Choosing to Build Yourself


The greatest superpower is the ability to change yourself.


What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in your life and how did you recover? 你一生中犯过的最大的错误是什么?你是如何恢复过来的? I’ve made a class of mistakes I would summarize the same way. The mistakes were obvious only in hindsight through one exercise, which is asking yourself: when you’re thirty, what advice would you give your twenty -year -old self? And when you’re forty, what advice would you give your thirty -year -old self? (Maybe if you’re younger, you can do it by every five years.) Sit down and say, “Okay, 2007, what was I doing? How was I feeling? 2008, what was I doing? How was I feeling? 2009, what was I doing? How was I feeling?”

我犯了一类错误,我会用同样的方式来总结。这些错误只有在事后通过一个练习才明显,那就是问问你自己:当你30岁的时候,你会给20岁的自己什么建议?当你四十岁的时候,你会给三十岁的自己什么建议呢?(也许如果你年轻一点,你可以每五年做一次。)坐下来说,“好吧,2007年,我在做什么?我当时感觉如何?2008年,我在做什么?我当时感觉如何?2009年,我在做什么?我当时感觉如何?“ Life is going to play out the way it’s going to play out. There will be some good and some bad. Most of it is actually just up to your interpretation. You’re born, you have a set of sensory experiences, and then you die. How you choose to interpret those experiences is up to you, and different people interpret them in different ways.


Really, I wish I had done all of the same things, but with less emotion and less anger. The most celebrated example would be when I was younger, I started a company. This company did well, but I didn’t do well, so I sued some of the people involved. It was a good outcome for me in the end, and everything worked out okay, but there was a lot of angst and a lot of anger.


Today, I wouldn’t have the angst and the anger. I would have just walked up to the people and said, “Look, this is what happened. This is what I’m going to do. This is how I’m going to do it. This is what’s fair. This is what’s not.”

今天,我就不会有焦虑和愤怒了。我会走到人们面前说,“看,这就是发生的事情。这就是我要做的。这就是我要怎么做的。这才是公平的。这不是事实。“ I would have realized the anger and emotions are a huge, completely unnecessary consequence. Now, I’m trying to learn from that and do the same things I think are the right things to do but without anger and with a very long -term point of view. If you take a very long -term point of view and take the emotion out of it, I wouldn’t consider those things mistakes anymore. [4]


Again, habits are everything—everything we are. We are trained in habits from when we are children, including potty training, when to cry and when not to, how to smile and when not to. These things become habits—behaviors we learn and integrate into ourselves.


When we’re older, we’re a collection of thousands of habits constantly running subconsciously. We have a little bit of extra brainpower in our neocortex for solving new problems. You become your habits.


This came to light for me when my trainer gave me a routine to do every single day. I had never worked out every single day before. It’s a light workout. It’s not tough on your body, but I did this workout every single day. I realized the incredible, astonishing transformation it had on me both physically and mentally.


To have peace of mind, you have to have peace of body first.


This taught me the power of habits. I started realizing it’s all about habits. At any given time, I’m either trying to pick up a good habit or discard a previous bad habit. It takes time.


If someone says, “I want to be fit, I want to be healthy. Right now, I’m out of shape and I’m fat.” Well, nothing sustainable is going to work for you in three months. It’s going to be at least a ten -year journey. Every six months (depending on how fast you can do it), you’re going to break bad habits and pick up good habits. [6]


One of the things Krishnamurti talks about is being in an internal state of revolution. You should always be internally ready for a complete change. Whenever we say we’re going to try to do something or try to form a habit, we’re wimping out.


We’re just saying to ourselves, “I’m going to buy myself some more time.” The reality is when our emotions want us to do something, we just do it. If you want to go approach a pretty girl, if you want to have a drink, if you really desire something, you just go do it.


When you say, “I’m going to do this,” and “I’m going to be that,” you’re really putting it off. You’re giving yourself an out. At least if you’re self -aware , you can think, “‘I say I want to do this, but I don’t really because if I really wanted to do it, I would just do it.”


Commit externally to enough people. For example, if you want to quit smoking, all you have to do is go to everybody you know and say, “I quit smoking. I did it. I give you my word.”

对外承诺给足够多的人。例如,如果你想戒烟,你所要做的就是去找所有你认识的人说,“我戒烟了。我做到了。我向你保证。“ That’s all you need to do. Go ahead, right? But most of us say we’re not quite ready. We know we don’t want to commit ourselves externally. It’s important to be honest with yourself and say, “Okay, I’m not ready to give up smoking. I like it too much, it is going to be too hard for me to give up.”

这就是你需要做的全部事情。去吧,好吗?但是我们大多数人都说我们还没有完全准备好。我们知道我们不想对外承诺。对自己诚实并说,“好吧,我还没准备好戒烟,这一点很重要。我太喜欢了,要放弃对我来说太难了。“ Say instead, “I’ll set a more reasonable goal for myself; I’ll cut down to the following amount. I can commit to that externally. I’m going to work on that for three or six months. When I get there, I’ll take the next step, as opposed to beating myself up over it.”

相反,你可以说,“我会为自己设定一个更合理的目标,我会减少到以下数额。我可以对外承诺这一点。我要在这上面工作三到六个月。等我到了那里,我会采取下一步行动,而不是为此而自责。“ When you really want to change, you just change. But most of us don’t really want to change—we don’t want to go through the pain just yet. At least recognize it, be aware of it, and give yourself a smaller change you can actually carry out. [6]


Impatience with actions, patience with results.


Anything you have to do, just get it done. Why wait? You’re not getting any younger. Your life is slipping away. You don’t want to spend it waiting in line. You don’t want to spend it traveling back and forth. You don’t want to spend it doing things you know ultimately aren’t part of your mission.


When you do them, you want to do them as quickly as you can while doing them well with your full attention. But then, you just have to be patient with the results because you’re dealing with complex systems and many people.


It takes a long time for markets to adopt products. It takes time for people to get comfortable working with each other. It takes time for great products to emerge as you polish away, polish away, polish away. Impatience with actions, patience with results. As Nivi said, inspiration is perishable. When you have inspiration, act on it right then and there. [78]
