteration.

    WARNING: When creating iterators for nested iteration, buffering can only be applied to the innermost iterator. If a buffered iterator is used as the source for baseptrs, it will point into a small buffer instead of the array and the inner iteration will be invalid.

    The pattern for using nested iterators is as follows.

    1. NpyIter *iter1, *iter1;
    2. NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext1, *iternext2;
    3. char **dataptrs1;
    4. /*
    5. * With the exact same operands, no copies allowed, and
    6. * no axis in op_axes used both in iter1 and iter2.
    7. * Buffering may be enabled for iter2, but not for iter1.
    8. */
    9. iter1 = ...; iter2 = ...;
    10. iternext1 = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter1);
    11. iternext2 = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter2);
    12. dataptrs1 = NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(iter1);
    13. do {
    14. NpyIter_ResetBasePointers(iter2, dataptrs1);
    15. do {
    16. /* Use the iter2 values */
    17. } while (iternext2(iter2));
    18. } while (iternext1(iter1));
  • int NpyIter_GotoMultiIndex(NpyIter iter , npy_intp const multi_index )

    Adjusts the iterator to point to the ndim indices pointed to by multi_index. Returns an error if a multi-index is not being tracked, the indices are out of bounds, or inner loop iteration is disabled.

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL.

  • int NpyIter_GotoIndex(NpyIter iter , npy_intp index* )

    Adjusts the iterator to point to the index specified. If the iterator was constructed with the flag NPY_ITER_C_INDEX, index is the C-order index, and if the iterator was constructed with the flag NPY_ITER_F_INDEX, index is the Fortran-order index. Returns an error if there is no index being tracked, the index is out of bounds, or inner loop iteration is disabled.

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL.

  • npy_intp NpyIter_GetIterSize(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns the number of elements being iterated. This is the product of all the dimensions in the shape. When a multi index is being tracked (and NpyIter_RemoveAxis may be called) the size may be -1 to indicate an iterator is too large. Such an iterator is invalid, but may become valid after NpyIter_RemoveAxis is called. It is not necessary to check for this case.

  • npy_intp NpyIter_GetIterIndex(NpyIter iter* )

    Gets the iterindex of the iterator, which is an index matching the iteration order of the iterator.

  • void NpyIter_GetIterIndexRange(NpyIter iter , npy_intp istart , npy_intp iend* )

    Gets the iterindex sub-range that is being iterated. If NPY_ITER_RANGED was not specified, this always returns the range [0, NpyIter_IterSize(iter)).

  • int NpyIter_GotoIterIndex(NpyIter iter , npy_intp iterindex* )

    Adjusts the iterator to point to the iterindex specified. The IterIndex is an index matching the iteration order of the iterator. Returns an error if the iterindex is out of bounds, buffering is enabled, or inner loop iteration is disabled.

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL.

  • npy_bool NpyIter_HasDelayedBufAlloc(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns 1 if the flag NPY_ITER_DELAY_BUFALLOC was passed to the iterator constructor, and no call to one of the Reset functions has been done yet, 0 otherwise.

  • npy_bool NpyIter_HasExternalLoop(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns 1 if the caller needs to handle the inner-most 1-dimensional loop, or 0 if the iterator handles all looping. This is controlled by the constructor flag NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP or NpyIter_EnableExternalLoop.

  • npy_bool NpyIter_HasMultiIndex(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns 1 if the iterator was created with the NPY_ITER_MULTI_INDEX flag, 0 otherwise.

  • npy_bool NpyIter_HasIndex(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns 1 if the iterator was created with the NPY_ITER_C_INDEX or NPY_ITER_F_INDEX flag, 0 otherwise.

  • npy_bool NpyIter_RequiresBuffering(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns 1 if the iterator requires buffering, which occurs when an operand needs conversion or alignment and so cannot be used directly.

  • npy_bool NpyIter_IsBuffered(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns 1 if the iterator was created with the NPY_ITER_BUFFERED flag, 0 otherwise.

  • npy_bool NpyIter_IsGrowInner(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns 1 if the iterator was created with the NPY_ITER_GROWINNER flag, 0 otherwise.

  • npy_intp NpyIter_GetBufferSize(NpyIter iter* )

    If the iterator is buffered, returns the size of the buffer being used, otherwise returns 0.

