
  1. $ conan_build_info --v2 [-h] {start,stop,create,update,publish} ...
  1. Generates build-info from lockfiles information
  2. positional arguments:
  3. {start,stop,create,update,publish}
  4. sub-command help
  5. start Command to incorporate to the artifacts.properties the
  6. build name and number
  7. stop Command to remove from the artifacts.properties the
  8. build name and number
  9. create Command to generate a build info json from a lockfile
  10. update Command to update a build info json with another one
  11. publish Command to publish the build info to Artifactory
  12. optional arguments:
  13. -h, --help show this help message and exit

start subcommand:

  1. usage: conan_build_info --v2 start [-h] build_name build_number
  2. positional arguments:
  3. build_name build name to assign
  4. build_number build number to assign
  5. optional arguments:
  6. -h, --help show this help message and exit

stop subcommand:

  1. usage: conan_build_info --v2 stop [-h]
  2. optional arguments:
  3. -h, --help show this help message and exit

create subcommand:

  1. usage: conan_build_info --v2 create [-h] --lockfile LOCKFILE [--user [USER]]
  2. [--password [PASSWORD]] [--apikey [APIKEY]]
  3. build_info_file
  4. positional arguments:
  5. build_info_file build info json for output
  6. optional arguments:
  7. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  8. --lockfile LOCKFILE input lockfile
  9. --user [USER] user
  10. --password [PASSWORD]
  11. password
  12. --apikey [APIKEY] apikey

publish subcommand:

  1. usage: conan_build_info --v2 publish [-h] --url URL [--user [USER]]
  2. [--password [PASSWORD]] [--apikey [APIKEY]]
  3. buildinfo
  4. positional arguments:
  5. buildinfo build info to upload
  6. optional arguments:
  7. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  8. --url URL url
  9. --user [USER] user
  10. --password [PASSWORD]
  11. password
  12. --apikey [APIKEY] apikey

update subcommand:

  1. usage: conan_build_info --v2 update [-h] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
  2. buildinfo [buildinfo ...]
  3. positional arguments:
  4. buildinfo buildinfo files to merge
  5. optional arguments:
  6. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  7. --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
  8. path to generated build info file