
  • Description: Given a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it. Each element is either an integer, or a list — whose elements may also be integers or other lists.【利用栈反向迭代】嵌套列表的迭代器 - 图1- // You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementationclass NestedInteger {public: // Return true if this NestedInteger holds a single integer, rather than a nested list. bool isInteger() const; // Return the single integer that this NestedInteger holds, if it holds a single integer // The result is undefined if this NestedInteger holds a nested list int getInteger() const; // Return the nested list that this NestedInteger holds, if it holds a nested list // The result is undefined if this NestedInteger holds a single integer const vector &getList() const; //const 放在函数前,表示返回值不可修改;放在函数后,表示该函数不可修改成员变量,不可调用非const成员函数 //const修饰的对象只能调用const(放在后面的)成员函数};-
  • 将嵌套列表看作一个树,叶子节点上对应一个Integer值,非叶子节点表示一个列表
  • 利用DFS搜索整个嵌套列表,并将所有搜索到的整数值放入数组中,这样可以直接遍历 思路:DFS嵌套的整型列表就是一个树,叶子节点为整数,非叶子节点为一个嵌套列表我们可以将所有整数写入一个数组,然后遍历该数组/ class NestedIterator {private: vector arr; vector::iterator it; void dfs(const vector& nestedList) { for (auto &nest : nestedList) { if (nest.isInteger()) arr.emplace_back(nest.getInteger()); else dfs(nest.getList()); } }public: NestedIterator(vector &nestedList) { dfs(nestedList); it = arr.begin(); } int next() { return (it++); } bool hasNext() { return (it != arr.end()); }};-
  1. 构造函数时,我们需要将nestedList中的所有元素【逆序】存入栈中2. 调用hasNext()函数时,访问栈顶元素,分为如下情况 - 栈顶元素为int值,则返回true,并弹出元素 - 栈顶元素为列表,需要将列表摊开,并将列表中的所有元素逆序放入栈中 - 栈为空,返回false即可class NestedIterator {private: stack st;public: NestedIterator(vector &nestedList) { int n = nestedList.size(); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; —i) st.push(nestedList[i]); } int next() { NestedInteger cur = st.top(); st.pop(); return cur.getInteger(); } bool hasNext() { while (!st.empty()) { NestedInteger cur = st.top(); if (cur.isInteger()) return true; st.pop(); vector curList = cur.getList(); int m = curList.size(); for (int i = m - 1; i >= 0; —i) st.push(curList[i]); } return false; }};