  • int NpyIter_GetNDim(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns the number of dimensions being iterated. If a multi-index was not requested in the iterator constructor, this value may be smaller than the number of dimensions in the original objects.

  • int NpyIter_GetNOp(NpyIter iter* )

    Returns the number of operands in the iterator.

  • npy_intp NpyIter_GetAxisStrideArray(NpyIter iter , int axis )

    Gets the array of strides for the specified axis. Requires that the iterator be tracking a multi-index, and that buffering not be enabled.

    This may be used when you want to match up operand axes in some fashion, then remove them with NpyIter_RemoveAxis to handle their processing manually. By calling this function before removing the axes, you can get the strides for the manual processing.

    Returns NULL on error.

  • int NpyIter_GetShape(NpyIter iter , npy_intp outshape )

    Returns the broadcast shape of the iterator in outshape. This can only be called on an iterator which is tracking a multi-index.

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL.

  • PyArray_Descr* NpyIter_GetDescrArray(NpyIter iter )

    This gives back a pointer to the nop data type Descrs for the objects being iterated. The result points into iter, so the caller does not gain any references to the Descrs.

    This pointer may be cached before the iteration loop, calling iternext will not change it.

  • PyObject* NpyIter_GetOperandArray(NpyIter iter )

    This gives back a pointer to the nop operand PyObjects that are being iterated. The result points into iter, so the caller does not gain any references to the PyObjects.

  • PyObject NpyIter_GetIterView(NpyIter iter , npy_intp i )

    This gives back a reference to a new ndarray view, which is a view into the i-th object in the array NpyIter_GetOperandArray, whose dimensions and strides match the internal optimized iteration pattern. A C-order iteration of this view is equivalent to the iterator’s iteration order.

    For example, if an iterator was created with a single array as its input, and it was possible to rearrange all its axes and then collapse it into a single strided iteration, this would return a view that is a one-dimensional array.

  • void NpyIter_GetReadFlags(NpyIter iter , char outreadflags )

    Fills nop flags. Sets outreadflags[i] to 1 if op[i] can be read from, and to 0 if not.

  • void NpyIter_GetWriteFlags(NpyIter iter , char outwriteflags )

    Fills nop flags. Sets outwriteflags[i] to 1 if op[i] can be written to, and to 0 if not.

  • int NpyIter_CreateCompatibleStrides(NpyIter iter , npy_intp itemsize , npy_intp outstrides )

    Builds a set of strides which are the same as the strides of an output array created using the NPY_ITER_ALLOCATE flag, where NULL was passed for op_axes. This is for data packed contiguously, but not necessarily in C or Fortran order. This should be used together with NpyIter_GetShape and NpyIter_GetNDim with the flag NPY_ITER_MULTI_INDEX passed into the constructor.

    A use case for this function is to match the shape and layout of the iterator and tack on one or more dimensions. For example, in order to generate a vector per input value for a numerical gradient, you pass in ndim*itemsize for itemsize, then add another dimension to the end with size ndim and stride itemsize. To do the Hessian matrix, you do the same thing but add two dimensions, or take advantage of the symmetry and pack it into 1 dimension with a particular encoding.

    This function may only be called if the iterator is tracking a multi-index and if NPY_ITER_DONT_NEGATE_STRIDES was used to prevent an axis from being iterated in reverse order.

    If an array is created with this method, simply adding ‘itemsize’ for each iteration will traverse the new array matching the iterator.

    Returns NPY_SUCCEED or NPY_FAIL.

  • npy_bool NpyIter_IsFirstVisit(NpyIter iter , int iop* )

    New in version 1.7.

    Checks to see whether this is the first time the elements of the specified reduction operand which the iterator points at are being seen for the first time. The function returns a reasonable answer for reduction operands and when buffering is disabled. The answer may be incorrect for buffered non-reduction operands.

    This function is intended to be used in EXTERNAL_LOOP mode only, and will produce some wrong answers when that mode is not enabled.

    If this function returns true, the caller should also check the inner loop stride of the operand, because if that stride is 0, then only the first element of the innermost external loop is being visited for the first time.

