
Function: Triggered when an extension is loaded

:::info Note: This function can be triggered multiple times during the loading and unloading of an extension. When an extension is loaded only once, this function may also be triggered multiple times if the extension supports multiple sprites, triggered once for each sprite. :::


  1. async onLoad(app, target)
  2. {
  3. // app.log prints information in the web ide debugging window, same function as console.log,
  4. // target.id is the unique identifier of an extension
  5. app.log('I am loaded, get ID of '+ target.id);
  6. }


Function: Triggered when an extension is unloaded


  1. onUnload(app, target)
  2. {
  3. app.log("I am unloading, bye, yours "+ target.id);
  4. }


Function: Triggered when you click the red button in mBlock or use the stop all block


  1. onStopAll(app, device) {
  2. app.log("stop running");
  3. }


Function: Triggered when a device is connected

:::info Note: The communication of a device must be performed after this function responds. You can determine whether a device is connected by using the device.isConnected function. :::


  1. onConnect(app, device) {
  2. app.log("${device.id} is connected, you can send data to ${device.id}");
  3. device.writeText("a text message");
  4. }


Function: Triggered when an extension is disconnected

:::info Note: When this function is triggered, communication with the device fails. You can determine whether an extension is connected by using the device.isConnected function. :::


  1. onDisconnect(app, device) {
  2. app.log("${device.id} is not connected, you can not communicate to device any more");
  3. }


Function: Triggered when the upload mode is requested by sending data to a device to switch to the upload mode

:::info Note: This function must be used in combination with afterChangeUploadMode. The afterChangeUploadMode function is triggered only when true is returned. :::


  1. async beforeChangeUploadMode(app, device) {
  2. // Asynchronous waiting, refer to the syntax of javascript es6
  3. // Use a protocol of the F3 & F4 protocol group
  4. await device.asyncWriteProtocol('f3f4', [0x0d, 0x00, 0x03]);
  5. // Assume that the operation succeeds
  6. return true;
  7. }


Function: Triggered when the device enters the upload mode

:::info Note: This function must be used in combination with beforeChangeUploadMode. It is triggered only when beforeChangeUploadMode returns true. :::


  1. afterChangeUploadMode(app, device) {
  2. app.log("${device.id} switch to upload mode successfully");
  3. }


Function: Triggered when the debugging (live) mode is requested by sending data to a device to switch to the debugging (live) mode

:::info Note: This function must be used in combination with afterChangeDebugMode. The afterChangeDebugMode function is triggered only when true is returned. :::


  1. async beforeChangeDebugMode(app, device) {
  2. // Asynchronous waiting, refer to the syntax of javascript es6
  3. // Use the mode switching protocol of the F3 & F4 protocol group
  4. await device.asyncWriteProtocol('f3f4', [0x0d, 0x00, 0x00]);
  5. // Assume that the operation succeeds
  6. return true;
  7. }


Function: Triggered when the device enters the debug (live) mode

:::info Note: This function must be used in combination with beforeChangeDebugMode. The afterChangeDebugMode function is triggered only when beforeChangeDebugMode returns true. :::


  1. afterChangeUploadMode(app, device) {
  2. app.log("${device.id} switch to online mode successfully");
  3. }


Function: Triggered when you click a sprite or device to switch to it in a project involving multiple devices

:::info Note: This function is triggered again when the main extension of the device is loaded. :::


  1. onSelect(app, device) {
  2. app.log("switch to ${device.id}");
  3. }


Function: Triggered when you click a sprite or device to switch to it in a project involving multiple devices

:::info Note: When you switch a sprite, the onUnselect function is triggered first, and then the onSelect function. :::


  1. onUnselect(app, device) {
  2. app.log("from ${device.id} switch to other target");
  3. }


Function: Triggered when device data is received

:::info Note: This function is triggered only when data is obtained from a device. :::


  1. onRead(app, device) {
  2. let anyText = device.readText(false);
  3. app.log("text receive from ${device.id}: ${anyText}");
  4. }


Function: Triggered in the upload mode when the code is ready to be uploaded to a device

:::info Note: When this function is triggered, the code has not been uploaded to the device yet. :::


  1. // The following obtains and modify the code before the code is uploaded to the device:
  2. beforeCodeUpload(app, device) {
  3. let {type, text} = device.getCode();
  4. app.log("upload code of ${type}: ${text}");
  5. return "# prepend before code\n" + text;
  6. }


Function: Triggered in the upload mode when the uploading of the code is complete

:::info Note: When this function is triggered, the code has been uploaded to the device. :::


  1. onUnselect(app, device) { app.log("congratulations! you've uploaded code to ${device.id}"); }