    WARNING : For performance reasons, ‘iop’ is not bounds-checked, it is not confirmed that ‘iop’ is actually a reduction operand, and it is not confirmed that EXTERNAL_LOOP mode is enabled. These checks are the responsibility of the caller, and should be done outside of any inner loops.

Functions For Iteration

  • NpyIter_IterNextFunc NpyIter_GetIterNext(NpyIter iter , char* errmsg* )

    Returns a function pointer for iteration. A specialized version of the function pointer may be calculated by this function instead of being stored in the iterator structure. Thus, to get good performance, it is required that the function pointer be saved in a variable rather than retrieved for each loop iteration.

    Returns NULL if there is an error. If errmsg is non-NULL, no Python exception is set when NPY_FAIL is returned. Instead, *errmsg is set to an error message. When errmsg is non-NULL, the function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

    The typical looping construct is as follows.

    1. NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter, NULL);
    2. char** dataptr = NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(iter);
    3. do {
    4. /* use the addresses dataptr[0], ... dataptr[nop-1] */
    5. } while(iternext(iter));

    When NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP is specified, the typical inner loop construct is as follows.

    1. NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter, NULL);
    2. char** dataptr = NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(iter);
    3. npy_intp* stride = NpyIter_GetInnerStrideArray(iter);
    4. npy_intp* size_ptr = NpyIter_GetInnerLoopSizePtr(iter), size;
    5. npy_intp iop, nop = NpyIter_GetNOp(iter);
    6. do {
    7. size = *size_ptr;
    8. while (size--) {
    9. /* use the addresses dataptr[0], ... dataptr[nop-1] */
    10. for (iop = 0; iop < nop; ++iop) {
    11. dataptr[iop] += stride[iop];
    12. }
    13. }
    14. } while (iternext());

    Observe that we are using the dataptr array inside the iterator, not copying the values to a local temporary. This is possible because when iternext() is called, these pointers will be overwritten with fresh values, not incrementally updated.

    If a compile-time fixed buffer is being used (both flags NPY_ITER_BUFFERED and NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP), the inner size may be used as a signal as well. The size is guaranteed to become zero when iternext() returns false, enabling the following loop construct. Note that if you use this construct, you should not pass NPY_ITER_GROWINNER as a flag, because it will cause larger sizes under some circumstances.

    1. /* The constructor should have buffersize passed as this value */
    2. #define FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
    3. NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter, NULL);
    4. char **dataptr = NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(iter);
    5. npy_intp *stride = NpyIter_GetInnerStrideArray(iter);
    6. npy_intp *size_ptr = NpyIter_GetInnerLoopSizePtr(iter), size;
    7. npy_intp i, iop, nop = NpyIter_GetNOp(iter);
    8. /* One loop with a fixed inner size */
    9. size = *size_ptr;
    10. while (size == FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE) {
    11. /*
    12. * This loop could be manually unrolled by a factor
    13. * which divides into FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE
    14. */
    15. for (i = 0; i < FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE; ++i) {
    16. /* use the addresses dataptr[0], ... dataptr[nop-1] */
    17. for (iop = 0; iop < nop; ++iop) {
    18. dataptr[iop] += stride[iop];
    19. }
    20. }
    21. iternext();
    22. size = *size_ptr;
    23. }
    24. /* Finish-up loop with variable inner size */
    25. if (size > 0) do {
    26. size = *size_ptr;
    27. while (size--) {
    28. /* use the addresses dataptr[0], ... dataptr[nop-1] */
    29. for (iop = 0; iop < nop; ++iop) {
    30. dataptr[iop] += stride[iop];
    31. }
    32. }
    33. } while (iternext());
  • NpyIter_GetMultiIndexFunc NpyIter_GetGetMultiIndex(NpyIter iter , char* errmsg* )

    Returns a function pointer for getting the current multi-index of the iterator. Returns NULL if the iterator is not tracking a multi-index. It is recommended that this function pointer be cached in a local variable before the iteration loop.

    Returns NULL if there is an error. If errmsg is non-NULL, no Python exception is set when NPY_FAIL is returned. Instead, *errmsg is set to an error message. When errmsg is non-NULL, the function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

  • char* NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(NpyIter iter )

    This gives back a pointer to the nop data pointers. If NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP was not specified, each data pointer points to the current data item of the iterator. If no inner iteration was specified, it points to the first data item of the inner loop.

    This pointer may be cached before the iteration loop, calling iternext will not change it. This function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

  • char* NpyIter_GetInitialDataPtrArray(NpyIter iter )

    Gets the array of data pointers directly into the arrays (never into the buffers), corresponding to iteration index 0.

    These pointers are different from the pointers accepted by NpyIter_ResetBasePointers, because the direction along some axes may have been reversed.

    This function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

  • npy_intp NpyIter_GetIndexPtr(NpyIter iter )

    This gives back a pointer to the index being tracked, or NULL if no index is being tracked. It is only useable if one of the flags NPY_ITER_C_INDEX or NPY_ITER_F_INDEX were specified during construction.

    When the flag NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP is used, the code needs to know the parameters for doing the inner loop. These functions provide that information.

  • npy_intp NpyIter_GetInnerStrideArray(NpyIter iter )

    Returns a pointer to an array of the nop strides, one for each iterated object, to be used by the inner loop.

    This pointer may be cached before the iteration loop, calling iternext will not change it. This function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

    WARNING: While the pointer may be cached, its values may change if the iterator is buffered.

  • npy_intp NpyIter_GetInnerLoopSizePtr(NpyIter iter )

    Returns a pointer to the number of iterations the inner loop should execute.

    This address may be cached before the iteration loop, calling iternext will not change it. The value itself may change during iteration, in particular if buffering is enabled. This function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

  • void NpyIter_GetInnerFixedStrideArray(NpyIter iter , npy_intp out_strides )

    Gets an array of strides which are fixed, or will not change during the entire iteration. For strides that may change, the value NPY_MAX_INTP is placed in the stride.

    Once the iterator is prepared for iteration (after a reset if NPY_DELAY_BUFALLOC was used), call this to get the strides which may be used to select a fast inner loop function. For example, if the stride is 0, that means the inner loop can always load its value into a variable once, then use the variable throughout the loop, or if the stride equals the itemsize, a contiguous version for that operand may be used.

    This function may be safely called without holding the Python GIL.

Converting from Previous NumPy Iterators

The old iterator API includes functions like PyArrayIterCheck, PyArray_Iter* and PyArray_ITER. The multi-iterator array includes PyArray_MultiIter, PyArray_Broadcast, and PyArray_RemoveSmallest. The new iterator design replaces all of this functionality with a single object and associated API. One goal of the new API is that all uses of the existing iterator should be replaceable with the new iterator without significant effort. In 1.6, the major exception to this is the neighborhood iterator, which does not have corresponding features in this iterator.

Here is a conversion table for which functions to use with the new iterator:

Iterator Functions Return type
PyArray_IterNew NpyIter_New
PyArray_IterAllButAxis NpyIter_New + axes parameter or Iterator flag NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP
PyArray_BroadcastToShape NOT SUPPORTED (Use the support for multiple operands instead.)
PyArrayIter_Check Will need to add this in Python exposure
PyArray_ITER_RESET NpyIter_Reset
PyArray_ITER_NEXT Function pointer from NpyIter_GetIterNext
PyArray_ITER_DATA NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray
PyArray_ITER_GOTO NpyIter_GotoMultiIndex
PyArray_ITER_GOTO1D NpyIter_GotoIndex or NpyIter_GotoIterIndex
PyArray_ITER_NOTDONE Return value of iternext function pointer
Multi-iterator Functions
PyArray_MultiIterNew NpyIter_MultiNew
PyArray_MultiIter_RESET NpyIter_Reset
PyArray_MultiIter_NEXT Function pointer from NpyIter_GetIterNext
PyArray_MultiIter_DATA NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray
PyArray_MultiIter_NEXTi NOT SUPPORTED (always lock-step iteration)
PyArray_MultiIter_GOTO NpyIter_GotoMultiIndex
PyArray_MultiIter_GOTO1D NpyIter_GotoIndex or NpyIter_GotoIterIndex
PyArray_MultiIter_NOTDONE Return value of iternext function pointer
PyArray_Broadcast Handled by NpyIter_MultiNew
PyArray_RemoveSmallest Iterator flag NPY_ITER_EXTERNAL_LOOP
Other Functions
PyArray_ConvertToCommonType Iterator flag NPY_ITER_COMMON_DTYPE